"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Krizette Laureta Chu Quotes

"A real man is not afraid to utter apologies." ~ Krizzete Laureta Chu on PRRD, June 22, 2017

"But hope springs eternal, and although an imperceptible concept, nothing is stronger than hope." ~Krizette Laureta Chu

"Duterte has done more for this country than all past presidents after Marcos combined." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, August 2017

"..... Duterte is just a symbol of our hopes and our dreams--and men have been fighting for their hopes and dreams forever. Duterte is an idea as much as he is a living, breathing thing. And ideas don't die, and hope is hard to extinguish." ~Krizette Laureta Chu

".... Duterte is untouchable by external factors. Please learn your lesson and let us progress in peace towards a better Philippines." ~Krizette Laureta Chu

"Every move in Duterte's arsenal of moves is well calculated, which is why we are often anxious and impatient as to why things take long. But a great chess player doesn't just make his move as a reaction to his opponent's move. A great chess player has patience, and has seen the game through to the very end. He has long-range vision, and does not react on a per move basis." ~Krizette Laureta Chu

"For those who had a miserable one today, find strength in the assurance that it will be wonderful for you too. Maybe not today, maybe not next year, but it will come. It may not be with the people around you now, but someday you will find the people who will give you joy and peace and a sense of belongingness.........In the meantime, savor the day for what it is: A celebration--and a promise of--hope and renewal." ~Krizette Laureta Chu

"He inspires devotion, and unlike any Philippine president before him, he inspires us to want to, and hope for, change." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, on President Duterte

"I will continue fighting for this President with all my mind, heart, body, and soul. And not just in words but in action. I will devote my time and effort to help him bring change to this country. Let's all show our love and gratitude by being proactive members of this country instead of being whiny little bitches." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, August 2017

"Most of us do not purposely create our legacies. We live our lives, follow our hearts, try to bravely do what our hearts tell us, and when we die, we are remembered by the collection of stories and memories that make up our lives." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, March 25, 2017 on How You Will Be Remembered When You Die (addressed to Leni Robredo)

"My fellow Filipinos who love the Philippines, remember ..... when you fight for this country. Remember why you fight, and let it give you courage." ~Krizette Laureta Chu on "A Robredo Government"

"Someday, when the dust has settled, you will appreciate everything Duterte is doing for this country." ~Krizette Laureta Chu

"The enemy of change is closemindedness." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, May 6, 2017

"This is a country whose biggest thieves are not found in the darkest alleys but in the corridors of power..... And we keep electing them again and again..... Selfish thieves, from the President (obviously not Duterte) to the lowly barangay tanod." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, November 2017

“Under him, I realized the Filipino is freed from the shackles of our own self-imposed slavery to the oligarchy and to other countries. Under him, I discovered we were never truly free, our conquerors just changed, from colonizers to exploiters, some of whom are our fellow Filipinos." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, on PRRD, "THE BIRTH of a NATION", 13 June 2017

"Under this man, I learned the true meaning of independence and sovereignty" ~Krizette Laureta Chu on PRRD, “THE BIRTH OF A NATION”, June 13, 2017

“We have been a country, but we have never been a nation. But under this man [Duterte], and with the support of the majority, we are finally on our way. Bumps and roadblocks ahead, but one day, we will be a nation of a proud race.” ~Krizette Laureta Chu, "THE BIRTH of a NATION", 13 June 2017

"You can target each Duterte supporter. You can shame them or threaten them. But there will be never be a shortage of Duterte supporters as long as we see the good in this government. You can try to silence TP or Sass, but someone will always step in, and defend this government, or release damning info about LP's puppets." ~Krizette Laureta Chu, March 3, 2017

"You have nothing on our endurance, our passion is a fire that blazes and consumes us. Your name calling is nothing but a pathetic gust of wind that only serves to fan the flames of our nationalism." ~Krizette Laureta Chu on PRRD's haters, June 29, 2017

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