"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



Photography: Lily during her Pacific Jewel Cruise
January 19-29, 2010

"A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?" ~Kahlil Gibran

"A great singer is he who sings our Silences." ~Kahlil Gibran

"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle." ~Khalil Gibran

"A man's true wealth is the good he does in the world. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror." ~Khalil Gibran

"A pearl is a temple built by pain around a grain of sand." ~Khalil Gibran

"A truth can walk naked … but a lie always needs to be dressed." ~Khalil Gibran

"A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wings. Alone must it seek the ether. And alone and without its nest shall the eagle fly across the sun." ~Khalil Gibran

"A word I want to see written on my grave: I am alive like you, and I am standing beside you. Close your eyes and look around, you will see me in front of you." ~Khalil Gibran

"Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood." ~Khalil Gibran

"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind." ~Khalil Gibran

"All that spirits desire, spirits attain." ~Khalil Gibran

"All you have shall some day be given; Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors." ~Kahlil Gibran Lebanese Poet and Novelist

"An exaggeration is a truth that has lost it's temper." ~Khalil Gibran

"And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy." ~Khalil Gibran

"And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." ~Khalil Gibran

"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." ~Khalil Gibran

"And God said, 'Love your enemy,' and I obeyed Him and loved myself." ~Khalil Gibran

"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us." ~Khalil Gibran

"And let the winds of the heavens dance between you." ~Khalil Gibran

"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course." ~Khalil Gibran

"And you would accept the seasons of your heart just as you have always accepted that seasons pass over your fields and you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief." ~Khalil Gibran

"And your fragrance shall be my breath, And together we shall rejoice through all the seasons." ~Khalil Gibran

"Art arises when the secret vision of the artist and the manifestation of nature agree to find new shapes." ~Khalil Gibran

"Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed." ~Khalil Gibran

"Be a good friend and an enemy of honor and don't stand in the middle." ~Khalil Gibran

"Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." ~K. Gibran

"Be not satisfied with partial contentment, for he who engulfs the spring of life with one empty jar will depart with two full jars." ~Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese poet, novelist, essayist and artist

"Beauty is a light in the heart." ~Khalil Gibran

"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror." ~Khalil Gibran

"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ~Khalil Gibran

"Before my Soul taught me, Love was for me a delicate thread stretched between two adjacent pegs, but now it has been transformed into a halo; its first is its last, and its last is its first. It encompasses every being, slowly expanding to embrace all that ever will be." ~Khalil Gibran

"Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost." ~Khalil Gibran

"But if in your thought you must measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other seasons. And let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing." ~Khalil Gibran

"But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." -Khalil Gibran

"Cast aside those who liken godliness to whimsy and who try to combine their greed for wealth with their desire for a happy afterlife." ~Khalil Gibran

"Cover me with soft earth, and let each handful be mixed With seeds ofjasmine, lilies, and myrtle; and when they Grow above me and thrive on my body's element they will Breathe the fragrance of my heart into space." ~Khalil Gibran

"Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death." ~Khalil Gibran

"Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path." ~Khalil Gibran

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Education sows not seeds in you, but makes your seeds grow." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Exaggeration is truth that has lost its temper." ~Khalil Gibran

"Every beauty and greatness in this world is created by a single thought or emotion inside a man." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof." ~Khalil Gibran

"Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking." ~Khalil Gibran

"Follow only beauty and obey only love." ~Khalil Gibran

"For bees, the flower is the fountain of life.
For flowers, the bee is the messenger of love."
~Kahlil Gibran

"For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one." ~Khalil Gibran

"For what is it to die, But to stand in the sun and melt into the wind? And when the Earth has claimed our limbs, Then we shall truly dance." ~Khalil Gibran

"For what is prayer but the extension of yourself into the living ether?" ~Khalil Gibran

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity." ~Khalil Gibran

"Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need." ~Khalil Gibran

"Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is giving me that which you need more than I do." ~Khalil Gibran

