"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A better leader strives to exceed the predecessor, the mediocre is content to be simply a successor and the inferior underperforms." ~Joffre Balce 

"A government has no right to demand obedience and respect. It has a duty to earn them and a responsibility to deserve them." ~ Joffre Balce

"A Golden Age is preceded by the Rise of the Plebes exceeding the Oligarchy in governance than in violence." ~Joffre Balce, #HistoryIsOurWitness

"A good general believes in his lieutenants' abilities fight their own battles and will not interfere." ~‪Joffre Balce‬

"A life fully lived is always an inspiration!" ~Joffre Balce

"A nation has a right to resist encroachment by a foreign power but forfeits that right if it consents to be occupied." ~Joffre Balce

"A nation that willingly subordinates its interest to another nation in exchange for security has no sovereignty. It is a colony." ~Joffre Balce 

"A positive-sum economy attains peace and development. A  weaponised economy does exactly the opposite!" ~Joffre Balce 

"A proper economic framework based on honest to goodness economic efficiency can go a long way." ~Joffre Balce , March 27, 2017

"A rising tide lifts all boats equally but doesn't turn all boats equal and alike. Each individual is the captain of their soul." ~Joffre Balce

"A war is looming over the horizon ... a war for good governance against conflicts of interest, a war to uphold the very basic rights to life vs the legal fiction of corporate rights to projected earnings." ~Joffre Balce

"Accepting inconvenient truths and rejecting lies that one thought make life bearable take wisdom and courage." ~Joffre Balce,  #HistoryIsOurWitness

"Acid test of governance is the application of defined standards on oneself before others." ~Joffre Balce 

"Alarm, then calm, then alarm, then calm ... will control a herd for a time but doesn't assuage, it stirs mindless panic." ~Joffre Balce,  #Educate

"All Empires and great fortunes end. Problem is whoever loses their bearings most spitefully want to take the world with them." ~Joffre Balce

"All I want is to apply what I've learned in science, economics, law, health and philosophy. All I want to see is a civilisation living in consistency with the principles it espouses.//
Methinks, it is too much to ask but I won't abandon the cause and won't embrace the despair, darkness or any conjecture offered me until there is indubitable evidence." ~Prof Joffre Balce

"Always manage expectations and you'll never be disappointed." ~Joffre Balce

"Among my scariest moments as a child was to have actually seen a chicken run after its head was chopped off." ~Joffre Balce 

"Aristocracy never leads to democracy; it presumes a government by the "best" and therefore of and for the "best" and not the rest." ~Joffre Balce (2019)

"As I observe people missing the context, point and lesson, I prefer to move on with silent reflection, deliberation and resolution." ~Joffre Balce, May 15, 2019

"At this point in Philippine history, reform must no longer be eventual. It has to now be inevitable. It was never about regime change. It was always about systemic change." ~Joffre Balce

"Be always suspicious of the politician, activist or intellectual that pushes you into the narrative of a false dichotomy but cautions you to not think for yourself, lest you sound like the enemy. They are not for reform; they simply seek numbers." ~Joffre Balce (HistoryIsOurWitness)

"Be for the people, clean and peaceful democratic processes and equality in rights under a common rule of law." ~Joffre Balce

"Behind every measurable outcome, more than ideology, is an algorithm." ~Joffre Balce

"Beware the scapegoat fallacy. Blame someone or something for failure, sacrifice them on some altar and the problem will remain." ~Joffre Balce 

"Blessed are leaders that embody the principles they espouse. Wicked are those who prey on the people's ignorance and naivete." ~Joffre Balce

"Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see
Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly.
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on ..."
~Joffre Balce

["But those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart ..."

