"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Adam Garrie Quotes

"A cycle of drug abuse, buying, selling and trafficking is the bedrock of degeneracy in large cities throughout the world." ~Adam Garrie

“As for people not understanding the necessity of or the nature of the reforms, this is not the fault of ordinary citizens but the fault of those doing the explaining. This is where Duterte can step in as a true man of the people.” ~Adam Garrie (2019)

"Duterte has indeed proved that he is strong when it comes to fighting crime, authoring and executing a new multi-polar non-aligned foreign policy, making new international partnerships, turning the South China Sea dispute into a win-win compromise, reforming tax and labour laws, building new infrastructure and tackling both private and public sector corruption." ~Adam Garrie, May 3, 2018

“Duterte's unwavering commitment to ending corruption is one of his most endearing qualities. A man of such sincerity does not often appear in a position of leadership. He should be cherished far and wide.” ~Adam Garrie

"Duterte’s war is a holy war. It is a battle between the honest and the dishonest, between the righteous and the self-righteous, between those who heal and those who harm. Duterte is on the side of justice and the corrupt clergy on the side of the devious." ~Adam Garrie, 14 June 2018

"Guns don't kill people, trade wars kill people." ~Adam Garrie

"If President Duterte (who has zero tolerance policies relating to drugs) had like-minded comrades in cities across the world, crime would dramatically plummet and the people who are suffering today at the hands of violent thugs would rejoice, just as they did in Davao and now are doing throughout The Philippines under President Duterte." ~Adam Garrie

"If the people who spend their lives trying to undermine Duterte spent their time working with Duterte to build a better nation then they wouldn't have time to complain. A bunch of idiots with no clue about reailty. Duterte is the real deal." ~Adam Garrie, May 2, 2018

"If you're a yellow propagandist you might think Duterte supporters are 'anti-democratic', but in REALITY, Duterte supporters are the most real, down to earth, people in the world. It's about wanting a better, cleaner, happier, safer and more stable life, all while living in a dignified way under the flag of a proud nation. THIS is what Duterte represents to millions. It is a message for the people, because all people have access to it. it excludes no one and welcomes anyone with a positive attitude. THIS it the REAL Duterte revolution!" ~Adam Garrie, February 24, 2018

"It is time for people in every city in the world to decide, do you want to fight crime or do you want live with drugs? There is no in-between." ~Adam Garrie, Eurasia Future (Twitter), International Political Analyst

“No one who is a serious person can say that Duterte isn’t democratic. The definition of democratic is when you serve the people, when you do the will of the people. Duterte remains so much popular in the Philippines than leaders in so many other countries. He is more popular than Trump in America, than Merkel in Germany. The list goes on and on. And he is popular for a reason. His “Build, Build, Build” program for example is putting much needed injections of cash and vitality into the very infrastructure of the Philippines.” ~Adam Garrie

"Rodrigo Roa Duterte is humble in his lifestyle, courageous in his service to his country and answerable not to anyone but his electorate. It is for these reasons why millions of Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike find Duterte to be an inspirational figure who leadership is not only respected but admired." ~Eurasia Future

"The entire world should honour Duterte's mission to liberate his people from the terrorism of narcotics." ~Adam Garrie

"The only thing saving me from falling into a bottomless pit of despair is the fact that during the first years of the Second World War, was that conventional wisdom was that we would lose and yet we won. Right now it feels as though we will lose but perhaps we shall in fact win." ~Adam Garrie, Twitter, June 12, 2020

"The peacemakers are those who are willing to defend their people against horrific evils with determination and sincerity." ~Adam Garrie

"The problem with crime is a problem directly, implicitly and holistically related to drugs, there is no other way to describe it." ~Adam Garrie

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