"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


LI ZIQI Quotes

Admin'Note: Quotes excerpted from Sweet Secrets and Made in China YouTube channels on Interview with Li Ziqi

"A little corn seed, sprout, grow, harvest! To the corn grits on the table." ~Li Ziqi

"A healthy gourmet is better than meat with the sweetness of refreshing dew." ~Li Ziqi

"Actually for people living in the countryside, growing flowers, vegetables and fruits is not a hard thing at all, of course you need to spend more energy in the field." ~Li Ziqi

"Fate is something intriguing. After all, you need to find a person living with you for the rest of your life, you can't rush on it." ~Li Ziqi

"I tried to do more things, within my capacity, that can benefit the society, such as the spread of traditional culture and the show of heritage craftsman. Show the old treasure at the bottom of the box to everyone, and let more people know our history." ~Li Ziqi

"If life is stressful to you, you should try to be relaxed." ~Li Ziqi

"In the cold winter, eat ginger. It can warm (you) the whole day." ~Li Ziqi

"Let the flowers bloom, let there be a full moon." ~Li Ziqi ("huahao yueyuan" - there's a full moon and blooming flowers on the dish - symbolises the perfect moment - NY Dinner

"Living in the countryside no longer means poverty and hardship. Currently, the overall environment of our country is very good. What kind of life you want largely depends on how much effort you want to make in your daily living." ~Li Ziqi

"My life has been illuminated by others, like a beam of light, I believe that when this children are capable in the future, they will also shine this beam into the hearts of more people." ~Li Ziqi

"Nowadays, many people feel under big pressure in their workplaces and daily life. I wish they can see my videos when they feel stress, get relaxed and see the beauty of nature." ~Li Ziqi

"Nowadays, unlike before, the rural living conditions are very good. It has been 41 years since the reform and opening up of China. Now we have socialist new countryside." ~Li Ziqi

"Remember where our food comes from." ~Li Ziqi

"Since ancient times, our ancestors have followed the 24 solar terms." ~Li Ziqi

"Spring is birn in summer. And summer is harvested in autumn." ~Li Ziqi, Chinese Internet Celebrity, Interview on the secret of her backyard and amazing garden.

"The living skills in your eyes could be other people's survival instinct." ~Li Ziqi

"When embroidering, needle and thread are the background, and a thread is the culture." ~Li Ziqi on the Shu embroidery, the millennium customs of Sichuan Shu land

"When you become a public attention you have more and more sense of responsibility." ~Li Ziqi

"When you wake up every morning, you can run into the vegetable garden, working on it, pick up enough fruits and vegetables for a day. Then cut some seasonal flowers and put them in the rooms. Then you can stay at home the whole day, cooking all kinds of delicious food." ~Li Ziqi

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