"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Teresita Mariano Barrera Quotes

"A life we treasure is like a tree.
Nurture it with care and deep down, sprout roots to sustain its longevity.
Life when embraced with love brings you tranquility."
~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"A lone rose that gleams and makes you  happy all day
At night its fragrance keeps your sorrow away."
~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"A lovely touch of blue
So cool the two of you
You're both a sight to see
With  thoughts wandering free."
~Teresita Mariano Barrera

"Being beautiful is keeping it to your heart." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera

"Children indeed signify the purity of the soul. Wandering beyond, amazingly they create their peculiar wonders which surprise everyone." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"Empty your misery and fill it with joy ... spontaneously it outweighs the burden in your heart and mind  and love will always sink into your soul." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"Just a caring tap will light up the burden of a weary mind." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera

"Life indeed is full of struggles that when you loosen your grip you'll likely fall on the brink. Being truthful often kills your freedom... and the universe will be your enemy." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"Life is not as easy as we think it is 
But when we think of God, 
everything is at ease 
Dwell Him in your heart 
 Your life will not be so hard 
The light He shines on you 
Will make you out of the blue." 
~Teresita Mariano Barrera

"Loving is a habit you'll never get tired of and a trait you'll always feel glad to have it." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"SUMMER grips you tight to feel its warmth... WINTER makes you embrace each other and enjoy the long and cold nights." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera

"The moon is like the life we live: full of imperfections but still beautiful." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera

"Truly a lighthouse you are
Though how near or far
You substantiate
to give not a flickering light
But a hope to shine them with delight."
~Teresita Mariano Barrera 

"Whatever mood our weather wraps us, let your temperament remains unfazed." ~Teresita Mariano Barrera


Everywhere is my freedom

The pain and agony you cause me
Made me stronger every day
Let me fly as free as the bird
Its flutter is like music being heard
The freedom I sway around 
A joy it brings me
kissing  the ground
My thoughts are   my freedom 
It's everywhere I'm welcome