"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Macabangkit B. Lanto - Fashion statement

“Sometimes people wear their attire to make a statement.” ~Macabangkit B. Lanto, Daily Tribune, October 9, 2019

Wes Angelozzi - Instantly empowered

"Go and love someone as they are. And watch quickly how they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered." ~Wes Angelozzi

Gail Borden - Keep trying

"I tried and failed. I tried again and again and succeeded." ~Gail Borden


Elon Musk Quotes

"It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary." ~Elon Musk, DOGE
#elonmusk #SpaceX #Innovation

"There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure."  ~Elon Musk

"Those who want power are the ones who least deserve it." ~Elon Musk 

"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor." ~Elon Musk

From X ( formerly Twitter)

His talk is smooth as butter, yet war is in his heart; his words are more soothing than oil, yet they are drawn swords. Psalms 55:21 NIV

R.M. DRAKE Quotes

"I know how you feel because I’ve been there too. I’ve hated and I’ve loved. I’ve seen my demons root and crawl and my angels branch and soar. I've died within myself and lived a thousand different lives. I too fight the same war and I too am drowning in the puddles of self-consciousness this world created." ~R.M. Drake

"The hardest good-byes are the ones you don't see coming. The ones you don't plan. Or could ever imagine happening. Like one day you're both together. And little do you both know that today will be your last day spent. Sometimes there is nothing sadder than that." ~R.M. Drake


Tikkun Acts of Loving Kindness Quotes

"Even the smallest act of kindness can bring the light of hope into someone's life." ~Tikkun Acts of Loving Kindness 

"How you give is as important as what you give. Give from your heart." ~from Tikkun Acts of Loving Kindness

"Human Beings grow best with encouragement and love." ~Tikkun Acts of Loving Kindness

"Teach your kids by example. Be caring and open minded. Be considerate and generous. And always be thankful." ~Tikkun Acts of Kindness

"The seeds of kindness you plant today will bloom in the hearts of those you touched forever." ~from Tikkun Acts of Loving Kindness

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Karen Draper - Brain and Heart

"Finding your writer's brain is half of it. Finding your writer's heart is all of it." ~Karen Draper


‪Thomas Kuegler‬ - Happiness

"How rich a country is has nothing to do with happiness."‪ ~Thomas Kuegler, Finding Tom FB Meme‬

Ann Richardson - Journey

"We cannot change the outcome, but we can affect the journey." ~Ann Richardson


Malcolm Conlan - Making Filipinos Proud

"Bringing the Philippines to the forefront of the Asian Stage is an investment, making Filipinos proud." ~Malcolm Conlan, on Southeast Asian Games, December 1, 2019

"President Duterte, through bowing and kissing the ground, shows that he is still a humble servant of the people. Such humility." ~Malcolm Conlan, August 31, 2020


"Countless stories of our Filipino engineers and construction professionals who have worked in the Middle East all proclaim a race that has worked with industry, talent and dignity." ~Claro Ganac

"Let us stop belittling ourselves, just because you see a questionable survey of this or that organization. Let us measure our own people with kinder hearts and thoughtful minds, instead of just accepting blindly the judgment of others." ~Claro Ganac

" Lockdowns are economic poison pills." ~Claro Ganac

‪"Love is like water, it needs to flow outside of the self. But people possess the gift of transference, of empathy and sublimating personal love to love for the poor and downtrodden. When they sublimate, transcend personal need for affection and move to higher levels of personal love for humanity, then there will never be grief. And love becomes noble and great." ~‬Claro Ganac

"Many of our countrymen have been fooled, deceived by corrupt and greedy politicians. That doesn't necessarily make them stupid. It just meant their trust has been misplaced." ~Claro Ganac

"They call us weak because we still manage to smile even in the face of insults and adversities. I call that strength because standing one's ground, with inner faith, is power. … They say we have low IQ. IQ is just an imperfect construct to measure and label our intelligence, our capability. I have seen Filipinos, educated in public schools that we routinely assume to have bad instruction and poor facilities, effortlessly work and master in English, with that American twang. In fact, there are more than a million of them working there." ~Claro Ganac

"The essence of science is to suspend judgment until research investigation can be conducted for hypothesis testing and analysis.... Until then -- no matter what one's stand is and how strong one holds and defends his beliefs -- everything is just an opinion." ~Claro Ganac, April 23, 2021

"True. I am tired of supposedly intelligent men and women calling the Filipino people stupid, low IQ, weak, worthless and all other offensive terms." ~Claro Ganac

‪"We are everything, and also nothing. ‬We are who we are, and not who others think who we are.‬ We can love everyone, and yet no one will love us in our very essence. Our only true possession is the present moment we face. And yet we cannot keep it but let it go." ~‬Claro Ganac (EPHEMERAL)

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Estee Lauder - Success

"I never dreamed of success, I worked for it." ~Estee Lauder


Natsume Sōseki - The price we pay

"I do not want your admiration now, because I do not want your insults in the future. I bear with my loneliness now, in order to avoid greater loneliness in the years ahead. You see, loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egotistical selves." ~Natsume Sōseki, Kokoro

Yolanda Hadid - Friendship

"I have learned that friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's about who came and never left your side." ~Yolanda Hadid


George Dillon - Wordless wind

"It is the wordless wind that knows where every kind of beauty goes. And if you lose love in the end, say it was taken by the wind." ~George Dillon

Brad Meltzer - Depends on the day

"We are all ordinary. We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day." ~Brad Meltzer


Ayari Naygnam Quotes

"If the ears of your soul love the soothing melody of gently whizzing winds through the leaves of trees in the jungle, if you understand the language of the flowers, if the eyes of your heart see and appreciate the beauty of the rainbows of corals in our seas and oceans, Gina Lopez is your sister by heart and soul." ~Ayari Naygnam

By Ayari Naygnam

Greed is when one hoards in a day what he needs 7 times 77 times of his lifetime:
Because man fears shortage in food he invented fertilizers to harvest in a few years the produce of a lifetime; but the toxins inside the fertilizers eventually started killing the land and will ultimately kill the crops and trees that give food to man; by flood, the toxins also wash out to oceans and seas and will also kill the fish.

Because of overproduction, actually dislocation where a part of the earth has oversupply while others lack, and fear the produce will rot man invented preservatives; so, man does not hunger but as he eats poisons he is dying softly little by little.

Because man fears overpopulation will result to shortage of foods he deforested the mountains and jungles, invited homesteaders to till the land to avert hunger; but the deforestation is destroying watersheds that hold rainwater causing huge floods that destroy agriculture.

Looking at all these one can easily see only few benefit while many suffer. It is GREED that drives man to do those things not the fear of hunger.

