"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Kristen Kappel - forever


"Love is something you can't describe like the look of a rose, the smell of the rain, or the feeling of forever." ~Kristen Kappel


Donna Hedges - A blessing


"Having a place to go — is a home. Having someone to love — is a family. Having both — is a blessing." ~Donna Hedges


Oliver Barrett - LOVE

"Love means never having to say you're sorry." ~Oliver Barrett IV



Rod Cannon - feeling

"Real love is feeling like being a part of that person's life almost isn't enough. It's more like a feeling that you would live in the same skin with them if you could and share every thought, heart beat, and emotion as one." ~Rod Cannon



Stacie Cunningham- art work


"Love is like a piece of art work, even the smallest bit can be so beautiful." ~Stacie Cunningham


Kathleen Noble


'We must be “independent without being alienated; courageous without being contemptuous of the weak; powerful without dominating or exploiting others; rational without suppressing or abandoning feeling and intuition; autonomous within interconnected, interdependent, and equal relationships; nurturing without denying or sacrificing our own needs.” ~Kathleen Noble


Louis Nizer - therapy

"Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man." ~Louis Nizer



Dr . Ciriamicoli and Greham - Hope

"Hope is not the belief that everything will turn alright rather the conviction that when things go wrong as they inevitably do , one can find his way through." ~Dr Ciriimiacoli and Greham, The Power of Empathy

Source: Abdullah Dangcal Alonto, FB




"When the mind and heart are in harmony, the soul is content." ~A. D. Williams




Disclaimer: I found this on Facebook garnering favourable LIKES and attracting reviews or comments, allowing different levels of human perceptions on this specific subject called NATURE. If the "eyes is your honest window", then the brain must be the faithful door where understanding enters and flows. Opinions differ, so it's common knowledge that each individual edges splinter. While reading through the comments, I was intrigued by the norms of varying reactions and interpretations that have compelled me to include this here as a special feature, thus, breaking my usual format. I only selected few Interactors to substantiate my interest on the matter. This may be an unauthorize post, but I sourced this from a public domain which I assume will not jeopardise my right to repost. Authors are quoted and respective names affixed.

"Nothing in nature lives for itself;
Rivers don't drink their own water,
Trees don't eat their own fruit,
The sun doesn't shine for itself,
A flower's fragrance is not for itself.

Living for each other is the Rule of Nature."
~Collective Wisdom 2013
Source: Cosmic Intelligence-Agency FB


"Each thing in nature is to do its own thing. And when it does, it gives life to the rest of nature, creating a perfect ecosystem for us to live. But man in his greed changes these things in the name of progress. The earth is crying because we do not let each thing in naturre do its job. Therefore, we have failed to conceive the truth of a world going awry." ~Joan Meeker (Edited)

"Living for each others is the rule of nature and the wisdom of God." ~Mohamed Naaima

"Nature lives on various levels. The entire tree as a system strives to self-actualize through fruition. Rivers journey to self-actualize by finding the ocean, etc. And yes, they also live for themselves through decomposition and meandering. That's how they self-sustain and preserve. On a different level, they live so that the entire eco-system is balanced by their presence, and thus they also live for others. There is no difference between self and other.. We are all one. When we live for others we live for ourselves and when we live for ourselves, we also live for others. The difference is imaginary." ~Shereen Mohd Idris

"True Nature shows a 'live and let live' phenomenon. Not for self but for others." ~Mohamed Lamin Kamara-Kolleh


"Musicians can play for themselves, but if they have a sincere listening ear to grace with their beauty, then magic happens, the music flows with a greater heart... It is like the two poles of a battery needs to be active and linked so the electric current of inspiration flows naturally, with the full power of life." ~Astraelia Vega


"It would be wonderful if human kind lived life as nature does." ~Nana Foster

"The only really destructive force on earth is mankind." ~Muriel Cheyne

"... Nature is the first Bible as Genesis and Romans 1:20 reveals! Nature is in perfect Harmony with God! It does not have a mind of its own to get in the way! Is that why Jesus said we must Die and be reborn of His Spirit instead of ours? His mind instead of ours?" ~Ronnie Richardson

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James Carter - love

"A child's love knows no bounds." ~James Carter





"As long as love is the sail, you will be back home." ~Gede Prama

"As long as there's love in the heart, all path lead you to light." ~Gede Prama, Bell of Peace

"As the kiss of butterfly, Peace kiss this moment as it is." ~Gede Prama

"As the kiss of moon, peace kiss this moment as it is." ~Gede Prama

"Be kind to darkness, they make light shines even brighter." ~Gede Prama

"Beautiful beings are here to teach you beauty." ~Gede Prama

"Birds don't fall because of wings, souls don't fall because of love." ~Gede Prama

"Cleverness builds walls, kindness plants flowers." ~Gede Prama

"Cloudless mind is peace. Cloudless heart is beauty." ~Gede Prama

"Deep friendship grow in silence." ~Gede Prama

“Eyes are window from where you share the light.” ~Gede Prama

"Forget the length of journey, focus on the smile along the way." ~Gede Prama

“Forgiving, listening, understanding are beautiful roses.” ~Gede Prama

"Giving is a bridge to spiritual connection." ~Gede Prama

"Home is a heart which keep forgiving and loving." ~Gede Prama

"If you search for rose, Love. If you like to bloom like rose, Love." ~Gede Prama

"In our age, Family is the most beautiful shelter." ~Gede Prama

"In the depth of thankfulness, each breath is beautiful song." ~Gede Prama

“In the depth of the deep, you are ocean of flowers.” ~Gede Prama

“In the depth of the deep, you’re ocean of wisdom.” ~Gede Prama

"In the depth of the flow, you will see the glow." ~Gede Prama

"Innocence is the peak of wisdom." ~Gede Prama

"Keep in your heart, silence is your best friend." ~Gede Prama

"Life is a blessing, let's find a song to sing." ~Gede Prama

"Listening, understanding are flowers thst you can give to other's soul." ~Gede Prama

"Love is a beautiful bridge that connects you with light." ~Gede Prama

"Love is another name of smiling light." ~Gede Prama

"Love, kindness, compassion are beautiful spiritual flowers." ~Gede Prama

“Meditation is an art of innocence.” ~Gede Prama

"One who understands the beauty of flowers also understands the beauty of the heart." ~Gede Prama

"Peace is green mind, Love is green heart." ~Gede Prama

"Peace is what happen to you when you perfectly flow." ~Gede Prada

"Silence is the song of perfection." ~Gede Prama

"Sky beings fish using compassion, earth beings catch the hook by devotion." ~Gede Prama

"Sometimes what you need is a simple smile." ~Gede Prama

“Spirituality is an art of being lotus in the mud of life.” ~Gede Prama

"The art of peace is the art of being balance." ~Gede Prama

“The closer you are to the peak, the more you want to serve.” ~Gede Prama

"The secret is hidden in the Lotus flower." ~Gede Prama

"To be kind is to water your inner rose." ~Gede Prama

"To forgive is to water your inner rose." ~Gede Prama

"To meditate is to rest mind like forest." ~Gede Prama

"True friend is the most beautiful flower that blooms in the heart." ~Gede Prama

"What you love is the mirror  of who you are." ~Gede Prama

"When innocence blooms, it blooms into perfect love." ~Gede Prama

"When you forgive, you bring a moon to your own darkness." ~Gede Prama

"Where there's love and understanding there's heaven." ~Gede Prama

"While commoners hate solitude, masters find perfection in solitude." ~Gede Prama

"With lantern of love in the heart, you will never get lost." ~Gede Prama

"Without anger, life is a beautiful flower." ~Gede Prama

“You may climb from any direction, but the peak is love.” ~Gede Prama

"Your eyes are your most honest window." ~Gede Prama

"Your love is your deepest prayer." ~Gede Prama

"Your love is your most beautiful candle." ~Gede Prama

"Your natural nature is joy." ~Gede Prama


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"The practice of forgiveness can play an important role in your relationships with others. Forgiveness will enable you to correct distortions in your relationships and to improve the quality, intensity, and meaningfulness of relationships. It means letting go of past resentments toward others so that you can experience them in the present. Even if you do not "feel" like forgiving someone, forgiving them will release you from the hold of the past and allow you to experience the world in a new way. To forgive is to step outside the vicious circle of interpretation, where concepts from the past dominate experience, and to begin to live in terms of a larger, more worthy purpose. Forgiveness eliminates fear and anxiety, weakness and vulnerability." ~Ari Kiev



"Gardening and laughing are two of the best things in life you can do to promote good health and a sense of well-being." ~David Hobson

"I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow." ~David Hobson




"I am smiling at myself today
There's no wish left in this heart
Or perhaps there is no heart left
Free from all desire
I sit quietly like Earth
My silent cry echoes like thunder
Throughout the universe
I am not worried about it
I know it will be heard by no one
Except me." ~Rumi


Sherry Jones - lessons


"One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it's guilt, anger, love or loss. Change is never easy. You fight to hold on and you fight to let go." ~Sherry Jones


Sandra Sully - experience


"Experience teaches you that you have to ride the tide. The setbacks can be public. That’s a given and that’s never easy but you learn to deal with those." ~Sandra Sully



Heather Corinne Lang - appreciate life


"Ensure you pause each day to savor each moment and appreciate what you love. To fully appreciate life, it is so important to savor, absorb and and appreciate each moment in your life. Whether you are at home, at work, running errands or traveling elsewhere, there is always something to appreciate and love." ~Heather Corinne Lang



"An overindulgence of anything, even as something as pure as water, can intoxicate." ~Criss Jami

