January 1, 2022 in two hours....
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel
Brad Paisley - First Blank Page
Ton Koopman - Mind and emotion
“Bach is able to compose in a way that mind and emotion are in a fantastic balance." ~Ton Koopman, who conducted this 2010 performance of the beloved Air from Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 3
Roger Lee Quotes
"Love who you are and be who you want to be. Not everyone is going to understand your journey, but there will always be someone who will." ~Roger Lee
"Never give up searching for your happiness because whether you find it or not, one day it will find you." ~Roger Lee
"Never loss hope because even the smallest amount of light can get you through the darkest days." ~Roger Lee
Kenly Seanity - Waters
"Don't dive into the waters if one already set expectations. One's ocean might be just a lake to others."~Kenly Seanity
Chattel Quote: Twilight zone
"Drifting into the twilight zone,
The sun hearkens the voice of eventide;
Winter dreamtime is my pillow." ™
©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright@June 14, 2021
All rights reserved
SH - Australia
Photo: On The Street Where I Live
December 23, 2021
James Grissom - Love
“The world is violent and mercurial...it will have its way with you. We are saved only by love...love for each other and the love that we pour into the art we feel compelled to share: being a parent; being a writer; being a painter; being a friend. We live in a perpetually burning building, and what we must save from it, all the time, is love.” ~James Grissom, Tennessee Williams/Interview with James Grissom
Andy Geller - Force of nature
"Sometimes love is stronger than any force of nature." ~Andy Geller
Robert Mondavi - Pour it in
"Whatever you do, pour yourself into it" ~Robert Mondavi
Wilfred Ntui Quotes
"No matter the setbacks, you can
Still bounce back if you
Quit listening to
Negative minds.."
~William Ntui
"Sometimes the problem is not the problem, but the problem is that you fail to identify the root of that problem." ~©Wilfred Ntui.
"When you stay idle in life every distraction becomes an opportunity!" ~Wilfred Ntui
Quotes on MAGIC
“An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.” ~William Bernbach on Talent
“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.” ~Nora Roberts
"Magic, indeed, is all around us, in stones, flowers, stars, the dawn wind and the sunset cloud; all we need is the ability to see and understand." ~Doreen Valiente
"One day someone will look at you with the magic in their eyes because that's what you are." ~R.H. Sin, Whiskey Words & a Shovel II
"The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all." ~Josiyah Martin
"The magic's in the music, and the music's in me." ~John Sebastian
"The magic of the movies enraptured me when I was a child; as I totter into antiquity, movie magic enraptures me still.” ~Peter O’Toole, accepting his Honorary Oscar
FEATURED Quote for Today: Rumi
"Take someone who doesn’t keep score, who’s not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own personality: he’s free." ~Rumi
"Coincidences don’t happen. Anytime you have a random thought that comes into your mind, it’s your loved ones’ gentle way of reminding you their presence is near." ~Matt Fraser, Psychic Medium
"Do not look back and regret the past. It has shaped who you are today and has taught you valuable life lessons. Look back and smile for one day, Heaven will explain it all to you." ~Matt Fraser
"Just like an open window, your loved ones who have passed on have the ability to look into your life and watch over you at any time. They stand by silently smiling and proud." ~Matt Fraser
"Psychic empaths and sensitive souls are two groups of people who are often misunderstood. Psychic empaths are people who are able to sense the emotions of others, even from a distance. They can often tell when someone is lying or hiding something, and they can be very attuned to the energy of their environment." ~Matt Fraser
"I think life is (just) a quote .. You have found the meaning of a wonderful life." ~Gordana Andonovska
"In the bosom of perseverance, every virtue looks like a flower." ~Gordana Andonovska 🌹
Light is the first thing we see when we open our eyes for the first time.
Edward W. Said Quotes
“Peace cannot exist without equality; this is an intellectual value desperately in need of reiteration, demonstration, and reinforcement.” ~Edward W. Said, “The Public Role of Writers and Intellectuals”
“You cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once—there has to be a limit.” ~Edward W. Said
Elinor Dewire - Lighthouses

“Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass. There’s a human story at every Lighthouse; that’s the story I want to tell.” ~Elinor Dewire
Edward Ramsay - Friendship
"May the hinges of friendship never rust, nor the wings of love lose a feather.” ~Edward Ramsay
Think Positive Power
"Keep your heart free from hate,
your mind from worry.