September 30, 2019

Source: FB

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Attar of Nishapur. - True Love

"The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle's flame: The first one went closer and said, 'I know about love'. The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said, 'I know how love's fire can burn'. The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed. He alone knows what true love is." ~Attar of Nishapur

Lev Grossman - Look at your life

"For just one second, look at your life and see how perfect it is. Stop looking for the next secret door that is going to lead you to your real life. Stop waiting. This is it: there's nothing else. It's here, and you'd better decide to enjoy it or you're going to be miserable wherever you go, for the rest of your life, forever." ~Lev Grossman


Rob Siltanen - Change the world

“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~Rob Siltanen

Maduro Ash - Nothing to lose

"Threats don't work with the person who's got nothing to lose." ~Maduro Ash

Jacque Fresco - Humanity

"Armies are created to protect the system, not the people. In the future, an educated humanity will not stand for war." ~Jacque Fresco


Wes Moore - Impermanence

"Life’s impermanence, I realized, is what makes every single day so precious. It’s what shapes our time here. It’s what makes it so important that not a single moment be wasted." ~Wes Moore

Emma Donoghue - Silence

"Because your soul must be lonely. That silence you heard, when you tried to pray - that’s the sound of God listening." ~Emma Donoghue

John Tillman - Authority

"Consensus and appeals to authority are not just unscientific, but anti-scientific." ~John Tillman

Francisco "Isko" Moreno Domagoso - A good EXAMPLE

"As I always say, it's not the severity of punishment itself but the certainty of getting caught that deters a person from committing a crime. So we owe it to you Mr. President, for inspiring us and for becoming a good example to all of us." ~Francisco "Isko" Moreno Domagoso, City Mayor of Manila to PRRD, September 10, 2019


Gail Carlson Levine - On Books

"There's nothing wrong with reading a book you love over and over. When you do, the words get inside you, become a part of you, in a way that words in a book you've read only once can't." ~Gail Carlson Levine

Sandy Gingras - Beach

Seven Mile Beach
Gerroa NSW 
April 10, 2021

"At the beach, life is different. Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun." ~Sandy Gingras

Dr. Samuel Brengle - On trees

“The axe cannot boast of the trees it has cut down. It could do nothing but for the woodsman.” ~Dr. Samuel Brengle

Nanette L. Avery - On PLACES

"We must believe there are places where tranquility still exists and nature is given back her power to speak." ~Nanette L. Avery

Wendy Mass - Know who you are

"The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy it doesn't matter how others see you." ~Wendy Mass

Elif Shafak - On PATIENCE

"Patience does not mean to passively endure. It means to be farsighted enough to trust the end result of a process. What does patience mean? It means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night and see the dawn. Impatience means to be so shortsighted as to not be able to see the outcome. The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full." ~Elif Shafak

Sri Swami Satchidananda Quotes

"Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful." ~Satchidananda

"Though we can't always see it at the time, if we look upon events with some perspective, we see things always happen for our best interests. We are always being guided in a way better than we know ourselves." ~Swami Satchidananda

"You have to rub hard to clean the ego. It’s not an easy or comfortable job. It might hurt a lot because the ego doesn’t want to be cleaned. But if you are really interested in obtaining the light to awaken, you have to do it. So, either clean the ego yourself, or life’s challenges will clean it for you. The purpose of the nature is that - to give you all the problems so you can get cleaned up." ~Sri Swami Satchidananda

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Robert Nathan - Give thanks

"Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage - and gives exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see." ~Robert Nathan


Sylvia Nasar Quotes

“A profile, a look, a voice, can capture a heart in no time at all.” ~Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind

“A profound dislike for merely absorbing knowledge and a strong compulsion to learn by doing is one of the most reliable signs of genius.” ~Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind

“People look to the order of numbers when the world falls apart.” ~Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind

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Daryl Davis - Ignorance

"Ignorance breeds fear. If you do not keep fear in check, it will breed hatred. If you do not keep your hatred in check, it will breed destruction." ~Daryl Davis

John Crowe - Against the current

"It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it." ~John Crowe

Kirstie Collins Brote - Virtual strings

“It was a time before Facebook and Instagram and texting. I imagine it must be easier now, for college students. Home must not feel so far away anymore. But how do you cut the apron strings if the strings are virtual?” ~Kirstie Collins Brote, Beware of Love in Technicolor


Bag-iw Lumpias Gil - Time

"Time withers the strong... In shadow of past glory." ~Bag-iw Lumpias Gil, a one liner from his poem IGOROT PRIZEFIGHTER


Lorraine Anderson

"Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion." ~Lorraine Anderson


Grant Eilertson - People that inspire

"Purposefully surround yourself with people that inspire you to uplevel." ~Grant Eilertson

Martha Nussbaum - A good human being

"To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control, that can lead you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very important about the condition of the ethical life: that it is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it’s based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something rather fragile, but whose very particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility." ~Martha Nussbaum

Marvin Gaye - Peace

"If you can't find peace within yourself you can't find it anywhere else." ~Marvin Gaye

Harriet Rubin - Truth

“Truth is the most powerful weapon because people are too weak to resist it. Speak the truth at first and no one can hurt you.” ~Harriet Rubin



"Good instincts tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out." ~Michael Burke

"One of the eternal truths is that happiness is created and developed in peace, and one of the eternal rights is the individual's right to live. The strongest of all instincts, that of self-preservation, is an assertion of this right, affirmed and sanctified by the ancient commandment: Thou shalt not kill."

"There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it." ~Judith McNaught

"Trust your instincts. For they are coming from the angels who watch over you." ~Eileen Anglin

"Trust your own instincts, go inside, follow your heart. Right from the start. Go ahead and stand up for what you believe in. As I've learned, that's the path to happiness." ~Lesley Ann Warren

"When I see danger, I step away. When I think I can move forward, I move ahead, and when I think I can come closer, I do. Sometimes I am wrong, but often, if I pay attention, I am right, and these maps of my own instincts guide me as surely as any by Rand McNally would." ~Mary Morris

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Claire Legrand - Life

"I suppose most things in a person's life are good for a while, even if that doesn't last very long. Maybe that is why, even after something has gone wrong, we spend so much time trying to fix it. Because we remember when it wasn't broken." ~Claire Legrand

Leslie Bocobo - Human heart

"The human heart is a strange organ. It can feel both love and bitterness towards the same person at the same time." ~Leslie Bocobo

HH Khejok Rinpoche - A happy life

"The key to a happy life is to learn to be grateful for everything. Sickness gives you the opportunity to appreciate health. Problems give you challenges to find solutions. Loneliness give you time to reflect. Company gives you teachers to learn from. Failures give you lessons to learn, and old age gives you half-priced tickets!" ~HH Khejok Rinpoche

