"A person without beliefs is a non-person ~ in the sense that the person is essentially free from any hold that this worldly existence of ours have on us, its mortal denizens." ~Caloy Bueno, June 27, 2021 on Belief vs Respect
"Abundant lies are easily believed 'at face value' ~ but rare truths always require excruciating 'proofs' . . ." ~Caloy Bueno, 3 February 2025
"All human beings become protective when they have a family." ~Caloy Bueno,
November 6, 2017
"Becoming a mother is like climbing a steep mountain . . .
. . . but at the zenith of that climb (for each child), you find that the following mountains you have to climb further are even higher and harder ~ so you do what only mothers can do . . .
YOU FLY!! Happy Mother's Day!! (While just soaring along and enjoying the view!!)" ~Carlos S. Bueno, May 9, 2021
"...beliefs form the framework and operate the interstitial elements that inform and compose an individual's character and behavior in life." ~Caloy Bueno, June 27, 2021 on Belief and Respect
"Brains are awesome! I wish everybody had one..." ~Caloy Bueno
"But (sic) life experiences and common sense (and sensibility) are ultimately the better forms of education." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"But the words also lend themselves to all other peoples of the world, who even now look up to their own governments to realize in their behalf the fundamental liberties that are due to all men, under the proposition that all are created equal as an inalienable right of all humanity that exist on God's earth." ~Caloy Bueno on Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address, 4 August 2017
"Existence is an amalgamation of various cycles that complement each other within the greater framework of life's equilibrium... Biblically, this is expressed most succinctly by -- "Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"Filipinos are traditionally a hospitable people. We are generous even to strangers. That presupposes that we are a caring people -- but there is something about genuine caring that is somehow incompatible with the Filipinos' psyche -- while we can indeed be generous (when we want or need to, such as on special occasions), Filipinos generally have a xenophobic streak inherent in them (the fear of the stranger) -- this undercuts the required genuine caring attitude..." ~Caloy Bueno on Culture of Caring, 6 October 2017
"Granted, that some information are purposely laid or concocted to deceive and mislead people, ultimately it is still for people to make the choice of whether to believe or not any kind of information they may access and get -- whether it's the right information or the false..." ~Caloy Bueno, November 26, 2018
"Hardly anything happens without a counterpoint or the opposite happening elsewhere... Here, we grope our way toward a federal and parliamentary form of government; Down Under, they're considering the option of becoming a republican state!" ~Caloy Bueno, 29 July 2017
"...if we can just get past our differences and idiosyncracies (deal with it positively), we should just stop our petty and senseless quarrels and debates and help one another to become better versions of our own selves from day to day. We have the opportunity to do so now." ~Caloy Bueno, December 26, 2017
"If you look at the verb B-E-L-I-E-V-E, you will notice that the central letter is I ~ which is why beliefs are individual and personal, which though it may find commonality in being shared by some, only attains social currency through the sheer magnitude of numbers." ~Caloy Bueno
"In the Book of Life, we get to write a page each new day, and decide when or how a chapter ends and a new one begins... We can't close it ~ only the power greater than ourselves can; and when it's closed, it's archived somewhere in the Great Library of the cosmos, where ~ hopefully ~ some diligent (and indulgent) angels look up what our lives were like, then infuse into other souls the values and lessons we wrote in our own Book …" ~Caloy Bueno, February 6, 2019
"In the face of all the chaos and anarchy, many will merely cling to hope -- the "undiscovered disappointment"... ~Carlos Silverio Bueno (June 2018)
"In the knowledge age, democracy will be innovated to become more efficient (not so much subject anymore to the vicissitudes of politicians' importunings) -- ordinary people through knowledge and technology tools will be able to exercise more meaningful power and privileges, because systems and procedures will be refined to enable maximum participation without chaos (more orderly and effective)..." ~Caloy Bueno, October 9, 2017
"President Duterte showed us that in order to achieve anything that is really worthwhile, we have to boldly and strongly take action for our own good. Even the rest of the world has taken notice – and is now following his lead." ~Caloy Bueno
"PRRD is doing right by his people because he loves this country, not for any reward, but simply because it is right!" ~Caloy Bueno
"Reality is like the horizon...
always there -- far away,
yet approachable.
