"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"In the deepest of emotions, one goes to hold the heart." ~Eric Aguilar

"Just as the desert traveller 
 sees of water afar the sand,
 so does the sailor sometimes see
 a far off the mirage of land."
 ~Eric Aguilar

"The resiliency of water is most impressed 
  by the conditioning of the storm." ~EA

"Your future is what you speak; your present is what you do." ~Eric Aguilar


Akiroq Brost - Be still

Chinese Garden
Nurrangingy Reserve

"Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break ." ~Akiroq Brost


Paul Williams - Act of kindness

"An act of kindness is a piece of love we leave behind." ~Paul Williams


Lifted from FB by the MUSIC MAN

"Embrace imperfection and then you can love yourself and move forward." ~Joseph Wayne

"Embrace your pain no matter how severe. Embrace your limitations, your suffering and your doubts no matter how you have judged them." ~Wayne Joseph

"I make music for those who love to feel, no matter the consequences. Follow me for your daily dose of divine imperfection." ~Wayne Joseph

"Music is full of internal imperfections. Like the crystal, imperfections make you uniquely beautiful, and I celebrate them here with imperfect music." ~Wayne Joseph

"Pain is my teacher of the profound. It teaches me love and compassion which becomes the gateway into the divine embracing of the ups and downs, or of the bad hand. It then can be the foundation to build wonderful things. No need to wait. No need to fix." ~Wayne Joseph

"The Bright Window is the eyes that you look through, out onto the world at the times and places that you live." ~Wayne Joseph

"You are not cut from a machine. Your are grown from the Earth who knows imperfection is essential for diversity and to drive evolution. You are part of the scheme which makes life possible." ~Wayne Joseph


Samuel Foss - Friend to a man


"Let me live by the side of the road and be a friend to a man" ~Samuel Foss, Poet



"A lot of pain in the world is because of words from the grave." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"An angry mouth makes for a sad life." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"Bad laws may undermine a nation's moral and ethical fibre and enable evil." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee

"Creative souls wander beyond the 
safety of the rules, outside the coffin of conformity. They are inquisitive outlaws, who are more likely to run foul of the law and social convention." ~~Dr. Deena Padayachee

"Great souls use their wisdom to love the world, not prey on it " ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"Limited minds are often at war with free minds." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee

"Peoples who are ignorant of their heritage, make for easier puppets." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee

"Power can turn the gentlest of souls into friends." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee

"The cunning of the vile is the bane of the universe." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee

"The most important part of our personality is our speech.  Because looks can only gain attraction. But speech can win hearts forever." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"The wise cannot be made small by the antics of small people." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"The female sex is in essence about Love, which, in its final analysis  is about the immortality of our species. 
The female is the greatest blessing that our planet could have been endowed with. 🙏 Those who understand this and honour, cherish and respect the female will always know fulfillment and happiness." ~Deena Padayachee ❤

"There are many who work hard, and then there are the sly who steal from those who work hard." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"Those who respect themselves, and love and admire their parents and their antecedents tend to want to learn more about their heritage. They live with honour." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"Those who value themselves are civilised with others." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee 

"When you become a parent you will see the future through your child's eyes." ~Dr. Deena Padayachee


Luke Westerman - Altruism

"Genuine concern for the welfare of others to the point of action is the hallmark of altruism." ~Luke Westerman


Isabelle Lafleche - Passion

"Your passion is your courage waiting to catch up." ~Isabelle Lafleche


Michael Xavier - Give but yourself

"Someday you will have nothing to give but yourself. And that is the day you find out how rich or how poor you are." ~Michael Xavier

John Murray - Grizzly countryside

"Those who have packed far up into grizzly country know that the presence of even one grizzly on the land elevates the mountains, deepens the canyons, chills the winds, brightens the stars, darkens the forest, and quickens the pulse of all who enter it." ~John Murray