~Joffre Balce, 25 August 2024]

"Capitalism is not democracy. Neither is communism. Both presume a rule by an enlightened class and derogate a government of, for and by the people as populist when it disagrees with them." ~Joffre Balce

"Community is where nature and nurture meet." ~Joffre Balce 

"CoViD-19 doesn't kill. It's the weakening of the immune system which does. So while waiting for the vaccine from which billion$ will unavoidably be made, let us build up our immune system by proper diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Don't wait for government policy to give instructions on how to live." ~Joffre Balce

"Describing how technology works does not mean that it is actually how it is working." ~Joffre Balce, May 8, 2020

"Digong returned to Davao after his law studies and served its people through the worst time to to be there to its exemplary state. He collected no debts of gratitude to get elected. He simply promised the best local governance he possibly could and a satisfied constituency affirmed his accomplishments.... He did not have to die to prove his heroism. ...I suggest politicians go do the same." ~Joffre Balce, November 30, 2017

"Diplomacy doesn't work on organised crime. It does with victims of wars that the Philippines doesn't support. Countries that declared illegit wars and insidious interventions won't take in those seeking refuge from their policies of aggression." ~Joffre Balce (April 2018)

"Doing good does not need gratitude or public office, just a kind heart and noble intentions ." ~Joffre Balce (2019)

"Don't look at life with regret if one has lived it as an adventure." ~Joffre Balce (2021) 

"Don't take sides in a race to the bottom; only support those who wish to excel and  everyone up." ~Joffre Balce,  5 February 2025

"The presence of charities give the illusion that we are a caring society. A truly caring society would make charities obsolete." ~Joffre Balce 

"Duty of care and dignity of risk are necessary not just in health but in the general application of equality in rights." ~Joffre Balce (April 28, 2020)

"Economics needs simplicity. So does democracy." ~Joffre Balce

"Elite envy and contempt for the poor are incompatible with championing the rights of the oppressed and the cause of social justice." ~Joffre Balce

"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom but oppressors, even after falling from their roost, keep opportunistic vigil as well." ~Joffre Balce (June 2018)

"Even in soccer, one will notice how the world has changed. Understand it. Work with it. In the face of change, wisdom bears no rancour in her heart. Her absence does." ~Joffre Balce (June 2018)

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Keep auditing." ~Joffre Balce, November 28, 2017

‪"Ever seen a wall, a road or even a building broken by vegetation?" ~‬Joffre Balce, 2019

"Explore the essence of fractal geometry, chaos and catastrophe theories. Human nature finds a way." ~Joffre Balce (2018)

"Fear, desire and ignorance in all their forms are the control levers of tyrannies. Let's make sure we don't use them on others." ~Joffre Balce, 2024

"Fear not everyone, except those who invested in people's insecurities! Truth and reason that liberate will always triumph over those who thrive and profit from fear,  ignorance and naivete." ~Joffre Valve, May 2, 2021

"Fear of threats or the unknown and desires for quick fixes and satisfaction are the best ways to sell to the reactive and un-reflective." ~Joffre Balce

"Filipinos who resort to neoimperialist powers to depose a legitimately elected and popularly supported President is continuing a historical practice that has hampered a nation and people's progress for 120 years of its existence. We have had enough!" ~Joffre Balce

"Freedom to associate implies freedom to dis-associate. Democracy (association in equality) is first measured by mutual respect." ~Joffre Balce, May 12, 2020

"From whom we wish to learn, we ask questions. To whom we wish to teach, we show how. Who we set free must free us as well." ~Joffre Balce,  18 December 2023

"Funny but envy drives the envious to spread their suffering with others so they may ultimately dump it all on whomever they envy." ~Joffre Balce,  April 27, 2021

"Giving up, being mute or even half-hearted about electoral reform after one has won is a surefire sign of insincerity." ~Joffre Balce 

"God gladly responds to prayers for someone's long happy life than bitter ones intended for another's early end." ~Joffre Balce, June 26, 2021

‪"Governments and public works cannot run on the basis of operational profits. It requires economic rents -- the common wealth -- manifested in land values." ~Joffre Balce ‬

"Grace under pressure finds courage. Pursuing a win-win outcome finds economic efficiency. Sharing knowledge finds enlightenment." ~Joffre Balce 

"Growth is not necessarily development. Development is not necessarily growth. Just like weight does not necessarily reflect health nor is health necessarily reflected in weight. …Economic growth in itself is not evil but prioritising it above all else is." ~Joffre Balce

