"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

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"The best way to walk each day is not walking with nice shoes but walking with God. Walk not only by feet but with faith in your heart.“ ~Unattributed by Vicky Uy Lamberz

"Anyone who truly walks with God, walks humbly. The closer we draw near to Him, the more we behold His majesty!
Beth Moore

"As you walk through the valley of the unknown, you will find the footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you." ~Charles Stanley

"Believers keep up and maintain their walk with God by secret prayer. The spirit of grace is always accompanied with the spirit of supplication. It is the very breath of the new creature, the fan of the divine life, whereby the spark of holy fire, kindled in the soul by God, is not only kept in, but raised into a flame." ~George Whitefield

"Day by day, morning by morning, begin your walk with Him in the calm trust that God is at work in everything....It is your personal business, as a discipline of your heart, to learn to be peaceful and safe in God in every situation....Remember, friend, where your real living is going on. In your thinking, in your reacting, in your heart of hearts - here is where your walk with God begins and continues. So when you start to move into trusting Him, stay there. Don't wander out again into worry and doubt!" ~Anne Ortlund

"Faith allows us to confidently walk with God into a future filled with joy; one that can become an extraordinary and amazing adventure." ~Mary C. Neal

"God's mighty power comes when God's people learn to walk with God." ~Jack Hyles

"God has a program of character development for each of us. He wants others to look at our lives and say, He walks with God, for he lives like Christ." ~Erwin W. Lutzer

"If I walk with the world, I can't walk with God." ~Dwight L. Moody

"Only by walking with God can we hope to find the path that leads to life. That is what it means to be a disciple. After all -- aren't we 'followers of Christ'? Then by all means, let's actually follow him. Not ideas about him. Not just his principles. Him." ~John Eldredge

"Our great tendency in this age is to increase our speed, to run faster, even in the Christian life. In the process our walk with God stays shallow, and our tank runs low on fumes. Intimacy offers a full tank of fuel that can only be found by pulling up closer to God, which requires taking necessary time and going to the effort to make that happen." ~Charles R. Swindoll

"Smart men walked on the moon, daring men walked on the ocean floor, but wise men walk with God." ~Leonard Ravenhill

"Suffering can refine us rather than destroy us because God himself walks with us in the fire." ~Timothy Keller

"The man who walks with God always gets to his destination." ~Henrietta Mears

"The real miracle is a man who can walk with God every day ... When a person walks with God, he finds joy in the everyday things he does. Gradually his life begins to expand." ~Harold Klemp

"There is no secret formula--only a life committed to a close walk with God." ~Dillon Burroughs

"There is nothing God doesn't know about your life. You may know the past and present, but God also knows the future. Choose today to walk securely - not in what you know, but in what you believe." ~David Jeremiah

"Those who walk with God always reach their destination." ~Henry Ford

"To talk with God, no breath is lost. Talk on! To walk with God, no strength is lost. Walk on! To wait on God, no time is lost. Wait on!" ~E. Stanley Jones

"To walk out of his will is to walk into nowhere." ~C. S. Lewis

"Walking with God down the avenue of prayer we acquire something of His likeness, and unconsciously we become witnesses to others of His beauty and His grace." ~Edward McKendree Bounds

"When our trials come, when we feel pain and suffering, when our tears flow again, it is our joy and comfort to lift our faces heavenward and to go on, standing on the promises of God." ~W. A. Criswell

"Your walk with God does not depend on people, places, things or events." ~Henry R Brandt

Source: AZ Quotes

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