"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel




“Have a heart soft enough to give love and mercy. But that is wise enough to know boundaries.” ~Kayil Crow 

"Although this world loves to stir up powerful storms, and endless fits of rage, it's because of those storms I have the strength to endure whatever comes my way." ~Kayil Crow

"Don't give up. Your life has a purpose. Is a purpose. You're merely a bloom out of season. In need of sunshine. But darling the most beautiful blooms take time to open up. There's always a seed before it grows into what it's meant to be." ~Kayil Crow

"Even in the storms, the violent winds and the destructive thunder, she danced with the raindrops." ~Kayil Crow

"Give yourself some grace. Yes I know the harsh punishment you place on yourself. I know because I'm guilty of doing the same. But you deserve grace. Don't be so hard on yourself, Because there's so much to life than living under the constant scrutiny you give yourself." ~Kayil Crow

"Holding on to hate is like drinking a disease. It corrupts your entire being, and will eventually kill you." ~Kayil Crow

"I followed my heart. It didn't always lead me in the right direction. But it always lead me to the exact place I needed to be. Home." ~Kayil Crow

"I only built these walls praying that one day someone like you would be strong enough to tear them down." ~Kayil Crow

"I still chase the dreams I set out for when I was young. Because I believe it's never too late to seek the desires of your heart."  ~Kayil Crow

"It's not about how we fall, the way we fall, or how hard we fall. It's about how we get back up, it's how we rise, and how we get back on our feet." ~Kayil Crow

"Know your worth. So you know when to walk away when someone is taking you for granted." ~Kayil Crow

"She had the type of power that bloomed roses into the minds of the ones who didn't believe in miracles." ~Kayil Crow

"She wanted certain things not many other girls talked about. She envisioned dreams of marriage, of a love that tattoos your very pulse. Not one night stands. But her mouth couldn't voice the desires of her heart just yet. Not until a similar soul comes along to show her that her dream was also his dream. And it would be the perfect time to start the dream of forever." ~Kayil Crow

"Thrive on the way you choose to grow. Not on how others think you should be growing." ~Kayil Crow