"He's a victim of economic hit men and jackals brutally judged and executed in the name of democracy." ~Joffre Balce on Gaddafi

"Heroes die so others may live and not have to die too. Heroes survive Hell so others need not go through it. Cowards do otherwise." ~Joffre Balce

"Hierarchy of evidence over a hierarchy of authority. Problems arise when it is the other way around." ~Joffre Balce #HistoryIsOurWitness

"Hostage capitalism" in action. Next time neolibs say jobs are more important than the environment before they plunder your natural resources, remember this. They want you in a position where you have no choice." ~Joffre Balce, March 23, 2018

"How can you expect politicians to reform the very system they profit handsomely from? #ElectoralReform being swept under the rug?" ~Joffre Balce, August 7, 2018 on Electoral Fraud

"Human lives and human rights isn't a false dichotomy when the clear and present danger to country and enemy of the people don't care for either and take away both." |~Joffre Balce, July 26, 2018

"I believe this was the day I was truly grateful for being an aged carer ... of my very own parents at that. Any personal worldly aspiration and ambition paled in comparison to the joy and gratitude I realised that day." ~Joffre Balce, July 2018

"I've never seen a medical  science community so divided over a policy that unites political rivals and where socmed plays referee!" ~Joffre Balce, August 13, 2021

"I live with the humility of a mortal who can die anytime, maybe later or tomorrow, and grateful for the privilege of reuniting with them, other dearly departed and forebears I've never met but to whom I owe a great debt. Yet, to honour their memory would still be to strive in life as if I were immortal, uncovering the past as if to endeavour to relive an important memory, from the very beginnings of the Cosmos to the rise of civilisations, and to dream and plan as if I were immortal who will still enjoy the shade and fruits of trees whose seeds I planted that I thought I would never see albeit it in my fantasy, and to witness the dying embers of the Universe itself and to live forever or to die trying." ~Joffre Balce, May 28, 2021

"I sincerely hope that the meek will inherit the Earth with the powerful exterminating each other." ~Joffre Balce

"If electoral politics has been commercially compromised, so has government and  the rule of law." ~Joffre Balce, 1 May 2021

"If people lose faith in the electoral process and system, it is the process and system that must change, not the people's faith or lack thereof in them." ~Joffre Balce

"If fake news is an obvious lie, rhetoric with a hidden contrary agenda is more dangerous to freedom." ~Joffre Balce,  6 February 2025

"If someone doing a better job is making you look and feel bad, that someone isn't the problem -- YOU are." ~Joffre Balce, December 1, 2017, HistoryIsOurWitness

"If the wolf can wear a sheep's wool, the sheep can also wear a wolf's hide. The difference is in the intention and outcome." ~Joffre Balce

"If you borrow more than what is needed, you eventually pay back more than what you are able." ~Joffre Balce (HistoryIsOurWitness)

"If you seek peace, improve your exchanges in mutual respect. If you seek discord, use, exploit and dominate others. If you seek war, you’ll find it." ~Joffre Balce

"If your choice is down to two kind of politics: the promise of right rhetoric and a history of disappointment #30YearsAfterEDSA; and, the reality of wrong rhetoric and hope in a proof of concept in Davao City, which would you choose?" ~Joffre Balce, April 6, 2017

"I'm all for good old fashioned empathy on which the Golden Rule is based." ~Joffre Balce, June 19, 2020

"In a city where there is growing homelessness, it is a scandal to have unoccupied units. Living in squalor raises proneness to exploitation by organised crime." ~Joffre Balce, April 6, 2017

"In a contest to exact justice, war will continue. In a contest to be merciful and contrite, peace reigns." ~Joffre Balce 

"In a democracy, each has an equal right to be heard and an equal responsibility of mutual respect." ~Joffre Balce (2019)

"Is victory sweeter when, in your silence, your opponents spin more rope to hang themselves with?" ~Joffre Balce