Harley King - Dreams

"May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits." ~Harley King

Robert John Meehan Quotes

"Be a reflective teacher. Honestly look at what you do from time to time. Evaluate the purpose of your role as a teacher." ~Robert John Meehan

"If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you without hesitation: I was born to be a teacher." ~Robert John Meehan

"Learning becomes relevant when we connect it with reality." ~Robert John Meehan

"The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration our growth is limited to our own perspectives." ~Robert John Meehan

"Your life as a teacher begins the day you realize that you are always a learner." ~Robert John Meehan

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"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." ~Deuteronomy 32:2

"A good education can change anything.  A good teacher can change everything." ~Anon 
Photo: Lifted from FB

"A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning." ~Brad Henry

"A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others." ~Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

"A nation who honors its teachers shall nurture a generation who values respect to fellow men and love of country." ~Rolaiza Mimi Singayao

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stop." ~Henry Brooks Adams

"A teacher is like candles who spend whole life in  giving lights to many students."  ~We Champs 

"A teacher who can arouse a feeling for one single good action, for one single good poem, accomplishes more than he or she who fills our memory with rows on rows of natural objects, classified with name and form." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Be a reflective teacher. Honestly look at what you do from time to time. Evaluate the purpose of your role as a teacher." ~Robert John Meehan 

“Everyone is my teacher. Some I seek. Some I subconsciously attract. Often I learn simply by observing others. Some may be completely unaware that I’m learning from them, yet I bow deeply in gratitude.” ~The Age of Enlightenment 

"Good teachers love content and teach kids. Great teachers love kids and teach content." ~Wes Kieschnick

"Great teachers don't always have the best lessons. But they always have the best relationships with kids." ~Songs for Teaching

"Great teachers engineer learning experiences that put students in the driver's seat, and then get out of the way." ~Ben Johnson

"Having a job to do and a special partner to do it with is a great teacher." ~SC

"I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strangely, I am ungrateful to these teachers." ~Khalil Gibran

"I’ve seen some AMAZING teachers in the past 25 years and those are the ones who see every child as untapped potential and a gentle heart that needs nurturing, guidance and boundaries." ~Tom Stevens

"If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you without hesitation: I was born to be a teacher." ~Robert John Meehann

"It takes a special teacher to hear what a child cannot say." ~Breezy Special Ed

"Let your teacher be love itself." ~Rumi

"Strong teachers don't teach content; Google has content. Strong teaching connects learning in ways that inspire kids to learn more and strive for greatness." ~Eric Jensen, Education Week Teacher

“Teachers break time up into teaching slots, saying, 'Today we will have a poetry hour, a music hour and a social studies hour.' That is when the eyes, ears and voices of the children fall apart. The birds that seen at first by the children were sacred birds, a harmonious unity of truth, virtue, and beauty [they become] biological objects ... and the minds of the children become ripped apart into a thousand pieces. When the mind of the child is dissected, the sacred birds within the child’s mind are dissected and cease to be.” ~Masanobu Fukuoka, Japanese farmer and philosopher celebrated for his natural farming and re-vegetation of desertified lands.

"Teachers don't teach for the income. Teachers teach for the outcome." ~Really Good Stuff

"Teachers made engineers, artists, scientists and all professionals." ~Anon

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.” ~Alexandra K.Trenfor

"The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." ~Anon

"The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration our growth is limited to our own perspectives." ~Robert John Meehan

"The task of a modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~CS Lewis, The Abolition of Man

"The teacher is like the candle, which lights others in consuming itself." ~Italian Proverbs

“The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

"Unless the teacher is a discoverer, an inventor, a creator of new methods, he is a mere assistant and no master." ~Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925)

"Your life as a teacher begins the day you realize that you are always a learner." ~Robert John Meehan

“Your soul is the best teacher.” ~A.D. Williams


"A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” ~Bob Froctor

"If the legends fall silent, who will teach the children of our ways? ~Chief Dan George

"Learning is the not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners." ~John Holt

"Teach children how to think, not what to think." ~Margaret Mead 

"Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar." ~Bradley Millar

“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.” ~Bob Talbert

"Teaching is a work of heart." ~Anon

"The best learning I had came from teaching.” ~Corrie Ten Boom

"Those who teach the most about humanity aren't always humans." ~Donald L. Hicks

"You don't need colleges and universities to educate children. Teach them well. Education starts at home with mothers as primary teachers." ~Leah C. Dancel, January 7, 2020

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Della Reese - Forgiveness

“My idea of forgiveness is letting go of resentment that does not serve your better interest, ridding yourself of negative thoughts. All they do is make you miserable. Believe me, you can fret and fume all you want, but whoever it was that wronged you is not suffering from your anguish whatsoever.” ~Della Reese

David Lloyd George - Big step

"Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." ~David Lloyd George

James Hollis Quotes

"It has become clear to me that aging itself does not bring wisdom. It often brings regression to childishness, dependency, and bitterness over lost opportunities. Only those who are still intellectually, emotionally, spiritually growing inherit the richness of aging." ~James Hollis, What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life 

“The truth about our intimate relationships is that they can never be any better than our relationship with ourselves. How we are related to ourselves determines not only the choice of the Other but the quality of the relationship. In fact, every intimate relationship tacitly reveals who we were when we commenced it. All relationships, therefore, are symptomatic of the state of our inner life, and no relationship can be any better than our relationship to our own unconscious." ~James Hollis

Cari Welsh - A million reasons

‪"‬If you want to, you can find a million reasons to hate life and be angry at the world.
Or, if you want to, you could find a million reasons to love life and be happy. Choose wisely." ~Cari Welsh

Dr. Jill Lee - Words

"Words matter. They have the power to enter the minds and hearts of others. Words can lift someone up or tear them down at any spoken moment. Be mindful and use your words deliberately in a way that they deliver kindness. Never let harsh words press through your lips. Try not to be overwhelmed and absorbed with 'self'." ~Dr. Jill Lee


José Emilio Pacheco - On judgment

"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." ~José Emilio Pacheco

Mansur al-Hallaj - Truth

"When truth has taken hold of a heart, she empties it of all but herself." ~Mansur al-Hallaj


Nikki Rowe Quotes

"Manifestation is like a flower, you must put so much intent into its energy before you can sight its beauty." ~Nikki Rowe

"Some people will hear you louder in silence. Those are your tribe - they'll get you through the tough days and give you something to laugh about on the ride." ~Nikki Rowe

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Frank Ernest Gannett - Light in a dark place

"The best hope of the Filipino people was crushed; a light in a dark place was snuffed out.” ~Frank Ernest Gannett

