"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"Glass railing has stunning visual impact, adds openness, makes spaces feel bigger and facilitates light flow. It adds luxury and value to a home and when designed and installed correctly, is incredibly safe and functional." ~Ron Hastings

"I choose not to judge others... because in some areas of my own life,  I'm still on trial myself." ~Ron Hastings 

"Indian build small fire and watch wind. White man builds fire and hope that wind does not come up or change." ~Ron Hastings

"Isn’t it amazing how in a short period of time the world went from staying at home to reduce the effects of a global pandemic, to protesting a black man murdered by a dickhead [sic], to then being taken over by anarchists and terrorist’s looting and destroying businesses, and now destroying statues and wanting to erase history. History only ever repeats it'self which is such a shame as we are suppose to learn from the mistakes of the past" ~Ron Hastings

"Self-reliant strong people are very selective in allowing the essential people in their lives. They roar significantly at right time with right approach." ~Ron Hastings

"Sounds like a sensible idea. Perhaps we could offer free therapy to the very rich, so they could understand why they need more money than they could ever use. It is, after all, an illness, called Greed, condemned by all religious teachers throughout history" ~Ron Hastings 

"The minute you lose the sense of wonder, you start to die mentally and emotionally." ~Ron Hastings 

"There's way more to be made than what Sunrise will tell you." ~Ron Hastings

"... we give our kids life for them to live, not for us to live for them. They need to understand that 'we' collectively are NOT their security blankets, nor their bank accounts and NOT their verbal punching bags." ~Ron Hastings  May 9, 2021

"When we stand in our truth, there can be times when we face opposition and rocks of judgement are slung at us. Instead of allowing these judgments to attach and make us feel the need to conform or hide our true nature, shake them off and rise above the projections of others perspectives! Your inner-self knows you better than anyone else. Be truly honest with yourself. Discover the inner born spark and follow your passion in life. Your inner voice reflects your current self  and your mental strength. Rational thinking is required even when overwhelmed with emotion.A person with core mental quantum consciously chooses both their actions and reactions. Self-reliant strong people are very selective in allowing the essential people in their lives. They roar significantly at right time with right approach." ~Ron Hastings

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