"It's about them controlling you with what they believe is good for you but better for them and not your becoming free and fully alive." ~Joffre Balce

"It's easy and  a no-brainer to trigger fear or blame a scapegoat. It takes thinking to come up with a solution or better system." ~Joffre Balce 

"It has always been the ordinary proactive Filipinos refusing to panic who end up saving the nation! Mabuhay!" ~Joffre Valve,  #HistoryIsOurWitness April  2021

"It is my calling to foster free expression and dialogue in the pursuit of truth in mutual respect for human dignity." ~Joffre Balce

‪"It is not what the eyes see that should matter but what the heart hopes for." ~Joffre Balce ‬

“It is the cry of the innocents that the Heavens hear.” ~Joffre Balce

"It must not be perfection one seek in some bygone age in history but the lessons in the human endeavour for it. Hide not our recriminations, rather, learn from them." ~Jore Balce

"Judges are meant to ensure the integrity of a trial's information flow and pass the sentence and juries are entrusted to deliberate beyond any reasonable doubt the verdict based on evidence and procedure." ~Joffre Balce, October 27, 2019

"Just as the physical sciences must question tradition and religion, so must social science that involves universal principles of mutual respect and equality in rights, the duty of care and dignity of risk must question the practice of the physical sciences." ~Joffre Balce, April 29, 2020

"Just as there are enough nukes to end civilization more than once, there's enough money to end hunger, illiteracy and homelessness." ~Joffre Balce, May 9, 2020

"Justice requires confronting injustice. Humanity requires confronting inhumanity." ~Joffre Balce

"Knowing that the US rather gave one Balangiga Bell to Korea than return it to Filipinos, despite being allies, breaks my heart." ~Joffre Balce, July 27, 2017

"Knowing the pain of being wrongfully accused, refuse to do the same to anyone. Honour before victory." ~Joffre Balce, #VoterEducation

"Let history no longer be written by the victors but by the truthseekers, truthsayers and peacemakers. Let the powerful not upstage the people themselves." ~Joffre Balce , 20 November 2018

"Life. You let it happen or you make things happen. Either way, it's both mystery and surprise." ~Joffre Balce 

"Life and Death. Victory and Defeat. Gain and Loss. Pride and Shame. Light and Dark. Good and Evil.
The duality of life are like the two wolves on Loyola's Coat of Arms. Are you one of the wolves fighting for what is in the kettle or a noble of Loyola, able to generate and share abundance so there is more than enough for all, even for the wolves? Or are you from the rival principalities that fear there is only scarcity and that the wolves will become hungry and ravenous then turn on you?" ~Joffre Balce, August 1, 2018

"Like the best carpenters don't blame their tools, the best politicians don't blame the people." ~Joffre Balce

"Looks like the UN does not want to have the standards they apply on others to themselves. No wonder the planet resembles a Third World country more than a First World one." ~Joffre Balce

"Many from EDSA may have abandoned
The colour of yellow they had once loved
Donning others like black, white, red or green
So a tarnished image may seem again pristine.
Or out of opportunism or political survival
Switched party loyalties for reasons so banal. 
Others constant to the principles involved
Did not go astray but simply evolved
To open new horizons, reluctant yet bold
Those no longer yellow but turned to gold."
~Joffre Balce
November 8, 2018

"Many times, the stories people tell are a window with which to peer into their very souls." ~Joffre Balce

"May the world discover cooperation that produces synergy to replace the competition that worsens scarcity." ~Joffre Balce 

"May we uncover and examine more cradles and schools of inhumanity and close them forever." ~Joffre Balce

"Minds clouded in hate can't expect to think straight; hearts mired in desire, fail to love any higher." ~Joffre Balce

"Monopoly increases scarcity, privatising utilities exacerbates it. Cooperation generates synergy, mutualising utilities enhances it." ~Joffre Balce

"More weaving the various parts of the elephant we as the blind touch so that, in our mind's eye, we can approximately visualise reality in its entirety." ~Joffre Balce, January 10, 2022