Wentworth Miller - Let me be

"Let me be to someone else what no one was to me.” ~Wentworth Miller

Todd McGrain - Collective memory

"Forgetting is the first step to completely removing something from our cultural collective memory. A society that remembers is a healthier society than one that keeps restarting from scratch.” ~Todd McGrain, an art professor at Cornell University


Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi Quotes

“A student, filled with emotion and crying, implored, 'Why is there so much suffering?' Suzuki Roshi replied, 'No reason.'" ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

“Each of you is perfect the way you are ... and you can use a little improvement.” ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

"Enjoy your problems." ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few." ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

“Nothing we see or hear is perfect. But right there in the imperfection is perfect reality.” ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

“To have some deep feeling about Buddhism is not the point, we just do what we should do, like eating supper and going to bed. This is Buddhism.” ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

“Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.” ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

“What we call "I" is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale and when we exhale.” ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

"Wherever you are, you are one with the clouds and one with the sun and the stars you see. You are one with everything. That is more true than I can say, and more true than you can hear." ~Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi

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Najwa Zebian Quotes

"A pretty face may get you attention, but a pretty heart will get you respect." ~Najwa Zebian

“Be good to people because you are investing in goodness, consideration, honesty, generosity, and compassion, because those qualities have never failed to be rewarding. … Treat people righteously because you are investing in the righteousness of yourself, and, trust me, you will get something in return. …You will be happy. You will be content. You will be truly free.” ~Najwa Zebian

“Broken wings are a sign of struggle. And strength.” ~Najwa Zebian, The Nectar of Pain

“Don’t tell me what I want to hear. Tell me the truth. It may hurt, but it definitely won’t hurt more than the feeling that I was told something out of pity, not out of honesty. If you mean it, say it. If you don’t, keep your words until the right person is standing in front of you. If words are said too many times, they become cheap, and I only deserve to hear what is valuable” ~Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

"Fear the day when a good heart gives up on you. Our skies don't become grey out of nowhere. Our sunshine does not allow the darkness to take over for no reason. A heart does turn cold unless it's been treated with coldness for a while.” ~Najwa Zebian

“How can a mother sacrifice years of her life, put her career aside, make her dreams wait, without waiting for a paycheck at the end of the month? Would a paycheck bring her the same kind of happiness anyway? Not. Even. Close. We don’t make ourselves compassionate; we are born compassionate.” ~Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

“I broke my soul trying to mend yours.” ~Najwa Zebian, The Nectar of Pain

“If you ever get the chance to treat them the way they treated you, I hope you choose to walk away and do better.” ~Najwa Zebian

“My heart aches in corners I did not know existed.” ~Najwa Zebian, The Nectar of Pain

“Reflecting is essential, but regret should not ground you in the past. It should make you grateful that you have a conscious mind that realized right from wrong. It should give you strength to wisely use your present to make your future better.” ~Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.” ~Najwa Zebian

“To the heart in you, don’t be afraid to feel. To the sun in you, don’t be afraid to shine. To the love in you, don’t be afraid to heal. To the ocean in you, don’t be afraid to rage. To the silence in you, don’t be afraid to break.” ~Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

“Whatever you do, do it with purpose. Being focused is not something to be ashamed of. It is something to be proud of. When you know what are you are doing and have a clear vision of where you are going, you will not need to chase opportunities. Opportunities will seek you. Happiness will chase you. And, instead of being a choice, you will be the one choosing.” ~Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

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‪William Carey - Bright future

"The future is as bright as the promises of God." ~William Carey

H.P. Blavatsky - Shoreless ocean

"Theosophy is the shoreless ocean of universal truth, love, and wisdom, reflecting its radiance on the earth." ~H.P. Blavatsky, The Key to Theosophy

Holiday Mathis - Leave it where it belongs

"One great thing about the past is that it got you here. Another great thing about it is that the bad parts are over. So bless it and leave it back there, where it belongs. Better days are ahead." ~Holiday Mathis

"Prestige is overrated; what does it give you other than a sense of importance and entitlement? The high esteem that others bestow upon you is ephemeral; it can evaporate overnight. Self-respect is better than prestige." ~Holiday Mathis

"While pride is attached to achievement and status, pride's egoless cousin dignity can live inside of us regardless of our successes or failures." ~Holiday Mathis

Haim Ginott - Parent and child

”When children feel understood, their loneliness and hurt diminish. When children are understood, their love for their parent is deepened. A parent’s sympathy serves as emotional first aid for bruised feelings. When we genuinely acknowledge a child’s plight and voice her disappointment, she often gathers the strength to face reality.” ~ Haim Ginott, author of “Between Parent and Child”

Huang Po Quotes

“Consider the sunlight. You may see it is near, yet if you follow it from world to world you will never catch it in your hands. Then you may describe it as far away and, lo, you will see it just before your eyes. Follow it and, behold, it escapes you; run from it and it follows you close. You can neither possess it nor have done with it. From this example you can understand how it is with the true Nature of all things and, henceforth, there will be no need to grieve or to worry about such things.” ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind

“Do not permit the events of your daily lives to bind you, but never withdraw yourselves from them. Only by acting thus can you earn the title of 'A Liberated One'.” ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind

“If you wish to understand, know that a sudden comprehension comes when the mind has been purged of all the clutter of conceptual and discriminatory thought-activity. Those who seek the truth by means of intellect and learning only get further and further away from it. Not till your thoughts cease all their branching here and there, not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone, will you be on the right road to the Gate." ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind

“Just let your minds become void and environmental phenomena will void themselves; let principles cease to stir and events will cease stirring of themselves." ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind

“Not till your thoughts cease all their branching here and there, not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone, will you be on the right road to the Gate.” ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind

“Observe things as they are and don't pay attention to other people. There are some people just like mad dogs barking at everything that moves, even barking when the wind stirs among the grass and leaves.” ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind

"The foolish reject what they see, not what they think; the wise reject what they think, not what they see." ~Huang Po

“The ignorant eschew phenomena but not thought; the wise eschew thought but not phenomena.” ~Huang Po

“Where nothing is sought this implies Mind unborn; where no attachment exists, this implies Mind not destroyed; and that which is neither born nor destroyed is the Buddha.” ~Huang Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind

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Benjamin Whichcote - Full yet empty

"None are so empty as those who are full of themselves." ~Benjamin Whichcote

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche - Death

"Die everyday... to our thoughts to our agony to our emotions to our loving relationships--even to our joy." ~Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, author of MIND BEYOND DEATH

George Bizet - Bird

"Love is rebellious bird that nobody can tame, and it's all in vain to call it if it chooses to refuse.” ~George Bizet