And always, always -- changing."
~Carlos S Bueno
"Some prefer passive introspection and reflection ~ like gazing at the river of life on the banks as it flows, but it is true that the only way to feel the coldness and know the force of the water is to jump right into the stream (of life), and experience the rough and tumble as it flows down the channels of destiny..." ~Caloy Bueno
"The end of night (resting time) and the start of a new day (living again) are the measurements of time dividing our existence on earth, seemingly an unending progression that informs our lives on a daily basis... but the dawn is that special part of the day when the glory of the firmament is declared to announce the new day...." ~Caloy Bueno
"The essential significance of Rizal is as a symbolism of the best of the Filipino, and as the embodiment of hope in the power of change to make our society better (peaceful reforms)... " ~Caloy Bueno
"The injured Japanese pilot was in bad shape, but would survive the war ~ if albeit as a prisoner of war. The kamikaze (Japanese for "divine wind" ~ from the historic typhoons that destroyed two Mongol fleets sent by Emperor Kublai Khan to subjugate Japan in 1274 and again in 1281) aerial attacks on US naval ships, especially aircraft carriers, were able to do some significant damage ~ but generally the kamikaze pilots were only newly-trained ones to replace the many experienced Japanese pilots lost against the Americans' drive to bring the war to the Japanese homeland. ~Caloy Bueno (Educational and historical piece)
"....the President -- represents the pinnacle of the people's choice and hopes for the realization of that promise to make the country's governance responsive and responsible to the people for the advancement of their lives." ~Caloy Bueno, 4 August 2017
"The pride of keeping and preserving the value of simple things brings priceless smiles of pleasure and the satisfaction of contentment..." ~Caloy Bueno
"But (sic) life experiences and common sense (and sensibility) are ultimately the better forms of education." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"But the words also lend themselves to all other peoples of the world, who even now look up to their own governments to realize in their behalf the fundamental liberties that are due to all men, under the proposition that all are created equal as an inalienable right of all humanity that exist on God's earth." ~Caloy Bueno on Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address, 4 August 2017
"Death is the final destination of the living. When we escaped death; it is not yet our time." ~Carlos Bueno (2021)
"Digong chooses to work just like the soldiers do, silently, but effectively." ~Caloy Bueno on Defending Digong's Silence (D.D.S.) 👊🇵🇭👊
"Digong has been working on ever since he stepped into Malacañang and began his Presidency ~ getting social justice for his long-suffering people ~ most especially the social justice of having a government that truly served them and gave them their due, for their taxes, for their support and loyalty as citizens. Digong figures that if he only talks a lot and under-delivers, he might as well just go home to Davao. Instead, he lets what he has accomplished do the talking for him." ~Caloy Bueno, Defending Digong's Silence ~ D.D.S. 👊🇵🇭👊
"Digong's silence means he's working on realizing the things he said he would bring to the Filipino people." ~Caloy Bueno (June 2021) 👊🇵🇭👊
"Distilled into its very essence, formal education is a DISCIPLINE." ~Caloy Bueno
"Every day is a journey. It doesn't end, but you're always at home. The journey itself is home..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Filipinos are traditionally a hospitable people. We are generous even to strangers. That presupposes that we are a caring people -- but there is something about genuine caring that is somehow incompatible with the Filipinos' psyche -- while we can indeed be generous (when we want or need to, such as on special occasions), Filipinos generally have a xenophobic streak inherent in them (the fear of the stranger) -- this undercuts the required genuine caring attitude..." ~Caloy Bueno on Culture of Caring, 6 October 2017
