Today concludes the year 2022. Tomorrow it will become old. I'm thankful this year has brought me to a realisation and to understand the deep meaning of PEACE. How important it is in my life.
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel
Is me... Thank you everyone for your kind visit. Much appreciated. Keep safe and stay well. All the best!
FEATURED Quote: Zig Ziglar
The year end is almost here, it's time to say Thank You...
Photo credit to the Owner
Ibrahim Bnbanjida - History and culture
"Debate and divergence of views can only enrich our history and culture." ~Ibrahim Bnbanjida
Henry Glassie Quotes
"All art is an individual's expression of a culture. Cultures differ, so art looks different." ~Henry Glassie
"History is not the past, but a map of the past drawn from a particular point of view to be useful to the modern traveler." ~Henry Glassie
Sheryl Sandberg - Leadership
"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impacts last in your absence." ~Sheryl Sandberg
Tia Walker - Highest honours
"To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honours." ~Tia Walker
Pictorial Quotes created via CANVA
"Face life's challenges with grace."
"All the truth you'll ever need to know is found when you trust the beauty in your heart." ~Robert Clancy
Photo taken December 30, 2022
"The night taught me never to fear the dark times, by giving way to the dawn of a new day " ~Michael Bassey Johnson
"A Mother's Love is a fragrant aroma of a heart cake wafting through her kitchen chamber." ~Leah C. Dancel, International Women's Day, 8 March 2023
"Part of my life's journey is keeping a worthwhile hobby to spend my free time with." ~Leah C. Dancel, 3 February 2023
~Leah C. Dancel, 30 January 2023
"A well spent life is a life of contentment, gratitude and joy " ~Leah C. Dancel
(Live for today but hold your hands open to tomorrow. Anticipate the future and its changes with joy. There is a seed of God's love in every event, every circumstance, every unpleasant situation, in which you may find yourself." ~Barbara Johnson)
"Hold your dreams in your hands, wear them in your heart." ~Leah C. Dancel, December 22, 2008
Photo credit to the owner
"Our journey on earth is composed of poetry with lots of figure of speech best expressed in metaphors; thus describe the highs and lows of life." ~Leah C. Dancel, January 19, 2019
Taken from the Scenic World
On Family Weekend
November 19, 2022
"The light and the dark; two contrasting colours that was in time of the creation. So is life which is without contrast or contradiction." ~Leah C. Dancel, November 17, 2022
Photo credit to the owner
"It's normal that we go through tough patches in life, we thought would never end. Chin up and let the wind pass." ~Leah C. Dancel, 29 December 2022
“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” ~Rachel Carson
"True love doesn't limit itself to what comfort or convenience life can only offer to a loved one. It should be as "Eternal" as to the one from above, our Life Giver and constant Provider." ~Leah C. Dancel, 28 September 2011
"All the truth you'll ever need to know is found when you trust the beauty in your heart." ~Robert Clancy
Photo credit to Susan Isip Dancel with her younger Sister Naneth Dancel Sanchez
(Created via Canva 17 February 2023)
"Compassion arises when the jewel of the mind rests in the heart of the lotus." ~Jack Kornfield
Photo credit to Jean Grace Steck
"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~Victor Hugo
“The color of springtime is flowers; the color of winter is in our imagination.” – Terri Guillemets
(Created via Canva 6 February 2023)
“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” ~Tao
“There is a waterfall in every dream.
Cool and crystal clear. It falls gently
on the sleeper, cleansing the mind
and soothing the soul.” ~Virginia Alison
Quotes by BLACK ELK
The Wisdom of the Old
Pictorial Quotes created thru Canva
“Let every step you take upon the earth be as a prayer.” ~Black Elk
"The Holy Land is everywhere." ~Black Elk
Stacie Martin Quotes
"I find myself homesick for a place I do not know, but somehow have not forgotten." ~Stacie Martin
"When you stand up in front of the whole world unafraid to express your truth, you clear an easier path for others to do the same." ~Stacie Martin
Kwan Yin - Flower
Roadside Garden
Mona Vale
November 11, 2022
Quote lifted from Denia Claret
Leah C Dancel - Beauty in secluded sanctuary
Joseph Benedict Chiefly - Right, truth and justice
Photo credit to Ben Chiefly Monument
Augusten Burroughs - Good intentions
"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions." ~Augusten Burroughs
Joan Z. Borysenko Quotes
"Nature is another important aspect of nourishing the soul. After a hike in the mountains where we live, for instance, I feel a remarkable sense of gratitude and awe. My mind quiets down and allows me to see more clearly the beauty of creation. And through that gratitude, the beauty of the universe is reflected back to the creator." ~Joan Borysenko
"To nourish the soul means to become kinder, more compassionate, wiser, and more loving, often through the making of difficult choices that foster growth rather than safety. The nourishment and growth of the soul is the very reason for human life." ~Joan Z. Borysenko
Margery Williams - Time
“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby.
But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.” ~Margery Williams - The Velveteen Rabbit, 1923.
Wendy Suzuki - Exercise
"Exercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today." ~Wendy Suzuki on brain boosting power of exercise, TEDTalks
Cressida Campbell Quotes
I remember combinations of colours I see in houses, pictures, gardens, buildings, or sculptures here and round the world." ~Cressida Campbell, Exhibition, 24 September 2022 - 19 February 2023
Erica Layne - Rest
"Rest is not idle, is not wasteful. Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do for body and soul." ~Erica Layne
Erik Erikson - Play
"Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords." ~Erik Erikson
Source: Dance with me in the heart
Greg Crippen - Journey to love
"As you awaken, you will come to understand that the journey to love isn't about finding "the one", the journey to love is about becoming "the one." ~Greg Crippen
Source: Dance with me in the heart

"I would stress to acquire knowledge so as to use the knowledge to acquire my riches rather than using my energy in stress for riches.