"God has made many doors opening into truth which He opens to all who knock upon them with hands of faith." ~Khalil Gibran

"God made Truth with many doors to welcome every believer who knocks on them." ~Khalil Gibran

"Have mercy, my soul, for you revealed love to me and then concealed it. You and your beauty in light, and ignorance and I in the darkness." ~Khalil Gibran

"Have you remembered the glimmering arches that span the summits of the mind." ~Khalil Gibran

"Hallow the body as a temple to comeliness and sanctify the heart as a sacrifice to love; love recompenses the adorers." -Kahlil Gibran, "Beauty"

"How distant I am from people when I am with them, and how close when they are far away." ~Khalil Gibran

"How noble is the sad heart whose sadness does not keep him from singing a song with happy hearts." ~Khalil Gibran

"Humanity is the spirit of the Supreme Being on earth, and that Supreme Being preaches love and goodwill." ~Khalil Gibran

“I am a stranger in this world, and there is a severe solitude and painful lonesomeness in my exile.” ~Khalil Gibran

"I believe you can say to the founders of this great nation. 'Here I am. A youth. A young tree. Whose roots were plucked from the hills of Lebanon. Yet I am deeply rooted here. And I would be fruitful.'" ~Khalil Gibran 

“I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.” ~Khalil Gibran, The Madman

"I have found the soul walking upon my path. For the soul walks upon all paths." ~Khalil Gibran

"I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strangely, I am ungrateful to these teachers." ~Khalil Gibran

"I know faces, because I look through the fabric my own eye weaves, and behold the reality beneath." ~from THE MADMAN: His Parables and Poems (1918) by Khalil Gibran

"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realised, than lord among those without dreams and desires." ~Khalil Gibran

"I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art." ~Khalil Gibran

"I would be the least among men with dreams and the desire to fulfill them, rather than the greatest with no dreams and no desires." ~from SAND AND FOAM (1926) by Khalil Gibran

"If I accept the sunshine and warmth, then I must also accept the thunder and lightning." ~Khalil Gibran

"If my survival caused another to perish, then death would be sweeter and more beloved." ~Khalil Gibran

"If the other person injures you, you may forget the injury; but if you injure him you will always remember." ~Khalil Gibran

"If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work." ~Khalil Gibran

"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't they never were." ~Khalil Gibran

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." ~Khalil Gibran

"If you sing of beauty though alone in the heart of the desert, you will have an audience." ~Khalil Gibran

"If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide into the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one." ~Khalil Gibran

"If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?" ~Khalil Gibran

"In my thought there is only one universal religion, whose varied paths are but the fingers of the loving hand of the Supreme Being." ~Khalil Gibran

“In much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.” ~Khalil Gibran

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of the oceans: in one aspect of you are found all the aspects of existence." ~Khalil Gibran

"In the depth of my soul, there is a wordless song." ~Kahlil Gibran

"In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity." ~Khalil Gibran

"In the heart of every winter there is a throbbing spring. And behind the black curtain of the night, the smile of a sunrise hides." ~Kahlil Gibran

"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." ~Khalil Gibran

"In your heart is a volcano. How shall you expect flowers to bloom?" ~Khalil Gibran

"Is there a greater fault than being conscious of the other person's faults?" ~Khalil Gibran

"It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear, but rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears." ~Khalil Gibran

"It is well to give when asked but it is better to give unasked, through understanding." ~Khalil Gibran

"It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations." ~Khalil Gibran

"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children." ~Khalil Gibran

"Kindness is like snow - it beautifies everything it covers." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know my self, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms." ~Khalil Gibran

"Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you." ~Khalil Gibran

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness. Love one another but make not a bond of love. And stand together, yet not too near together. For the pillars of the temple stand apart. And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow." ~Khalil Gibran

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.” ~from The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

"Let us disperse from our aloofness and serve the weak who made us strong, and cleanse the country in which we live. Let us teach this miserable nation to smile and rejoice with heaven's bounty and glory of life and freedom." ~Khalil Gibran from "Spirits Rebellious" (1908)