"Granted, that some information are purposely laid or concocted to deceive and mislead people, ultimately it is still for people to make the choice of whether to believe or not any kind of information they may access and get -- whether it's the right information or the false..." ~Caloy Bueno, November 26, 2018
"Hardly anything happens without a counterpoint or the opposite happening elsewhere... Here, we grope our way toward a federal and parliamentary form of government; Down Under, they're considering the option of becoming a republican state!" ~Caloy Bueno, 29 July 2017
"...if we can just get past our differences and idiosyncracies (deal with it positively), we should just stop our petty and senseless quarrels and debates and help one another to become better versions of our own selves from day to day. We have the opportunity to do so now." ~Caloy Bueno, December 26, 2017
"If you look at the verb B-E-L-I-E-V-E, you will notice that the central letter is I ~ which is why beliefs are individual and personal, which though it may find commonality in being shared by some, only attains social currency through the sheer magnitude of numbers." ~Caloy Bueno
"In the Book of Life, we get to write a page each new day, and decide when or how a chapter ends and a new one begins... We can't close it ~ only the power greater than ourselves can; and when it's closed, it's archived somewhere in the Great Library of the cosmos, where ~ hopefully ~ some diligent (and indulgent) angels look up what our lives were like, then infuse into other souls the values and lessons we wrote in our own Book …" ~Caloy Bueno, February 6, 2019
"In the face of all the chaos and anarchy, many will merely cling to hope -- the "undiscovered disappointment"... ~Carlos Silverio Bueno (June 2018)
"In the knowledge age, democracy will be innovated to become more efficient (not so much subject anymore to the vicissitudes of politicians' importunings) -- ordinary people through knowledge and technology tools will be able to exercise more meaningful power and privileges, because systems and procedures will be refined to enable maximum participation without chaos (more orderly and effective)..." ~Caloy Bueno, October 9, 2017
"It is only when we realize that we need each other to be able to stand together that we can see the real meaning of freedom ~ it is the bonds we have between us enabling each one of us to be unafraid and more fully capable of becoming our own true selves, to fulfill our individual potentials ~ that ultimately redounds to the benefit of the whole." ~Caloy Buenos, But what is real freedom? June 13, 2021
"Kindness acknowledges our humanity without making any assumptions or judgments ~ it just accepts what is and extends the helping hand or simply smiles a greeting to brighten the day..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Love is a matter of chemistry.
Sex is a matter of physics.
Loneliness? Simple arithmetic."
~Caloy Bueno
"... mass media should be the impartial, fair and honest (i.e., with full integrity) purveyors of information, ... charged with the duty and responsibility to educate the masses." ~Caloy Bueno
"Mass media's tragedy is that it became a willing tool for capitalist interests. It succumbed to greed and abandoned its noble cause of seeking and conveying the truth, as a result of which it even corrupted its journalistic standards and perverted its practices to serve only the vested interests of the few." ~Caloy Bueno, December 13, 2017
"Mother Nature is clothed by organic things (i.e., natural principles and truth) ~ which man chooses not to see, hence she is 'naked'…" ~Caloy Bueno (January 2019)
"Kindness acknowledges our humanity without making any assumptions or judgments ~ it just accepts what is and extends the helping hand or simply smiles a greeting to brighten the day..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Love is a matter of chemistry.
Sex is a matter of physics.
Loneliness? Simple arithmetic."
