"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A heart attuned to beauty, goodness, kindness and happiness acts as a kind of magnet - just as if those things were always 'popping into our heads'". ~Francis Gay, The Friendship Book 1984, (August 21).

"A little restriction is often good for the soul. Too much ease and luxury can produce a poor spiritual harvest." ~Francis Gay

"A loving heart is a joy forever!" ~Francis Gay

"A loving touch can soothe away pain, and take the place of words." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1983

"A thought, a prayer, a letter, a phone call - all these can vanquish the miles." ~Francis Gaym TFBFG 1985 (from CAH)

"Always keep our eyes open to the beauties and wonders around us. Let's enjoy them." ~Frances Gay (1983)

"Fortunate is the nation that has writers to whom the truth means everything!" ~ Francis Gay (1979)

"Friendship needs a bit of effort on both sides." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1985 (from Carol Ann Hewer)

"Gardens are bright with early daffodils, crocuses, and other small bulbs, and in sunny spots the first dog-tooth violets are flowering." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"Happy, kind laughter can bring sunshine into our lives." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"How often does a certain fragrance bring back memories of a special occasion?" ~Francis Gay (1998)

"However humble our calling may be, there is a satisfaction in work well done which can be equalled by few other things." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1983

"...how true it is that much of the discordance of life's "melody" is due to our lack of quiet places, quiet times and quiet thought. They do help the music of life." ~Francis Gay, (1985)

"If we really try, we can squeeze some good out of even the bitter things of life." ~Francis Gay (1987 - from Carol Ann Hewer)

"If we really want a happy, satisfying life we need something to which we feel ourselves to be deeply committed--it may be a good cause, a charity, a club to which we belong, a church, a hobby--it does not much matter as long as it is something which really engrossed us, for engrossed people are never bored and unhappy." ~Francis Gay (1983)

"It's good to learn something new every day, for it keeps us on our toes and gives a zest to living." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1998/mpw

"It is not just the 'power that be' who have a responsibility for creating a better world; each of us can play our part." ~Francis Gay, 1984

"It is often among the very old that we find the courage that is born of faith." ~Francis Gay, TFB-FG 1980

"It's rather a startling reminder...how glory is found in the commonplace. What transformations are possible in us and in our world!" ~Francis Gay, 1984

"It will be the unconscious words and little deeds of kindness that will be remembered." ~Francis Gay

"Life has its debts and duties, its disappointments and frustrations but if we can learn to pay the bill with a smile, few things will get us down." ~ Francis Gay, TFBFG 1983

"Life is never as easy as we would like to think. Even when the stormy waters seem to be all behind us we still have to behave with commonsense and tact, never underestimating the difficulty of just "plain sailing." ~Francis Gay TFBFG

"Life should be remembered for the blessings and benefits we leave behind for others." ~Francis Gay

"Make the most of each new tomorrow. Look for the beauty around us, listen to music, lend a helping hand wherever we can. Let's try to use every moment." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"Many people have been encouraged to try a new path and found that it led to success." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"One of the best ways of overcoming our own griefs and troubles is to go out and do something for someone else in need." ~Francis Gay TFBFG 1984

"Ordinary folk of every nationality and every language know the art of friendship." ~Francis Gay (1983)

"Poets in every age have sung the wonder of springtime." ~Francis Gay (1984)

"Sometimes, it is the small things which brighten our lives. Never be afraid to let someone know you are thinking of them. It could be just the boost to their spirits which they are needing." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1998/mpw

"Sometimes our prayers may seem to have been unanswered. But often, if we wait, we find they have been answered after all - though not in the way we had expected." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1979

"The way to contentment is to learn how to accept what we can't alter." ~Francis Gay

"The will to do something is always more important than the circumstances we try to arrange for ourselves." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1985 (Carol Ann Hewer)

"The world couldn't exist without its second fiddles. Think of the people who never hit the headlines but cheerfully suppress their own ambitions to help a husband or support a family. While the stars receive the flowers and the plaudits, the second fiddles soldier on in the background doing a good job and often getting very little thanks for it." ~Francis Gay, TFB-FG, 1980

"There is an extraordinary power of friendship and the strength that can flow from one person to another." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1980

"Thought for others and the recognition of others' thought for us is a way of "greatness" within the scope of us all." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1983.

"To help people when we can - that's good; but to anticipate their needs is true compassion." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1983

"To learn patience is to learn one of life's most precious secrets." ~Francus Gay, TFBFG 1985 (from Carol Ann Hewer)

"To live in a silent world isn't much fun, and though blind people immediately arouse our sympathy, we tend to forget that deafness is just as severe a handicap. Let's try to be more understanding next time we meet people suffering from real deafness." ~Francis Gay

"To offer or receive the hand of friendship is a beautiful thing. This world would be a far more peaceful and loving place, if only we "kept in touch"." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1983

"We all have it in our power--listening to people instead of doing all the talking ourselves, asking them about their interests instead of simply expounding our own. This is the way to make people feel important--and the way to make friends." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1984

"We are all faced with difficult decisions at one time or another and sometimes, sadly, others are offended by what we decide to do. But if it's the right course to take then we must have the courage to go ahead. Better than sitting on the fence and going nowhere." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1984

"What a difference it makes to our outlook when we can feel that the world-the whole world-is ours to enjoy!" ~Francis Gay (1983)

"Whatever our own particular status in life, even if it be quite obscure and humdrum, we can always find opportunities to help somebody worse off than ourselves."~Francis Gay

"Whatever the weather, the first official day of Spring ought to lift our spirits with hope." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1984

"When I look at many of the flowers in my own garden, their names give an extra bonus to their beauty." ~Francis Gay 1987 (from CAH)

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Iris Hesselden
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