"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Quotes on SEASONS

"Ah September, you are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul." ~Peggy Toney Horton

"And you would accept the seasons of your heart just as you have always accepted that seasons pass over your fields and you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief." ~Khalil Gibran

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!" ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

"But if in your thought you must measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other seasons." ~Kahlil Gibran

"Each part of life has its own abundant harvest, to be garnered in season." ~Cicero

"Each season has its own beauty." ~Charles Dickens

"Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." ~Song of Solomon 2:12 

“I like to think that to one in sympathy with nature, each season, in turn, seems the loveliest.” ~Mark Twain 

"It is the season of the Spirit. The message if we hear it is make it last all year." ~from A Muppet Christmas Carol

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” ~from WALDEN by Henry David Thoreau

"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and in reach of every hand." ~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own." ~Charles Dickens

"Seasons change and so do you. Trust the rhythms of your life." ~Project Happiness

"Seasons shift, and with them, the landscapes of dreams." ~Jack Bell Photography  

"The character of the landscape changes from hour to hour, day to day, season to season. Nothing of the earth can be taken for granted; you feel that Creation is going on in your sight. You see things in the high air that you do not see farther down in the lowlands. In the high country all objects bear upon you, and you touch hard upon the earth. From my home I can see the huge, billowing clouds; they draw close upon me and merge with my life." ~N. Scott Momaday

"The garden has been part of my life every day, in every season and in all weather. It has witnessed my greatest joys and absorbed my deepest sorrows." ~Sydney Eddison

"There is beauty in every new season." ~The 700 Club

 "There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

"Time will pass and seasons will come and go." ~Roy Bean

"Whatever the season of life, attitude makes all the difference." ~Our Daily Bread

“With the changing seasons comes new beginnings.”  ~Anon 


Hold a tiny seed
In the dark of winter
And see the hopes of spring;
Hold words of love
In times of trouble
And feel the hope
That tomorrow my bring.

"Friendship with trees: true and pure,
One beautiful day from spring to summer.
Let yourself be free and spread your wings,
Keep calm and she will take you to heaven."
~Rado Gatchalian, short poem

"I like winter
Spring is nice;
Let's skip summer
And do fall twice."
~Rusty Fischer
‪"When seeds are sown;
watered with kindness and fondness;
No matter what the season;
It will grow healthy and strong."
~@Leah C. Dancel, October 2018‬


"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air." ~Eric Sloane

"As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see." ~Vincent Van Gogh

Source: Our Daily Bread

"Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees." ~Faith Baldwin

Photo by BWP-Ambassador Orange 

"Autumn in Orange is a masterpiece in motion." ~Best Western Plus-Ambassador Orange.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf's a flower." ~Albert Camus

"Autumn is the bite of the harvest apple." ~Christina Petrowsky

"Autumn is the eternal corrective. What man can stand with autumn on a hilltop and fail to see the span of his world and the meaning of the rolling hills that reach to the far horizon?" ~Hal Borland

"Autumn is the season that reminds us that we need change in our lives." ~Anon


“Autumn, it carries more gold in its hand than all the other seasons.” ~Jim Bishop

"Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.” ~Della Owens

Photo credit to ABC Canberra 

"Autumn paints in colors that summer has never seen!" ~Anon

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." ~Anon 

"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile." ~William Cullen Bryant

"Autumn wins you best by this its mute appeal to sympathy for its decay." ~Robert Browning

"But I remember more dearly autumn afternoons in bottoms that lay intensely silent under old great trees." ~C.S. Lewis

"Change is a measure of time and, in the autumn, time seems 
speeded up. What was is not and never again will be; what is is change."  ~Edwin Way Teale

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you... while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." ~John Muir

"Days decrease, ... And autumn grows, autumn in everything." ~Robert Browning

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~ George Eliot

"Do not let them think that we have broken down. That we have cracked up. We merely dropped leaves, for a further spring." ~Rumi

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree."~Emily Bronte

"Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

"Fall has always been my favourite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale." ~Lauren DeStefano

 “He is outside of everything, and alien everywhere. He is an aesthetic solitary. His beautiful, light imagination is the wing that on the autumn evening just brushes the dusky window.” ~Henry James  

"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." ~John Burroughs

"I am made for autumn. Summer and I have a fickle relationship, but everything about autumn is perfect to me. Wooly jumpers, Wellington boot, scarves, thin first, then thick, socks. The low slanting light, the crisp mornings, the chill in my fingers, those last warm sunny days before the rain and the wind. Her moody hues and subdued palate punctuated every now and again by a brilliant orange, scarlet or copper goodbye. She is my true love." ~Alys Fowler

