"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"Beautiful flowers giving colors and freshness to Mother Earth fill our eyes of different hues and hazes with the myriad of rainbow colors and scents...  A bounty and food to fill the Spirit." ~Cecilia Delacerna

"Being old is a privilege like an old oak tree..weathered all storms...growing tall, trunks,  getting wider and mightier. That's just like us." ~Cecilia Delacerna

"Empowered life is powered by love of family." ~Cecilia Delacerna

"Gratitude is a compounded love, compassion and beauty we call it "Mystic Beauty" a source coming from a beautiful soul full of gratefulness." ~Cecilia Delacerna 

"I know the magnificence of sunset and breaking of dawn.  It's always there to amaze us, the wonders of nature that never cease to do its wonderful infinities." ~Cecilia Delacerna

"In friendship, acquaintances, long relationships, lending your ears, listening to one's thoughts is like a mirror...by understanding the other point of views is one of the most valuable tools for you to be understood too..a conversation cannot begin by negating the other's opinion, it has to start with listening, feel the other's thoughts, and trying one's best to understand. In a psychotheraphy..a doctor is listening, absorbing, retaining and trying to understand whats his patient is trying to go through you..healing comes from understanding the other...healing is being understood... is itself a breakthrough in every theraphy." ~Cecilia Delacerna 

"Life is a constant struggle. Every prayer leads you to challenge every suffering that comes your way. Nothing is the same in each moment of your life. Change is the only thing permanent that through our prayers we strive for a better change." ~Cecilia Delacerna 

"The basic instinct of caring for the young and the helpless, placed mothers as the champion of compassion and pure love,  the core of humanity." ~Cecilia Delacerna

"They (children) are the sources of my happiness. Nature give us something to hold on to life; even to life's imperfections, we viewed it as perfection of being, living in accord of what fate dictates." ~Cecilia Delacerna 

"Values of integrity, honesty generosity he has them.. Selflessness and altruism also make this man great." ~Cecilia Delacerna on Ivan Fernandez, Tokyo Olympics 2020, July 30, 2021 (held in July 23-August 8, 2021)

"You have to go to beach or the mountains to see the sunrise and  sunset." ~Cecilia Delacerna


"Just days ago I watched the birds calling or talking to other birds. Three birds perched on the papaya trees at our backyards with very ripe fruits. I called my grandchildren, Rheann and Jairu, and asked them, "what do you thing are they screaming about kids?" Their reply came in unison that I laughed, "theyre screaming and calling to other birds mamalo, woooohhh!!! come over, there's a feast here!" ~Cecilia Delacerna, December 8, 2021