"Most applicable and appreciated by those with the courage and discerning wisdom to peer into the mirror and remove the beam from their own eyes first before removing the speck from the eyes of others." ~Joffre Balce

"Mutual respect and self-respect enhance and not diminish, each other. It begins with the control of self to desire to control others." ~Joffre Balce, April 27, 2021

"Nations who either obsess or forget the past and with no vision of the future are impoverished in the present." ~Joffre Balce

"Natural law is the final judge. If I’m wrong, I learn. If I’m right, the wise learn and sadly only the fool is worse off either way." ~Joffre Balce

"No amount of swearing will ever express the true rage of a people whose agency and sovereignty has been stolen by leaders who blame them for mediocrity." ~Joffre Balce

"No social justice without historical justice. No human rights unless there is association in equality. The struggle of the First Peoples of Australia is the struggle of all oppressed peoples." ~Joffre Balce

"Not everything of value has a price. Not everything that has a price is of value." ~Joffre Balce

"Nothing like music, song and dance to make a memory last." ~Joffre Balce 

"Nothing like a Royal Family to show the world the difference between dignity and drama, showcase and love, leadership and politics." ~Joffre Balce

"Nothing works better than a red flag versus foreigners to distract people from the socioeconomic injustices that aggravate the stress of the middle working class and those already marginalised by the state and corporatocracy." ~Joffre Balce

"On the importance of integrating play and schoolwork-homelife balance in child education and for adults to never lose touch with their inner child." ~Joffre Balce

"Our very existence provides currency under our very noses. We call it time." ~Joffre Balce

"Over time, I measure power less by wealth, information and might but more by earnest learning, empathy and detachment." ~Joffre Balce 

"Part of enlightenment is realising that what one has is enough and one doesn't need what one doesn't have." ~Joffre Balce 

"Peace is certain in the graveyard too." ~Joffre Balce

"People afraid to confront their history and the changes ushered in despite them have truly reason to fear. You don't have to say much. Just watch them panic." ~Joffre Balce, 6 October 2018

"People only want peace on terms wherein they control everyone and everything else." ~Joffre Balce

"PEOPLE POWER is no one's property, no one's monopoly. It is timeless, universal and can happen at any moment or place where people assert the truth of their equality in rights granted freely by nature so each may have the dignity to be all one can be. I have not given up on that promise. Neither has the promise given up on me." ~Joffre Balce, 25 February 2018

"People should best learn to leave the innocent children out of the political maelstrom their elders create. Allow them to choose their own path, excel and help build a better world on their terms." ~Joffre Balce, May 10, 2017

Photo credit to the owner 

“People who can't differentiate the hierarchy of evidence and the hierarchy of authority won't know if they live in tyranny.” ~Joffre Balce

"People who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. A cliché but true still." ~Joffre Balce, August 22, 2021

"Pity the naive who allow themselves to be unwitting blind instruments of their ideological rhetoric." ~Joffre Balce

‪"Poetry is the creation of, by and for the soul." ~Joffre Balce‬

"‪Poetry is to words as music is to dance." ~Joffre Balce‬

"Policies are more important than the personalities behind them who are less important than the vested interests that motivate them." ~Joffre Balce

"Politician provoke apprehension. Spinmeisters trigger reaction. Educators inspire proaction." ~Joffre Balce

"Politicians that have turned tail from the prospective exposés of a whistle-blower -- a self-confessed mastermind willing to reveal the masterminds behind her -- were never really sincere about their rhetoric." ~Joffre Balce

"Politics without principle leads to the end of civilisations." ~Joffre Balce

"Ponders that the fulfilled life is more a perspective than an ideal, more a decision than an ambition and more to be acted upon than to be just thought of over and over." ~Joffre Balce, 9 June 2009

"Poor leaders fear the most competent members in their circle. Great leaders don’t; they build and stand by them in good times and bad." ~Joffre Balce 

"Propaganda compels one to take a side and hate another. Philosophy works to define a problem truthfully to form a lasting solution." ~Joffre Balce, 2023