"Let your best be for your friend..." ~Khalil Gibran, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

"Let your home be your mast and not your anchor." ~Khalil Gibran

"Life is indeed darkness save when there is urge, and all urge is blind save when there is knowledge, and all knowledge is vain save when there is work, and all work is empty save when there is love." ~Khalil Gibran

"Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." ~Khalil Gibran

"Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit." ~Khalil Gibran

"Life without rebellion is like the seasons without spring. Rebellion without truth is like spring in a bleak, arid desert...Life, rebellion, and truth—three persons in one substance, accepting no separation or alteration." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love descends upon our souls by the will of God and not by the demand or the plea of the individual." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.” 
~Khalil Gibran

“Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
To melt and be like a running brook
that sings its melody to the night.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart
and give thanks for another day of loving."
~Khalil Gibran

"Love is a gracious host to his guests though to the unbidden his house is a mirage and a mockery." ~Khalil Gibran

"Life is indeed darkness save when there is urge, and all urge is blind save when there is knowledge, and all knowledge is vain save when there is work, and all work is empty save when there is love." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms Without the aid of the seasons." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love is timeless... Death doesn't separate the lover from the beloved." ~Khalil Gibran 

"Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." ~Khalil Gibran

"Love possesses not nor will it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love." ~K. Gibran

"Lovers embrace that which is between them rather than each other." ~Khalil Gibran

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." ~Khalil Gibran

"March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path." ~Khalil Gibran

"May there be such a oneness between us that when one weeps the other tastes salt." ~Khalil Gibran

"Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and enlivens the other who turns it on his fellow man." ~Khalil Gibran

"Much of your pain is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self." ~Khalil Gibran

"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife." ~Khalil Gibran

“No human relation gives one possession in another—every two souls are absolutely different. In friendship or in love, the two side by side raise hands together to find what one cannot reach alone.” ~Khalil Gibran

"No lower can a man descend than to interpret his dreams into gold and silver." ~Khalil Gibran

"No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind." ~Khalil Gibran

“No progress through improving what is already done, but striving to achieve what remains to be done. “ ~Khalil Gibran

"Nor shall derision prove powerful against those who listen to humanity or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, for they shall live forever. Forever." ~Khalil Gibran

"Now let us play hide and seek. Should you hide in my heart it would not be difficult to find you. But should you hide behind your own shell, then it would be useless for anyone to seek you." ~Khalil Gibran

"Of life's two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer's hand." -Khalil Gibran

“Often times I have hated in self-defense; but if I were strong I would not have used such a weapon.” ~Khalil Gibran

“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.” ―Khalil Gibran

"One may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night." ~Khalil Gibran

"One of the most beautiful things in life is finding someone who can understand you without having to explain." -Khalil Gibran

"Only those return to eternity who on earth seek out eternity." ~Khalil Gibran

"Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it." ~Khalil Gibran

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." ~Khalil Gibran

"Peace be with you, Seasons of the Year!
Peace be with you, Spring, who
Restores the earth to youth! ~Khalil Gibran

"Perhaps time’s definition of coal is the diamond." ~Khalil Gibran

"Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." ~Khalil Gibran

"Poetry is a deal of joy, and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary." ~Khalil Gibran

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed. It is a song that rises from a bleeding wound or a smiling mouth." ~Khalil Gibran

"Poverty is a veil that obscures the face of greatness. An appeal is a mask covering the face of tribulation." ~Khalil Gibran

"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be." ~Khalil Gibran

"Sadness is but a wall between two gardens." ~Khalil Gibran

“Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.” ~Khalil Gibran 

""Say not, 'I have found the path of the soul.' Say rather, 'I have found the soul walking upon my path.' For the soul walks upon all paths." -from THE PROPHET by Gibran

"Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.' Say not, 'I have found the path of the soul.' Say rather, 'I have met the soul walking upon the path.'" ~Khalil Gibran