"As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning." ~Criss Jami

“Intelligence entails a strong mind, but genius entails a heart of a lion in tune with a strong mind.” ~Criss Jami

"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction" ~Criss Jami

"The faithful man perceives nothing less than opportunity in difficulties. Flowing through his spine, faith and courage work together: Such a man does not fear losing his life, thus he will risk losing it at times in order to empower it. By this he actually values his life more than the man who fears losing his life. It is much like leaping from a window in order to avoid a fire yet in that most crucial moment knowing that God will appear to catch you." ~Criss Jami

“There's nothing more contagious than the laughter of young children; it doesn't even have to matter what they're laughing about.” ~Criss Jami (Christopher James Gilbert)

"Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.” ~Criss Jami

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"Accept the Person You Are: Now we come to the good part. After you've gone through self-disclosure to self-awareness, you arrive at self-acceptance. You accept yourself for the person you are, with good points and bad points, with strengths and weaknesses, and with the normal frailties of a human being. When you develop the ability to stand back and look at yourself honestly, and to candidly admit to others that you may not be perfect but you're all you've got, you start to enjoy a heightened sense of self-acceptance." ~Brian Tracy

"Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and there’s got to be a way through it." ~Michael J. Fox

"Acceptance is a letting go process. You let go of your wishes and demands that life can be different. It's a conscious choice." ~Gary Emery

“Acceptance means: For now, this is what this situation, this moment, requires me to do, and so I do it willingly.” ~Eckhart Tolle

"Acceptance of the unacceptable is the greatest source of grace in this world." ~Eckhart Tolle

"I made a covenant with myself: I will accept. Whatever will be, will be. I have a life to lead. I recalled words a friend had told me, the philosophy of her faith. "Life is a journey and a struggle," she had said. "We cannot control it, but we can make the best of any situation." I was indeed in quite a situation. It was up to me to make the best of it.” ~Wangari Maathai

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” ~J.K. Rowling

"Where there is acceptance, judgment no longer has any power." ~Panache Desai

"You don't have to move mountains. Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude and acceptance. You will change the world by just being a warm, kind-hearted human being." ~Anita Krizzan


"A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy - the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother's love." ~Thomas C Haliburton

"All Truth passes thru three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." ~Arthur Schopenhaue

"The only judgment we should accept with all our hearts are those from the ones we love." ~George Daniel Anos


"...but our very openness and generosity and tolerance can be used against us, to demean us, to mock us, to spite us and in fact, even to harm us and to make us look small in front of the world. "~Jyothi Menon

"The test of tolerance comes when we are in a majority; the test of courage comes when we are in a minority." ~Ralph Stockman

"Tolerance, like any aspect of peace, is forever a work in progress, never completed, and, if we're as intelligent as we like to think we are, never abandoned." ~Octavia Butler

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Wangari Maathai - covenant

"I made a covenant with myself: I will accept. Whatever will be, will be. I have a life to lead. I recalled words a friend had told me, the philosophy of her faith. "Life is a journey and a struggle," she had said. "We cannot control it, but we can make the best of any situation." I was indeed in quite a situation. It was up to me to make the best of it.” ~Wangari Maathai


My Pick For Today

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up her suitcases off pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which land in the valley of change." ~Shannon. L Alder




"A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity." ~Buddha

"A parcel of humanity won't make a civilization." ~Jeffrey Dela Cruz

"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." -Greek Proverb

"A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society but a huge mental asylum." ~Alfredo Bowman

"Actually humanity is in a time of awakening now. There is a cosmic download of divine energy to the planet that will enable humanity to discern that what organized religions are teaching are enslavement and mental control of the people for power and financial gains of those propagating it." ~Shiela Tagaban Zangl, April 17, 2017. Comment: From Manila Times: Defend what is right, Villegas urges bishops
(Archbishop Socrates Villegas)

"All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence." ~MArtin Luther King Jr.

"All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance." ~Edward Gibbon

"Armies are created to protect the system, not the people. In the future, an educated humanity will not stand for war." ~Jacque Fresco

"Around the world, conflict is forcing record numbers of people from their homes, with over 65 million people now displaced. Children are recruited by armed groups and used to fight. Women are abused and humiliated. As humanitarian workers deliver aid and medical workers provide for those in need, they are all too often targeted or treated as threats." ~UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

"As an artist, I have to relate to humanity’s struggles. I never separate these situations from my art." ~Ai Weiwei

"Be wary of any belief or ideology... that promotes division between you and your fellow human beings." ~All Things Beautiful

“Compassion can be practice if one recognises the fact that every human being is a member of humanity and the human family regardless of differences in religion, culture, colour, and creed. Deep down, there is no difference.” ~Dalai Lama

"Compassion is underestimated. It takes both wisdom and strength to have it. To look beyond a person's own struggles and attempt to see the world through the eyes of another person's challenges is the highest form of humanity." ~Doe Zantamata

"Critical thinking and empathy are the   most important things that will ensure sustainable human existence. The current deterioration of both is the biggest problem humanity faces." ~Rick Whitaker

"Europe struggles between humanity and safety issues. It's a problem of a magnitude never seen before in the world." ~Robert Reissner

"Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work." ~Aldous Huxley

"Every one of us is a perfect human being, deformed by the family, the society and the culture." ~Alejandro Jodorowsky
"Everyone and everything that humanity has ever loved, or cared for, has lived on our precious earth." ~A.D. Williams

“Everything is determined…by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust—we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” ~Albert Einstein

"For a completely desperate group of international people to come together with the goal of saving the lives of 12 children and their coach that you've never met before that tells me that the spirit of humanity is still alive." ~Dr. Richard 'Harry' Harris, SA Anaesthetist and expert Cave Diver, Australian of the Year 2019

"Good wise leaders respect the law and basic values of their society." ~Nelson Mandela speaking at the Annual Children's Celebrations, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 27 September 2003, LivingTheLegacy

"He was, above all things, a rare and unique human being and we shall not see his like again” ~Emma Thompson on Alan Rickman's death (Sense and Sensibility)

"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." ~William James

"Human Beings grow best with encouragement and love." ~Tikkun Acts of Loving Kindness

“Human beings, like plants, grow in the soil of acceptance, not in the atmosphere of rejection." ~John Powell

"Human beings like to be associated with a hard-working, disciplined and successful person and, by carefully cultivating these qualities, you will win yourself many friends" ~Nelson Mandela from a letter to Makgatho Mandela, written on Robben Island, 28 July 1969, LivingTheLegacy

"Humanity has more in common than the differences that separate us." ~Tom Giaquinto, Be A Good Human

"Humanity may have common ground, BUT needs and aspirations vary according to circumstances...... They have the same final objective to improve well-being and freedom of individuals, based on the inherent dignity and equality of all people." ~Barbara Tuchman, Historian 

 “Humanity must shift from living on the Earth to living with her.” ~Tiokasin Ghosthorse

"Humankind cannot stand very much reality." ~T. S. Eliot

 “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” ~Chief Seattle

"Humans need to be humane for the sake of humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans of all ages benefit from feeling seen, valued and appreciated in big and small ways." ~Genevieve, The Way of the Peaceful Parent

"I'm ashamed that our journey in humanity is irrelevant."‪ ~news from Israel video, March 4, 2018‬

"I'm convinced that there's a small group of evil people, rich and powerful beyond belief, who fan the flames of discord to precisely divide and conquer humanity to sustain their hold on the world. They are not human by any yardstick. They are inhuman." ~Rafael Alunan III, May 31, 2017

"I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death."
~Nelson Mandela from The Welcomed Consensus

"I treasure a core value of humanity and that guides people why they act the way they do. I will use this to show other people how they can understand each other. As one, we can help society." ~Megan Lynne Young, Miss World 2013, Miss World 2013 (28 September 2013)

“If speaking kindly to plants help them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans do.” ~Anon

"If we are able to look into another's eyes, talk to them, walk in their shoes for a moment. Understand their hopes and dreams. Their sadness. Their wins and losses. To make time to learn where they have been and where they are heading. If we can see that we all laugh, hope and cry and hurt the same. Perhaps we can know and understand each other a little better. Then with that understanding maybe we can treat each other, talk to each other and interact together with more understanding, empathy and wisdom. Coming together in a united circle of our shared humanness and humanity." ~Belinda Baker

"If we could but recognize our common humanity, that we do belong together, that our destinies are bound up in one another's, that we can be free only together, that we can be human only together, then a glorious world would come into being where all of us lived harmoniously together as members of one family, the human family." ~Desmond Tutu

"In this new age, humankind will move from individualism and fragmentation to a collective identity." ~M. Mcluhan, The Global Village

"It is not that our society has been plunged into a revolutionary situation which is lamentable, it is the seeming loss of the people’s capacity to revolt which is the real tragedy." ~Butch Valdes

“It would be well to realize that the talk of ‘humane methods of warfare’, of the ‘rules of civilized warfare’, and all such homage to the finer sentiments of the race are hypocritical and unreal, and only intended for the consumption of stay-at-homes. There are no humane methods of warfare, there is no such thing as civilized warfare; all warfare is inhuman, all warfare is barbaric; the first blast of the bugles of war ever sounds for the time being the funeral knell of human progress… What lover of humanity can view with anything but horror the prospect of this ruthless destruction of human life. Yet this is war: war for which all the jingoes are howling, war to which all the hopes of the world are being sacrificed, war to which a mad ruling class would plunge a mad world.” ~James Connolly

"Justice requires confronting injustice. Humanity requires confronting inhumanity." ~Joffre Balce