"I know the lands are lit, with all the autumn blaze..."  ~ Helen Hunt Jackson

"I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it." ~Lee Maynard

"In the embrace of autumn, the land exudes warmth and vibrant life." ~Jack Bell Photography 

“It gives you a good feeling. Each year, you rediscover in a garden the magic of life. A flower arrives, and it is a miracle. The leaves fall in the autumn, and it looks fantastic. There is a tenderness about a garden, and you can't help but be sensitive to that.” ~Hubert de Givenchy

"Notice that Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

"Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt." ~William Allingham

“The heart of autumn must have broken here, and poured its treasure upon the leaves.” ~Charlotte Fiske Bates  

"There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!" ~Percy Bysshe Shelley 

"There is something incredibly nostalgic and significant about the annual cascade of autumn leaves." ~Joe L. Wheeler

"Walked for half an hour in the garden.  A fine rain was falling, and the landscape was that of autumn.  The sky was hung with various shades of gray, and mists hovered about the distant mountains - a melancholy nature.  The leaves were falling on all sides like the last illusions of youth under the tears of irremediable grief.  A brood of chattering birds were chasing each other through the shrubberies, and playing games among the branches, like a knot of hiding schoolboys.  Every landscape is, as it were, a state of the soul, and whoever penetrates into both is astonished to find how much likeness there is in each detail." ~Henri Frederic Amiel 

"Weep not for the leaf of autumn as it brown and wrinkled lies. 
It has seen the rain in April and the pleasant summer skies." 
~Martin Buxbaum

"You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason." ~Ernest Hemingway


"Delicious autumn!
My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird
I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns."
~George Eliot (1819-1880)

"I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand, shadowless like Silence, listening
To Silence."
~Thomas Hood

“The Autumn is old;
The sere leaves are flying;
He hath gather'd up gold,
And now he is dying;--
Old age, begin sighing!”
~Thomas Hood

"The leaves are falling, falling as from way off,
as though far gardens withered in the skies;
they are falling with denying gestures.
And in the nights the heavy earth is falling
from all the stars down into loneliness.
We all are falling. This hand falls.
And look at others: it is in them all.
And yet there is one who holds this falling
endlessly gently in his hands."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Autumn


"A kind word is like a spring day." ~Russian Proverb

“All the spring may be hidden in the single bud, and the low ground nest of the lark may hold the joy that is to herald the feet of many rose-red dawns.” ~Oscar Wilde

"An optimist is the human personification of spring." ~Susan J. Bissonette

"Anything born in spring dies in fall, but love is not seasonal." ~Maulana Rumi

"Beauty is a form of genius — is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon." ~Oscar Wilde

"Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!" ~Sitting Bull

"Blossom by blossom spring begins." ~Swineburne

"Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?" ~Neltje Blanchan

"Despite the forecast, live like it's spring." ~Lilly Pulitzer

"Do not let them think that we have broken down; that we have cracked up. We merely dropped leaves, for a further spring." ~Rumi

"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment." ~Ellis Peters

"I am going to try to pay attention to the spring, to look around at all the flowers and the trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen." ~Anne Lamott

"I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best weather God has to offer." ~Dodie Smith

"I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees." ~Pablo Neruda

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant." ~Anne Bradstreet

"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom." ~Audra Foveo

"In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." ~Lord Alfred Tennyson

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." ~Margaret Atwood

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that’s where I renew my springs that never dry up." ~Pearl Buck

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke

"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain

"Let us linger a while in the wonderful old Lilac walk. It is a glory of tender green and shaded amethyst and the grateful hum of bees, the very voice of Spring." ~Alice Morse Earle

"No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up int the middle of nowhere." ~Sheryl Crow

"Poets in every age have sung the wonder of springtime." ~Francis Gay (1984)

“Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can be." ~Anon

“Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.” ~Jessica Harrelson

"Spring brings promise of lovely days, warm days and sunny days. Spring is life! It is a very special season that makes the weather caroms the nocturnal habitats of nature back to its perpetual habitation at this time of year." ~Leah C Dancel, 4 September 2009

"Spring bursts today. For love is risen and all the earth's at play." ~Christina Rossetti, (1830-1894)

"Spring flowers breathe life into the land, refreshing the soul." ~Jack Bell Photography 

"Spring is a gentle stirring deep inside that insists you walk instead of waiting for a bus. It's when you breathe deeply. It's that fleeting moment of time each year when you suddenly become you. It's when you say 'Good Morning' and mean it." ~Sam Churchill