Joey Yap - Brain

"The mind is man’s faculty of thinking, reasoning and applying knowledge. It is our consciousness that starts in the brain and is manifested through our thoughts, actions, will, memories, imagination and emotions." ~Team Joey Yap

Esther Perel - Plug in to connect

"Why is it so easy to plug in, but so hard to stay connected?" ~Esther Perel

Donna Ashworth - Every woman's life

"There comes a day, somewhere in the middle of every woman’s life, when Mother Nature herself stands behind us and wraps her arms around our shoulders, whispering 'It’s time'. 'You have taken enough now. It’s time to stop growing up, stop growing older and start growing wiser - and wilder. There are adventures still waiting on you and this time, you will enjoy them with the vision of wisdom and the companionship of hindsight, and you will really let go. It’s time to stop the madness of comparison and the ridicule of schedule and conformity and start experiencing the joys that a life, free of containment and guilt, can bring.' She will shake your shoulders gently and remind you that you’ve done your bit. You’ve given too much, cared too much, you’ve suffered too much. You’ve bought the book as it were and worn the t-shirt. Worse, you’ve worn the chains and carried the weight of a burden far too heavy for your shoulders. 'It’s time', she will say. 'Let it go, really let it go and feel the freedom of the fresh, clean spaces within you. Fill them with discovery, love and laughter. Fill yourself so full you will no longer fear what is ahead and instead you will greet each day with the excitement of a child.' She will remind you that if you choose to stop caring what other people think of you and instead of caring what you think of you, that you will experience a new era of your life you never dreamed possible. ‘It’s time’ she will say… 'to write the ending, or new beginning, of your own story.'" ~Donna Ashworth


Abraham Dyson - Character in The Golden Butterfly

“The Coping Stone of every woman’s education is love.” ~Abraham Dyson, The Golden Butterfly by Walter Besant and James Rice classic novel published in 1887

Ross Rosenberg - Self-love abundance

"Self-Love Abundance gives your feet (and legs) the power to move you past, and far beyond, any threatening people and situations. It connects your freed heart with the rest of you that will protect it." ~Ross Rosenberg

Sonya Sones - A speck of dust

"But most days, I wander around feeling invisible. Like I'm a speck of dust floating in the air that can only be seen when a shaft of light hits it." ~Sonya Sones

Stacy Vajta - Heart and spirit

"Your biggest growth will happen by committing to what you know is truly aligned with your heart and spirit." ~Stacy Vajta



"Be compassionate. Put yourself in others shoes, but keep your life free from the drama and negativity that are not yours." ~Nnie Que

"Be generous in giving yourself credit for everything you have faced. For the battles you have won. For the fears you've overcome. Don't shy. You're a warrior." ~Nnie Que

"Carve out some time for yourself and do something that brings you joy." ~Nnie Que

"Choices we make and paths we take create our lives. Take responsibility of your choices and paths. That's what makes us who we are today and what we can be in the coming life." ~Nnie Que

"Going through a rough patch and coming out on the other side. When I embrace my discomfort and confusion. When I don't run from fear or self-blame. When I trust that growth is always going to be part of my journey. Life continues to bring me deeper, knowing larger wonder and an ever-widening sense of awe. I get to do this thing. This thing I call my life." ~Nnie Que

"Growing up is all about learning to swallow our fears and fight through our tears. Without knowing where we are going, and where we may end up at." ~Nnie Que

"I'm done with the days I beat myself up for not living up to my expectations. I am beginning to let go of everything I can't control. I am not giving up on my dreams or desires. No, I'm not going down so easily. With every passing day, the rage seems to settle a little, the bitterness is now sounding like a symphony. I'm still inclined towards what I've always wanted, I'm still striving to achieve the best for myself. I am still headed in the same direction, but this time I am loving the footsteps more than lusting for the destination." ~Nnie Que

"I love solitude. Being alone allows me space to think, to understand my feelings, to process. To know me is to know that I must remove myself sometimes so I can reset, recharge and regroup." ~Nnie Que

"I only hear what I willingly have the curiosity and courage to listen to." ~Nnie Que

"I speak only for myself. What others choose to believe, know, understand and experience is completely their choice. It is no longer important to me that people agree or disagree with what I am saying. For the words I write are me talking about my experience in life." ~Nnie Que

"I will let the swirls and drama continue without my voice. For I know that they're simply sound and fury signifying nothing. This earth shall fade away - a tiny planet at the small end of one galaxy amid a vastness of so much life." ~Nnie Que

"In this last few days there has been a shift within me. I no longer seem to need to label and judge as I used to. I don't need to be the expert and have an opinion about how others should be. I can be present without being in-charge. A gently powerful easiness. A soft delight of peace." ~Nnie Que

"It takes courage to follow our heart's desire. We can't move forward without being brave." ~Nnie Que

"Let us always begin the day with a positive thought, no matter how hard things were. Today is a fresh opportunity to make it better. Our mind is like an umbrella in the rain, it won't keep us dry unless it's fully opened." ~Nnie Que

"Life is always beautiful even in its darkest and most chaotic moment." ~Nnie Que

"Look for beauty everywhere, in everything. It could be the sound of birds singing or the sun shining. Take the time to relax and enjoy the scenery. Sooner or later a natural gust of wind will take you where you want to be." ~Nnie Que

"Maybe love is like rain. Sometimes gentle, sometimes torrential, flooding, eroding, joyful, steady, filling the earth, collecting in underground springs. When it rains, when we love, life grows." ~Nnie Que

"Never allow the ugliness of other people diminish what is beautiful in you." ~Nnie Que

"One beautiful heart is more important than a million beautiful faces." ~Nnie Que

"One day you will be surprised by the sound of your own laughter, by the new beat of your own heart. One day you will realize it's been so long since you cried yourself to sleep or had to find a pillow to catch your echoing screams. One day it won't hurt as much as it used to. One day you will be ok. One day." ~Nnie Que

"Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something." ~Nnie Que, #SacredDreams

"The best things in life happen when we least expect them. The best stories begin with 'and all of a sudden...' The best adventures were never planned as they turned out to be. Let's free ourselves of expectations. The best will come from when and where unexpectedly." ~Nnie Que

"The early evening sky leaves joy and happiness in the hearts of all those who dare to look." ~Nnie Que

"The finest souls are those who take pain and avoided others have a taste of it. Unfortunately, only a few understand what this means." ~Nnie Que

"The line between helping others for the sake of others, and helping others for the sake of helping ourselves can become blurred. … Radical honesty with ourselves - that’s what keeps our motives in check. That’s what keeps us focused on being of service for the right reasons." ~Nnie Que

"The more you expose yourself to the thoughts of others, the more you’ll be influenced by them. Choose carefully. … Make moments of silence and solitude part of your day. You need them more than you realize." ~Nnie Que