"Kindness acknowledges our humanity without making any assumptions or judgments ~ it just accepts what is and extends the helping hand or simply smiles a greeting to brighten the day..." ~Caloy Bueno

"Let us not dwell too parochially on that past. Let it inspire us to make the intellectual and cultural contributions to the thinking and understanding of our common humanity that can make of the world a better place for all." ~Nelson Mandela speaking during a Banquet celebrating Africa's 100 best books of the 20th Century, Cape Town, South Africa, July 2002, LivingTheLegacy

"Let us stand together to make of our world a sustainable source for our future as humanity on this planet." ~Nelson Mandela upon receiving the Planet and Humanity Award, International Geographical Union, Durban, South Africa, August 2002, LivingTheLegacy

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive." ~Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness

“Love and respect for all humanity begins when we love and respect all animals.” ~ A.D. Williams

“Love is the only way to rescue humanity from all ills.” ~Mahatma Gandhi 

"May this continent, the last explored by human kind, be the first one to be spared by human kind." ~Jacques-Yves Cousteau. 1973

"Mother Nature ... humanity's greatest teacher." ~Anon

"Music is the voice that tells us that the human race is greater than it knows." ~Napoleon Bonaparte

"Never underestimate the goodness a single act of kindness brings to humanity." ~ A.D. William

"Poverty makes people sub-human. Excess of wealth makes people inhuman." ~John Jimenez

"Solitary confinement 'doesn’t make us safer. It’s an affront to our common humanity." ~Richard Branson

"… the children, the future of humanity." ~Chief Sitting Bull

"… the function and purpose of a library has changed throughout the history of humanity to meet the needs and requirement of the people at time." ~Kylie Wardell, QLD, excerpted from The Diary Files

"The heart is the lighthouse that guides all our senses and it is the essence of our humanity." ~Asrarabdulghani

"The lighthouse does great service to humanity; yet it is the slave of those who trim the lamps." ~Alice Wellington Rollins

"The most sensible people to be met with in society are men of business and of the world, who argue from what they see and know, instead of spinning cobweb distinctions of what things ought to be." ~William Hazlitt

"The naturalness and flow of music and its innate connectedness to nature forces the individual to surrender to her/his humble connectedness to all that there is and ever was and one's absoulute equality with all human beings and the unitive force of humanity. .." ~Katharina Katharina FB

"‪The picture speaks thousand words of human tragedy and collapsed humanitarian system. The philosophy of world order dictated by the powerful nations is based on changing regimes they don’t like and for that they don’t hesitate bombing people and destroying cities. Once cities become graveyard, they start re-building lives by offering peanuts. They destroyed everything in Iraq and Libya. Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria are still bleeding. The unfortunate thing is they talk about people’s dignity and humanitarian principles!" ~‬Наят Карим (on current affairs January 2020/The Voice of Reason/FB

"… the function and purpose of a library has changed throughout the history of humanity to meet the needs and requirement of the people at time." ~Kylie Wardell, QLD, excerpted from The Diary Files

“The kinder we are, the kinder we become. The kinder humanity becomes.” ~A.D. Williams

 "The strong must help the weak, and the rich must help the poor. Those with must help those without. This is what humanity is all about." ~ A.D. Williams

"The way to the truth is through acknowledging the fullness of where we find ourselves to be, which is through our humanity and our divinity." ~Ram Dass

"The world has its own ways of treating us like what we will never be, but want to be. It relinquishes its grip on our souls while lulling us with the songs of freedom and conquest of beauty. It magnifies every tiny bit of something useless over an unfathomable presence of humanity. And we all waste the whole of our lives standing in queue for gaining its attention to be abdicated as if we never existed in the eyes of our fellow men.” ~Annie Ali

“The value of the brain is not only to think but to love humanity and create peace.” ~Hàn Quốc Vũ, published at ILA MAGAZINE, Founder Annette Nasser and ILA Team

"Those who teach the most about humanity aren't always humans." ~Donald L. Hicks

"We are committed to building bridges and helping to embrace all of humanity under one umbrella and move forward in strength and confidence to a better future." ~Nelson Mandela speaking during a Diwali celebration, Durban, South Africa, 3 November 1991, LivingTheLegacy

"We must never lose our humanity—our ability to feel the pain of others even as we must never succumb to simplistic readings of what really is a highly complicated situation. " ~Lorraine Marie T. Badoy, 22 December 2016

"We need to place the eradication of poverty at the top of world priorities. We need to know with a fresh conviction that we all share a common humanity and that our diversity in the world is the strength for our future together." ~Nelson Mandela speaking at a Banquet celebrating Africa's 100 Best Books of the 20th Century, Cape Town, South Africa, July 2002, LivingTheLegacy

“What sets heroes aside from the rest of humanity is the willingness to assume a personal responsibility for public problems.” ~Earl Babbie from Inspiration Line

"When humans act with cruelty we characterize them as 'animals', yet the only animal that displays cruelty is humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"When humanity measures wealth by love, truth and wisdom we will all be rich." ~A.D. Williams

"Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity." ~Hippocrates

"You don't have to move mountains. Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude and acceptance. You will change the world by just being a warm, kind-hearted human being." ~Anita Krizzan

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." ~Gandhi

“Zeal without humanity is like a ship without a rudder, liable to be stranded at any moment." ~Owen Feltham on Zeal



"Mankind's cruelty and abuse to other people will not cease until mankind ceases cruelty and abuse to other animals." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind did not create God. God created mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind is not the only animal that laughs, cries, thinks, feels, and loves. The sooner we acknowledge that animals are emotional beings, the sooner we will cease destroying animals and embrace them as our brothers and sisters." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind must become harmless before becoming harmonious." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind must cease harming the harmless." ~A.D. Williams

“Mankind will never see an end of trouble until … lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power… become lovers of wisdom.” ~Plato

"Some of the most wonderful poems ever written by mankind are hidden in books old and dusty and long forgotten." ~Anon

"The hardest animal to love is mankind." ~Anthony Douglas Williams


"A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future." ~Nelson Mandela from a message announcing 1999 as the United Nations International Year of Older Persons, 17 December 1998, Internstiona Day of Older Persons, LTL

"At the molecular level, soap breaks things apart. At the level of society, it helps hold everything together." ~Palli Thordarson, UNSW Chemistry Professor on why soap molecules are so effective in killing viruses like COVID-19. (March 2020)

"Eccentricity has always abounded where strength of character 
has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has
 generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental 
vigor, and moral courage which it contained.  That so few now
 dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time." ~John Stuart Mill

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another." ~Gilbert K Chesterton (1874-1936), English writer

"Forgetting is the first step to completely removing something from our cultural collective memory. A society that remembers is a healthier society than one that keeps restarting from scratch.” ~Todd McGrain, an art professor at Cornell University

"I believe our society has fell into a pyramid system where there's people relegated to the bottom of that pyramid and there's people that feel like they're entitled to the top of that pyramid." ~Ice Cube, 2016 (Frontier S.1 Ep.3)

"I've begun to look at the world through apocalypse eyes. Our society, which seems so sturdily built out of concrete and custom, is just a temporary resting place, a hotel our civilization checked into a couple hundred years ago and must one day check out of." ~Neil Strauss

"In society, there are good people and bad people. No one can make everyone good. To create order in society is not to make everyone good; it is to let good govern the society and control the bad in order to keep them from power so that they do not disrupt the order of the society." ~from Accor Hotels

"It is beautiful to be alone. To be alone does not mean to be lonely. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society." ~Anon

"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together." ~Johann Wolgang von Goethe

"Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a good and essential part of my life, a kind of destiny." ~Princess Diana (1Jul1961-31Aug1997)

"One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"One of the most difficult things is not to change society – but to change yourself." ~Nelson Mandela from an interview with John Battersby, Johannesburg, South Africa, published in the Christian Science Monitor on 10 February 2000 LTL

"Right action tends to be defined in terms of general individual rights and standards that have been critically examined and agreed upon by the whole society." ~Lawrence Kohlberg

"Society has gotten to the point where Everybody has a Right, but Nobody has a Responsibility." ~David Avocado Wolfe

"Society is collapsing, and people are starting to recognise that the reason they feel like they're mentally ill is that they're living in a system that's not designed to suit the human spirit." ~Jim Carrey

"Society should not shape individual human consciousness. Human consciousness should shape society." ~Sadhguru

"The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be.” ~Marianne E.Neifert

"The first requisite of civilization is that of justice." ~Sigmund Freud

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." ~Albert Einstein

"The more fun you have, the greater your value to yourself and to your society. The more fun you share with others, the more fun you have." ~Bernie De Koven

"The real change of our society begins in our homes, let us teach our sons and daughters the real sense of fellowship!" ~Anon

“The tools that a society uses to create and maintain itself are as central to human life as a hive is to bee life. Though the hive is not part of any individual bee, it is part of the colony, both shaped by and shaping the lives of its inhabitants.” ~Clay Shirky

"The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children." ~Nelson Mandela during the launch of the Blue Train, Worcester Station, Worcester, South Africa, 27 September 1997

"We are now seeing 'people who want to destroy the very fabric of our society' and if the populace is going to bow down before them, then 'we are finished'." ~Bronwyn Bishop, Former Speaker of the House, FB/Sky News Australia, June 12, 2020

"We say that time is money. We have created a society in which the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, and in which we are so caught up in our own immediate problems. That we cannot afford to be aware of what is going on with the rest of the human family or our planet Earth. In my mind I see a group of chickens in a cage disputing over some seeds of grain, unaware that in a few hours they will be killed." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"You can be a better hero when you live, prosper, and contribute to our society." ~Rado Gatchalian, Letter to the Filipino Youth