"Spring is back! All things are awaken from its long winter hibernation. Life that had been temporarily suspended from living so it could take reprieved from feeling over worked, over fatigued and over exhausted would be able to recharge, to re-energize and to gain back nourishment has now resumed to normal function." ~Leah C Dancel, 4 September 2009

"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!" ~Robin Williams

"Spring is singing; all the trees have beautiful green new leaves and the flowering trees are covered with red, pink, white and purple blossoms!" ~Unattributed

"Spring is the time of plans and projects." ~Leo Tolstoy

"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." ~Doug Larson

"Spring paints the stars of Heaven in Earth colours." ~Gemma Wiseman

"Spring Season is when my yard fills with flowers in bloom that makes me feel better and happier." ~Jessa Mae Velasco Dancel

"Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer." ~Anita Krizzan

"Spring's greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out." ~Edgar Guest

"Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn." ~Lewis Grizzard

"Sweet lovers love the spring." ~William Shakespeare (1984)

"Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses." ~George Herbert (1984)

"That is one good thing about this world...there are always sure to be more springs." ~Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

"The beautiful Spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also." ~Harriet Ann Jacobs

"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring." ~Bern Williams

"The sun is smiling. The day is warming up. There is no denying we are face to face with Spring!!" ~Mariquita Nosce Tandoc

"The promise of spring's arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter." ~Jen Selinsky

"The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven—
All's right with the world!"
~Robert Browning

"Today, remember the still place, that royal spring from which all of creation bursts forth. Remember that there is always a moment for one clear breath, one pleasant thought, one deep pause to greet the majesty of the sky above you. To briefly part from the busy doings of your life need not be a distraction, but a nourishment. Take time to visit that still place, and grace will meet you there." ~Craig Paterson of Temple Wind Flutes

"Walk lightly in the spring;
Mother Earth is pregnant."
~Native American Kiowa Proverb

"With the coming of Spring, I am calm again." ~Gustav Mahler

'You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming'. 
Pablo Neruda


Source: Our Daily Bread

"A warm breeze blew through my window like a gentle wave lapping the sandy shore in summer at low tide, and as I took in a breath of air that blanketed my body like tall grass in a field I felt for just that moment in time, like I did when I was a child. I felt that I had not one worry, not one burden, nothing was on my mind except that breeze that made the curtains swell like balloons." ~Christina Pagliarulo

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it." ~Russell Baker

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

"And summer was swallowed up whole by fall and soon enough the late nights turned into early mornings. And the sweating turned into shivering. And you loving me turned into nothing. I can feel September coming." ~Anon

"Always maintain a kind of summer even in the middle of winter." ~Henry David Thoreau

"August is like the Sunday of Summer." ~Anon

"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability." ~Sam Keen

"How quiet the garden is; no breeze ruffles the Cornelian cherry. Summer has come." ~LOUISE GLÜCK

"I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds." ~Robert Bridges

"Learn how to distinguish between a quick summer rain and a devastating hurricane." ~Paulo Coelho

“Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer’s year--it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.” ~Anon

"One swallow doesn't make a summer." ~Old Proverb

"Our fear of death is like our fear that summer will be short, but when we have had our swing of pleasure, our fill of fruit, and our swelter of heat, we say we have had our day." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

"Raise the blinds of your heart so the light of a thousand endless summers will shine down upon it." ~Robert Clancy

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time." ~John Lubbock, The Use Of Life

"Summer arrived. The children leaned over the rose border, their shadows merging with the shadows of the roses." ~LOUISE GLÜCK

"Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night." ~Hal Borland

"Summer is a promissory note signed in June. Its long days spent and gone before you know it, and due to be repaid next January." ~Hal Borland

"Summer’s lease hath all too short a date." ~William Shakespere

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” ~Charles Bowden

"Summertime. It was a song. It was a season. I wondered if that season would ever live inside of me." ~Benjamin Alire Sáenz

"...the beach is the playground and theatre - space of summer." ~Mark Joseph Williams from The Guardian Australia

“The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter woods.” ~Henry Beston

“There shall be an eternal summer in the grateful heart.” ~Celia Thaxter


Arkansas Snow

"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water." ~Carl Reiner

"A rising sun, about to eviscerate a winter night." ~Jon T. Hermosisima 

"A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky - unbidden - and seems like a thing of wonder." ~Susan Orlean

“And don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.” ~Rumi

"Every gardener knows under the cloak of winter lies a miracle-a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream." ~Barbara Winkler

"Gardening in the mind is a gentle vice with an impetus of its own; it may not be as potent as actually making one, but there is a whole different threshold where gardening in the head can fill our winter tranquility with unrest." ~Mirabel Osler

