"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Jonathan Cainer Quotes

"All closets have skeletons. Shine any kind of light on them for any length of time and they soon become a pile of boring old bones." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Chess is a game of logic that involves mental proceedings with something you can do and cannot do." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Don't be pawn at anyone's game. Make your move with thorough precision and concern yourself with a reality check." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Every action brings consequences. Some are definite and some are predictable. You must have a sharp intellect to see and discern." ~Jonathan Cainer

"If sometimes you can't bring yourself to be so clear, it is usually because you don't know exactly what your true feelings are." ~Jonathan Cainer

"It's not always easy to find inspiration in the familiar. But when you stand back and look from a distance, you often realise much more about what's truly good! ~Jonathan Cainer

"Right by the water edge, there's an uneasy meeting point between two extremes. That's what makes it magical." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Seashores are fascinating places - where two world meets." ~~Jonathan Cainer

"Sometimes a few well-chosen words can make the world of difference to a mood, a debate or a decision." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Success doesn't always involve achieving your ambition. If something is without joy, how can we possibly call it successful?" ~Jonathan Cainer

"Talk is cheap. Anyone can say anything. What does it matter" ~Jonathan Cainer

"The greatest mistake you can ever make is to give up on something or someone too soon. Trust, wait and be willing to learn a lesson about the power of patience and persistence." ~Jonathan Cainer

"The language of the heart by comparison is distinctly non-verbal." ~Jonathan Cainer

"The ocean obeys a different set of laws to the land. It stretches out for countless miles a domain that challenges human existence." ~Jonathan Cainer

"The sun never stops part of the way up the sky. It sticks to its timetable. It never hesitates or deviates." ~Jonathan Cainer

"There are glorious, energising, exhilarating moments of a great ride of existence. Make it worthwhile as they come along." ~Jonathan Cainer

"We eat, sleep, fulfill physical function and stir up intense emotional vortices full of angst, passion, fear, desire and despair. Then, we eat and sleep again." ~Jonathan Cainer

"When we are too surfit to pour scorn on propositions we may be banishing brilliant ideas. When trying to tread the fine line between intelligent scepticism and stupid negativity, it is better to err on the side of openmindedness." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Words are expressions of the intellect, which is cold and dry and slightly robotic." ~Jonathan Cainer

"You need to acknowledge the absurdity of a certain situation instead of striving to justify it. There is a battle you can't win and a relationship you don't want to lose. But there are wise decisions you can make." ~Jonathan Cainer

"You've got a wonderful imagination. You can envisage many glorious possibilities. You can look at behaviour you're not happy with and find reasons to excuse the perpetrator." ~Jonathan Cainer

"Your every wish will be granted the moment you place a slice of a cake of complete contentment in your mouth." ~Jonathan Cainer

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