Live simply, expect little, give much.
Scatter sunshine, forget self,
think of others."
~Think Positive Power

"A Raven knows where to teach for carcass." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Acknowledge knowledge, but deny ignorance." ~Hanan Muzafar
"All evil stems from envy (worst of worst), and when put into action becomes all sins." ~Hanan Muzafar
"All life is driven to hope, even in the times of despair." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Anonymity is a place, where abyss takes its form." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Anyone can speak kindness, sympathy, love and so on; But can you do, without announcing: That matters." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Anything that is blind is cult." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Argument goes in vain, when perspective is plain." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Art demands peace." ~Hanan Muzafar
"As long you're right, none can say you're wrong." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Be a giver, but not to the ungrateful." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Brave ones sacrifice themselves, they're not afraid of adversary, and have will to seek wisdom: They know the worth of time, and time knows their worth." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Calamity comes on nations, and test on individuals." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Chaos leaves you with questions, and solitude with answers." ~Hanan Muzfar
"Conflicts die, when opinions die." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Dead have no days. They speak out at night." ~Hanan Mufazar
"Decay is what happens within walls." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Digging the graves don't bring life " ~Hanan Muzafar
"Don't compete, just be honest; Victory tastes sweet, when earned hard." ~ Hanan Muzafar
"Even earth is fertile, where it's tender." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Even from despair, comes hope:
It takes lot of courage to handle despair." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Every conscious being fights for freedom." ~Hanan Muzafar
5 June 2023
"Flowers are like this, they grow even when they're not desired;
All they can do is bring a bright smile." ~Hanan Muzafar
"For a withered soul escapes." ~Hanan Muzafar
"From time to time, world has become history." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Hate doesn't cease to exist: It's corrosive, but dominant too." ~Hanan Muzafar
"He who is Truth, can create it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"I had nothing to sacrifice, except my heart, and I sacrificed it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"If it doesn't make difference, then why would it matter?" ~Hanan Muzafar
"If you can understand the flight of bird, and phase of moon; you can quite predict the weather?" ~Hanan Muzafar
"If you think, you would do, and He won't know: Then you're wrong." ~Hanan Muzafar
"It is easy to blame, but hard to accept your faults." ~Hanan Muzafar
"It takes time and courage to find yourself." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Judgement can't be hastened, cause it's on time;
Though favour in sight, can be hastened." ~Hanan Muzafar
""Justice happens all the time, though judgement takes long?" ~Hanan Muzafar
"Knowing gives the power to judge; for you can't judge, what you don't know." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Learning is mutual, Growth is solitary." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Love meets you at your weakest!
Looks for you, when you need it most?
~Hanan Muzafar
"Modesty is hidden beauty." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Money is hilarious, people run after it, and it runs from them." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Nations crumble, when they're ruled and run by sick men " ~Hanan Muzafar
"Neither history nor evidence can be erased; History speaks, and evidence proves." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Not only does God writes history; He creates it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Often I meet what seems to be usual, and often that comes out to be unusual?" ~Hanan Muzafar
"Once the truth hath revealed to you; You will no longer remain SILENT, as you were." ~Hanan Muzafar
"One who can reveal himself, can understand others: As revealing yourself is transcendental." ~Hanan Muzafar
"One who dreams, becomes witness." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Out of strangest, loneliness is the most strange." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Past is past, it can't be forgotten neither can be changed: Though you can learn from it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Patience is of strong, noise is from weak." ~Hanan Muzafar
"People come to you when you have; Who comes? when you don't have." ~Hanan Muzafar
"People either get broke or corrupt, when they don't get, what they desire." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Raise yourself to where none remains to follow." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Rather than blame, make yourself worthy of claim." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Religion divides, God unites." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Religion is what you follow, and God is what you don't know." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Right matters, efforts count, value values." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Righteous knows, which way to go." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Science can only tell, what it says; What it doesn't see and understand, it can't tell and define that." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Silence is the most loud scream." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Silence over falsehood is crime." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Sleep is a wonder, that calms world;