"A parcel of humanity won't make a civilization." ~Jeffrey Dela Cruz

"Abortion is the gravest human rights abuse of our time." ~Lila Rose

"Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time. Our inner lives are eternal, which is to say that our spirits remain as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom.” ~Gabriel García Márquez

"Animals don't frighten me. Mankind does." ~A.D. Williams

"Be at peace in your spiritual being, and you will be at peace as a human being." ~A.D. Williams

"But I didn’t understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly she would never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair.” ~Haruki Murakami

"Children are the only human beings left in this world with clear conscience and common sense. Truth is embedded in their soul and etched on their face." ~Leah C. Dancel, April 7, 2018

"Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity." ~John Ruskin

"Forcing people to be generous isn't humanitarian, effective, compassionate or moral. Only acts that are truly voluntary for all concerned can be truly compassionate." ~Harry Browne

"Freedom is the realization that it is sufficient to simply be a human being." ~Bryant McGill

"Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind." ~Emily P. Bissell

"Human beings hardly ever learn from the experience of others. They learn, and not often, on their own, the hard way." ~Heinlein

“I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.” ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

"I would love if we had a world icon as an option, so we could stand in solidarity. Not to a specific country, religion, race or sexuality-- But to humanity as one." ~David Vox

"If one by one we counted people out, for the least sin, it wouldn’t take us long to get so we had no one left to live with. For to be social is to be forgiving." ~Robert Frost

"It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being." ~John Joseph Powell

“It's funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.” ~Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

‪"Love is like water, it needs to flow outside of the self. But people possess the gift of transference, of empathy and sublimating personal love to love for the poor and downtrodden. When they sublimate, transcend personal need for affection and move to higher levels of personal love for humanity, then there will never be grief. And love becomes noble and great." ~‬Claro Ganac

"Many people have been through hell in their lives and yet still kind and loving towards other human beings." ~Manuel Valdez

"Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being's suffering. Nothing - not career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we're going to survive with dignity." ~Audrey Hepburn

"One of the most powerful force that shapes us as human beings is the desire to leave a legacy. What legacy would you leave behind?" ~Hannibal Lecter

"Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings." ~angels rescue cats

"The basic human rights for all our citizens have to be protected and guaranteed, to ensure the genuine liberty of every individual" ~Nelson Mandela speaking during a Business Leadership meeting, World Trade Center, New York City, USA, 21 June 1990, LivingTheLegacy

"The beauty one can find in art is one of the pitifully few real and lasting products of human endeavor." ~J. Paul Getty

"The bow cannot always stand bent, nor can human frailty subsist without some lawful recreation." ~Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)

"The greatness of humanity is not in being human,  but in being humane."  ~Mahatma Gandhi 

"The growth of the human mind is still high adventure, in many ways, the highest adventure on earth." ~Norman Cousins

"The hardest animal to love is mankind." ~ A.D. Williams

"The history of mankind tells us that problems are not to be feared. What should concern us is refusing to face up to the problems and not knowing what to do about them." ~Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China

"The leaders of mankind are those who lift their feet from the dusty road and lift their eyes to the illumined future." ~Woodrow Wilson

"The natural world is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be alienated from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human. To damage this community is to diminish our own existence." ~Thomas Berry

"The progress of civilization should be an increase in self-employment, leisure and participation and not in debt, insecurity and marginalisation." ~Joffre Balce

"The survival of mankind is predicated on our being social animals. But often we are more animal than social." ~Caloy Bueno

"They know that it is human nature to take up causes whereby a man may oppress his neighbor, no matter how unjustly... Hence they have had no trouble in finding men who would preach the damnability and heresy of the new doctrine from the very pulpit.." ~Galileo Galilei

“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”
~Bertrand Russell

"Time defeats humans but the pyramid defeats time." ~Explore Sacred Egypt

"To foretell the destiny of a nation, it is necessary to open the book that tells of her past." ~Dr. Jose P. Rizal

"To have another language is to possess a second soul." ~Charlemagne

"We accord persons dignity by assuming that they are good, that they share the human qualities we ascribe to ourselves." ~Nelson Mandela

"When two sides rally around a common goal, the human spirit takes over and miracles happen." ~Rafael Alunan III, 26 July 2017

“When you are in love with humanity, you are satisfied with yourself.” ~ Luigi Pirandello

"When you see that in order to produce,   you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing  - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods,  but in favours - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work,  and your laws don't protect you against them,  but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed!" ~Ayn Rand,  Atlas Shrugged 1957

"You are a beautiful flower in the garden of humanity." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"You are creating a structure to be able to support the fullness of our humanity. And different people have different unique opportunities to play in that. ~Ram Dass, Trusting Your Intuition vs. Your Analytical Mind

"You are not here by accident. You are the awakening that breathes the magic of love and light into a troubled world. While you will be tested and checked on your path, you will prove to be the survivor you have always been. Rise, release the past and be the hope of humanity that you truly are … You are the highest vibration." ~Love and Passion Awaken

"You don’t have to hide, pretend, or feel bad about not always being the strong one. You’re not weak, you’re human, and you never have to apologize for that." ~Raphaela Browne


"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."  ~Chief Seattle

"I have noticed that when chickens quit quarreling over their food they often find that there is enough for all of them i wonder if it might not be the same with the human race." ~Don Marquis

"Inhumanity, greed, and corruption remained the blueprint of human power." ~Leah C. Dancel 

"Mankind's lessons are written in the ruins of his civilization.” ~Anthony T. Hincks

“Mankind was appointed the guardian of earth. I wish we would act like guardians.” ~A.D. Williams

"Men like Henry George are rare unfortunately. One cannot imagine a more beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic form and fervent love of justice. Every line is written as if for our generation. The spreading of these works is a really deserving cause, for our generation especially has many and important things to learn from Henry George." ~Albert Einstein

"My dream is that someday we can have a community life where we push and help each other to win." ~Ivan Fernandez 

"The best thing any human being can do is influence another one." ~FREDDIE FIGGERS

"The health of our civilisation..... and our concern for the future can be tested by how well we support our libraries." ~Carl Sagan (1934-1996)

"The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings." ~Masanobu Fukuoka 

“Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.” ~Terry Tempest Williams

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Quotes on VALUES

“A man's real worth is determined by what he does when he has nothing to do.” ~Megiddo Message on Idleness

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ~Charles Darwin

"After a day's walk everything has twice its usual value." ~George Macauley Trevelyan

"Clock, n.: A machine of great moral value to man, allaying his concern for the future by reminding him what a lot of time remains to him." ~Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

"Coin always makes sound but the currency notes are always silent. So when your value increases keep quiet." ~William Shakespeare 

“Correct principles are like compasses: They are always pointing the way. And if we know how to read them, we won’t get lost, confused, or fooled by conflicting voices and values.” ~Stephen R. Covey

"Experience was of no ethical value. It was merely a name men gave to their mistakes." ~Lord Henry from "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

"Good wise leaders respect the law and basic values of their society." ~Nelson Mandela speaking at the Annual Children's Celebrations, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 27 September 2003 Living The Legacy

"Family values are a little like family vacations -— subject to changeable weather and remembered more fondly with the passage of time. Though it rained all week at the beach, it’s often the momentary rainbows that we remember.” ~Leslie Dreyfous

"Find the strength inside yourself to value your own worth more than staying with someone who only keeps you down.” ~Anon

"Happiness is never far away if you stay close to your values and your ethics." ~Robert Holden

"Humans of all ages benefit from feeling seen, valued and appreciated in big and small ways." ~Genevieve, The Way of the Peaceful Parent

"I can't make people value me. All I can do is show them who I am, what I feel, and what I believe in. It is up to them to realize my worth." ~Sobriety By The Grace Of God

“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.” ~Hermann Hesse

"I treasure a core value of humanity and that guides people why they act the way they do. I will use this to show other people how they can understand each other. As one, we can help society." ~Megan Lynne Young, Miss World 2013, Miss World 2013 (28 September 2013)

"If you do not understand the value of time in relation to the process of forgiving, you do not deserve forgiveness." ~Ahmed G Paglinawan

"It's not easy to educate people about the value of what we were born into and what our ancestors passed onto us We take things around us for granted. Slowly though we are starting to realize how important their value is." ~Trixie Cruz-Angeles, NCCA Legal Counsel, Philipine Identity Keeper

"Joyful people have an integrity around them. They do what is right even if there is social pressure to do otherwise. Joyful people are true to themselves and their values." ~Edith R Shipp

"Life is a process of accumulation. We either accumulate the debt or the value, the regret or the equity." ~Jim Rohn

"Life is so simple, it only becomes complicated when we start to become slaves of our convenience. Selfish desires takes over, overpowering our set of humanitarian values and principles." ~Clarisa Guinto Romanca

“Love of country, subordination of personal interests to the common good, concern and care for the helpless and the impoverished - these are among the lost and faded values that we seek to recover and revitalize as we commence our journey towards a better Philippines.” ~Rodrigo Roa Duterte, President of the Philippine Republic (Asian Brooks Insight)

"Nothing destroys self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love faster than denying what you feel. Without feelings, you would not know where you are in life. Nor would you know what areas you need to work on. Honor your feelings. Allow yourself to feel them." ~Iyanla Vanzant

"Once we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life." ~Harry Hepner

"Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop." ~Anon

“Self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures, thinking about your perceptions and interactions with others, and imagining where you want to take your life in the future. – Robert L. Rosen