"The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us. May we journey wisely." ~Nnie Que

"The Universe’s timing is always perfect. You’re right where you’re meant to be, with exactly what you’re meant to know. Do not stress." ~Nnie Que

"There are things we don't want to happen, but have to accept. Things we don't want to know, but have to learn. And people we can't live without, but have to let go." ~Nnie Que 1 August

"There is no other place that I can live but in this breathe, in this thought, in this beat of my heart. Let my breathe be peaceful. Let my thoughts be conscious. Let my heart feel deeply." ~Nnie Que

"There is only one rule in the game of life. Always learn from your mistakes. You must struggle to survive but don't be greedy to succeed at the expense of others." ~Nnie Que

"We are our own torch bearer and our own strength. We need to understand it as soon as possible without depending on anyone else for validation and support, but find our strength and light within." ~Nnie Que

"We have short time on this planet. Take the time to revel in all the good things it can offer because we never know when it’ll be over." ~Nnie Que

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"Life is a one time offer, so am going to use it well." ~Odo Valdez 

"Seeing old photographs, weu get to travel back to all the beautiful memories we made, which will keep tugging at our heartstrings forever." ~Odo Valdez

"Traveling lets you have fun with the person you should have a real connection with – yourself." ~Odo Valdez

"We sometimes forget that life is not just full of surprises. It’s also full of gifts..." ~Odo Valdez

"Wherever I have knocked, a door has opened. Wherever I have wandered, a path has appeared. For all I have, I am truly grateful." ~Odo Valdez

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Henri Alain - School of Patience

"Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days." ~Henri Alain

Harry Styles Quotes

"Don't choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful." ~Harry Styles

"That's the amazing thing about music: there's a song for every emotion. Can you imagine a world without music? It would suck." ~Harry Styles

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Ikkyu Quotes

"Break open the cherry tree: where are the blossoms? Just wait for spring time to see how they bloom." ~Ikkyu

"Having no destination, I am never lost." ~Ikkyu

"Learn how to read the love letters sent by the wind and rain, the snow and moon." ~Ikkyu

"Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain. But at the peak, we all gaze at the single bright moon." ~Ikkyu

"The salvation of birds and beasts, oneself included - this is the object of Shakyamuni's religious austerities." ~Ikkyu

"Watching my four year old daughter dance
I cannot break free of her."


Break open
A cherry tree
And there are no flowers;
But the spring breeze
Brings forth myriad blossoms.


From the world of passions returning to the world of passions:
There is a moment's pause.
If it rains, let it rain, if the wind blows, let it blow.


Like vanishing dew,
a passing apparition
or the sudden flash
of lightning -- already gone --
thus should one regard one's self.


Look at the cherry blossoms!
Their color and scent fall with them,
Are gone forever,
Yet mindless
The spring comes again.


My real dwelling
Has no pillars
And no roof either
So rain cannot soak it
And wind cannot blow
it down.


The tree is stripped,
All color, fragrance gone,
Yet already on the bough,
Uncaring spring!

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Ethan Nichter - Path to happiness

"The path to happiness always involves the death of a story line about what we think happiness means." ~Ethan Nichter


Bob Hildreth Quotes

"Buddhism was not meant to be a religion - but a philosophy. Man made it a religion.
Christianity was not meant to be a religion - but a relationship. Man made it a religion.
The last line though sums up Everything "through human effort" - a True Grace based Relationship has Nothing to do with "human effort" and Everything to do with - The cross of (sic) - Christ!" ~Bob Hildreth, Be Graceful

Bubba Zana at 3-1/2 mos. 
October 8, 2019
First Visit to Lola 

"It's beautiful to watch a baby in a home where they are surrounded by love begin to develop and grow. The ability of that precious little one to have no fear and know that whatever happens arms of love and compassion keep them safe and secure as they struggle through the challenges of growth is a Beautiful thing to behold." ~Bob Hildreth

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Ging Mathers Quotes

"Don't be discouraged because you cannot do much for God. It's not our ability but our availability that is important. Give what you are to Christ. Be sensitive and responsive to what He wants to do. Trust Him. He will surprise you with what He can do through you!" ~Ging Mathers 

"Earth has no words that can convey the holy calm of the soul leaning on Jesus." ~Ging Mathers🌻

"Everything we do in this life, on this side of heaven, is Kingdom oriented. There will always be pruning, planting, watering and growth. Different seasons have different experiences—but our dear God is ALWAYS up to something beautiful." ~Ging Mathers 

"God wants to walk with you through life every step of the way. Sometimes we fall behind and sometimes we try to run ahead of God. But God wants us right with Him, hand in hand." ~Ging Mathers

"Spend time in prayer and quiet contemplation. Things have a way of revealing themselves when you’re listening to God." ~Ging Mathers

STAN GRANT Quotes and Speech

"Every time we are lured into the light, we are mugged by the darkness of this country’s history." ~Stan Grant

"In 1963 when I was born, I was counted among the flora and fauna, not among the citizens of this country." ~Stan Grant

"Racism is Destroying the Australian Dream" ~Stan Grant IQ2 Debate

"The Australian Dream is rooted in racism. It is the very foundation of the dream. It is there at the birth of the nation. It is there in terra nullius. An empty land. A land for the taking. Sixty thousand years of occupation. A people who made the first seafaring journey in the history of mankind. A people of law, a people of lore, a people of music and art and dance and politics. None of it mattered because our rights were extinguished because we were not here according to British law." ~Stan Grant

"Thousands of voices rose to hound an Indigenous man. A man who was told he wasn’t Australian. A man who was told he wasn’t Australian of the Year. And they hounded that man into submission." ~Stan Grant

"We're all living under the weight of our history." ~Stan Grant, The Australian Dream in cinemas August 22, 2019

By Stan Grant on IQ2 Racism Debate 2015

“Thank you so much for coming along this evening and I would also like to extend my respects to my Gadigal brothers and sisters from my people, the Wiradjuri people.

In the winter of 2015, Australia turned to face itself. It looked into its soul and it had to ask this question. Who are we? What sort of country do we want to be? And this happened in a place that is most holy, most sacred to Australians. It happened in the sporting field, it happened on the football field. Suddenly the front page was on the back page, it was in the grandstands.

Thousands of voices rose to hound an Indigenous man. A man who was told he wasn’t Australian. A man who was told he wasn’t Australian of the Year. And they hounded that man into submission.

I can’t speak for what lay in the hearts of the people who booed Adam Goodes. But I can tell you what we heard when we heard those boos. We heard a sound that was very familiar to us.

We heard a howl. We heard a howl of humiliation that echoes across two centuries of dispossession, injustice, suffering and survival. We heard the howl of the Australian dream and it said to us again, you’re not welcome.

