"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Dr. Susan Shumsky Quotes


"A great problem in the spiritual field is the tendency to trust those who are untrustworthy." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"All you do is for love." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"Arrogance, egotism, jealousy, and craving for fame can lead spiritual seekers astray from their true spiritual path." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"As you grow older, you begin to realize what is really important in life, and you find happiness in small pleasures and simple delights." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"Be all that you can be. Be your true nature. Be your God self. Be your inner divinity. You are love. " ~

"By listening to God's voice, you will make decisions with peaceful confidence and walk your own highest path." ~

"Bathe in the ocean of God's love. Bask in the warmth of God's light. Dwell in the presence of God's glory." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky (posted at Facebook)

"Begin a journey of awakening to your immortal self with words of wisdom." ~

"Come home to the heart of God, where God welcomes you with open arms to fill you with peace." ~

"Do you cry in the night? Find solace in the presence of God. Let your heart be soothed as you open to receive God's love." ~

"Do you hear the "still small voice" of God within?" ~

"Enter into thy closet and "shut the door." ~Susan Shumsky

"Every day is a new opportunity for joy, learning, and growth. Make every second count. Live with passion." ~Susan Shumsky

"Every heartache shines a blinding spotlight, illuminating the pathway that bridges the gap of separation. " ~

"Every moment is a miracle. Every breath is a blessing. Every day is an opportunity for joy." ~

"Find solace in the loving presence of God within you. God is your comforter, your safe haven." ~

"Forgive yourself, for you did the very best you could do in every situation. Let go of all guilt and blame."

"From lifetime to lifetime, unending, your higher self remains." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"God is eternal, uncreated, unborn, undying, without boundaries, unlimited, pure, and whole." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"God's grace is all around you, an unlimited cornucopia of Good. You are blessed, and you are a blessing." 

"God's presence is your safe haven. It is the bright light of peace and comfort. It is your solace." ~

"I AM the adoring light in your child's eyes." ~

"I AM now in control of my mind and my life."

"I give thanks for grace, a sacred gift from God." ~Susan Shumsky

"If you are lost, ask God to show you the way. No one but God can guide you. God's road is the straight pathway to glory." ~

"If you cannot be happy in this present moment, you will never be happy in any moment." ~Susan Shumsky

"If you cannot find peace in your home, then seek sanctuary in Mother Nature." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"If you think, speak, or act with disharmony, then you add to conflict, crime, war, and ecological disasters." ~Susan Shumsky

"Imagine, in the center of your heart, a lake of peace, a vast pool of perfect quietude and contentment."

"Joy is your true nature. When you realize who you really are, then happiness becomes your daily experience." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"Let go and let God fill your heart with love, peace, and blessings. You are filled with the light of God's love." ~

"Life's pressures are no match for God. There is no task too large for God. With God, all is possible." ~

"Love God with every fiber of your being. God's holy presence will bring you great peace, grace, joy, and blessings."

"My ego identity is not bound by imagined measurements of spirituality." ~Susan Shumsky

"My kind and loving words gladden my heart and the heart of others." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"Never give up on your dream. Your heart's desire is valuable. You are worthy to fulfill your destiny." ~

"Never waste life on trivialities. Human birth is precious. Make every moment count." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"No matter how many people admire you, there is no lasting happiness in any of it." ~

"No matter how sad or abandoned you feel, God is right here with you. Open to God's loving presence, which transforms you." ~

"No matter how much stuff you own, there is no lasting happiness in any of it." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"Open your heart to receive your good. God's beauteous bounty flows freely and abundantly." ~

"Say daily~ "I AM in control. I AM the only authority in my life. I AM divinely protected by the light of my being." "~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"Substance is adaptable to all my demands. The form that is necessary to my well-being appears.‪" ~Dr. Susan Shumsky‬

"The heavy pressure of this worldly life is lifted by God's loving hand. Let God elevate you on wings of perfect peace." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"The light of God shines brightly through me." ‪~Dr. Susan Shumsky‬

"The purpose of your life is to merge fully with the presence of God. That is your only priority and your only goal."

"The waves of God's love fill you with peace. God's light fills you with blessings." ~Susan Shumsky

"There are five main spokes on the wheel of perfect health - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and material." ~Susan Shumsky

"There is no time but now. There is no place but here. This is the time and place to surrender to God. Be at peace." ~

"There is only one thing you need to know: How to accurately and precisely hear the still small voice of God within." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"This physical body that you temporarily inhabit is not your true home." ~

"This world is a reflection of humanity's consciousness. Whatever we are, we outpicture in our environment." ~

"To instantly remove yourself from misery, stop obsessing about your problems."

"Truly successful people do their best to attain excellence in areas of their lives that are significant to them." ~Susan Shumsky

"Trust in God to be your guide. You are never alone, for God is with you now and always." ~

"When emotions are in equanimity, then your life is smooth, comfortable, and at ease." ~Dr. Susan Shumsky

"When people bring values of materialism into their spiritual life, then problems of a material nature follow them." ~Susan Shumsky

"When you reveal who you really are, your life becomes meaningful beyond all human conditions and limitations." ~Susan Shumsky

"Within you begin to discover the riches of inner divine contact."

"You are filled with the brilliance of God's light. Open to receive that divine light of all colors and textures." ~

"You are the author of your own world. Whatever you are--that is what manifests in your life." ~

"You embrace solitude as you realize how comforting it can be, by yourself, in your own private space." ~Susan Shumsky

"You have the power to heal the mental climate around you through affirming the truth." ~Susan Shumsky

"You reside in a beauteous, radiant body of luminous spheres in multiple dimensions."

"You simply cannot remain unhappy when you are engaged in creative endeavors that move you to greatness."

"Your blindness does not recognize the blessing inherent in this sorrow." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"Your purpose is to realize God. Your purpose is not to glorify your ego. It is to realize the truth of your being."

"Your relationships can be loving, fulfilling, and harmonious, and at other times cold, distant, and discordant." ~S. Shumsky

"Your soul is your source of true desires and latent tendencies, longing for expression." ~Dr Susan Shumsky

"Your thoughts broadcast from your mind out to the universe. Then they return to you, exactly as transmitted.‪" ~Dr. Susan Shumsky‬

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