"Sometimes it gets quite toxic that you feel overwhelmed, when for a bit you forget your value. That's when you dredge up lil tidbits of priceless gems from special people. Those heartwarming things they say that is meant from the heart." ~George Daniel Anos

"Standing alone is better than standing with people who don't value you." ~Lessons Learned in LifeD

"The faithful man perceives nothing less than opportunity in difficulties. Flowing through his spine, faith and courage work together: Such a man does not fear losing his life, thus he will risk losing it at times in order to empower it. By this he actually values his life more than the man who fears losing his life. It is much like leaping from a window in order to avoid a fire yet in that most crucial moment knowing that God will appear to catch you." ~Criss Jami

"The problem is these biases are often subtle. It’s these micro-inequities that do the most damage – the small, seemingly inconsequential ways in which people are mexcluded or discounted that, over time, erode confidence, value and worth and reinforce a culture that is not inclusive." ~astrophysicist Jill Rathborne on biases in the world of science

"Value is your way out of the trap!" ~Bryant McGill

"We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory." ~Georges Duhamel

"You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective." ~Denis Waitley

"Your attitude…determines your priorities, your actions, your values." ~Carolyn Warner


"Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform the level of our self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth." ~Iyanla Vanzant

"I value my 'aloneness', solitude and personal space - best. ~Leah C. Dancel, 21 July 2013

"Of more worth is one honest man to society and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that every lived.” ~Thomas Paine

"Only that traveling is good which reveals to me the value of home, and enables me to enjoy it better." ~Thoreau

"Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth." ~Aesop

"Self-worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don't feel good about YOU, it's hard to feel good about anything else." ~Anon

"The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival." ~Aristotle

"Valuable friends will bring more richness to your life than valuable things." ~A.D. Williams

"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their colour." ~Maya Angelou

"We are too focused on physical appearance. Character and values propel a nation to greatness." ~Ethel Pineda

"What you risk reveals what you value." ~Jeanette Winterson

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others." ~Chinese Proverb

"When you know what your values are, making decisions become easier." ~Glenn van Eckeren

"You might feel worthless to one person, but you're priceless to another. Don't ever forget your value." ~Think Positive Words

"Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” ~Beyonce

"Your outlook upon life, your estimate of yourself, your estimate of your value are largely coloured by your environment. Your whole career will be modified, shaped, moulded by your surroundings, by the character of the people with whom you come in contact every day." ~Orison Swett Marden


"Everything in this world has worth if not misused." ~Demic Meme 

"Not everything of value has a price. Not everything that has a price is of value." ~Joffre Balce

"One of the easiest ways to pay-it-forward is with kindness; it costs nothing, yet it’s worth everything." ~Robert Clancy

"The moment you feel you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away." ~Alysia Harris

"The most effective way to ensure the value of the future is to confront the present courageously and constructively. " ~Rollo May

"‪The pride of keeping and preserving the value of simple things brings priceless smiles of pleasure and the satisfaction of contentment..." ~‬Caloy Bueno

"There are trees of a thousand sorts, and all have their several fruits; and I feel the most unhappy man in the world not to know them, for I am well assured that they are all valuable. I bring home specimens of them, and also of the land." ~Christopher Columbus

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Cindy Crawford - women


"I really think—at any age—it's learning to be comfortable in your own skin. If women would treat themselves with the same kind of love they give to their friends, that would be such a great gift we could give ourselves. What makes you the most attractive is self-confidence. That's what people see." ~Cindy Crawford on Body Image


Xxx Quotes


"Domestic policies are shaped by both domestic and international interests. Good leadership is needed to manage competing claims and steer a common vision that serves broader goals and interests. The election discourse clearly underlined a popular demand for inclusive growth where many ordinary Filipinos expressed their frustration over the elites’ privileges in reaping economic benefits. It brought to the fore the need for a fair and effective legal system, the delivery of public services by competent and apolitical bureaucracies, a safe and secure environment, and a level playing field for economic opportunities." ~I Deinla, 9 June 2016, FB link

"Equality and fairness are at the heart of the rule of law." ~Imelda Deinla,

"God's love keeps pouring. I count my blessings - and move past the challenges, Challenges are a good way to know our strenghts and weaknesses." ~Imelda Deinla

"Having generated a maelstrom of controversy during his campaign, Rodrigo Duterte has analysts scrambling to understand what his presidency will mean for the Philippines and the region." ~Imelda Deinla, 9 June 2016, FB link

"How do we develop a culture of responsibility and accountability - amidst the prevailing culture of opportunism, populism, papogi-ism and in the face of competing claims of various other 'isms'? After the euphoria of Pope Francis' visit, it seems that aspirations of positive, emotive, and accountable change have just dissipated into thin bubbles of air. It seems that both institutional and behavioral change are a long way to go - and would remain an aspiration than reality." ~Imelda Deinla

"It's time to heal - and unite. The new President Rodrigo Duterte has been elected - and by Heaven's grace, Leni Robredo will be our Vice President. They are a unique but good combination to deliver what many Filipinos have clamored for and articulated in this election. This elections has shown what democracy is -- that people have the right to demand accountability, expect better governance and delivery of public service, and to experience that the laws are enforced in a fair and equitable manner. This elections has taught us that people mobilize on their own and that there is potential to demonopolized power by a few. Let us thank however our past President Noynoy Aquino for his hard work in delivering economic growth, for improving our economic fundamentals, and for introducing accountability of public officials in practice. But the elections was not about his achievements but the desire of people to be given more economic opportunities, to receive better public service, and for a level playing field. Let us acknowledge that PNoy's administration has raised the bar of governance and that's perhaps the reason why people have wanted more. It is also time to acknowledge those who made this elections orderly, generally fair, and for lesser incidence of violence: the people for their restraint but vigilance in ensuring their votes are counted, the COMELEC (despite glitches, including yours truly being stricken off the list) and independent election watchers, the police and military for their neutral stance, for social media especially Facebook for providing the space for all to participate in the discourse - and last but not the least, the school teachers and other public servants who braved and toiled till midnight to ensure that 2016 elections is peaceful, orderly and fair." ~Imelda Deinla

"Jet bugged -- that's the price to pay when travelling long distance." ~Imelda Deinla

"Only the soft whisper of the wind reminds us how faith and courage serve us through the test of times." ~Imelda Deinla

"... Societal transformation is never achieved by the application of 'neutral law' but by reasoned judgment and consideration of realities - and by thinking outside of the box." ~Imelda Deinla, FB 19 March 2015

"The gun can kill you until the grave, but the media can kill you until infinity." ~Imelda R. Marcos

"The new president-elect (Rodrigo Duterte, 9 May 2016 Philippines Election) therefore faces a colossal task of sustaining the momentum of economic growth but also in ensuring that democracy and the rule of law deliver their promise of equitable distribution of wealth, fairness of the justice system, and responsive and accountable bureaucracies. The task remains however for the Filipinos to safeguard that democratic processes remain open and that the law balances the exercise of government power." ~Imelda Deinla, Australian Outlook 12 May 2016)

"The wave of EJKs has been perpetrated to create an illusion that narcopolitics is the biggest problem in Philippine society. A convenient solution' to inequality, bad governance and social injustices. It also stoked fear that led to acceptance of daily killings of alleged criminals. MAGISING NA! Hindi Adik ang tunay na problema kundi ang mga taong nasa likod nitong EJKs na may mas masahol na layunin para sa bayan." ~Imelda Deinla, 22 August 2017

"There are high expectations of the Duterte administration on both the domestic and international fronts although it is too early in the day to judge whether he can meet these. But his ‘can-do’ and ‘problem-solving’ attitude has captivated a broad spectrum of Filipinos and President Rody, as he wants to be called, may well just surprise the critics." ~I Deinla, 9 June 2016, FB link

"Truth is a function of power. We should engage and resist this 'normalized truth of power politics in order to denormalize the status qou - corruption, clintelist democracy, and inequality." ~Imelda Deinla (April 23, 2016)

"(Nakakasuka!) What kind of society and people have we become? The past few days people from all races came to see me about intensifying deaths, imagine 32 killings in one night! And yet even many Filipino migrants here in Oz are applauding. These are suspects brazenly killed for small quantities of drugs allegedly found in their possession and yet due process is served on these mostly foreign nationals. Allegations against a relative are just dismissed. The fact that many of us are condoning these measures is what make this condition more sickening and barbaric. Are you proud of what's happening??" ~Imelda Deinla, 18 August 2017

(Imelda Deinla, Author, ANU
"Rule of law deficit behind voter dismay in Philippines" 4 May 2016)

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Humour is reason gone mad. ~Groucho Marx

"According to astronomy, when you wish upon a star, you're actually a few million years late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams." ~Tom Retterbush

“An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it makes a better soup.” ~H.L. Mencken, A Book of Burlesques

"Behind every man who thinks he wears the pants … is a wife who told him which pants to wear." ~Coffee and Jelly Beans

"Cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in a piece of paper with fire on one end and a fool on the other end.” ~Anon 

"Every author in some way portrays himself in his works, even if it be against his will." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"God made men by baking them in an oven, but he forgot about the first batch, and that's how Black people were born. And then he was so anxious about the next batch, he took them out of the oven too soon, so that's how White people were made. But the third batch he let cook until they were golden-golden-golden, and, honey, that's you and me." ~Sandra Cisneros

"I always wondered if you clone your wife and have the cloned wife on the moon and the real wife down here, would that be considered cheating?" ~Luis Guzman