"Seek ye counsel of the aged for their eyes have looked on the faces of the years and their ears have hardened to the voices of Life. Even if their counsel is displeasing to you, pay heed to them." ~Khalil Gibran

"Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow." ~Khalil Gibran

"Solitude is a silent storm that breaks down all our dead branches. Yet it sends our living roots deeper into the living heart of the living earth. Man struggles to find life outside himself, unaware that the life he is seeking is within." ~Khalil Gibran

"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution." ~Khalil Gibran

"The appearance of things change according to the emotions and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves." ~Khalil Gilbran

"The chemist who can extract from his heart's elements, compassion, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, and forgiveness and compound them into one can create that atom which is called love." ~Khalil Gibran

"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~Khalil Gibran

"The eye of a human being is a microscope, which makes the world seem bigger than it really is." -Khalil Gibran

"The giving and receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy" ~Khalil Gibran

"The heartbreak of love sings, the sadness of knowledge speaks, the melancholy of desire whispers, and the anguish of poverty weeps. But there is a sorrow deeper than love, loftier than knowledge, stronger than desire, and more bitter than poverty. It is mute and has no voice; its eyes glitter like stars." ~Kahlil Gibran

"The human heart cries out for help; the human soul implores us for deliverance; but we not heed their cries, for we neither hear nor understand. But the man who hears and understands we call mad, and flee from him. " ~Khalil Gibran

"The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain forevermore, unperceived, unapproachable." ~Khalil Gibran, from the Madman: His Parables and Poems (1918)

"The just is close to the people's heart, but the merciful is close to the heart of God." ~Khalil Gibran

"The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago, but still reach us with the radiations of their personalities." ~Khalil Gibran

"The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest and then becomes a host, and then a master." ~Kahlil Gibran

"The mind weighs and measures but it is the spirit that reaches the heart of life and embraces the secret; and the seed of the spirit is deathless." ~Khalil Gibran

"The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word 'Mother,' and the most beautiful call is the call of 'My mother.' It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything – she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness." ~Kahlil Gibran 

"The most solid stone in the structure is the lowest one in the foundation." ~Khalil Gibran

"The nearest to my heart are a king without a kingdom and a poor man who does not know how to beg." ~Khalil Gibran

"The night has been long, my beloved, and now dawn is nigh, soon it shall be day." ~Khalil Gibran

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply." ~Khalil Gibran

"The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose." ~Khalil Gibran

"The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light." ~Khalil Gibran

"The person you consider ignorant and insignificant is the one who came from God, that he might learn bliss from grief and knowledge from gloom." ~Khalil Gibran

"The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he can not reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he doesn't say." ~Khalil Gibran

"The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark." ~Khalil Gibran

"The significance of a man is not in what he attains, but rather what he longs to attain." ~Khalil Gibran

"The song of the voice is sweet, but the song of the heart is the pure voice of heaven." ~Khalil Gibran

"The teacher gives not of his wisdom, but rather of his faith and lovingness." ~Khalil Gibran

"The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind." ~Khalil Gibran

"The tears that you spill, the sorrowful, are sweeter than the laughter of snobs and the guffaws of scoffers." ~Khalil Gibran

"The timeless in you is aware of the eternity of life. And know that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is but a dream." ~Kahlil Gibran

"The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today's memory
And tomorrow is today's dream."
~Khalil Gibran

"The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe." ~Khalil Gibran

"The voice of life in me cannot reach the ear of life in you; but let us talk that we may not feel lonely." ~from SAND AND FOAM

"There are those who give with joy , and that joy is their reward." ~Khalil Gibran

"There is a desire deep within the soul which drives man from the seen to the unseen, to philosophy and to the divine." ~Khalil Gibran

"There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing." ~Khalil Gibran

“There is something greater and purer than what the mouth utters. Silence illuminates our souls, whispers to our hearts, and brings them together.” ~from "The Broken Wings" by Kahlil Gibran

