"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Shenni Waldron Quotes

"A speaker of truth has integrity." ~Shenni Waldron

"Every day a new story unfolds." ~Shenni Bubb, FB 2012

"Forgiveness shows who the better person is. Hanging on to grudges shows who the immature one is. Keeping hatred within makes one old before their time." ~Shenni Bubb

"Good relationships don't just happen. It's a two sided thing where both parties want the best for each other and want to be the best for each other. It's communicating and listening, really listening to each other. Its accepting each other, warts, faults... It's accepting them for who they are, not what they are. It's not allowing others to intrude on personal problems. It's true love when you stand by each other when the going gets tough but you don't get going. It's seeing the light at the end of the tunnel through hard times and encouraging each other instead of throwing the hands in the air and giving up." ~Sheni Waldron, 5 December 2014

"How many other states in Australia offer such diverse weather? Hot, cold, freezing, warm, scorching, rare and medium rare?" ~Shenni Bubb, FB, 18 January 2012

"If the shoe fits, wear it." ~Shenni Waldron

"If we listened all more to the elderly and their old ways, we would not have half as many problems as we do today." ~Shenni Bubb, FB

"If you're consistently negative, negativity will follow you everywhere. If you always think you're always in the right no one will even attempt to communicate with you. If you always deem others the cause of your personal problems you'll never learn from your own mistakes. If you never make yourself partially accountable for your own misery you'll never learn from your mistakes. If you make excuses for yourself but fail to have compassion for others with personal issues you're heartless. If you expect the best try being the best." ~Shenni Waldron

"It takes such little effort to lift another person's spirits."~Shenni Bubb, FB, 10 June 2012

"Life is a gift. One which all should embrace with passion. Passion for living it to the max and doing everything you possibly can to ensure it's a happy fulfilled life. Sitting on your laurels and hoping happiness falls in your lap will not lead to fulfillment. You make your own happiness. Often times we destroy our chances of happiness through being ungrateful for what we had. Other times for having too high expectations of others. Thus expecting family/ friends to jump through hoops for us. Yet making little effort to jump through the very same hoops themselves." ~Shenni Waldron, 5 December 2014

"Name calling, undermining others. Simply a devious act to direct attention away from oneself and his/her personal insecurities, poor traits, dysfunctional lifestyle and so forth." ~Shenni Waldron

"True friends are those that are honest with you at all times. They tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. They don't interfere with one's life or add more fuel to the fire when troubled times come. They never encourage hatred of any person. They help their friends to see the good in others not the bad." ~Shenni Waldron

"We learn so much as we walk our path in life; each path we take we gain a little more wisdom." ~Shenni Bubb, FB 1 March 2012

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