"I don't understand why in banks pens are always attached to strings. We trust them with our money and they can't even trust us with just one pen." ~Anon

"I dream of a better tomorrow where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." ~Groucho Marx

"I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge." ~Anon

"I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky." ~Anton Chekhov

"I've never felt like I was born with a silver spoon at all, although I've felt like howling at the moon a lot of times!" ~Van Morrison

"I've written a lot of books which are written from the moon - the view from nowhere." ~Clifford Geertz

"I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury." ~Groucho Marx

"If a man writes a book, let him set down only what he knows. I have guesses enough of my own." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“If variety is the spice of life, marriage is the big can of leftover Spam.” ~Johnny Carson

"If you can take our land why can't you take a joke?" ~Jinx Yeo, CHINESE Comedian‬

"It's nice to turn the other cheek but what I'm saying is don't slap yourself." ~Douglas Lim (Malaysian Commedian, Minister of Revenge, ) Laugh Therapy

"Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea." ~Henry Fielding (1707-1754)

"Most people are unable to write because they are unable to think, and they are unable to think because they congenitally lack the equipment to do so, just as they congenitally lack the equipment to fly over the moon." ~H. L. Mencken

"Mother is far too clever to understand anything she does not like." ~Arnold Bennett

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." ~Groucho Marx

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies." ~Groucho Marx

"She may look like an idiot, talks like an idiot but don't let that fool you, she really is an idiot" ~Groucho Marx

"Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back into the shell" ~Dorothy Canfield Fisher

"Sometimes a man's purpose to a woman's life is to help her become a better woman .... for another man." ~Anon

“The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.” ~Mark Russell

"The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open." ~Groucho Marx

“The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.” ~Groucho Marx

"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." ~George Carlin

"There's a scale of diner pleasure: the grunt scale." ~Matt Preston, Masterchef Judge, Funny Quote

"There’s more old Drunkards than old Doctors" ~Benjamin Franklin

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." ~Ernest Hemingway, (born in 1899)



"Excessive honesty often borders on stupidity." ~Anon

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Carl Reiner - snow

Photo: Sourced from FB
"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water." ~Carl Reiner



R. Sauter - journey

"On this life journey you will both give and receive love. All to bring you to that which are; love." ~R. Sauter


Joan Savell - birds


"It is not accidental that native trees are the birds natural food. They love it and so, you are visited frequently and given the quiet joy of watching their antics and interactions with one another. You can quietly admire the wonder of the artistry of their colours and how beautifully each colour blends with one another. One of my favourite birds to admire the colouring of is the brown pigeon. Their brown-ness ranges through cinnamon, nutmeg, tan, dark brown, russet and every shade of brown you can imagine. And when seen in the sunlight, they are gorgeous." ~Joan Savell on Should you feed birds in your backyard? (FB Starts at 60 Community Page)


Thaddeus of Vitovnica - humility

“Until you have suffered much in your heart, you cannot learn humility.” ~Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica



"A humble person will always see the truth in simple lessons. Gratefully accept these simple moments, smile and take what they learn into everyday life." ~Angel whispers...wisdom

“All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power." ~Lao Tzu

"Always possess enough confidence to hold your head high, but enough humility to never look down on others." ~Anon

"Be humble and never think that you are better than anyone else. 'For dust you are and unto dust you shall return.'" ~Anon

"Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars." ~Serbian Proverb

"Be loving, and you will never want for love; be humble, and you will never want for guiding." ~Dinah Craik

"Being humble is much important than being wise because God doesn't need a PROUD mouth that speaks much, but a KIND heart that listens." ~Anon

"Being humble means recognising that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing." ~Camille Pissarro

"Don't be impressed by money, followers, degrees and titles. Do be impressed by generosity, integrity, humility and kindness." ~Anon

"Greatness is humility that doesn't need to be noticed." ~Small Things are God's Blessings

"Humility and contrition are the keys that open the heart of God." ~David Roper, Our Daily Bread

"Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excels pride and ignorance in costly attire." ~William Penn

"Humility brings blessings." ~Mar Razalan

"Humility comes from discovering who you truly are, and then realising how desperately you need God." ~Mark Brown

"Humility enables us to have broken hearts when we sin or make mistakes and makes it possible for us to repent." ~Steven E. Snow

"Humility has great value in the eyes of God." ~Precy Bierbaum

"Humility is not denying your strengths, humility is being honest with your weaknesses." ~Rick Warren

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less." ~C.S. Lewis

"Humility is not weakness; it is the epitome of strength. Humility moves a person away from human, personal weakness and limitation into divine expression, strength and expansion." ~Donald Curtis

"Humility is nothing but the disappearance of self in the vision that God is all." ~Andrew Murray

"Humility is the ability to give up your pride and still retain your dignity." ~Vanna Bonta

"Humility is nothing but the disappearance of self in the vision that God is all." ~Andrew Murray

"Humility is the displacement of self by the enthronement of God." ~Andrew Murray

"Humility is the first rule of martial arts. Either you learn humility quickly, or you leave because your ego can't handle losing repeatedly." ~George St. Pierre

"Humility is the gateway into the grace and the favour of God." ~Harold Warner

"Humility is vastly undervalued in our modern Western culture. It is a prevalent belief that humility is fine for the pious or holy, but in the "real" world it won't get you very far. Many people consider pride and aggressiveness as virtues and humility as a weakness. This may be because they don't understand the meaning of humility. They may equate humility with self-debasement and a sense of inferiority when, in fact, this is not true humility. Actually, the opposite is true. Most really great people are humble. Those among the most respected who have ever lived acknowledge that their greatness came, not from their personal self, but from a higher power working through them." ~John Marks Templeton from LLF

"Humility, like darkness, reveals the heavenly lights. ~Henry David Thoreau

"Humility taught me that every person is a winner." ~Bryant McGill

"Humility, the place of entire dependence on God, is the first duty and the highest virtue of the creature, and the root of every virtue. And so pride, or the loss of this humility, is the root of sin and evil." ~Andrew Murray

"Humility will open more doors than arrogance ever will." ~Zig Ziglar

"If you do any action for the outward appreciation of the world, then you will not be rewarded by God. Only by working in humility, in secret, will the Lord be fully glorified and reward you in turn." ~Dr. David Jeremiah

"Indeed, the true great and strong people are humble and gentle and they won't mind bowing low." ~Mar Razalan

"Leaders who know their strengths and weaknesses as leaders are likely to be far more effective that the ones who remain blind to them. They are also on the road to humility--that priceless attitude of openness to life that can help a manager absorb mistakes, failures, or personal shortcomings." ~John Adair

"Perfect humility dispenses with modesty. If God is satisfied with the work, the work may be satisfied with itself." ~C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

“Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness.” ~Honoré de Balzac, Père Goriot

"Pride is concerned with who is right, humility is concerned with what is right." ~Ezra T. Benson

"Some people would rather die in their pride, than live in their humility." ~Anthony Liccione

"Sometimes the world is not enough for those who knows no real love and compassion, humility and human sacrifice." ~Paul Pastrano Gangoso

"The best prayer is humility put into practice." ~Leah C. Dancel

“The first step in becoming a more peaceful person is to have the humility to admit that, in most cases, you’re creating your own emergencies." ~Richard Carlson

"The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk." ~Marcus Tullius Cicero

"The HORSE, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon his back." ~Amber Senti

"The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it." ~Lord Bacon

"The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility." ~Thomas Spencer Monson

‪"The stubborn ignorant is usually too arrogant to be humble." ~‬Rick Vilhori

"The X-Factor of great leadership is not personality, it's humility." ~Jim Collins

"True humility is being able to accept criticisms as graciously as we accept compliments." ~Sabrina Newby

"True humility is intelligent self respect which keeps us from thinking too highly or too meanly of ourselves. It makes us modest by reminding us how far we have come short of what we can be. ~Ralph W. Sockman

"True humility is not thinking less of yourself: it is thinking of yourself less." ~C.S. Lewis

"Unless we learn to practice true humility, our material knowledge may lead to intellectual vanity—a feeling of superiority and even of arrogance." ~Richard Ames

“Until you have suffered much in your heart, you cannot learn humility.” ~Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica

"When we are touched by humility we awaken to a moment of gratitude where we are free from our unpleasant pasts, and free from the torture of future expectations. Humility feels like a thankful-awareness of the present moment. Humility is patient because it is neither past nor forward seeking — it is content. Accept your present opportunities; the pleasant and the painful, which are both seeking to perfect you. Humility adds lessons to our pain and suffering, turning the seemingly senseless into meaning. You only have a chance right now, in this moment — but only through humility." ~Bryant McGill

"With humility, with awareness of the existence of life, and of the suffering that are going on around us, let us practice the establishment of peace in our hearts and on earth." ~Thich Nhat Hanh



"Glances of true beauty can be seen in the faces of those who live in true meekness." ~Henry David Thoreau

"Meekness is calm confidence, settled assurance, and rest of the soul. It is the tranquil stillness of a soul that is at rest in Christ. It is the place of peace. Meekness springs from a heart of humility, radiating the fragrance of Christ." ~Matthew Henry


"A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant." ~Anon

".. a sin that humbles you is better than a good deed that makes you arrogant." ~Hamza Yusef

"I feel truly humble, but I believe I truly have the strength to get over it." ~Bob Hope

"Never believe you are above or below anyone. Remain forever humble." ~Brandon Buchard