"There must be something strangely sacred about salt. It is in our tears and in the sea." ~Khalil Gibran

"They consider me to have sharp and penetrating vision because I see them through the mesh of a sieve." ~Khalil Gibran

"They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish." ~Khalil Gibran

"Those who gave you a serpent when you asked for a fish may have nothing but serpents to give. It is then generousity on their part." •Khalil Gibran

"Time has been transformed, and we have changed; it has advanced and set us in motion; it has unveiled its face, inspiring us with bewilderment and exhilaration." ~Khalil Gibran

"To be able to look back upon ones life in satisfaction, is to live twice." ~Khalil Gibran

"To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to." ~Khalil Gibran

"Travel and tell no one,
Live a true love story and tell no one,
Live happily and tell no one,
People ruin beautiful things."
~Khalil Gibran

"Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky,
We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness."
~Khalil Gibran

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness." ~Khalil Gibran

"Trust in dreams, for hidden in them is the gate to eternity." ~Khalil Gibran

"Verily the kindness that gazes upon itself in a mirror turns to stone, and a good deed that calls itself by tender names becomes the parent to a curse." ~Khalil Gibran

"Virtue tested: "Have I not survived hunger and thirst, suffering, and mockery for the sake of the truth which heaven has awakened in my heart?" ~Khalil Gibran

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." ~Kahlil Gibran

"We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side!" ~Khalil Gibran

"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them." ~Khalil Gibran

"We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting." ~from SAND AND FOAM by Khalil Gibran

"We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another, and no sunrise finds us where left by sunset. Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of that tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind to be scattered." ~Khalil Gibran

"We were fluttering, wandering, longing creatures a thousand thousand years before the sea and the wind in the forest gave us words. Now how can we express the ancient of days in us with only the sounds of our yesterdays?" ~ Khalil Gibran

"What is there in a storm that moves me so? Why am I so much better and stronger and more certain of life when a storm is passing?" ~K. Gibran

"What is this world that is hastening me toward I know not what, viewing me with contempt?" ~Khalil Gibran

"What the soul knows is often unknown to the man who has a soul. We are infinitely more than we think." ~K. Gibran

"When life does not find a singer to sing her heart she produces a philosopher to speak her mind." ~Khalil Gibran

"When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you."

"When we turn to one another for counsel we reduce the number of our enemies." ~Khalil Gibran

"When you are born, your work is placed in your heart." ~Khalil Gibran

"When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." ~Khalil Gibran

"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." ~ Khalil Gibran

“When you part from your friend, you grieve not;
For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence,
as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.”
~from "The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran

"When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense." ~Khalil Gibran

"When you reach the heart of life you shall find beauty in all things, even in the eyes that are blind to beauty." ~Khalil Gibran

"When you think of love you should not say, 'God is in my heart,' but rather, 'I am in the heart of God." ~Khalil Gibran

"When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music. Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?" -Khalil Gibran

"When you work you fulfil a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born. And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life, And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret." ~Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

"Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills?" -Khalil Gibran

"Why dispute what we shall be, when we know not even what we are." ~Khalil Gibran

"Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself." ~Khalil Gibran

"With evening's coming the flower folds her petals and sleeps, embracing her longing. At morning's approach she opens her lips to meet the sun's kiss." ~Khalil Gibran

"Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness." ~Khalil Gibran

"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half people's hunger." ~Khalil Gibran

"Would that I were a dry well, and that the people tossed stones into me, for that would be easier than to be a spring of flowing water that the thirsty pass by, and from which they avoid drinking." ~Khalil Gibran

"Yes, there is Nirvana; it is leading your sheep to a green pasture, and in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem." ~Khalil Gibran

"Yesterday is but today’s memory, tomorrow is today’s dream." ~Khalil Gibran

"You are good when you walk to your goal firmly and with bold steps." ~Khalil Gibran

