"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

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"A warrior's strength is measured by the size of her heart. She is respectfully humble, she will stand with honor, she will fight with love. In the face of adversity and for the ones she loves, she will be a voice and a shield. She will be a beacon to light the way home for the old. She will gently make way for the young. She is a Sister, Mother, Daughter, Grandmother...She is a Warrior." ~Anon

"Adversity is not a hindrance. It's just a challenge we need to overcome in order for us to succeed and reach our goal in life. Let's keep ourselves open to new learnings and some minor tweakings with both feet on the ground. Let's support and encourage one another." ~Don Luman-ag

"Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn." ~Barbara Rose

"Adversity strengthens the spirit, hardens the soul, what we master becomes ours to use." ~George Daniel Anos

"And hope is like the stars - unseen in the sunshine of prosperity and only discovered during a night of adversity." ~Charles Spurgeon

"Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit." ~Napoleon Hill

"Every great personal story you have to tell involves overcoming adversity. If you shy away from adversity, you take away your ability to tell new stories." ~Farrel Droke

"God can bring showers of blessings our of storms of adversity." ~Anon



"Challenges are spices that propel creativity and patience." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." ~Joshua J. Marine

"Compassion is underestimated. It takes both wisdom and strength to have it. To look beyond a person's own struggles and attempt to see the world through the eyes of another person's challenges is the highest form of humanity." ~Doe Zantamata

"‪Don't allow people to get to you. Let them deal with their challenges and contrast because they've collected those in their life's journey." ~‬Chak V Walker

"Great leaders may be found at the top of a mountain looking back upon their challenges, but the greatest leaders are often found at the foot of the mountain still helping others reach that summit." ~Robert Clancy on Lead from the Heart

"Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain, but pray to God for a better umbrella. That is the attitude." ~Jackee

“I can choose to perceive every circumstance as an opportunity to grow and stay on my mission. And if this opportunity is also challenging, that’s even better. I have a chance to rise up--like a kite rises against the wind. If there’s no wind the kite can’t fly. Have you ever tried to fly a kite when there’s no wind at all? Have you ever tried to have a great life when there’s no challenge? If there’s no challenge for me I cannot become stronger. I cannot grow.” ~Steve Chandler

"If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance and care." ~Marvin J. Ashton

 "If we had no winter,  the spring would not be so pleasant, if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,  prosperity would not be so welcome." ~Anne Broadsheet 

"Life challenges, like illness can make us bitter and resentful. But being bitter and resentful is a choice. Let your pain make you soft, not hard. Compassionate, not cruel. Gentle, not unkind. Choose to be loving and tenderhearted. Take care of each other and be kind." ~Marcel Lawrence

“Life is full of challenge. That's how we learn and grow. When we're born, the Good Lord gives each of us a Life Book. Chapter by chapter, we live and learn. When a chapter of your Life Book is completed, your spirit knows it's time to turn the page so a new chapter can begin. Even when you're scared or think you're not ready, your spirit knows you are.” ~Beth Hoffman

"Life is never without a need, never without a problem, never without a challenge." ~Anon

"No one can choose your mountain or tell you when to climb. It's yours alone to challenge. At your own pace and time." ~from Valley Vet

“No one is without troubles, without personal hardships and genuine challenges. That fact may not be obvious because most people don't advertise their woes and heartaches. But nobody, not even the purest heart, escapes life without suffering battle scars.” ~Richelle E. Goodrich

"Repeat after me; I am stronger than this challenge. And this challenge is making me even stronger." ~MRJ Mermaid Musings

"Stand up to your obstacles; do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have." ~Zen Proverb on Strength

“The candle is the light of life that is constantly thriving to hang on and light up the darkness of life. (Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere was a candle in the wind. He was a fighter fighting the odds to survive. And he did so with incredible power to change the world.) Whether your life is long or short upon the earth, it is remarkable that our little flames burns on in spite of the wind, or the challenges of life.” ~Enock Maregesi

"The essential key to discovering your best is to stand up to life's challenges even when you're knocked down." ~the plus code/fb

"The tests we face in life's journey are not to reveal our weaknesses but to help us discover our inner strengths. We can only know how strong we are when we strive and thrive beyond the challenges we face." ~Kemi Sogunle

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~Martin Luther King Jr.

"There's always a new challenge to keep you motivated." ~Sean Connery

"To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist." ~Gail Sheehy

"We all have the power to push past life's challenges." ~Chris Norton

"We are often challenged to do “great things” for God. Actually, God is more pleased when we do small things for him out of loving obedience. They may be unnoticed by others, but God notices them and considers them acts of worship." ~Rick Warren

"We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity." ~Barbara De Angelis

"We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us." ~William J. Brennan

"What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?" ~Rose Kennedy

“When facing adversity, we may think we’ve reached our limit, but actually the more trying the circumstances, the closer we are to making a breakthrough. The darker the night, the nearer the dawn. Victory in life is decided by that last concentrated burst of energy filled with the resolve to win." ~Daisaku Ikeda

“When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves…Everything can be taken from a human but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. “ ~Viktor Frankl

"When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back." ~Paulo Coelho

"You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope." ~Thomas Merton

"Your greatest moments of challenge are a call to defy your timid habits of safety and rush out into life." ~Bryant McGill


"There is no illness on earth for which God has not provided a remedy through Nature." ~Paracelsus

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