"The best thing any human being can do is influence another one." ~FREDDIE FIGGERS
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel
Dr. Chuba Okadigbo - Mankind
"If you are emotionally attached to your religion or political leaning to the point that truth and justice become secondary considerations, your education is useless. ... If you cannot reason beyond petty sentiments, you are a liability to mankind." ~Dr. Chuba Okadigbo
Featured Quote from Ayn Rand
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favours - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed!" ~Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged 1957
Mike May - The power of pounding water
"I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves or a waterfall." ~Mike May
Dr Shepherd Bushiri - Good things
“You must understand that the devil does not come with anything new as he is a copycat of the good things that God has done.” ~Dr Shepherd Bushiri
Anita G. Diaz - On "Lockdown"
Matthew Karsten - On track
"Investment in travel is an investment in yourself." ~Matthew Karsten
Dean of Windsor, David Conner tribute to the "most illustrious Prince."
"We remember the many ways in which his long life has been a blessing to us.
"We have been inspired by his unwavering loyalty to our Queen.
"Our lives have been enriched through the challenges that he has set us, the encouragement that he has given us, his kindness, humour and humanity."
Source: ABC News/Nick Dole, European Correspondent
~•✿•~ ~•✿•~
"He was a good public servant. He was a colourful man. And he was the glue for the royal family." ~Kaya Mar, Paint Artist
"May God hold her in the palm of His hand and give her comfort during this time. God bless." ~John Kita on Queen Elizabeth II's husband Prince Philip death, April 17, 2021
"One heartbreaking thing in life that sadly affects us all is having to lose those we love." ~Helen Waters on Prince Philip Funeral, April 17, 2021
Doreen Calibre - Ability to see and understand
"Magic, indeed, is all around us, in stones, flowers, stars, the dawn wind and the sunset cloud; all we need is the ability to see and understand." ~Doreen Valiente
FEATURED Quote from Saint-Exupery
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Catherine M. Valente - Reading
“It is well known that reading quickens the growth of a heart like nothing else.” ~Catherine M. Valente
Helena Kalivoda - River-free and flowing r-free
Edward Dube - Never give up
“My humble invitation to all of us is to never give up!...It is not so much about what we are going through in life but what we are becoming.” ~Edward Dube
Alexander Den Heijer - Sparks a light
"You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you." ~Alexander Den Heijer
Natalie Angier - Natural world
“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details.” ~ Natalie Angier
Thomas Kinkade Quotes
"Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them." ~Thomas Kinkade
"Beauty is found in anything that delights the senses, nourishes the soul, fires the imagination." ~Thomas Kinkade
"Steeping my life in beauty brings color to my days and a song to my heart.” ~Thomas Kinkade
Frances Clark - Sky
"There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one." ~Frances Clark
Jake Colebrook - Healthy mind
"The sign of a healthy mind is not denial, but facing the cold, hard truths head on. Courage requires critical thinking and acting on new knowledge despite fear." ~Jake Colebrook
Katie Ross - Dance
"How incredible life would be if we danced our own dance, and didn't care too much if anyone was watching. Then if we saw someone's dance, instead of judging, we simply cheered them on." ~Katie Ross
Louis Zamparini - World
"The world we'd discovered doesn't love you like your family loves you." ~LOUIS ZAMPARINI
Ali al-Rida - Doors
"Silence is a door among the doors of wisdom, indeed, silence begets and attracts love. It is the proof of all the beneficiences." ~Ali al-Rida
Liam James - Dreams
"Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny." ~Liam James
Megan Coltharp - God's promise
Jostein Gaarder - Extraordinary living
"How terribly sad it is that people are made in such a way that they get used to something as extraordinary as living." ~Jostein Gaarder
Featured Quote from Oscar Wilde : Flower
“A flower blossoms for its own joy.” ~Oscar Wilde
L. Wolfe Gilbert - Secrets of life
“Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself.” ~L. Wolfe Gilbert
Joss Whedon - Leaf on the wind
Marcelene Cox - Family
Shoal Bay NSW
"A vacation frequently means that the family goes away for a rest, accompanied by a mother who sees that the others get it." ~Marcelene Cox
Darcy Rose - Photography
"In life, much like photography, it is the nuances of both the darkness and the light that define the truest beauty in things, ourselves included." ~Darcy Rose
Shiva Sharma - Sister
"A sister is someone who loves you from the heart. No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart. She is a joy that cannot be taken away. Once she enters your life, she is there to stay." ~Shiva Sharma
Nicholas Ferroni - Love at home
"Students who are loved at home come to school to learn, and students, who aren't, come to school to be loved." ~Nicholas Ferroni
Josh Schipp - Success story
"Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story." ~Josh Shipp
Roland A. Browne - Roses
"I don't know whether nice people tend to grow roses, or growing roses makes people nice." ~Roland A. Browne
Gene Perret - Grandkids
"My grandkids believe I'm the oldest thing in the world. And after two or three hours with them, I believe it too!" ~Gene Perret
Aanandi Joshi - sky
"We are all under the same sky, but with different boundaries." ~Aanandi Joshi
Quotes from PURSUED
"Acknowledge your feelings but don't make them the basis of your decisions. Surrender it all to God and He will guide you." ~Pursued
"Generosity is just a manifestation of a grateful heart. "
"God doesn't focus on your failures. Instead, HE looks at the story behind all your actions."