"You are indeed charitable when you give, and while giving, turn your face away so that you may not see the shyness of the receiver." ~Khalil Gibran

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." ~Khalil Gibran

"You are your own forerunner, and the towers you have builded are but the foundation of your giant-self. And that self too shall be a foundation." ~from "The Forerunner" (1920) by Khalil Gibran

"You can muffle the drum, you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who she'll command the skylark not to sing?" ~Khalil Gibran

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” ~Khalil Gibran

"You may forget with whom you laughed, but you will never forget with whom you wept." ~Khalil Gibran

"You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams." — with Issa Ismailat and 8 others." ~Khalil Gibran

"You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving." The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture. They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish." ~Khalil Gibran

"You pray in your distress and in your need, would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance. For what is prayer but the expression of yourself into the living ether?" ~Khalil Gibran

"You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts; And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.” ~Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

"Your clothes conceal much of your beauty, yet they hide not the unbeautiful." ~THE PROPHET (KAHLIL GIBRAN)

"Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you YOUR ALL.” ~Khalil Gibran

"Your friend is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving." ~Khalil Gibran

"Your friend is your needs answered. He is your friend which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger,and you seek him for peace." ~Khalil Gibran

"Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights." ~Khalil Gibran

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens." ~Khalil Gibran

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain." ~from THE PROPHET (1923) - Khalil Gibran

"Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your
seafairing soul, if either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can
but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas. For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining;  and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.” ~Khalil Gibran

"Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason; your judgment wage war against your passion your appetite." ~Khalil Gibran

"Zeal is a volcano, the peak of which the grass of indecisiveness does not grow." ~Khalil Gibran



"And now you ask in your heart:
"How shall we distinguish that which is good
in pleasure from that which is not good?"
Go to your fields and your gardens,
and you shall learn that it is the pleasure of the bee
to gather honey of the flower,
but it is also the pleasure of the flower
to yield its honey to the bee.
For to the bee a flower is a fountain of life,
And to the flower a bee is a messenger of love,
And to both, bee and flower,
the giving and the receiving of pleasure
is a need and an ecstasy...
Be in your pleasures
like the flowers and the bees."
~Kahlil Gibran

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~


Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste,
it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate
of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.

For if you bake bread with indifference,
you bake a bitter bread that feeds
but half man's hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes,
your grudge distils a poison in the wine.
And if you sing though as angels,
and love not the singing,
you muffle man's ears to the voices of the day
and the voices of the night.
~Khalil Gibran

"And let your best
be for your friend.
If he must know
the ebb of your tide,
let him know its flood also.
For what is your friend
that you should seek him
with hours to kill?
Seek him always
with hours to live.
For it is his
to fill your need,
but not your emptiness.
And in the sweetness
of friendship
let there be laughter,
and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed." ~Khalil Gibran

Come close to me, oh beloved of my soul; the
Fire is cooling and fleeing under the ashes.

Embrace me, for I fear loneliness; the lamp is
Dim, and the wine which we pressed is closing
Our eyes. Let us look upon each other before
They are shut.

Find me with your arms and embrace me; let
Slumber then embrace our souls as one.
Kiss me, my beloved, for Winter has stolen
All but our moving lips.

You are close by me, My Forever.
How deep and wide will be the ocean of Slumber,
And how recent was the dawn!
~Khalil Gibran

"Earthly bodies must often separate for earthly purpose,
And must live apart impelled by worldly intent.
But the spirit remains joined safely in the hands of
Love, until death arrives and takes joined souls to God".
~Khalil Gibran

For what is it to die but to stand naked
in the wind and to melt into the sun?‬
‪And what is it to cease breathing, but to free
the breath from its restless tides, ‬
‪that it may rise and expand
and seek God unencumbered?‬

‪Only when you drink from the river ‬
‪of silence shall you indeed sing.‬
‪And when you have reached the mountain top, ‬
‪then you shall begin to climb.‬
‪And when the earth shall claim your limbs, ‬
‪then shall you truly dance.‬

‪So yeah, death is freedom. You won't feel it, ‬
‪but the pain is felt by those who are left behind.‬
‪Midlife? Concious of one's own mortality?‬
‪~Khalil Gibran‬

Song of the Flower

I am a kind word uttered and repeated
By the voice of Nature;
I am a star fallen from the
Blue tent upon the green carpet.
I am the daughter of the elements
With whom Winter conceived;
To whom Spring gave birth; I was
Reared in the lap of Summer and I
Slept in the bed of Autumn.