Men desire world, and world devours them." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Spirit moves with lightning speed, yet can ROAR". ~Hanan Muzafar
"States have self interests, and they use banner of nationalism for exploitation; it's both people and states." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Take stand where it's right, and when it comes to rights: If you won't take, none will do it for you." ~Hanan Muzafar
"That which can't bring you out of darkness is not light, and that can't bring you out of despair is not hope." ~Hanan Muzafar
"That which you give, comes back in many ways to you: World is a reflection of you, the way you perceive it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"The beauty of things is not in their complexity, but in simplicity." ~Hanan Muzafar
"The conversion is of soul, not of flesh." ~Hanan Muzafar
"The greatest confession you can make is with yourself, and the greatest reunion you can make is with God." ~Hanan Muzafar
"The most strongest are those, who suffer most; it's not they choose suffering, rather it's given to them." ~Hanan Muzafar
"The value of life is understood by those, who loose it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"The world of dead never sleeps." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Then belong to those, who do now." `Hanan Muzafar
"There's no great revolution, than to mend what's broken." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Those who've slave mindset, can't get freedom." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Those who seek religion, can never reveal God: For God does not have religion: Yet He is truth." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Time and Life, has ways to beat you." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Time is paradoxical, yet it defines itself." ~Hanan Muzafar
"To see through chaos needs insight." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Tough times reveal who you are." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Truth is the highest temple, which can't be destroyed." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Two faces of the coin, tell the same tale." ~Hanan Muzafar
"We're part of such puzzle, no matter how much we resolve it on our own: We end up on ourselves." ~Hanan Muzafar
"What goes beyond our understanding, we tend to make that relative." ~Hanan Muzafar
"What is man without grief? Dust! I came to draw strength from it." ~Hanan Muzafar
"When Death speaks, we remain silent." ~Hanan Muzafar
"When one comes to free them, they accuse him of falsehood." ~Hanan Muzafar
"When your heart is circumcised, you don't need to find wisdom: It will come to you." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Where there's darkness? There's light!" ~Hanan Muzafar
"Where there's diversity, there's conflict." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Where your drive is, there you will be." ~Haznan Musafar
"Word that can't do is vain." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Words are whispers in the ears of wise: Who hath ears, listen!"
~Hanan Muzafar
"Words have momentum, and art has impact." ~Hanan Muzafar
"World is worth, laugh and lament." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Wrath is a judgement, and judgment comes with justice." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Your adversary can teach you more than your idle fellow." ~Hanan Muzafar
"Your being is more powerful, than their ego." ~Hanan Muzafar
If world would be consumed, it would be consumed by nothingness:
It's our satire, and we're its masters."
~Hanan Muzafar
Chow Yun-fat - Money
“This money isn’t something you possess forever. When you’re gone one day, you have to leave it to others to use it." ~Chow Yun-fat
"We are born with nothing, no more and no less, and finally to return to nothing. Be as natural, normal and at ease as possible." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Don’t aspire to acquire surplus wealth at sunset years. Those who have such intention are rather confused or crazy. Just consider what belongs to you before and after death. One has to wake up and stop fooling ourselves." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Be contented. Have fun and enjoy the sunset years. Do not be exalted if you’re rich neither too worried if poor. Take it along as naturally and savor the freedom." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
Photo: Thirroul Beach
October 12, 2020
'Don’t forcibly demand, neither compete. Life is like a dream or a fleeting cloud or smoke. Look at the vast and empty sky and land; we are just a speck drifting within." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"The sun is empty, so is the moon. River water forever flows eastward (in China). Farm and house too are empty, continually changing owners." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Love becomes naught, relationship too disappears. Finally, all will go into the crematorium. Even gold and silver, one does not grasp to take along after death." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Reputation, honours and profits disappear into sweet dreams once the eyes shut down for good. Whatever gains or losses dissipate, life is like a drama." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"No more minister status, no more power that came with it. No one can remain in the ministry for life. Rich or poor, the final is void. That is nothingness when the curtain of life drops, be aware of that." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"The four seasons will rotate, so will the high and low tides. Every family has their own troubles. Do not burden unnecessarily with worries." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Raising and educating children is responsibility and duty. It is a blessing to be able to help. Children and grandchildren shall build their own future, do not be duty-bound by them. It is far more a blessing to take good care of our own wellbeing during the sunset years." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Man hustle and bustle about earning a living like bees collecting honey. Who is the sweetness of honey for, life-long hard work would still end up in naught. Be more liberal and accommodative, think rationally to avoid disputes." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"From a distance, hospitals are like heaven, curing countless patients. Viewing from close range hospitals are like banks, raking in a lot of cash. Getting inside the hospital is like getting into prison, it is far better to take preventive measure well in advance." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Health is an invisible asset, health enhancement is bank saving, contracting a disease is a bank loan and re-payment, serious illness can cause bankruptcy. These are earnest facts of life and to be regarded seriously. Do not let this happen, it will be too late to regret." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"It is better to stand alone to enhance immunity rather than to lie down and be cheated. If you don’t take care of your health, you will be supporting doctors and hospitals. Love the family must start with loving yourself. Loving yourself is thinking ahead." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"A life span is too short. Do not get bogged down with money worries. Tons of cash wouldn’t buy a sun which doesn’t set. Loads of silver and gold can’t exchange for health. Life and death is fated and wealth too. If it has been fated that we will be wealthy, it will be. But if it’s fated otherwise, it is pointless to crave for it." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"A point worth reiterating is that the children and grandchildren will and should carve out the path for their future, there is no need to slog like buffalo and horse for them. A life span is really too short; it is advisable to take life plainly and light-heartedly." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
"Fame and gain are just like drifting cloud, extravagance and luxury are momentary exuberance, in rapid glimpses of fleeting time, hair will turn grey to white, churning all past events into smoke and cloud, what for let them linger in the heart, to pester and bugger us deeper into the bull’s horn." ~Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, "Sunset Ballad".
John Boswell - Season
"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour." ~John Boswell
Kalen Dion - Encouragement
"Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them." ~Kalen Dion
Nancy Leigh Demoss - Gratitude
"When gratitude becomes your default setting. Life changes." ~Nancy Leigh Demoss
Steve Parish Quotes
"Awe lives alongside joy; one cannot be fully realised without the other. Only when you are joyful, inspired, and appreciative of the majesty of our subjects can you genuinely capture their essence?
Words and images woven as stories have created purpose in my life ..." ~Steve Parish
"If the content of your life is not integral
to your Creative Life Purpose then crop it out!" ~Steve Parish
"Unique creative expressions evolve
when we step outside our comfort zone." ~Steve Parish
"You may have recently suffered some form of physical loss: maybe poor health, a flood, fire, sudden lack of employment, or the demise of a relationship. Remember, you cannot lose something you are. Loss is part of life, but the associated pain can be converted into energising your life in positive ways. If there is pain, meditate on it, breathe into it. My darkest lows have time and again evolved to become instrumental in producing my most exhilarating creative highs. It is interesting to me that right now even having lost all we owned in the Brisbane floods in 2011, I can feel the pain of the thousands currently affected yet my historic pain has completely healed. So, there is always hope." ~Steve Parish, FINDING THE LIGHT, March 3, 2022
Alejandro Jodorowsky Quotes
"Birds born in a cage, think flying is an illness." ~Alejandro Jodorowsky
E. Diesel - Gratitude

Quotes from ON GOLDEN POND
"Sometimes you have to look hard at a person, and realize he's doing the best he can." ~On Golden Pond, movie, Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda
Evonne Fay Goolagong Cawley - Dreams
"When you have a dream you have to work hard to achieve that dream. Your dreams when you are young can be the force that keeps you going." ~Evonne Fay Goolagong Cawley
Morpheus Quotes
"Fate, It Seems, Is Not Without A Sense Of Irony." ~Morpheus
"You Have To Understand, Most People Are Not Ready To Be Unplugged..." ~Morpheus
"Life is a journey. We all have to walk to our destination. At the end of the day, it's what we make our life that matters." ~Elena Zaragosa Escubio
"Life is a journey and we're travelling all the time we try to develops routine but life can not be planed there will always be up and down side to side all we can do is live and flow as happy and contented to the end of our flight of life." ~Elena Zaragosa Escubio
"Listening is caring." ~Elena Zaragosa Escubio
"Mother's love is the truest form of love giving life to their children with a guarantee of any sort just pure love." ~Elena Zaragosa Escubio
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