The Australian Dream.

We sing of it, and we recite it in verse. Australians all, let us rejoice for we are young and free.

My people die young in this country. We die ten years younger than average Australians and we are far from free. We are fewer than three percent of the Australian population and yet we are 25 percent, a quarter of those Australians locked up in our prisons and if you are a juvenile, it is worse, it is 50 percent. An Indigenous child is more likely to be locked up in prison than they are to finish high school.

I love a sunburned country, a land of sweeping plains, of rugged mountain ranges.

It reminds me that my people were killed on those plains. We were shot on those plains, disease ravaged us on those plains.

I come from those plains. I come from a people west of the Blue Mountains, the Wiradjuri people, where in the 1820’s, the soldiers and settlers waged a war of extermination against my people. Yes, a war of extermination! That was the language used at the time. Go to the Sydney Gazette and look it up and read about it. Martial law was declared and my people could be shot on sight. Those rugged mountain ranges, my people, women and children were herded over those ranges to their deaths.

The Australian Dream.

The Australian Dream is rooted in racism. It is the very foundation of the dream. It is there at the birth of the nation. It is there in terra nullius. An empty land. A land for the taking. Sixty thousand years of occupation. A people who made the first seafaring journey in the history of mankind. A people of law, a people of lore, a people of music and art and dance and politics. None of it mattered because our rights were extinguished because we were not here according to British law.

And when British people looked at us, they saw something sub-human, and if we were human at all, we occupied the lowest rung on civilisation’s ladder. We were fly-blown, stone age savages and that was the language that was used. Charles Dickens, the great writer of the age, when referring to the noble savage of which we were counted among, said “it would be better that they be wiped off the face of the earth.” Captain Arthur Phillip, a man of enlightenment, a man who was instructed to make peace with the so-called natives in a matter of years, was sending out raiding parties with the instruction, “Bring back the severed heads of the black troublemakers.”

They were smoothing the dying pillow.

My people were rounded up and put on missions from where if you escaped, you were hunted down, you were roped and tied and dragged back, and it happened here. It happened on the mission that my grandmother and my great grandmother are from, the Warrengesda on the Darling Point of the Murrumbidgee River.

Read about it. It happened.

By 1901 when we became a nation, when we federated the colonies, we were nowhere. We’re not in the Constitution, save for ‘race provisions’ which allowed for laws to be made that would take our children, that would invade our privacy, that would tell us who we could marry and tell us where we could live.

The Australian Dream.

By 1963, the year of my birth, the dispossession was continuing. Police came at gunpoint under cover of darkness to Mapoon, an aboriginal community in Queensland, and they ordered people from their homes and they burned those homes to the ground and they gave the land to a bauxite mining company. And today those people remember that as the ‘Night of the Burning’.

In 1963 when I was born, I was counted among the flora and fauna, not among the citizens of this country.

Now, you will hear things tonight. You will hear people say, “But you’ve done well.” Yes, I have and I’m proud of it and why have I done well? I’ve done well because of who has come before me. My father who lost the tips of three fingers working in saw mills to put food on our table because he was denied an education. My grandfather who served to fight wars for this country when he was not yet a citizen and came back to a segregated land where he couldn’t even share a drink with his digger mates in the pub because he was black.

My great grandfather, who was jailed for speaking his language to his grandson (my father). Jailed for it! My grandfather on my mother’s side who married a white woman who reached out to Australia, lived on the fringes of town until the police came, put a gun to his head, bulldozed his tin humpy and ran over the graves of the three children he buried there.

That’s the Australian Dream. I have succeeded in spite of the Australian Dream, not because of it, and I’ve succeeded because of those people.

You might hear tonight, “But you have white blood in you”. And if the white blood in me was here tonight, my grandmother, she would tell you of how she was turned away from a hospital giving birth to her first child because she was giving birth to the child of a black person.

The Australian Dream.

We’re better than this. I have seen the worst of the world as a reporter. I spent a decade in war zones from Iraq to Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We are an extraordinary country. We are in so many respects the envy of the world. If I was sitting here where my friends are tonight, I would be arguing passionately for this country. But I stand here with my ancestors, and the view looks very different from where I stand.

The Australian Dream.

We have our heroes. Albert Namatjira painted the soul of this nation. Vincent Lingiari put his hand out for Gough Whitlam to pour the sand of his country through his fingers and say, “This is my country.” Cathy Freeman lit the torch of the Olympic Games. But every time we are lured into the light, we are mugged by the darkness of this country’s history. Of course racism is killing the Australian Dream. It is self-evident that it’s killing the Australian dream. But we are better than that.

The people who stood up and supported Adam Goodes and said, “No more,” they are better than that. The people who marched across the bridge for reconciliation, they are better than that. The people who supported Kevin Rudd when he said sorry to the Stolen Generations, they are better than that. My children and their non-Indigenous friends are better than that. My wife who is not Indigenous is better than that.

And one day, I want to stand here and be able to say as proudly and sing as loudly as anyone else in this room, Australians all, let us rejoice.

Thank you.”

Source: The Ethics Centre


"Racism is its own virus." ~Stan Grant


Stan Grant is a Wiradjuri man and an Australian journalist. Highly awarded for his contribution to journalism, including a Walkley for his coverage on indigenous affairs. Stan has worked for the ABC, SBS, Seven Network, Sky News and CNN. He is also the best-selling author of Talking to My Country.

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Fredrik Backman - People

"People in the real world always say, when something terrible happens, that the sadness and loss and aching pain of the heart will 'lessen as time passes', but it isn’t true. Sorrow and loss are constant. But if we all had to go through our whole lives carrying them the whole time, we wouldn’t be able to stand it. The sadness would paralyze us. So, in the end, we just pack it into bags and find somewhere to leave it." ~Fredrik Backman

Sir Ian McKellen - Art

"Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow." ~Sir Ian McKellen

Sharon Novilla Quotes

"Be loud and proud of who you were and what you are now becoming as the result of your adversity." ~Sharon Novilla

"Being a star is a blessed gift. That means I shed light to the weary who walk at night." ~Sharon Novilla

‪"Pens tend to grow legs and goes for a walk. Never to be seen again." ~‬Sharon Novilla

"The moon has its phases and the sun keeps rising no matter what. You do the same. Fall in love with the process and the rest will come." ~Sharon Novilla

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Gina Lopez - Experience of life

“Life is what you make of it. The experience of life is how you see it. You can see it negatively or you can see even the seeming failures as a positive opportunity to grow. If we take on this positive bent, everyone around benefits. My consistent experience in life is that as long as one commits to integrity and service, there are Divine Forces that help. I feel it everyday, when I meditate in the morning, as I do my work.” ~Gina Lopez