"God sees your values and not your mistakes."
"God will never allow you to go through the journey on your own. He is your companion and He will never leave you."
"Learn to appreciate the blessings around you. It may appear simple and small, but in the eyes of God, He knows that you need those things."
"Let the challenges and problems you face lead you to the best version of yourself."
"Love will teach you how to focus on the blessings instead of entertaining the pain. It will serve as your strength to overcome the heartaches you feel deep within. It is a wonderful treasure that you can always carry wherever you go." ~Pursued
"Sometimes, the obstacles in front of you are God's way of leading you back to the right path."
"The difficult moments in your life will test your faith. You will begin to doubt His goodness, and you will stop looking at His blessings because you are so consumed with worries and fears. That’s why praying to God is already a step of courage. It’s not easy to trust, especially when you are in the middle of the wilderness. But when you pray, it simply means that you are allowing God to move in your life." ~from Pursued
"When you encounter God in your life, you will stop focusing on the things that you don’t have. Instead, you will feel so blessed with the precious gifts that He gave you. The uncertainties in life will never break your heart because you learned to be fully satisfied in His presence."
"You can never change somebody. You will feel so frustrated when you try to transform someone’s life according to your own effort and strength. Because at the end of the day, change is a personal choice to make. Our job is just to be with them along the journey of self-development. We are not here to judge or condemn other people."
"You may think that what you experienced is too painful, and if you were given a chance to turn back time, you would choose not to go through it. But then, remember the lessons that you learned in those seasons. You may find it hard to comprehend those things, but trust that God is up to something extraordinary and beautiful in your life."
"You will never find it difficult to release blessings as long as you learn to cherish and appreciate everything that God provided. If you wanted to experience a breakthrough in this area of your spiritual journey, then choose to be grateful. Learn to thank God for the blessings that you receive and focus on the good things around you."
Margot Fonteyn - Work
"Take your work seriously, but never yourself." ~Margot Fonteyn
Betty Friedan Quotes
"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” ~Bettie Friedan
"Men ate not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves." ~Betty Friedan
Dianne Feinstein - Winning
"Winning may not be everything, but losing has little to recommend." ~Dianne Feinstein

"Beautiful flowers giving colors and freshness to Mother Earth fill our eyes of different hues and hazes with the myriad of rainbow colors and scents... A bounty and food to fill the Spirit." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"Being old is a privilege like an old oak tree..weathered all storms...growing tall, trunks, getting wider and mightier. That's just like us." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"Empowered life is powered by love of family." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"Gratitude is a compounded love, compassion and beauty we call it "Mystic Beauty" a source coming from a beautiful soul full of gratefulness." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"I know the magnificence of sunset and breaking of dawn. It's always there to amaze us, the wonders of nature that never cease to do its wonderful infinities." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"In friendship, acquaintances, long relationships, lending your ears, listening to one's thoughts is like a mirror...by understanding the other point of views is one of the most valuable tools for you to be understood too..a conversation cannot begin by negating the other's opinion, it has to start with listening, feel the other's thoughts, and trying one's best to understand. In a psychotheraphy..a doctor is listening, absorbing, retaining and trying to understand whats his patient is trying to go through you..healing comes from understanding the other...healing is being understood... is itself a breakthrough in every theraphy." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"Life is a constant struggle. Every prayer leads you to challenge every suffering that comes your way. Nothing is the same in each moment of your life. Change is the only thing permanent that through our prayers we strive for a better change." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"The basic instinct of caring for the young and the helpless, placed mothers as the champion of compassion and pure love, the core of humanity." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"They (children) are the sources of my happiness. Nature give us something to hold on to life; even to life's imperfections, we viewed it as perfection of being, living in accord of what fate dictates." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"Values of integrity, honesty generosity he has them.. Selflessness and altruism also make this man great." ~Cecilia Delacerna on Ivan Fernandez, Tokyo Olympics 2020, July 30, 2021 (held in July 23-August 8, 2021)
"You have to go to beach or the mountains to see the sunrise and sunset." ~Cecilia Delacerna
"Just days ago I watched the birds calling or talking to other birds. Three birds perched on the papaya trees at our backyards with very ripe fruits. I called my grandchildren, Rheann and Jairu, and asked them, "what do you thing are they screaming about kids?" Their reply came in unison that I laughed, "theyre screaming and calling to other birds mamalo, woooohhh!!! come over, there's a feast here!" ~Cecilia Delacerna, December 8, 2021

Jean Luc Picard - Teacher
"Fear is an incompetent teacher." ~Jean Luc Picard
Helen Reddy - I am Woman
"If I have to, I can do anything. I am strong. I am invincible. I am Woman." ~Helen Reddy
Paul Walker - Happy and healthy
Photo credit to the owner
"You know, all that really matters is that the people you really love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae." ~Paul Walker
Maryanne Radmacher - dreams -Hershey
"Remember your dreams." ~Maryanne Radmacher-Hershey
Kirsten McNeil - Relationship with the child
"In the relationship with the child, the quality of the relationship always rests with the adult." ~Kirsten McNeil
Sally Berger - Get started
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." ~Sally Berger