"‪Relationships should enhance each other's freedom and not restrict it." ~‬Joffre Balce

"Remembering the happiest moments in life is when you bring joy to those whom you love." ~Joffre Balce 

"Respect existence or expect resistance. Corollary is true. Expect resistance when you respect existence." ~Joffre Balce

"Rights are disrespected by those who sincerely believe that electoral fraud is needed in case voters elect the "wrong" candidate." ~Joffre Balce, on Suffrage: Justice For All (April 2018)

"‪Sadly, economic coercion begets violent conflict." ~Joffre Balce‬

"Scarcity arises not because there is not enough for everyone but because everything will never be  enough for some." ~Joffre Balce

"Sheep are made to fear wolves that eat their fill by protectors who sell their wool and mutton for profit."  ~Joffre Balce, #NessunDorma

"‪Silent waters run deep but when they become turbulent, they are a marvel to behold." ~‬Joffre Balce

"Slowly, it is becoming clear to Filipinos and probably the rest of the world.
The enemy is not Duterte. It is people and forces that have inhibited development so much that one country after another overtook the Philippines since 1946. The system has made enormous wealth for a select and knowledgeable few but continues to impoverish millions keep naive and ignorant and gave rise to economic rent-thieving, politically sponsored syndicated corruption and organised crime. You know who you are. People are getting to know who you are too." ~Joffre Balce (July 15, 2018) #HistoryIsOurWitness

"Society declines when the ostentatious, criminal and celebrity are emulated and the diligent, intellectual and sage are demonised." ~Joffre Balce, 26 August 2024

"Some pass on stuff to their children. Others leave principles to live by, traditions to cherish and a name they can take pride in." ~‪Joffre Balce‬

"Strike at the heart of the problem, then you can tell the symptoms which still must be dealt with from the causes." ~Joffre Balce

"Striving for virtue brings humanity closer to peace than all the levers of control that one group exerts over the rest." ~Joffre Balce,  17 March 2024

"Technology doesn't replace people. People who use technology replace people who don't." ~Joffre Balce 

"The best clients don't buy to own stuff but to share lessons and stories behind the experience." ~Joffre Balce 

"The call of adventure is singing in the wind ..." ~Joffre Balce 

"The correct fiscal policy ensures that a society that upholds its essential rights is not just necessary but affordable and pays for itself." ~Joffre Balce

"The coming elections may divide people along partisan lines but has the potential to unite all who are sick and tired of the "same old promises and rhetoric" and thirst for reform." ~Joffre Balce, 17 October 2018

"The Condition of Labour is a reflection of the state of social justice." ~Joffre Balce (July 2019)

"The Difference Between Civilization and Empire is one being an association based on equality in rights in the impartial application of the rule of law to uphold the self-determination of the individual. The other thrives on inequality, hierarchy, privilege and the motivation through fear the exploitation of naivete and the programming of thought." ~Joffre Balce

"The Global North must end their delusions and lies that their problems are the rest of the world's and admit they even caused some." ~Joffre Balce

"The greatest enemy of scientific methods isn't ignorance but vested interests who invest in fear and ego to define the problem set." ~Joffre Balce,  April 27, 2021

"The most beautiful thing about dreams is when you see them come true, even if it is some other place and time. It spoils the fun of naysayers." ~Joffre Balce

"The myth of every and any Empire is a claim of moral and ethical superiority over the conquered." ~Joffre Balce

"The next generation must always strive to be better than the previous. The previous generation must never insist that the next generation is their clone." ~Joffre Balce 

"The only failure is that we fail to learn. The only success is that we learn to take the next step." ~Joffre Balce 

"The people who want to cut your leisure and retirement also want you to work longer and entrust  your savings in their hands." ~Joffre Balce 

"The Philippines needs People Power -- a discerning, reflective and critical thinking kind -- now more than ever. Actually, the health of the world is at stake here. Remember, big Pharma and allies in the military-industrial-financial-entertainment complex will fight back more viciously over time." ~Joffre Balce, February 2018

