"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Suze Orman Quotes

"A wise woman knows how to summon her courage and do what is right rather than what is easy." ~Suze Orman

"Always look within to see why you are doing without" ~Suze Orman

"Always try to see the sun rise and the sun set" ~Suze Orman

"Avoid Gift Obligation. If you don't have money and you're buying a gift for somebody, chances are they don't have money either. If you give them a gift they're going to feel obligated to give you a gift back. Now you're both going to have to put those gifts on your credit cards and you're both going to be spending money that neither of you can afford. So you have to remember a gift -- a true gift -- is not only a gift for the person that you're giving it to, but it's a gift to yourself as well. Gifts you can't afford will never be a true gift to yourself." ~Suze Orman

"Be confident when you make your case for a raise. If you're tentative and apologetic, you're signaling ambivalence about your own worth." ~Suze Orman

"How you get through difficult times in your life will largely be determined by whether you can reach for your courage, or whether you turn away from it toward your pain. It is vital to keep your mind and body as strong as possible. Eat well, exercise, allow yourself plenty of sleep. Even if the motions feel hollow, the actions are powerful, and powerful actions will nourish your courage." ~Suze Orman

"It is better to do nothing than to do something you do not understand." ~Suze Orman

"It's only when we give to ourselves as passionately as we give of ourselves that we create the life we want and deserve." ~Suze Orman

"Live below your means but within your needs, and get as much joy out of saving as you do spending." ~Suzie Orman

"Money is such an amazing teacher: What you choose to do with your money shows whether you are truly powerful or powerless." ~Suze Orman

"Money needs to come in via your hands and go out via your heart." ~Suze Orman

"No woman can control her destiny if she doesn't give to herself as much as she gives of herself." ~Suze Orman

"Open up your closed hands to receive that which is meant to come your way." ~Suze Orman

"Put all your effort into being the best person you can be—to yourself, to your friends and family, and to the world at large—and you will not only be happy with your life, but you will also own the power within that will propel you in whatever career you choose." ~Suze Orman

"Sweep your heart clean with the broom of life." ~Suze Orman

"True generosity has very little to do with what you have, but everything to do with who you are." ~Suze Orman

"WHEN YOU ARE grateful. . . when you can see what you have. . . you unlock blessings to flow in your life!" ~Suze Orman

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