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it; the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show." ~Andrew Wyeth

"I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go." ~Jeffrey McDaniel

"If only escaping winter is as easy as hitting escape on computer's key button." ~from YOURLifeChoices

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant." ~Anne Bradstreet

“In a way winter is the real spring, the time when the inner things happen, the resurge of nature.” ~Edna O'Brien on Seasons

"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." ~William Blake

“It is growing cold. Winter is putting footsteps in the meadow.” ~Roman Payne

"It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it." ~John Burroughs, "Winter Sunshine"

"It seems like everything sleeps in winter, but it’s really a time of renewal and reflection.” ~Elizabeth Camden

"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~Victor Hugo

"Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius." ~Pietro Aretino

"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ~Proverb

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn." ~Hal Borland

"Stormy weather is calming to the soul. The subtle patter of the rain, the intoxicating scent of petrichor, the small chill to the howling wind. Every element that adds towards rain makes me long for a permanent winter." ~Anon, The Diary Files, SL-NSW, August 7, 2020

"The winter is not surrendering it's grip so easily. In the meantime Spring is surreptitiously mobilizing it's troops." ~Shadowlands, The Surreptitious Spring

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ~Rachel Carson

"When a morning winter sun peeks through my kitchen window and brings sparkle to my favourite place where I boil water in a kettle and help myself to a nice cup of coffee." ~Leah C. Dancel, 27 August 2017

"When it snows you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels." ~Anon

"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour." ~John Boswell

"Winter can be a time for reflection as we sit in front of a crackling fire." ~from Dr. Anthony Chan Acupuncture

"Winter has made way for the scented blooms the warmer weather brings and it's impossible not to be smitten." ~Living Well Navigator

"Winter is a season of recovery and preparation." ~Paul Theroux

"Winter is here... ❄️There is nothing quite as soothing as a hot cup of tea. Morning, afternoon and evening, nothing warms the soul like tea." ~☕️The Berry Tea Shop

"Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart." ~Anon

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: It is the time for home." ~Edith Sitwell

"Winter is the time when it is too cold to do the things that it was too hot to do last summer." ~American Rose

"Winter is traditionally a great tea drinking season." ~Julie Mcrae, Teahouse, Orange NSW, Australia

"You can’t get too much winter in the winter." ~Robert Frost

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~


"A human life has seasons much as the earth has seasons, each time with its own particular beauty and power. And gift. By focusing on springtime and summer, we have turned the natural process of life into a process of loss rather than a process of celebration and appreciation. Life is neither linear nor stagnant. It is movement from mystery to mystery. Just as a year includes autumn and winter, life includes death, not as an opposite but as an integral part of the way life is made." ~Rachel Naomi Remen

“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water." ~Carl Reiner

"A snowman is the perfect man. He's very well rounded and comes with his own broom." ~Anon

"And your fragrance shall be my breath, And together we shall rejoice through all the seasons." ~Kahlil Gibran

"As I love nature, as I love singing birds, and gleaming stubble, and flowing rivers, and morning and evening, and summer and winter, I love thee, my Friend."  ~Henry David Thoreau

"Be like snow - cold, but beautiful." ~Lana Del Rey

“Glorious are the woods in their latest gold and crimson.”  ~ William C. Bryant

"I leaned out one last time and caught a snowflake on my tongue. They tasted so good, so pure and so divine, like nothing I had ever tasted from the sky." ~Shannon A. Thompson

"I love rainy season because you get to see nature at full health!" ~Kyle Jennerman, Becoming Filipino

"I miss the snow. I miss looking at it, walking in it, tasting it. I used to love those days when it was so cold everyone else would be tucked away inside trying to stay warm. I would be the only one out walking, so I could look across the fields and see miles of snow without a single footprint in it. It would be completely silent - no cars, no birds singing, no doors slamming. Just silence and snow." ~Damien Echols

"I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time." ~Robert Browning

"I want to age the way that life makes you age, because there's beauty in autumn and winter and I think people forget that." ~Helen Baxendale

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” ~Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking-Glass

 "If we had no winter,  the spring would not be so pleasant, if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,  prosperity would not be so welcome." ~Anne Broadsheet 

“If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day. Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more than the starvation caused by sadness or desperation. In order to complete our amazing life journey successfully, it is vital that we turn each and every dark tear into a pearl of wisdom, and find the blessing in every curse.” ~Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

"In the heart of every winter there is a throbbing spring. And behind the black curtain of the night, the smile of a sunrise hides." ~Kahlil Gibran

“January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow." ~Sara Coleridge

"Just before the death of flowers,
And before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season
When nature is all aglow."

