"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A civilized society is a place for cultivating consciousness, prosperity and peace. Instead today, we are living in a world where nuclear plants are legal and real plants are not." ~from The Mind Unleashed

"All people, places and circumstances in life are fodder for spiritual advancement. Tears are a spiritual release. Hearing a song on the radio that reminds us of someone is a clue from the Universe to send that person love and compassion. Seeing someone else go through something horrible and thinking, “that could have been me,” is a reminder to be thankful." ~The Mind Unleashed

"Anxiety often comes hand-in-hand with a high IQ, a sensitive soul, a creative nature, a drive for achievement, and the simple inclination to care too much." ~The Mind Unleashed

"In order for oligarchical collectivism to take hold - where the few benefit over the many without recognition or revolution - hatred must be infused. Hatred leads to the “us and them” mentality which convinces people to kill and be killed in the name of an institutional godhead. The more repressive an institution, the more hatred they will instill." ~from The Mind Unleashed

"It takes a big heart to teach little minds." ~Abbie Burke C. 

“Look in the perfumes of flowers and of nature for peace of mind and joy of life.” ~Wang Wei

"The irony is that some men use money to attract women but hate gold diggers; and some women use their body to attract men but hate to be viewed as "sex objects." ~The Mind Unleashed

"The times we acted with courage and faced our pain, fear, and sadness will be the moments when we smile the biggest." ~The Mind Unleashed

"What we truly seek can be found only within our own hearts. When we seek an outside goal, this is an indication that our own hearts long to be understood. Striving for something outside ourselves causes us to forever remain a seeker." ~The Mind Unleashed

"Wisdom discloses Truth in ways that cannot even be explained with a thousand books, a million teachings from religious figures, or a hundred million facts memorized and assimilated. Wisdom is so pure, that even language corrupts it." ~The Mind Unleashed

"Wisdom is timeless. It can only be arrived at with discernment and the development of our consciousness to a level that understands paradox and true freedom." ~The Mind Unleashed

"Without healing our childhood wounds and forgiving our parents, we stay emotionally stuck at the age of our earliest wounds, repeating that suffering as adults." ~The Mind Unleashed


"But if we don’t guard our time, our ability to be kind erodes." ~Caroline, A Wish Come Clear (from The Mind Unleashed)

"When you don’t owe anyone an interaction … you’re free to give from the heart." ~Caroline, A Wish Come Clear

"Your job is to live with love and integrity." ~Caroline, A Wish Come Clear (from The Mind Unleashed)

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