~Caloy Bueno
"... mass media should be the impartial, fair and honest (i.e., with full integrity) purveyors of information, ... charged with the duty and responsibility to educate the masses." ~Caloy Bueno
"Mass media's tragedy is that it became a willing tool for capitalist interests. It succumbed to greed and abandoned its noble cause of seeking and conveying the truth, as a result of which it even corrupted its journalistic standards and perverted its practices to serve only the vested interests of the few." ~Caloy Bueno, December 13, 2017
"Mother Nature is clothed by organic things (i.e., natural principles and truth) ~ which man chooses not to see, hence she is 'naked'…" ~Caloy Bueno (January 2019)
"Nature and its forces (raw power) are what is; humanity holds the power of what could be. Both are intertwined in the possibilities of existence and the vicissitudes of time. Short of life being extinguished, it is in man to develop himself above the limits set by nature ~ but never beyond its power to recall, or destroy." ~Caloy Bueno
"Nothing defines us more sharply or eloquently than how we rise after we fall..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Nothing in life is perfect nor truly pure." ~Caloy Bueno
"Nothing like a calm and collected, confident visage to face the world with on a brand-new glorious morning." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"Nothing defines us more sharply or eloquently than how we rise after we fall..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Nothing in life is perfect nor truly pure." ~Caloy Bueno
"Nothing like a calm and collected, confident visage to face the world with on a brand-new glorious morning." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"Ordinary Filipinos have endured in silence hundreds of years of injustice, oppression, the lack of rights and freedom. One Filipino was very patriotically eloquent against all that ~ and look what that got him: a firing squad's lethal volley of bullets in the back, in Bagumbayan, and with the blessing of the Catholic priests who couldn't get him to retract his writings against the Church." ~Caloy Bueno, June 2021
"Our beliefs either fuck up our ability to think, or enable us to more clearly see and discern what is true, or noble, or worthy, or real." ~Caloy Bueno, June 27, 2021 on Belief and Respect
"Our corrupt system is very resistant to change. Reforms are difficult to do because people are even more resistant to change." ~Caloy Bueno
"Our politics do not go beyond personalities. Our governance, therefore, cannot go beyond 'isang kahig -- isang tuka'..." ~Caloy Bueno, October 8, 2017
"Our corrupt system is very resistant to change. Reforms are difficult to do because people are even more resistant to change." ~Caloy Bueno
"Our politics do not go beyond personalities. Our governance, therefore, cannot go beyond 'isang kahig -- isang tuka'..." ~Caloy Bueno, October 8, 2017
"Our society is so fucked by our perverted beliefs that people don't or can't maintain any semblance of real balance in life." ~Caloy Bueno on Belief vs Respect, June 23, 2021
"Our souls or spirit ~ supposedly within all of us ~ enable us to aspire to a higher plane of existence or unfettered consciousness, but only accessible within the largely still mysterious workings of our mind, with its power of imagination and cogency." ~Caloy Bueno, June 27, 2021 on Belief vs Respect
"President Duterte showed us that in order to achieve anything that is really worthwhile, we have to boldly and strongly take action for our own good. Even the rest of the world has taken notice – and is now following his lead." ~Caloy Bueno
"PRRD is doing right by his people because he loves this country, not for any reward, but simply because it is right!" ~Caloy Bueno
"Reality is like the horizon...
always there -- far away,
yet approachable.
And always, always -- changing."
~Carlos S Bueno
"Some prefer passive introspection and reflection ~ like gazing at the river of life on the banks as it flows, but it is true that the only way to feel the coldness and know the force of the water is to jump right into the stream (of life), and experience the rough and tumble as it flows down the channels of destiny..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Staring down the brink into death’s abyss of darkness, we realize that only family is everything ~ and that death is just . . . Nothingness." ~Carlos Bueno
"The end of night (resting time) and the start of a new day (living again) are the measurements of time dividing our existence on earth, seemingly an unending progression that informs our lives on a daily basis... but the dawn is that special part of the day when the glory of the firmament is declared to announce the new day...." ~Caloy Bueno
"The essential significance of Rizal is as a symbolism of the best of the Filipino, and as the embodiment of hope in the power of change to make our society better (peaceful reforms)... " ~Caloy Bueno
