"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

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"A friend is like a pillow.
You can hug it when you are in trouble.
You can cry on it when you are in pain
and you can embrace it when you are happy.
Always remember:
if you need a friend,
buy a PILLOW!"
~Cherrie Facun Dancel

"A smile can open a heart faster than a key can open a door. Smiles are free! Don't save them! Brighten the world with your SMILE!" ~Cherrie Facun Dancel 

"All that I have: time, talent, and treasure, is because God loves me faithfully and unconditionally. This, I have to share for His glory and honour that belongs to Him." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel, March 5, 2022, Anything Friday

"Ang ginawang kabutihan hindi na dapat ipinapaalam sa madla. Sapagkat ang gantimpala ay sa langit makukuha."
©Cherrie Facun Dancel

"Each day, GOD expects for a new you.
Start this day with HUMILITY,
go on with PATIENCE,
and end with PRAISE.
After all, He brings out the best in you."
~Cherrie Facun Dancel 

"Friendship begins with a handshake." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel

"Good times and best friends make the memories special. Great memories to look back." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel 

"Hope in the heart puts a smile on the face." ~Cherrie Facun

"In every desert, God has an oasis of grace." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel 

"Life is like a seed that grows and blooms regardless of the place where it is thrown." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel, ILA Anything Saturday, July 9, 2022

"May God take care of all your needs, touch your life with joy and contentment, bless your heart with love and faith, comfort your soul with gladness and inner peace, grant you good health, lasting comfort and relief from the burdens of life." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel, March 3, 2019

"Miracles happen when we clasp our hands together in prayer." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel

"Reading and meditation on the word of God first thing in the morning refreshes the heart, mind and soul to start a day, happy and beautiful." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel

"Sa kabila ng aming mahigpit na pangangailangan,
masaya ang aming tahanan.
Sa kabila ng suliraning aming nararanasan,
payapa ang aming kalooban."
~Cherrie Facun Dancel
"In spite of our pressing needs,
we have a happy home.
In spite of the problems we endure,
we have peace within."
~Cherrie Facun Dancel

"The loveliest day comes when you wake up one morning and discover the truth that love still colors our world! How lovely to be loved by Jesus!" ~Cherrie Facun Dancel 

"When I wake up in the morning 
It's refreshing to the heart, mind and SOUL to start my day right."
~Cherrie Facun Dancel



"We cannot earn new life in heaven
By word or work or worth;
But when we trust in Jesus Christ,
He'll give to us new birth."

"Hearing God each time He calls means fellowship divine;
Listen for His message clear and say, "God's will be mine."
~J. David Branon

"Holy Bible, Book divine,
Precious treasure,thou art mine;
Mine to tell me whence I came,
Mine to teach me what I am."

"If we seek God in the minutes,, we shall find Him in the hours." ~Cooper

"Not to the strong is the battle,
Not to the swift is the race;
Yet to the true and the faithful
Victory is promised through grace."

"Good works can't change your heart. Only personal faith in Christ brings cleansing inside and out. Then your good works and righteous life will be pleasing to God." ~David C. Egner

"A friend in need is a friend indeed."
Sometimes this means inconveniencing ourselves to care for the interests of others or receiving that help when we ourselves are in need. After all Christ has done for us, it's a blessing to be His hands and feet in loving one another."
~Dennis Fisher.

"A living relationship with Christ can keep us from being thieves. As that relationship grows, He will teach us how to be givers and not takers." ~Dennis J. De Haan

"From beginning to end, all of life is a continuous gift-giving by God, We deserve nothing. He owes us nothing. Yet He gives is everything. If we remember this, we need not feel hmmselfish or guilty. Whatever material blessings we have are a gift from our gracious God." ~Dennis J. DeHaan

"One grace each child of God can show
is giving from a willing heart;
Yet, if we wait till riches grow;
It may be that we'll never start."
~D. De Haan

"To take from others what is theirs
Is robbing from the Lord;
For all they have is from His hand--
It's theirs by His own word."
~Dennis J. De Haan

"God, who has given so much to us, gives one more thing--a grateful heart." ~Herbert

"God gives to His servants a promise:
You'll not have to face a life alone,
For when you grow weak in your struggle, His strength will prevail--not your own." ~Hess

"In dark times, it's comforting to remember that God is our deliverer. He is always at work on our behalf, even if we can't see what He is doing." ~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

"Since God searches our hearts and minds, He sees and hears every prayer--even the ones that never escape our lips." ~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

"God gives us children for a time to train them in His way.
To love them and to teach them how to follow and obey." 

"Lord help us walk with You each day,
Attune our hearts to what You'll say;
And show us how to read and pray
When pressing needs get in our way."

"If I have the gift of health,
No effort I must shirk;
I must give it back to God
In good and honest work."

"The act of giving reminds us that we live by the grace of God. Giving offers us a way to express our confidence that God will care for us just as He cares for the sparrow and lily."
~Philip Yancey

"Communication involves more than good speaking; it also requires good listening.
When we say, 'God is getting through me,' it's not because He's communicating better but because we're hearing and willing to change. Let's always make listening to God one of our best communication skills."
~Joanie E. Yoder

"Christians don't own their wealth--they owe it." ~Our Daily Bread

"God's whisper of comfort quiets the noise of our trials." ~‎Our Daily Bread

"There is more power in the open heart than in the clenched fist." ~Our Daily Bread

"Times of trouble are times of trusting." ~Our Daily Bread

"To stand up to any challenge, spend time on your knees." ~‪from Our Daily Bread

"We're saved by God's good work, not by our good works." ~Our Daily Bread

"When we love Christ, we love others." ~Our Daily Bread

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