"The great charm of all power is modesty." ~Anon

"The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it." ~Lord Bacon

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Robin McGraw - appreciation


"Appreciation is a big component of marriage." ~Robin McGraw


Alan Bennett - pass the time

“Books are not about passing time. They're about other lives. Other worlds. Far from wanting time to pass, one just wishes one had more of it. If one wanted to pass the time one could go to New Zealand.” ~Alan Bennett


Carlo Goldoni - traveler

"A wise traveler never despises his own country." ~Carlo Goldoni





"We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged." ~Isabel Allende




"An educated, enlightened and informed population is one of the surest ways of promoting the health of a democracy." ~Nelson Mandela speaking at St John's College, Johannesburg, South Africa, 6 October 2003, LivingTheLegacy

"Aristocracy never leads to democracy; it presumes a government by the "best" and therefore of and for the "best" and not the rest." ~Joffre Balce

"Be critical, vocal, and involved in the political process. We are a democratic country and it is our duty to keep our government in check." ~Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago

"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Democracy demands maturity and responsible citizenship." ~Rafael Alunan III, September 20

“Democracy is more than just saying. It is saying what matters and pushing all of us, from whatever stripe, into thinking, and doing. ….You cannot provide all the answers nor can you pretend to be experts at everything, but you can encourage your readers to probe beyond what you say, or portray. The buck should not stop with you. It should empower them to look further, read deeper and think faster.” ~Resurgent dot ph (Editorial), December 19, 2016

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they’re going to have for lunch.”
~Benjamin Franklin

"Democracy of the people, by the people and for the people as the best form of government is founded on the belief that reason prevails in getting the consensus of the majority, not religious dogma, not rhetorics of demagogues, and not because of the belief that the best minds come only from the rich and the powerful." ~Bogz Lee

"He's a victim of economic hit men and jackals brutally judged and executed in the name of democracy." ~Joffre Balce on Gaddafi

"Human freedom involves our capacity to pause, to choose the one response toward which we wish to throw our weight." ~Rollo May

"If God gave our soldiers the spirit of courage, to protect us from our enemies and fight for our freedom, He gave you guys the heart of compassion, of serving, and of giving." ~Jovybev Aquino

"In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme." ~Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)

"In the future, democracy is not going to last long because the politician is already ignorant before the scientist; he is already in the hands of the scientist. The future belongs to the scientist, not to the politician. That means we will have to change the word democracy. I have a word for it: meritocracy." ~OSHO (Priests and Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul)

"Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Neoliberalism is a self-serving racket that exempts billionaires and large corporations from the constraints of democracy, from paying their taxes, from not polluting, from having to pay fair wages, from not exploiting their workers" - George Monbiot

"The election is the soul of democracy." ~Benson Bautista

"The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations." ~Thomas Jefferson

"WE WANT CHANGE! We want a leader that can bring us to that Promised Land. Duterte is a destructor of bad democracy, and equipped with an iron policy to effectively govern this country. We want a radical change; we believe it’s the only way... I’m taking that rollercoaster ride with him. I’m going up, slightly scared and excited, I don’t know what’s coming next but I know it’s going to be good. You can’t handle it, then ride a carousel that will give you the same vicious cycle of greed, corruption and illegal drugs. This great iron fist will change the infrastructure of the society of Philippines for the better, you're either with us, or against us, SO BE IT." ~Vivian Velez

"When democracy doesn’t deliver, its legitimacy becomes difficult to defend. And when successive elite-dominated governments have used democracy for their own ends, the balance tilts towards authoritarianism." ~Cleve Kevin Robert Arguelles, Instructor of Political Science at University of the Philippines, December 22, 2016

"When traversing the treacherous slopes of defending our nation's new found freedom, it is so reassuring to know that we've got each others back." ~Jovybev Aquino

"You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution." ~Gilbert Chesterton (1874-1936)



"A friend is someone who allows us the space and freedom to be." ~Debbie Alicen

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~Abraham Lincoln

"Animals were given freedom. Mankind took it away." ~A.D. Williams

"As long as men are free to ask what they must, free to say what they think, free to think what they will, freedom can never be lost and science can never regress." ~Marcel Proust

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." ~Viktor E. Frankl

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent." ~Martin Luther King Jr.

"Depend upon it that the lovers of freedom will be free." ~Edmund Burke

"During my reading leisure, one of the people that I do regularly stay tuned in Facebook is Mr. Mark Lopez. Though meek in his appearance, he is fierce with his keystrokes as every message he send to the public is painstakingly direct and honest. His latest rant on freedom of speech is one hell of an accolade as he give emphasis on openness of communication and information whichever side you choose without resorting to underhanded tricks and deception." ~Jeffrey Dela Cruz, FB comment on Freedom of Speech, March 8, 2017

"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom but oppressors, even after falling from their roost, keep opportunistic vigil as well." ~Joffre Balce

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up her suitcases off pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which land in the valley of change." ~Shannon. L Alder

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances. To choose one’s own way." ~Viktor Frankl

"Everywhere in the world it is accepted that students, as a thinking and independent-minded section of the population, have the right to freedom of thought and expression of opinion." ~Nelson Mandela in a statement issued at the All-In-African National Action Council, 5 September 1961, LivingTheLegacy

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." ~Nelson Mandela

"Forgiveness is just another name for freedom." ~Byron Katie

"Freedom and victory belong to those who remain true and strong despite temptation to be dishonest and weak." ~Brendon Burchard

"Freedom is a condition of your heart. You can be captive amidst great wealth and free behind bars. Do your fears, insecurities, beliefs and programs still control the way you choose to spend your days? The true freedom in life is feeling free to think, act and speak according to the dictates of your heart. So liberate your spirit from self-censure, self-judgment and anything other than appreciation of self. Take a few minutes to appreciate the beautiful and courageous soul that you truly are. And then if you want to liberate your soul even further take a few minutes to think of someone you'd rather not and find a way to appreciate them. This freedom to find loving allowance for all is truly the greatest liberty of all." ~Ann Albers

"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash." ~Sarah Bolen

"Freedom is an illusion. It always comes at a price." ~Jonathan Stroud

"Freedom is being yourself without permission." ~Positivity, Love and All Things Good

"Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free." ~John F. Kennedy

"Freedom is meaningless if people cannot put food in their stomachs, if they can have no shelter, if illiteracy and disease continue to dog them." ~Nelson Mandela from an interview, circa 1994, LTL

"Freedom is never given; it is won." ~A. Philip Randolph 

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." ~Ronald Reagan

"Freedom is not only the absence of being in jail, just as it is always said that peace is not merely the absence of war." ~Nelson Mandela from an interview with Lorie Karnath for Nobel Laureates, April 2004 ‪LTL

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err." ~Mahatma Gandhi

"Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better." ~Albert Camus

"Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity." ~Herbert Hoover

"Freedom is the oxygen for our soul." ~Flowers and Butterflies

"Freedom is the right to tell others what they don't want to hear." ~George Orwell, The complete works of George Orwell

"Freedom lies in being bold." ~Robert Frost

"Freedom may come quickly in robes of peace or after ages of conflict and war, but come it will, and abide it will, so long as the principles by which it was acquired are held sacred." ~Edward Everett

"Freedom of expression---and the exercise thereof---has to be nurtured with Wisdom." ~Teng Catong

"Freedom of opinion ends where criminal law begins." ~German Justice Minister

"Freedom of speech comes with consequences. If you can't handle the consequences of your speech, then don't speak. But if you want to speak in public, grow a damn spine. That's not a false dilemma but reality." ~Sass Rogando Sasot

"Freedom of speech is a defense against the government. It is not an immunity from the consequences of that speech from people you offend." ~Darwin Cañete

"Freedom of speech means freedom for those who you despise, and freedom to express the most despicable views. It also means that the government cannot pick and choose which expressions to authorize and which to prevent." ~Alan Dershowitz

"Freedom should not be understood to mean leadership positions or even appointments to top positions. It must be understood as the transformation of the lives of ordinary people in the hostels and the ghettos, in the squatter camps, on the farms and in the mine compounds." ~Nelson Mandela during an Address to the Leaders of the Free State Province, South Africa, 17 September 1994, LivingTheLegacy

"God gave the animals freedom. Man gave the animals cages, pens, aquariums, and zoos." ~A.D. Williams

"Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom." ~Friedrich Schiller

"Holiness is not freedom from temptation, but power to overcome temptation." ~G. Campbell Morgan

“How shall freedom be defended? By arms when it is attacked by arms, by truth when it is attacked by lies." ~Archibald MacLeish, Pulitzer Prize winner

"I guard my treasures: my thought, my will, my freedom. And the greatest of this is freedom." ~Ayn Rand

"I was not born with a hunger to be free. I was born free – free in every way that I could know" ~Nelson Mandela from Long Walk to Freedom, 1994, Living The Legacy

"If freedom was the crown which the fighters of liberation sought to place on the head of mother Africa, let the upliftment, the happiness, prosperity and comfort of her children be the jewel of the crown." ~Nelson Mandela speaking at the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) Summit, Tunis, Tunisia, 13 June 1994, LivingTheLegacy

"In a democracy, each has an equal right to be heard and an equal responsibility of mutual respect." ~Joffre Balce

“In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

"It is clear that not in one thing alone, but in many ways equality and freedom of speech are a good thing." ~Herodotus

"It was this desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect that animated my life, that transformed a frightened young man into a bold one, that drove a law-abiding attorney to become a criminal, that turned a family-loving husband into a man without a home, that forced a life-loving man to live like a monk." ~Nelson Mandela from Long Walk to Freedom, 1994, Living The Legacy.