"The injured Japanese pilot was in bad shape, but would survive the war ~ if albeit as a prisoner of war. The kamikaze (Japanese for "divine wind" ~ from the historic typhoons that destroyed two Mongol fleets sent by Emperor Kublai Khan to subjugate Japan in 1274 and again in 1281) aerial attacks on US naval ships, especially aircraft carriers, were able to do some significant damage ~ but generally the kamikaze pilots were only newly-trained ones to replace the many experienced Japanese pilots lost against the Americans' drive to bring the war to the Japanese homeland. ~Caloy Bueno (Educational and historical piece)
"The kind of democracy that we have is faulty and inefficient. It is egregiously skewed to favor only the powerful and influential, instead of being appropriately providential for the weak who have less in life. It prioritizes the wealthy, instead of looking out for the poor to be adequately afforded effective opportunities for self-improvement. The rights and freedoms it promotes and protects are those that, in truth, only the strong may take and use to their further advantage, leaving behind those who are incapable and weak, forsaken and forgotten. We are not free, because such a system uses our inadequacies to make us slaves to its unfairness, partiality and lack of compassion." ~Caloy Bueno, Are we really free? #PagMayTime, June 13, 2021
"The only real way that Filipinos in this country will be able to have a chance at uniting ~ and to be able to work together more productively to push the total development of the whole country ~ is to find together the unvarnished historical truths that will throw a whole new light at the political (or politicized) history of our country to reveal who the real scoundrels were and what caused or why our country had been mismanaged, misled, mishandled, misrepresented, mistaken, and whatever else applies (all bad)." ~Caloy Bueno, #PagMayTime, July 2, 2021
"....the President -- represents the pinnacle of the people's choice and hopes for the realization of that promise to make the country's governance responsive and responsible to the people for the advancement of their lives." ~Caloy Bueno, 4 August 2017
"The pride of keeping and preserving the value of simple things brings priceless smiles of pleasure and the satisfaction of contentment..." ~Caloy Bueno
"The real heart is in the effort ." ~Caloy Bueno
"The silences reverberate louder and longer (within our minds)..." ~Caloy Bueno
"The survival of mankind is predicated on our being social animals. But often we are more animal than social." ~Caloy Bueno
"The truth or lies matter but little to the law; what you can prove as either prevails as justice..." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno (June 2018)
"The 'wilderness' inside mankind itself is what should be relentlessly tamed or eliminated -- but instead, we destroy the external wilderness that sustains us." ~Caloy Bueno, January 10, 2018
"The survival of mankind is predicated on our being social animals. But often we are more animal than social." ~Caloy Bueno
"The truth or lies matter but little to the law; what you can prove as either prevails as justice..." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno (June 2018)
"The 'wilderness' inside mankind itself is what should be relentlessly tamed or eliminated -- but instead, we destroy the external wilderness that sustains us." ~Caloy Bueno, January 10, 2018
"There is no purely rational person alive, just as there is no purely emotional or purely spiritual person, either ~ simply because all of us, while still alive, are prisoners of our physical selves. And the controlling factor of our physical selves is our mind ~ the intellect and will." ~Caloy Bueno
"... they never thought that the incorrigible Filipino people could ever be effectively governed." ~Caloy Bueno, June 9, 2021
"Truth, reason, peace ~ the progression of the conciliation process..." ~Caloy Bueno, January 6, 2019
"We all have our own truths -- therefore we have to bear the consequences of believing in those truths. But it shouldn't stop us from realizing the possibility that we may also be mistaken in our beliefs..." ~Caloy Bueno, September 23, 2017
"Truth, reason, peace ~ the progression of the conciliation process..." ~Caloy Bueno, January 6, 2019
"We all have our own truths -- therefore we have to bear the consequences of believing in those truths. But it shouldn't stop us from realizing the possibility that we may also be mistaken in our beliefs..." ~Caloy Bueno, September 23, 2017
"What makes us who we are? How we think, say and act? The sum of what we remember?"When a man's wife learns to understand him, she usually stops listening to him..." ~Caloy Bueno
What we think and what we say tells how honest we are. What we say and what we do shows our integrity. Remembering how we were brought up is the foundation of our personality, its stability reflecting upon the wellbeing of family. How we habitually behave forms our character. What we know and believe in explicitly or implicitly informs our existence. And how we live directs us to our destiny.