Time will come that the energy will be robbed by the stress and nothing will be left to aid your struggles.But sound knowledge never diminishes .
Invest on knowledge acquisition,by God's grace,it hardly fails ."
@I'M Senison
"Our Memory is a Mirror of our Action.Constant self-evaluation is key to discover a new self." ~@I'M Senison
"The teacher who loves teaching teaches the learners to love learning" ~Ikwulono M Senison
"Where there is no meat of contentment, there is a bone of contention." ~I. M. Senison
Jason Rosenthal - Simple moments
"There is beauty in the simple moments that life has to offer." ~Jason Rosenthal, TEDTalks
Len Mesina RESARE Quotes
"Always remember.....It is the responsibility of intellectuals to expose lies, tell the truth, take stand for what is proper and uphold integrity no matter what, if possible." ~Len Mesina Resare, 28 August 2024
"Be there for everyone but never left yourself behind. Self care is necessary too." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Being too kind invites a lot of disrespect." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Can never be feign:
Aura, vibe, mindset, affection, goals, desire, attention, love, compassion, energy, calling, genes, intelligence, purpose and destiny." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Do not carry the burden that is not ours to carry. Focus on your own purpose, goals and dreams." ~Len Mesina Resare
"If a person brings bad luck or curse, never let him/her enter into your home. Energy, vibe and aura matters a lot.Be mindful instead, protect the ambience, peace, prosperity, warm and coziness of your home.If you know what I mean, you will get it." ~Len Mesina Resare,
#Just an unsolicited advise. ❤️
"It is so easy to burn bridges if that bridges will lead you to suffering and hell." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Maturity is not about understanding great big things in life but in understanding small things with empathy and tolerance." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Most highly intelligent and smart people are innately introvert and emphatic people that's why they have small circle of real friends. They have lower tolerance on drama, stupidity and nonsense, but they are very reliable people, always." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Most open minded people are bookworms, they read a lot." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Never consider yourself an eagle if you love hanging out with chickens, birds and pigeons." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Once in a while know how to stir the pot properly so that impurities will come out or surface." ~Len Mesina Resare
"People who loves using other people on their way up will eventually lost their balance and end up nothing, unable to find their way up again." ~Len Mesina Resare
"Smart and wise people can pretend fools, but fools can never pretend wise and smart." ~Len Mesina Resare
"We can never go wrong with kindness, humility, goodness and nobility." ~Len Mesina Resare
"When all efforts failed,harassment follows." ~Len Mesina Resare, 28 August 2024, KOJC under seige
"Wise, smart and clever people know how to follow their direction or path amid chaos, challenges, obstacles and adversities in their lives. They do not let their emotions overpower their intelligence." ~Len Mesina Resare
"You cannot satisfy an ungrateful heart and soul no matter how hard you explain and try. Move forward and live your life, but never forget to carry your gift of discernment with you wherever you go." ~Len Mesina Resare
President Choue Chung-won - Peace
Michelle Zatlyn - People
"People don't take opportunities because the timing is bad, the financial side unsecure. Too many people are overanalyzing. Sometimes you just have to go for it." ~Michelle Zatlyn
Suzette Portes San Jose - Words
"WORDS...always find its way to our hearts desire...sought the inner self into thy soul...capturing the infringement of every emotion...fusing them all in a captivating notion of feeling endowed by heart and body...mind and thoughts..." ~Suzette Portes San Jose
Leah C Dancel - Pressure cooker
"There are people who can't handle a pressure cooker for fear it might explode." ~Leah C. Dancel, September 15, 2022
Rachel Boston - Sunset
“There’s nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day." ~Rachel Boston
September 9, 2022
As a child, I remember wishing that somehow, I'd live in a country where it has its own queen. That came true when I moved to Australia. A woman born into a royal family and became queen for 70 years, had gone home to live in another royal kingdom under the reign of our King Jesus Christ. RIP your majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. ~Arlene
She was clothed in strength, duty to public service, dignity and grace. Rest in Eternal Peace! Our beloved Majesty Queen! Gretchen Hastings
Leah C Dancel - Faith and strength
"Faith is the only antidote to fear. Strength sustains a person who has faith no matter how much flaws you're drown in. Just don't give up. 'There's always a light at the end of the tunnel'." ~Leah C. Dancel
Tim Ritchie - Day of Joy and Freedom
"As the last few morning stars fade (above Sydney Harbour), the new day unfolds with the promise of serenity, but tinged with the knowledge that the daily grind will hit many in the next few hours.
Not for this bunny, I’ve a day of joy and freedom ahead of me." ~Tim Ritchie, Australia is Awesome
Baháʼu'lláh Quotes
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."
"All mankind are the fruits of one tree, flowers of the same garden, waves of one sea."
"In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love and from the nightingale of affection and desire loosen not thy hold." ~from The Hidden Words
"Let your vision be world embracing."
"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."
Featured Quote from Mahatma Gandhi
Macquarie University
Macquarie Park NSW
August 28, 2022
Cormac McCarthy - Power
"Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real" ~Cormac McCarthy
A. Philip Randolph - Freedom
"Freedom is never given; it is won." ~A. Philip Randolph
Connie Stevens - Smile
“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile." ~Connie Stevens
Veronika Jensen - Weight of Mountains
"Survivors don't always flaunt their wings, but when they do, you better believe them to be strong. They've carried a weight of mountains with no one to help." ~Veronika Jensen
Atty. Gil Marvel P. Tabucanon Quotes
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