"Just living is not enough...one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." ~Hans Christian Andersen

"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we can never be free." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"Life's true gift lies in your freedom to design it beautifully. With each rise of the sun, you get to chase the opportunity to fill your days with meaning—to live your life the way you choose." ~from Success dot com via Haizer Adrias Libcat, FB

"My most important project is building the habits that my happiness and freedom require." ~Yung Pueblo

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Not often enough do people recognize the efforts and sacrifices soldiers make so that the rest of us may live in freedom and peace." ~TJ Abat (28.1.18)

"On the other side of fear lies freedom." ~Anon

"One of the most important lessons I learnt in my life of struggle for freedom and peace is that in any conflict there comes a point when neither side can claim to be right and the other wrong, no matter how much that might have been the case at the start of a conflict." ~Nelson Mandela during a video message for the Signing of the Geneva Accord, December 2003, LivingTheLegacy

“Only he whose soul is in turmoil, forced to live in an epoch where war, violence and ideological tyranny threaten the life of every individual, and the most precious substance in that life, the freedom of the soul, can know how much courage, sincerity and resolve are required to remain faithful to his inner self in these times of the herd’s rampancy." ~Stefan Zweig, “Montaigne”

"Our minds tell us, and history confirms, that the great threat to freedom is the concentration of power. Government is necessary to preserve our freedom, it is an instrument through which we can exercise our freedom; yet by concentrating power in political hands, it is also a threat to freedom. Even though the men who wield this power initially be of good will and even though they be not corrupted by the power they exercise, the power will both attract and form men of a different stamp." ~Milton Friedman

"Peace. Freedom. The joy of living. This is what all animals seek." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"People hardly ever make use of the freedom they have, for example, freedom of thought; instead they demand freedom of speech as a compensation." ~Soren Kierkegaard

"People unfit for freedom — who cannot do much with it — are hungry for power. The desire for freedom is an attribute of a "have" type of self. It says: leave me alone and I shall grow, learn, and realize my capacities. … Freedom gives us a chance to realize our human and individual uniqueness." ~Eric Hoffer

"Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." ~John Quincy Adams

"Real freedom is not something to be acquired, it is the outcome of intelligence. You cannot go out and buy freedom in the market. You cannot get it by reading a book, or by listening to someone talk. Freedom comes with intelligence." ~Jiddu Krishnamurti

"Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people." ~Nelson Mandela speaking at the Chief Albert Luthuli Centenary Celebrations, Kwadukuza, South Africa, 25 April 1998, LivingTheLegacy

"Simplicity fosters freedom, peace, connection and joy. Why? Because when you remove distractions and excess from your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – you can focus on what is truly important, meaningful and essential." ~Lauren Jawno (5 Essentials to creating a peaceful lifestyle)

"The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do." ~Eric Hoffer

"The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us up in the castle of mediocrity: if we manage to overcome this fear, we are taking an important step towards our freedom." ~Paulo Coelho

"The free man is not he who defies the rules…but he who, recognizing the compulsions inherent in his being, seeks rather to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest each day’s experience." ~Bernard Iddings Bell, D.D.

"The freedom of information is key to a balance power between the government and its citizens." ~Martin Andanar, Secretary of Philippines Communication Office, 26 November 2016

“The freedom of the city is not negotiable. We cannot negotiate with those who say, 'What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable.'" ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"The freedom to choose is man’s greatest blessing and also his greatest curse, because we make stupid choices all the time that harm us and everyone around us." ~Rick Warren

"The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom." ~Georg Hegel

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.” ~Jim Morrison

"The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good, in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it." ~John Stuart Mill

"The only problem with freedom is our tendency to abuse it!" ~Alvin D. Alonzo, May 4, 2017

"The revolutionary warriors in the past who fought for their ideology acted like freedom soldiers." ~Atty Bruce V. Rivera

"The secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage." ~Thucydides 

"The supreme belief of our society is the dignity and freedom of the individual.  To the respect of that dignity, to the defense of that freedom, all effort is pledged." ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

"The word 'escape' comes forward, a channel leading you to freedom, a sky promising a fabulous future, a fantasy alien landscape to escape into." ~Gary Hayes, Sunrise at Bombo photo, 29 June 2014

"The world has its own ways of treating us like what we will never be, but want to be. It relinquishes its grip on our souls while lulling us with the songs of freedom and conquest of beauty. It magnifies every tiny bit of something useless over an unfathomable presence of humanity. And we all waste the whole of our lives standing in queue for gaining its attention to be abdicated as if we never existed in the eyes of our fellow men.” ~Annie Ali

"There are things you’ve been hanging on to that really are not useful and deprive you of your freedom. Find the courage to let them go." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"There are two freedoms, the false where one is free to do what he likes, and the true where he is free to do what he ought." ~Charles Kingsley

"There is no happiness without freedom, and freedom is not given to us by anyone. We have to cultivate it ourselves. Freedom from affliction, from fear, and from despair." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"They can take away our lives, but they can never take away... our FREEDOM!" ~Mel Gibson from the movie 'Braveheart'

"They only have freedom who ideally love freedom themselves and are glad to extend it others. They who care to have slaves must chain themselves to them. Those who build walls to create exclusion for others, build walls across their own freedom." ~Rabindranath Tagore

"They will never go gently into the night. There is no good night for those who betrayed and robbed the nation blind from Day One of its fight for freedom." ~Nelson Navarro

"Those who sought their own freedom in the domination of others were doomed in time to ignominious failure" ~ Nelson Mandela during an Address to the Joint Houses of Parliament, Westminster Hall, London, England, 11 July‪ 1996

"Time is a commodity we never get back. And when you know you have always given your all without regard for your own personal needs in the past, soar higher than an eagle can! You don’t owe anybody your freedom." ~Hedda Tady 

"To be, they mustI be free. Just like you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"Today, you can decide to walk in freedom. You can choose to walk differently. You can walk as a free person, enjoying every step." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"Transparency advocates argue that the use of an alternative, parallel economy undermines democracy because it benefits a few at the expense of the majority". ~ICIJ

"True freedom and power only comes when one is free of attachments." ~Bryant McGill

"Truth gives no assurance of comfort. Nor does it guarantee freedom. It often jails people as much as it frees them." ~Bryan Ng Co

“Until the whole world is free to agree with you or disagree with you, until you have given the freedom to everyone to like you or not like you, to love you or hate you, to see things as you see them or to see things differently - until you have given the whole world its freedom - you'll never have your freedom. “ ~Adyashanti

"Vigilance is the price for our freedom!" ~Peter Tiu Lavina

"We do not want freedom without bread, nor do we want bread without freedom. We must provide for all the fundamental rights and freedoms associated with a democratic society." ~Nelson Mandela during his Investiture as Doctor of Laws, Soochow University, Taiwan, 1 August 1993, Living The Legacy

"We should never forget those on whose shoulders we stand and those who paid the supreme price for freedom." ~Nelson Mandela upon receiving the Freedom of Howick, Howick Sports Grounds, Howick, South Africa, 12 December 1996, Living The Legacy

“What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.” ~Salman Rushdie

“When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves…Everything can be taken from a human but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. “ ~Viktor Frankl

"While people are struggling unhappily in the cities against the cruel authorities, a waterfall happily and cheerfully flows in the nature; there is happiness only if there is freedom!" ~Mehmet Murat Ildan

"Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man’s lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one’s self." ~Max Stirner

"Without the breath of real freedom we're getting nowhere fast." ~Sting 

"You can take away my freedom but my spirit will run free." ~Lenny Kravitz

"You preach about freedom as if you invented it, as if it is your gift to us. Let me tell you what freedom is. It is to live a life that is free from your selective moral standard. This is what the meaning of EDSA is." ~Mayor Sara Duterte to Socrates Villegas, CBCP

"You should enjoy the freedom. Sometimes a bit of time helps you see what matters." ~Raquel Geralde Villanueva

"Your life and my life flow into each other as wave flows into wave, and unless there is peace and joy and freedom for you, there can be no real peace or joy or freedom for me. To see reality—not as we expect it to be but as it is—is to see that unless we live for each other and in and through each other, we do not really live very satisfactorily; that there can really be life only where there really is, in just this sense, love." ~Frederick Buechner



"If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." ~George Orwell

"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance." ~Woodrow Wilson

"Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth." ~George Washington

"Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." ~Khalil Gibran

"Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive." ~Theodore Roosevelt

"Our liberty … is endangered if we pause for the passing moment, if we rest on our achievements, if we resist the pace of progress." ~John F. Kennedy

"The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty." ~James Madison

"The basic human rights for all our citizens have to be protected and guaranteed, to ensure the genuine liberty of every individual" ~Nelson Mandela speaking during a Business Leadership meeting, World Trade Center, New York City, USA, 21 June 1990, LivingTheLegacy

“This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe. Hither have they fled, not from the tender embraces of the mother, but from the cruelty of the monster; and it is so far true of England, that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still.” ~Thomas Paine

"Wisdom is timeless. It can only be arrived at with discernment and the development of our consciousness to a level that understands paradox and true freedom." ~The Mind Unleashed


"Being able to be a free and critical thinker, who wants to share my views with others to prevent further sufferering in the world without being silenced." ~Farcue R Sole/Understand the Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth

“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without it being praised. But some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.” ~Winston Churchill

"Our enemy today may be faceless. But we are undaunted even in the face of the unknown. We are a race of people with a long history underlined by our heroes' bravery, strength and determination to be free." ~Mayor Sarah Duterte, on Philippine Independence Day, June 12, 2020

"What is independence if the slaves of today shall be the tyrants of tomorrow?" ~Dr. Jose P. Rizal

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