When we die, our legacy is with those who really know who we were -- and whose lives were touched by us, just as they also touched our own..." ~Caloy Bueno, February 1, 2018
"When for a very long time many of our people are still poor, because our government cannot take upon itself the duty and responsibility to properly guide and effectively assist the poor to be able to help themselves, to overcome their inabilities and improve their own lot, then we are not free ~ we are in bondage to our wants. We do not have freedom from want." ~Caloy Bueno, Are We Really Free! June 13, 2021
"When our governance mechanisms and services are always undercut or rendered ineffective by the pointless political games played on the State, which are really needed to advance our capacity to pursue our own happiness and full development, then we are not free ~ we are still slaves of a system that promotes the rise of political masters with their own selfish agenda sabotaging and damaging our governance, which limits or curtails our own rights and freedoms, and disregards our needs. We are not free from exploitation." ~Caloy Buenos, Are We Really Free?, June 13, 2021
"When we are in fear of being wronged or even hurt by criminal elements, or by those other citizens who disregard law and order just because they can; and we see others who contemptuously do not conform to the rules because no one prevents them from doing only what they like, then we are not free ~ we are hobbled by our fears, and even tempted to also become reckless like others who are undisciplined, just because it makes them happy, which they even believe they ought to rightly assert. We do not have freedom from fear." ~Caloy Bueno, Are We Really Free?, June 13, 2021
"When you listen to the silence ~ the complete absence of any sound ~ and persevere until you begin to hear only the noise of your own thoughts, persist some more... then you may to hear the muted music of the cosmos, reverberating gently through your soul..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Whether you believe in predestination ('manifest destiny') or a deterministic future (through your own choices/decisions and its consequences), nobody can really say how or even if we can reach such ends for our lives. Our intentions may be perfect, but alas, we are not!! So we view life as a mystery to be lived, and until the last possible moment, we do not really know what the future has in store for us." ~Caloy Bueno
"Why lookest thou -- thou lovest me?" ~Caloy Bueno
"Wisdom enables you to understand people; enlightenment enables you to understand yourself." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"Within the normal course of any democratic regime, the chief manifestation of a representative government "of the people, by the people, for the people" is the electoral exercise of the people for their freedom of choice in the leadership of their government." ~Caloy Bueno, 4 August 2017
"Words convey our thoughts and meanings, but poems translate them into feelings, the inner tempests of the moment." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno, 12 October 2018
"Your love for this country (Philippines)is not a wall against others who love it equally, just because you can't agree... " ~Caloy Bueno, June 2018
"Your worth is said to be conversely proportional to how others see you, and perhaps inversely proportional to how you see yourself... But if it doesn't check out either way, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're either utterly worthless or totally worthy -- maybe we are just confused by how proportionality works in terms of worthiness!!" ~Caloy Bueno, 11 June 2018
"All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven." ~Native American Code of Ethics
"Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow." ~Native American Code of Ethics
"Do not believe in something simply because you WANT to believe it." ~Tyrion Lannister
"Don't let others make your path for you. It is yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."
~Native American Code of Ethics
"Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure." ~Bertrand Russell
"I'll take my destiny, whatever that may be, but I'm going to fight for my dignity and my honor." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." ~Bertrand Russell
"In the Book of Life, we get to write a page each new day, and decide when or how a chapter ends and a new one begins... We can't close it ~ only the power greater than ourselves can; and when it's closed, it's archived somewhere in the Great Library of the cosmos, where ~ hopefully ~ some diligent (and indulgent) angels look up what our lives were like, then infuse into other souls the values and lessons we wrote in our own Book …" ~Caloy Bueno, February 6, 2019
“In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.” ~Max DePree
"Into each life some rain must fall..." ~Ella Fitzgerald
"It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power." ~David Brin
"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence." ~H. L. Mencken
"Our country's sacred honor is its good citizens' own, who risk life in its defense because they are also protected giving it." ~Andrew Jackson
"President Duterte showed us that in order to achieve anything that is really worthwhile, we have to boldly and strongly take action for our own good. Even the rest of the world has taken notice – and is now following his lead." ~Caloy Bueno
"Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens..." ~Carrie Bradshaw (Sex & the City)
"Stronger than lover's love is lover's hate.
Incurable, in each, the wounds they make."
