"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority." ~Rick Warren

"A life skill you must learn is how to resolve conflict and reconcile broken relationships." -Pastor Rick Warren

"A quick decision that seemed harmless at the time can leave you broken and scarred years later." ~Dr. Rick Warren

"An anchor helps keep a ship safe in a storm, providing stability and protection from being tossed by waves." ~Pastor Rick Warren

"Confessing your sin is good for your health." ~Rick Warren

"Don’t settle for just achieving “the good life,” because the good life is not good enough. Ultimately it doesn’t satisfy. You can have a lot to live on and still have nothing to live for. Aim instead for “the better life” — serving God in a way that expresses your heart. Figure out what you love to do — what God gave you a heart to do — and then do it for his glory." ~Rick Warren from The Purpose Driven Life

“Every problem is a character-building opportunity “ ~Rick Warren

"Every storm is a school, every trial a teacher." ~Rick Warren

"Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you. Don't waste your pain; use it to help others." -Rick Warren

"Focus on your future to get through temporary troubles." ~Rick Warren

"Give it all to God: your past regrets, your present problems, your future ambitions, your fears, dreams, weaknesses, habits, hurts, and hang-ups." ~Rick Warren

"God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls, an coal into diamonds using time and pressure. He's working on you too." ~Rick Warren

"God formed every creature on this planet with a special area of expertise. Some animals run, some hop, some swim, some burrow, and some fly. Each has a particular role to play, based on the way they were shaped by God. The same is true with humans. Each of us was uniquely designed, or “shaped,” to do certain things." ~Rick Warren

"God made your body, Jesus died for your body, the Spirit lives in your body. You'd better take care of it!"
-Rick Warren

"God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personality, and life experiences unless he intended to use them for His glory. By identifying and understanding these factors you can discover God’s will for your life." ~Rick Warren

"God wants to meet with you each morning, but it means you have to make some sacrifices so you can make time for him." ~Pastor Rick Warren

"God wants us to think deeply on his goodness and loveliness. This is biblical meditation. The Bible says, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15). You need to regularly, repeatedly set time aside to quiet yourself and refocus your thoughts on the greatness and power of God." ~Rick Warren

"God's love is like an ocean; you can see its beginning but not its end." ~Rick Warren

"God's will is found in God's word. Stop looking for a sign, and start looking for a verse." ~Pastor Rick Warren

"Great opportunities may come once in a lifetime, but small opportunities surround us everyday." ~Rick Warren

"Humility is not denying your strengths, humility is being honest with your weaknesses." ~Rick Warren

"In the Bible, the friends of God were honest about their feelings, often complaining, second-guessing, accusing, and arguing with their Creator. .......God allowed Abraham to question and challenge him. God listened patiently to David's many accusations of unfairness, betrayal, and abandonment. God did not slay Jeremiah when he claimed that God had tricked him. Job was allowed to vent his bitterness during his ordeal. Be honest with God." ~Rick Warren

"In what areas of your life do you need to trust God completely? Trusting is an act of worship. Just as parents are pleased when children trust their love and wisdom, your faith makes God happy. The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” ~Rick Warren

"Instead of making a quick decision, step back, take a deep breath, and talk to God." ~Rick Warren

"It's more important to make the right decision than a fast decision." ~Rick Warren

"It is more rewarding to resolve the problem than to dissolve the relationship." ~Rick Warren

"It’s not just what you eat that matters; it’s what eats you. You can have all the right macrobiotics and organic food, but if your body is filled with resentment, worry, fear, lust, guilt, anger, bitterness, or any other emotional disease, it’s going to shorten your life." ~Rick Warren

"Life on Earth is a temporary assignment. When we act like this life is all there is and all that matters we miss the fullness of God's plan for you." ~Pastor Rick Warren

"Love leaves legacy. How you treated other people, not your wealth or accomplishments, is the most enduring impact you can leave on earth." ~Rick Warren

"Obedience unlocks understanding." ~Rick Warren

"Racism is a SIN problem, not a SKIN problem! Racism is an expression of narcissism." ~The Purpose Driven Life

"Real servants are faithful to their ministry. Servants finish their tasks, fulfill their responsibilities, keep their promises, and complete their commitments. They don’t leave a job half undone, and they don’t quit when they get discouraged. They are trustworthy and dependable. Faithful servants never retire. They serve faithfully as long as they’re alive." ~Rick Warren

"Remember that your character is the sum total of your habits. You can’t claim to be kind unless you are habitually kind—you show kindness without even thinking about it. You can’t claim to have integrity unless it is your habit to always be honest." ~Rick Warren

"Resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent." ~Rick Warren

"Simplicity is key when it comes to having an effective quiet time. Join Pastor Rick as he walks through six simple steps to having a quiet time that will start you on a rewarding devotional journey." ~Rick Warren

"Sometimes even little decisions are like the hinges that let a giant door swing—they seem so small but can completely change the direction of your life. Since decisions matter so much, be wise in how you make them." ~Pastor Rick Warren