Gabrielle Zevin - Older, smarter and better

"Someday, we’ll run into each other again, I know it. Maybe I’ll be older and smarter and just plain better. If that happens, that’s when I’ll deserve you. But now, at this moment, you can’t hook your boat to mine, because I’m liable to sink us both." ~Gabrielle Zevin

Craig D. Lounsbrough Quotes - Sunset

"At the moment that everything goes dark, the sunset in front of us becomes the whole story. But if we find courage enough to wait until tomorrow morning, we will suddenly come to understand that in reality yesterday’s sunset was only half of the story." ~Craig D. Lounsbrough

"Packaged inside of every mistake there lays a great lesson. And while I don’t want to take the mistake into the New Year, I most certainly want to take the lesson that’s packaged inside of it." ~Craig D. Lounsbrough

James Marsden - Sometimes

"Sometimes you just have to be brave. You have to be strong. Sometimes you just can’t give in to weak thoughts. You have to beat down those devils that get inside your head and try to make you panic. You struggle along, putting one foot a little bit ahead of the other." ~James Marsden

Nichiren Daishonin - Space of time

"‪I am just a speck of dirt
in one's fingernail.
Dormant in the space of time
and manifest its life on this earth
when the time is right
and the condition is perfect."
~Nichiren Daishonin

Source: Cecilia Delacerna


Cheryl Quejada-Canning Quotes

"Have you ever sat alone in a forest and noticed how life persists, how your existence is unnecessary for the beauty you witness? ~Cheryl Quejada-Canning

"Let the kindness of your character say more about you than what you see in the mirror." ~Cheryl Quejada-Canning

"Life is not the same for everyone, be grateful for who you are and for what you have." ~Cheryl Quejada-Canning

"Our hearts cheered up by really trivial things  - making quiet time, trying to sit under the sun, a warm meal and a sweet treat. I hope in your daily life, you will have   a little bit of time to heal." ~Cheryl Quejada-Canning

"When I am painting I completely lose myself in the process, nothing matters to me more than that specific moment." ~Cheryl Quejada-Canning

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“You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say ‘no more’, until you choose change. If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies of the comfort zone, you will awaken to love, you will become, you will be. You have everything you need. Choose to evolve. Choose love.” ~Creig Crippen

"You are responsible for your happiness. In fact, you create it. You attract it. You manifest it. You are the architect of your reality. You choose your thoughts, your perceptions, and your reaction to external forces. You possess all the tools needed to expand your awareness, to orchestrate the evolution of your consciousness, to choose happiness, to choose love. You are that powerful. Create the life you deserve." ~Creig Crippen

Jo Walton - Sunrise, Sunset

"There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them." ~Jo Walton

Quotes on ACTIONS and DEEDS

"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention." ~JP

"The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions." ~Confucius

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Romain Rolando - Heart

"Strange is the heart! You never know what rises from it and where it takes you." ~Romain Rolando

Chris Hild - Verse

"The fire in our heart glows
The earth in our bones grows
The air in our lungs blows
The water in our veins flows
The Spirit in our mind knows"
~Chris Hild


Germany Kent Quotes

“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.” ~Germany Kent

“Don't live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.” ~Germany Kent

“Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions. Once expressed, it changes attitude, brightens outlook, and broadens our perspective.” ~Germany Kent

“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.” ~Germany Kent

“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” ~Germany Kent

"Never give up hope. All things are working for your good. One day, you’ll look back on everything you’ve been through and thank God for it." ~Germany Kent

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” ~Germany Kent

“To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not.” ~Germany Kent

“Your strength doesn't come from winning. It comes from struggles and hardship. Everything that you go through prepares you for the next level.” ~Germany Kent

“When God is ready for you to move, He will make your situation uncomfortable.” ~Germany Kent

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Sir James Jean - Stream of knowledge

"The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” ~Sir James Jeans, Pioneering physicist

R.C. Henry - Creates reality

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction." ~R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005

Dhammavadaka Sutta - Opinions or advice

"Speak quietly and kindly and be not forward with either opinions or advice. If you talk much this will make you deaf to what others say, and you should know that there are few so wise that they cannot learn from others." ~Dhammavadaka Sutta

Dr. Richard Teo Keng Siang - Focus on essentials

“When I faced death, when I had to, I stripped myself of everything and I focused only on what is essential. The irony is that a lot of times, only when we learn how to die then we learn how to live.” ~Dr. Richard Teo Keng Siang


Isaac Fowler - Authenticity

"Your imperfections are marks of authenticity. And that is the beauty of you." ~Isaac Fowler

Liberace - Believe in yourself

"Nobody will believe you unless you believe in yourself." ~Liberace

Chris Norton - On challenge

"We all have the power to push past life's challenges." ~Chris Norton


Tony Valenciano - Man's earthly existence

"To my understanding, one can get it all wrong anthropomorphizing GOD, for GOD is not a person but an eternal, omnipresent, immutable PRINCIPLE, beyond human description which to do so shall only dwarf it. IT is the omnipresent LAW at work behind the entire universe. There's not a thing that is free of God. Everything is surrounded by God like fish in the Ocean or, an eagle soaring up surrounded by the sky and air to buoy it up. So that simply obeying and living according to NATURAL law is already adoring and worshiping God. Hence, no need for organized religion to back up Man's earthly existence. One ought instead to practice full awareness of what is happening within and without oneself or, what IS without judgment, moment to moment. Does that make sense? What sayeth? ~Tony Valenciano

Alf Manciagli - Humanity

"You have to show the humanity of what goes on." ~Alf Manciagli, Photographer


Michael Mantell - Right words

‪"The words we use to describe our experiences, not the experiences, influences our frontal, temporal lobes and the structure of our thalamus, which is the part of the brain that acts as a center for perception, and changes in response to our words, thoughts, and feelings, affecting the way in which we perceive ourselves, others, and the world.‬ Using the right words can literally transform our reality." ~‬Michael Mantell

Sean Penn - Sensitivity

"Sensitivity is a strength and it's a mad world that turns it into a weakness." ~Sean Penn, actor and director

Anne Christian Buchanan - Time of transition

“To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched – along with body – making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.” ~Anne Christian Buchanan


Marianne Bernard - Struggles and trials

"The struggles and trials you suffer are always an opportunity for God to reveal his power to you.  Each time a painful situation brings you to your knees, use that position to give glory to God!  It frustrates the devil when you do.  Never let the enemy convince you to surrender in the heat of battle for you are nowhere near being defeated.  You have been made more than a conqueror through Christ and he is not about to let you fail." ~Marianne Bernard, Trusting God Through The Storm