"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"Beautiful thoughts, beautiful life." ~

"Being positive is not looking at something you don't like and pretending you do; it's realising that there are a million good feeling things that you could give your attention to instead and actually doing it."

"Choose your thoughts. Like you would choose flowers for a bouquet." ~

"Confidence comes from knowing you have the ability to choose how you want to feel in any situation."

"Enjoyment is a most productive use of life."

"Just let the pieces fall where they may and trust that you can be happy … exactly as things are right now." ~

"Look for what you love in life and you will find more happiness everyday."

"Most people don't realise their power to create their own emotional atmosphere, and instead, let circumstances do it for them. Our emotional atmosphere IS our experience of life. Create the one you want."

"My love, leave behind all this fruitless thinking and come lay down here in the silence of Being." ~

"Peace is a full allowance of everything in the world to be exactly as it is right now." ~

"Sometimes it is our insistence that something must change that hinders us from seeing what can be changed."

"Suffering is mental insistence that something should be different than it is."

"The absolute grace of Life is that we discover (usually only when we have exhausted all our other possibilities and collapse) that we can let things happen naturally. When you learn to love your thoughts about things, you don't have to be scared about what happens. You know how to go inside and make peace; you know how to find the goodness within everything." ~

"The best reason to love everything that has ever happened to you is because you love your life, and that's what has happened in it. And because, no doubt, everything is serving you." ~

"The end of suffering is always infinitely closer than you think."

"The only thing better than getting your miracle is knowing that it was coming and just watching it unfold."

"The universe is constantly ready for a playmate."

"There are only two stories we tell in any situation: the story of what I want and the story of what I don't want. They lead in opposite directions and we get to choose which one we tell." ~

"There are times I am filled with excitement and love for no reason at all."

"This is a universe of stories. Our lives consist of the stories we tell. So find a story you love and hold to it with everything you've got."

"To really see all the good in life, you must be willing to give up your job of pointing out what's bad."

"Want clarity? Sit quietly and enjoy a thought on purpose."

"You are the creator of your reality. You are creating an emotional atmosphere to which life fills in people, events and circumstances that match." ~



"Most of us believe so deeply that it is only with certain circumstances that we can be happy that we hold ourselves apart from what already exists inside of us. If we put as much effort into aligning our thoughts with things that make us feel good as we do into trying to manage and control circumstances, we would experience a shift in our lives that would convince us that the only happiness that exists in the universe is inside of us.

Maybe not easy, but the way is simple: If you want a life that feels good, you have to be willing to feel good right now." ~


"Sometimes, the only thing holding us back from having the life experience we desire is our need (and sometimes, even demand) that other people experience what we perceive as the perfect world.

But here's the beauty of the system--none of us need any other person to agree with us to be able to experience a blissful life, on our terms. But we just can't access it if we are expecting that everyone else see what we see, experience what we experience, and think what we think.

It has to be good enough that it's just for you. Because everyone else has their own version of perfect in mind--they don't have time nor the desire to agree with us about ours. And agreement is never necessary--we can all live harmoniously, side by side, living the best life that is possible to us." ~



Marabeth Quin

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