"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"Don't let this silly world trick you into starving your soul for  material things, cause some day you're going to be sitting  out under the stars and realise how little you actually need to be truly  happy." ~Brooke Hampton 

“Fancy things never appealed to me. I like the sweet, simple things. I like to watch the sunrise on my old front porch with a warm cup of coffee. I like good books on rainy afternoons. I like to grow things. And I like the way it feels to be surrounded by real friends and people I love.” ~Brooke Hampton

“I’m pieces of all the places I have been, and the people I have loved … I’ve been stitched together by song lyrics, book quotes, adventures, late night conversations, and the smell of coffee.” ~Brooke Hampton

"I do not fear being alone,  my dear; I fear being alone in a room full of people I cannot trust." ~Brooke Hampton 

"I don't want fancy dinner dates, shiny cars, overpriced hotels, stuffy people and diamonds I won't ever wear. Give me an old truck bed full of blankets, a clear night sky full of stars, some homemade chocolate and a soul that can make me laugh and is willing to be real with me." ~Brooke Hampton

"I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlist makes you dance, strangers make you smile, and the night sky touches your soul. I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive." ~Brooke Hampton

"I like old bookstores, the smell of coffee brewing, rainy days naps, farmhouse porches, and sunsets. I like the sweet, simple things that remind me that life doesn't have to be complicated to be beautiful." ~Brooke Hampton

"I like people who get excited about the change of seasons, the sound of the ocean,  watching a sunset,  the smell of rain and starry nights." ~Brooke Hampton 

"No, we don't need more sleep. It's our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need nature. We need magic. We need adventure. We need freedom. We need truth. We need stillness. We don’t need more sleep, we need to wake up and live." ~Brooke Hampton

"Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become." ~Brooke Hampton

"Try sitting in the silence of the unknown for a moment. Stop spinning. You might be amazed at how things would fall into place … and just let it be what it is." ~Brooke Hampton

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