"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"Be compassionate. Put yourself in others shoes, but keep your life free from the drama and negativity that are not yours." ~Nnie Que

"Be generous in giving yourself credit for everything you have faced. For the battles you have won. For the fears you've overcome. Don't shy. You're a warrior." ~Nnie Que

"Carve out some time for yourself and do something that brings you joy." ~Nnie Que

"Choices we make and paths we take create our lives. Take responsibility of your choices and paths. That's what makes us who we are today and what we can be in the coming life." ~Nnie Que

"Going through a rough patch and coming out on the other side. When I embrace my discomfort and confusion. When I don't run from fear or self-blame. When I trust that growth is always going to be part of my journey. Life continues to bring me deeper, knowing larger wonder and an ever-widening sense of awe. I get to do this thing. This thing I call my life." ~Nnie Que

"Growing up is all about learning to swallow our fears and fight through our tears. Without knowing where we are going, and where we may end up at." ~Nnie Que

"I'm done with the days I beat myself up for not living up to my expectations. I am beginning to let go of everything I can't control. I am not giving up on my dreams or desires. No, I'm not going down so easily. With every passing day, the rage seems to settle a little, the bitterness is now sounding like a symphony. I'm still inclined towards what I've always wanted, I'm still striving to achieve the best for myself. I am still headed in the same direction, but this time I am loving the footsteps more than lusting for the destination." ~Nnie Que

"I love solitude. Being alone allows me space to think, to understand my feelings, to process. To know me is to know that I must remove myself sometimes so I can reset, recharge and regroup." ~Nnie Que

"I only hear what I willingly have the curiosity and courage to listen to." ~Nnie Que

"I speak only for myself. What others choose to believe, know, understand and experience is completely their choice. It is no longer important to me that people agree or disagree with what I am saying. For the words I write are me talking about my experience in life." ~Nnie Que

"I will let the swirls and drama continue without my voice. For I know that they're simply sound and fury signifying nothing. This earth shall fade away - a tiny planet at the small end of one galaxy amid a vastness of so much life." ~Nnie Que

"In this last few days there has been a shift within me. I no longer seem to need to label and judge as I used to. I don't need to be the expert and have an opinion about how others should be. I can be present without being in-charge. A gently powerful easiness. A soft delight of peace." ~Nnie Que

"It takes courage to follow our heart's desire. We can't move forward without being brave." ~Nnie Que

"Let us always begin the day with a positive thought, no matter how hard things were. Today is a fresh opportunity to make it better. Our mind is like an umbrella in the rain, it won't keep us dry unless it's fully opened." ~Nnie Que

"Life is always beautiful even in its darkest and most chaotic moment." ~Nnie Que

"Look for beauty everywhere, in everything. It could be the sound of birds singing or the sun shining. Take the time to relax and enjoy the scenery. Sooner or later a natural gust of wind will take you where you want to be." ~Nnie Que

"Maybe love is like rain. Sometimes gentle, sometimes torrential, flooding, eroding, joyful, steady, filling the earth, collecting in underground springs. When it rains, when we love, life grows." ~Nnie Que

"Never allow the ugliness of other people diminish what is beautiful in you." ~Nnie Que

"One beautiful heart is more important than a million beautiful faces." ~Nnie Que

"One day you will be surprised by the sound of your own laughter, by the new beat of your own heart. One day you will realize it's been so long since you cried yourself to sleep or had to find a pillow to catch your echoing screams. One day it won't hurt as much as it used to. One day you will be ok. One day." ~Nnie Que

"Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something." ~Nnie Que, #SacredDreams

"The best things in life happen when we least expect them. The best stories begin with 'and all of a sudden...' The best adventures were never planned as they turned out to be. Let's free ourselves of expectations. The best will come from when and where unexpectedly." ~Nnie Que

"The early evening sky leaves joy and happiness in the hearts of all those who dare to look." ~Nnie Que

"The finest souls are those who take pain and avoided others have a taste of it. Unfortunately, only a few understand what this means." ~Nnie Que

"The line between helping others for the sake of others, and helping others for the sake of helping ourselves can become blurred. … Radical honesty with ourselves - that’s what keeps our motives in check. That’s what keeps us focused on being of service for the right reasons." ~Nnie Que

"The more you expose yourself to the thoughts of others, the more you’ll be influenced by them. Choose carefully. … Make moments of silence and solitude part of your day. You need them more than you realize." ~Nnie Que

"The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us. May we journey wisely." ~Nnie Que

"The Universe’s timing is always perfect. You’re right where you’re meant to be, with exactly what you’re meant to know. Do not stress." ~Nnie Que

"There are things we don't want to happen, but have to accept. Things we don't want to know, but have to learn. And people we can't live without, but have to let go." ~Nnie Que 1 August

"There is no other place that I can live but in this breathe, in this thought, in this beat of my heart. Let my breathe be peaceful. Let my thoughts be conscious. Let my heart feel deeply." ~Nnie Que

"There is only one rule in the game of life. Always learn from your mistakes. You must struggle to survive but don't be greedy to succeed at the expense of others." ~Nnie Que

"We are our own torch bearer and our own strength. We need to understand it as soon as possible without depending on anyone else for validation and support, but find our strength and light within." ~Nnie Que

"We have short time on this planet. Take the time to revel in all the good things it can offer because we never know when it’ll be over." ~Nnie Que

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