"Life is like a blanket of snow. Be careful how you step on it. Every step will show!" ~Anon

"Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, 'What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.' Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope." ~Vincent Van Gogh

"March is the doorway from Winter to Spring." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"Mother Nature has the best box of crayons." ~Anon (the colours of autumn)

"Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering." ~Haruki Murakami

"Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand." ~Henry David Thoreau

"Never cut a tree down in the wintertime.
Never make a negative decision in the low time.
Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods.
Be patient.
The storm will pass.
The spring will come."
~Robert Schuller

"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." ~Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face." ~John Donne

"Our children no longer learn how to read the great Book of Nature from their own direct experience or how to interact creatively with the seasonal transformations of the planet. They seldom learn where their water comes from or where it goes. We no longer coordinate our human celebration with the great liturgy of the heavens." ~Wendell Berry

 “Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech.” ~Plutarch

“Silently, like thoughts that come and go, the snowflakes fall, each one a gem." ~William Hamilton Gibson

"Since sorrow follows joy
As autumn does the spring
Man must transcend the joys
Of earth, which sorrows bring."
~Mirza Ghalib

"Some things will grow for you; some will not. Climate is not something to ignore; nor is the consistency of soil, nor location." ~Gladys Taber

"Snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night will always fill my heart with sweet clarity." ~Novala Takemoto

"Snow makes cities innocent again, reveals the frailty of the human gesture against the void." ~Glen Duncan

"Snow provokes responses that reach back to childhood." ~Andy Goldsworthdy

"Snowflakes are kisses from heaven." ~Anon

"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together." ~Vesta Kelly

"Snowing is an attempt of God to make the dirty world look clean." ~Mehmet Murat Ildan

“Snowmen fall from heaven....... unassembled." ~Anon

"Spring comes with flowers, autumn with the moon, summer with the breeze, winter with snow.  When idle concerns don't fill your thoughts, that's your best season." ~Wu-Men

"Summer friends melt like winter snow but winter friends are friends forever..." ~Stark line, Game of Thrones

"Surely Australia can use this Paris climate agreement to finally end the barren, wasted years of climate policy war." ~Lenore Taylor

“The bee, from her industry in the summer, eats honey all the winter.” ~Anon

"The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event." ~Anon

“The snow began to fall again, drifting against the windows, politely begging entrance and then falling with disappointment to the ground." ~Jamie McGuire

"The snow did not even whisper its way to earth, but seemed to salt the night with silence." ~Dean Koontz

“The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches." ~E.E. Cummings

"The snow is melting into music." ~John Muir 

“The snow is sparkling like a million little suns." ~Lama Willa Miller

"The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only." ~Joseph Wood Krutch

"...the spring, the summer, The chilling autumn, angry winter, change Their wonted liveries; and the mazed world By their increase, now knows not which is which." ~William Shakespeare

"The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size." ~Gertrude S. Wister

"The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit." ~Thomas Malory

"The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success." ~Paramahansa Yogananda

"The third day comes a frost, a killing frost." ~William Shakespeare

“The rain to the wind said,
You push and I'll pelt.'
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged--though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.”
~Robert Frost

“The very fact of snow is such an amazement." ~Roger Ebert

"The wonder of a single snowflake outweighs the wisdom of a million meteorologists." ~Anon

"There are seasons and eras, and we have to see what they are as best as we can, and to find what is positive in them." ~Rev, Gardner Taylor (from Our Daily Bread)

"There's just something beautiful about walking in snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you believe you're special." ~Carol Rifka Brunt

"There's one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor's." ~Clyde Moore

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ~Rachel Carson

"We all go through seasons and no matter what season we might be in,  there is a Living God willing to hold our hand as we each minute passes around." ~Arlene Raulji (Nurse Lene) 

"We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away." ~Zhuangzi

"We grace each season with our hilarious madness and colorful grief. Then, we leave unannounced." ~Rolaiza Mimi Singayao

‪"When seeds are sown; watered with kindness and fondness; No matter what the season; It will grow healthy and strong." ~Leah C. Dancel, October 2018‬

"When snow falls, nature listens." ~Antoinette van Kleef

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” ~GENESIS 8:22 ESV

"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour." ~John Boswell

"Winter is an etching, 
spring a watercolour, 
summer an oil painting, 
and autumn a mosaic of them all." ~Stanley Horowitz

"Winter is dead;
Spring is crazy;
Summer is cheerful
And Autumn is wise."
~Mehmet Murat Ildan

"With every falling flake, a unique spark of interest falls from heaven." ~P. Miller

"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming." ~Pablo Neruda

"You never appreciate Spring till you've through a tough winter." ~Anon

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