"Sweet wine comes from crushed grapes. If you want God's anointing on your life, expect to be crushed." ~Rick Warren

"The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now." ~Rick Warren

"The Bible is God's word, and we need to rely in quiet confidence on His written promises." ~Rick Warren

"The Bible is your water and bread — you were never meant to live without it!" ~Rick Warren

"The bigger the ship, the bigger your anchor- Hope is the Anchor for your Soul." ~Rick Warren

“The closer you live to God, the smaller everything else appears.” ~Rick Warren

"The freedom to choose is man’s greatest blessing and also his greatest curse, because we make stupid choices all the time that harm us and everyone around us." ~Rick Warren

"The key to making wise decisions is to listen to God." ~Pastor Rick Warren

"The more you become God’s friend, the more you will care about the things he cares about, grieve over the things he grieves over, and rejoice over the things that bring pleasure to him." ~Rick Warren

"The most significant service is often the service that is unseen. In heaven God is going to openly reward some of his most obscure and unknown servants — people we have never heard of on earth, who taught emotionally disturbed children, cleaned up after incontinent elderly, nursed AIDS patients, and served in thousands of other unnoticed ways. Knowing this, don’t be discouraged when your service is unnoticed or taken for granted. Keep on serving God!" ~The Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren)

"The world changes when you see it differently." ~Rick Warren

"There is no limit to forgiveness. If you're keeping score, then you're missing the point." ~Rick Warren

"Trusting God is good for your health." ~Rick Warren

"We are often challenged to do “great things” for God. Actually, God is more pleased when we do small things for him out of loving obedience. They may be unnoticed by others, but God notices them and considers them acts of worship." ~Rick Warren

"We don't need to fight critics." ~Rick Warren

"We think temptation lies around us, but God says it begins within us.
An inanimate object does not have power, it does not tempt- the temptation comes from within ourselves, from within our hearts and our minds. The battle for repentance is as much an internal battle as it is an external one. As much as we don't want to put
ourselves into environments that tempt us to sin, we don't want to allow into ourselves that which leads us to sin. What we allow into our hearts and our minds leads inevitably to what comes out. One way to help fight the battle against sin- guard what you see, what you listen to, and what you think of. The Bible says out of the overflow of the heart does the mouth speak. We have to be careful about what we allow into our hearts, for it ultimately spills back out." ~Rick Warren

"We would rather talk about winning and overcoming than submitting and surrendering. But surrendering is the natural response to God’s amazing love and mercy. We give ourselves to him, not out of fear or duty, but in love, “because he first loved us.” ~Rick Warren

"What gives me the most hope every day is God's grace; knowing that his grace is going to give me the strength for whatever I face, knowing that nothing is a surprise to God." ~Rick Warren

"When God wants to make a mushroom, he does it overnight, but when He wants to make a giant oak, He takes a hundred years. Great souls are grown through struggles and storms and seasons of suffering. Be patient with the process." ~Rick Warren

"When I ignore what the Bible says, I only hurt myself. I don’t hurt God, I only hurt myself. The fundamental question, the most important question you’re gonna ask yourself in life is what is gonna be the final authority for my life? You need to decide that. I recommend you decide today. The bible says in Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." -Rick Warren

"When you get in God, you will be enthusiastic. It’s the kind of enthusiasm that isn’t affected by the economy or the weather or your circumstances. It’s eternal because you are tied to the eternal God. You are in Christ." ~Rick Warren

"When you live in light of eternity, trouble just doesn't bother you as much anymore." ~Rick Warren

"When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life." ~ Rick Warren

"Worry is like a poison or a fire. It burns you up inside." ~Rick Warren

"Worry is optional misery! You have many things that impact your health that you cannot control. But you can control the amount you worry!" ~Rick Warren

"You need God's mercy every second of your life." ~Rick Warren‬ ‪

"You were saved to serve God. God redeemed you so you could do his “holy work.” You’re not saved by service, but you are saved for service. In God’s kingdom, you have a place, a purpose, a role, and a function to fulfill. This gives your life great significance and value." ~Rick Warren

"You were shaped to serve God." ~Rick Warren

"You will never enjoy complete peace of mind until you have a relationship with the Prince of Peace." ~Rick Warren

"Your habits define your character." ~Rick Warren

"Your heart was made to hold God. Many times, though, people fill their lives with other ideas, interests, values, loves, and commitments." ~Rick Warren

"Your spiritual gifts were not given for your own benefit but for the benefit of others, just as other people were given gifts for your benefit. Because God loves variety and he wants us to be special, no single gift is given to everyone. Also, no individual receives all the gifts. If you had them all, you’d have no need of anyone else, and that would defeat one of God’s purposes — to teach us to love and depend on each other." ~Rick Warren

"Your weaknesses are not an accident. God deliberately allowed them in your life for the purpose of demonstrating his power through you." ~Pastor Rick Warren


"Every leader is a learner. The moment you stop learning you stop leading." ~from The Purpose Driven CHURCH

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