"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Lily Dancel Quotes

‪"I swear she was happy when I took those pics, she just really knows how to encapsulate the drama‬." ~Lily Dancel, October 31, 2019 on Bubba Zana re-enacting Mufasa's fall of The Lion King as told to Auntie Noemi Dancel (Zana-Boo redoing that scene from the lion king where Mufasa falls from the cliff)

"Happy 27th Australia Day Mum!! I now know that no one appreciates Australia like someone who knows how horrible and cruel the rest of the world can be — feeling grateful." ~Lily Dancel, 26 January 2014

Am I squandered on the world?
Cheapening existence through vanity?

"An awesome day, function on and we were kept busy, always rushing around to stay on time. The adrenaline is kept high because of the time limit." ~Lily Dancel (22/06/2005)

"I'm loving university and I can definitely say you are the reason I love study so much!" ~Lily Dancel, (8 March 2014)

"It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love more than herself." ~Lily Dancel.

 "Jade is known as the stone of heaven symbolizing goodness, purity, beauty and is thought of as a spiritual substance." ~Lily Dancel, Myth

"Just remember that life is sometimes a dark tunnel. But if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place." ~Lily Dancel

‪"Listening to this lady on the news talk about a group of teens preparing for a deb ball: 'It's like watching little slugs before the turn into beautiful snails'. Nature is amazing." ~Lily Dancel, November 29, 2016‬

"Love is like a warm ray on a winter morning
like a bubble bath of happiness
like a kind word to a hated soul
like an enchanted spell." ~Lily Dancel, Year 10 English schoolwork

Matterhorn Switzerland
(Courtesy by Precy Bierbaum)

"My ideal place is Utopia. A place of peace and serenity. Somewhere, where God is put before all things. Where creation is appreciated and everyone is happy." ~Lily Dancel, essay, December 2001

"My future is my Life. My own life to live!" ~Lily Dancel

"'Tis a lonely path all humans follow, trying to fill the void
With relationships, contact with others, family, friends."
~Lily Dancel, excerpt from her poem TO WONDER, Year 12
Wyndham College, Nirimba Education Precinct,
Eastern Rd., Quakers Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Wikipedia

"Understanding the world we live in is essential." ~Lily Dancel,20 August 2018

"We owe you a lot for turning out how we did!" ~Lily Dancel

"You are as tough as a warrior and as loving as a lion." ~Lily Dancel

"You're right mum. On the internet, the "truth" can be hard to come by. You deserve the truth, I'm sure God is looking out for you." ~Lily Dancel, 26 September 2014

"You haven't been to hell until you've spent two hours in a row polishing juice glasses. We had a tour of the hotel and that was cool. But I really, really hate polishing." ~Lily Dancel (22/06/2005)

"Your writing is a delight to the senses." ~Lily Dancel, July 20, 2021 on Mum's poetry 

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