"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." ~£Sun Tzu (The Art of War -- VI. Weak and Strong Points)
"The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts." ~Bertrand Russell
"The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge." ~Bertrand Russell
“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~US President Ronald Reagan
"The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few." ~Spock, Star Trek
"The river tells no lies, though standing on the shore, the dishonest man still hears them." ~Taoist Saying
"There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." ~Aristotle
"Three classes of men:
lovers of wisdom,
lovers of honor,
and lovers of gain."
"Yet, through the ashes of destruction, the Filipino always manages to rise up and fight another day." ~Manny Pacquiao @Oxford
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"When you listen to the silence ~ the complete absence of any sound ~ and persevere until you begin to hear only the noise of your own thoughts, persist some more... then you may to hear the muted music of the cosmos, reverberating gently through your soul..." ~Caloy Bueno
"Whether you believe in predestination ('manifest destiny') or a deterministic future (through your own choices/decisions and its consequences), nobody can really say how or even if we can reach such ends for our lives. Our intentions may be perfect, but alas, we are not!! So we view life as a mystery to be lived, and until the last possible moment, we do not really know what the future has in store for us." ~Caloy Bueno
"Why lookest thou -- thou lovest me?" ~Caloy Bueno
"Wisdom enables you to understand people; enlightenment enables you to understand yourself." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno
"Within the normal course of any democratic regime, the chief manifestation of a representative government "of the people, by the people, for the people" is the electoral exercise of the people for their freedom of choice in the leadership of their government." ~Caloy Bueno, 4 August 2017
"Words convey our thoughts and meanings, but poems translate them into feelings, the inner tempests of the moment." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno, 12 October 2018
"Your love for this country (Philippines)is not a wall against others who love it equally, just because you can't agree... " ~Caloy Bueno, June 2018
"Your worth is said to be conversely proportional to how others see you, and perhaps inversely proportional to how you see yourself... But if it doesn't check out either way, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're either utterly worthless or totally worthy -- maybe we are just confused by how proportionality works in terms of worthiness!!" ~Caloy Bueno, 11 June 2018
"All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven." ~Native American Code of Ethics
"Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow." ~Native American Code of Ethics
"Do not believe in something simply because you WANT to believe it." ~Tyrion Lannister
"Don't let others make your path for you. It is yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."
~Native American Code of Ethics
"Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure." ~Bertrand Russell
"I'll take my destiny, whatever that may be, but I'm going to fight for my dignity and my honor." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." ~Bertrand Russell
"In the Book of Life, we get to write a page each new day, and decide when or how a chapter ends and a new one begins... We can't close it ~ only the power greater than ourselves can; and when it's closed, it's archived somewhere in the Great Library of the cosmos, where ~ hopefully ~ some diligent (and indulgent) angels look up what our lives were like, then infuse into other souls the values and lessons we wrote in our own Book …" ~Caloy Bueno, February 6, 2019
“In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.” ~Max DePree
"Into each life some rain must fall..." ~Ella Fitzgerald
"It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power." ~David Brin
"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence." ~H. L. Mencken
"Our country's sacred honor is its good citizens' own, who risk life in its defense because they are also protected giving it." ~Andrew Jackson
"President Duterte showed us that in order to achieve anything that is really worthwhile, we have to boldly and strongly take action for our own good. Even the rest of the world has taken notice – and is now following his lead." ~Caloy Bueno
"Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens..." ~Carrie Bradshaw (Sex & the City)
"Stronger than lover's love is lover's hate.
Incurable, in each, the wounds they make."
"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." ~£Sun Tzu (The Art of War -- VI. Weak and Strong Points)
"The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts." ~Bertrand Russell
"The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge." ~Bertrand Russell
“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~US President Ronald Reagan
"The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few." ~Spock, Star Trek
"The river tells no lies, though standing on the shore, the dishonest man still hears them." ~Taoist Saying
"There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." ~Aristotle
"Three classes of men:
lovers of wisdom,
lovers of honor,
and lovers of gain."
"Yet, through the ashes of destruction, the Filipino always manages to rise up and fight another day." ~Manny Pacquiao @Oxford
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