"The plot thickens. Even in madness, there is method. Some people place a price on loyalty." ~‪Joffre Balce‬ on Andres Bautista, COMELEC Chairman's visit to BBM in Ilocos, 29 August 2017

"The progress of civilization should be an increase in self-employment, leisure and participation and not in debt, insecurity and marginalisation." ~Joffre Balce, July 2018

"The scale of homelessness throughout Australia is indeed due to mental health ... of the politicians and the vested interests they serve and not of the homeless." ~Joffre Balce

"The success or failure of democracy is not in the victory or defeat of your candidate but in the electoral process' integrity." ~Joffre Balce

"The systematic pillage of the Earth serving a minority who make scapegoats out of the deprived many isn't civilisation but Empire!" ~Joffre Balce

"The view I offer is neither the left wing's nor the right wing's but the bird's." ~Joffre Balce 

"The world can be a better place at no one's expense or loss. It is the truth. Calling it a platitude doesn't finish its value to the sincere." ~Joffre Balce 

"There are a number of conflicts of interest involved in commercialised elections and political appointments thereafter to Constitutional bodies -- loyalty to parties, businesses and law firns can be quite tricky." ~Joffre Balce, March 6, 2018

"There are two economics: one begins and ends with scarcity, the other reminds us to create wealth and serve one another with abundance." ~Joffre Balce 

"... there is a gnawing thought haunting many Filipinos that the very system, the power structure and syndicated corruption that replicates itself outside government and permeates business and religion, is too overwhelming for a good President to handle. This is why it is ripe for Filipinos to be involved in discussing the Constitution is a soul-searching chapter of history." ~Joffre Balce, #HistoryIsOurWitness

"There is always more to life than meets the eye!" ~Joffre Balce

"There is great poverty in the world and even greater inequity because behind every great wealth is a great crime. The super rich just don’t want to get caught how they do it." ~Joffre Balce

"There is no justice where there is no mutual and reciprocal care. Injustice arises where mutual and reciprocal care is lost." ~Joffre Balce

"There's nothing like the company of the succeeding generations." ~Joffre Balce, on my Family, December 8, 2021

"Those who are deluded that they learned the lessons of history will try to apply and repeat them ... but fail miserably." ~Joffre Balce

"Those who think out of the box are often misunderstood by those who think inside the box." ~Joffre Balce 

"Three generations in a flash. Being with family is the best part of any journey." ~Joffre Balce

"Tis an age and a global economy where identities and people's very souls can be bought and sold save but those money can't buy." ~Joffre Balce 

“To be free is to be capable of thinking one’s own thoughts - not the thoughts merely of the body, or of society, but thoughts generated by one’s deepest, most original, most essential and spiritual self, one’s individuality.”
~Rudolf Steiner (Philosophy of Freedom)

"To be scientific about religion
To be religious about science 
Are, in practice, both dogmatic 
When faith, hope and  love aren't beliefs
But how one forms character and integrity
And when the search for the truth,
Wherever it may lead 
Requires courage, calm and humility
To face the possibility that one can be wrong."
~Joffre Balce 

"To have been slapped on the other cheek is to have been treated as an equal by the oppressor. That's the context of turning the other cheek." ~Joffre Balce

"Treat your headspace as your home where guests critically poking into every nook and corner are unwelcome." ~Joffre Balce 

"True leaders don't pander to the crowd but sincerely inspire them to think for themselves." ~Joffre Balce, #VoterEducation #ElectionsPh2022

"True warriors for social justice will never bow to masters responsible -- either by complicity or participation -- for social injustices and inequality in the application of rights in the world, regardless of what realpolitik presents as an excuse." ~Joffre Balce

"Trusting a billionaire invested in big pharma to advise on health policy in a pandemic is like trusting a billionaire invested in arms to advise on peace policy during war." ~Joffre Balce, May 9, 2020

"Ultimately, it is what's within in us that can truly either edify or destroy us. Forces outside us are incidental in comparison." ~Joffre Balce 