At dawn I unite with the breeze
To announce the coming of light;
At eventide I join the birds
In bidding the light farewell.

The plains are decorated with
My beautiful colors, and the air
Is scented with my fragrance.

As I embrace Slumber the eyes of
Night watch over me, and as I
Awaken I stare at the sun, which is
The only eye of the day.

I drink dew for wine, and hearken to
The voices of the birds, and dance
To the rhythmic swaying of the grass.

I am the lover's gift; I am the wedding wreath;
I am the memory of a moment of happiness;
I am the last gift of the living to the dead;
I am a part of joy and a part of sorrow.

But I look up high to see only the light,
And never look down to see my shadow.
This is wisdom which man must learn.

~Kahlil Gibran

In the stillness of night Wisdom came and stood
By my bed. She gazed upon me like a tender mother
And wiped away my tears, and said : 'I have heard
The cry of your spirit and I am come to comfort it.
Open your heart to me and I shall fill it with light.
Ask of me and I shall show you the way of truth.'
~Khalil Gibran

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous,
but let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone
though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts,
but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress
grow not in each other's shadow.” ~Gibran

"Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of
loving ;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of
praise upon your lips." ~ Kahlil Gibran

"One's own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one's Maker and no one else's. Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all. I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit."
~Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"True love is neither physical nor romantic.
True love is the acceptance of all that is, was, is and will not be.
The Happiest people are not necessarily those who have the best of all,
But those who make the best of what they have.
Life is not a question of how to survive the storm,
But how to dance in the rain!"
~Kahlil Gibran

When love beckons you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you,
yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among
his pinion may wound you.
And when he speaks to you,
believe him,
Though his voice may shatter
your dreams as the north wind
lays waste in the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses
your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots
and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire,
that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you
that you may know the secrets of your heart,
and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek
only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you
that you cover your nakedness
and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh,
but not all of your laughter,
and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself
and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say,
"God is in my heart," but rather,
"I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love,
for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires,
let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook
that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart
and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer
for the beloved in your heart
and a song of praise upon your lips.

~Khalil Gibran~

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
~Kahlil Gibran

"You cannot ask for anything in prayer,
because God already knows your deepest needs.
As God is our main need,
so we should not pray for other things,
but ask for more of God." ~Khalil Gibran



Kahlil Gibran was born in 1883 in Lebanon and died in New York in 1931. His family emigrated to the United States in 1895. In his early teens, the artistry of Gibran's drawings caught the eye of his teachers and he was introduced to the avant-garde Boston artist, photographer, and publisher Fred Holland Day, who encouraged and supported Gibran in his creative endeavors. A publisher used some of Gibran's drawings for book covers in 1898, and Gibran held his first art exhibition in 1904 in Boston. In 1908, Gibran went to study art with Auguste Rodin in Paris for two years. He later studied art in Boston. While most of Gibran's early writing was in Arabic, most of his work published after 1918 was in English. Gibran's best-known work is The Prophet, a book composed of 26 poetic essays.

Source: THE PROPHET Kahlil Gibran FB Fan Page

Gibran died in New York City on this day in 1931, at the age of 48. Before his death, Gibran expressed the wish that he be buried in Lebanon. This wish was fulfilled in 1932, when Mary Haskell and her sister Mariana purchased the Mar Sarkis Monastery in Lebanon, which has since become the Gibran Museum.

Source: Everyman's Library

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