"Veterans risked their lives to defend the nation. Isn't it RIDICULOUS to rob them of a respectable retirement in civilian life?" ~Joffre Balce

"Vilification is a manifestation of an inferior mind that does not wish to #DeepenTheConversation but to herd a 'sheeple'." ~Joffre Balce, May 9, 2020

"Waging war vs. crime is no crime unless the criminals are in charge of the battlefield." ~Joffre Balce

"Waging war vs. poverty is not a radical act unless it threatens to restore equality in rights." ~Joffre Balce

"War is when you you are made to pick sides. Revolution is when you seek the truth for yourself. Peace seeks a win-win result." ~Joffre Balce

"What is treason? What is good faith? How much should you know? Where does one's rights to privacy end and the duty of transparency begins? On whose shoulders does the burden of answering these questions lie?" ~Joffre Balce

"When and  where there's mutual respect for dignity, liberty follows. WIthout it, liberty of one is lost to the gain of the other." ~Joffre Balce 

"When conspiracy theory turn out to be conspiracy fact, scapegoats are sacrificed on the altars of the powerful." ~Joffre Balce

"When laws are so repressive that mutual respect for human rights is impractical and enormous wealth and power results from a lopsided rule of law, Anti-Terror Laws will only compel people to take sides but not solve the problem." ~Joffre Balce

"When one dies alone and all family and friends who should have been there in life outpour sympathy, regret and guilt is deep  tragedy." ~Joffre Balce

"When there is social justice and mutual respect for each other's human rights, no anti-terrorist law is necessary." ~Joffre Balce

"Whether virtuous or genius, moral and intellectual ascendancy are subtle as they are dangerous excuses for tyranny and control." ~Joffre Balce

"With technology liberating humanity from the vagaries of nature came the enslavement of the many through monopoly and exclusion." ~Joffre Balce

"Working for social justice is never an offence except to those who gain from social injustice." ~Joffre Balce


"The common denominator between health and the law is procedure. Vaccination used to require medical diagnosis as integral to the defence of civil liberties and human rights. Moreover, the manufacturers' liability was likewise a check to ensure that the patients' rights take precedence over an enterprise's entitlement to a legitimate and fair profit. …
Sometime in history, the landscape of the rule of law has changed and such checks have been waived. The state has acquired the mandate to vaccinate without free prior informed consent and pharmas have been spared legal accountabilities to patients that may have been harmed by their products and services.…
It begs the questions why it has all changed and has it all been worth it? If raising such questions and issues are unreasonable, please let me know why." ~Joffre Balce, #DeepenTheConversation, May 10, 2020

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

"When do a people rise to defend a Constitution? If and only if the Constitution has defended their rights as much, nothing less.
When do a people rise to challenge it to the extent of changing it? If it has only defended the privileges of the wealthy and powerful before anyone else's." ~Joffre Balce, #HistoryIsOurWitness #DeepenTheConversation

"When poverty and fear knock at your door, love and logic fly out the window. Thanks for the life lesson which I amended, Tatay.♥️" ~Joffre Balce 

"When the presence of a disease is directly proportional to profits, then there arises a conflict of interest." ~Joffre Balce 

"When will we learn that the way to tyranny is by disguising a rule by ultimatum as a democracy where there still is a choice?" ~Joffre Balce 

"While the fool can't always learn from the wise, only the wise can learn from the fool always." ~Joffre Balce 


Let's see how far this baby will go.

Just wanted to share a dream I had where I found myself in a lab and in a conference with researchers looking for an antibody and I just blurted out, if CoViD-19 came from bats and bats seem immune to the virus they passed on to humans, shouldn't we be looking into the bats as the course of immunity than the monkeys that share their habitat or the humans who eat them?

They all just silently gawked at me with jaws dropped, stood up and left the conference room. It was a comical end to the dream.
~JB, May 10, 2020


"Ideas, memories and noble aspirations outlasts property or a person's life. Invest in them by sharing them." ~Gregory Saggi

"The best sword is kept in its sheath." ~Sonjuro

"When ambition ends, happiness begins." ~Thomas Merton

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