"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A kindness at a time, we can make a better place." ~Duoi Ampilan

"A new broom may sweep clean, but the old broom knows all the corners. I guess, it is good to have them both." ~Duoi Ampilan

"A person is never too old to learn especially things that are useful in our daily life. Learning ceases when we stop breathing." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"All the awards and accolades are just ornaments. What matters most are the beauty within us and the way we manifest the wisdom of why we are existing. We can be the best of what we have. Happiness springs out from within." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Among my greatest simple achievements this year is learning to ignore most of the things that will not block my breathing... It is not mandatory to attend to all the arguments and fights that we are invited to." ~Duoi Ampilan, #TaniniPrinciple

"Among the most serene moments I love to do are observing the dawn breaks, witnessing the setting sun and watching the starry night sky while listening to the melodies of the nature." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Among the things that we cannot foretell are blessings, love and hope. 
Among the things that we cannot change are past, destiny and truth."
~Duoi Ampilan 

"As darkness envelopes the place gradually, the nocturnal creatures are celebrating the wonderful night." ~Duoi Ampilan, Amboseli National Park  Kenya, Down Memory Lane, 2017

"Be at peace with yourself because the sun will not set until its due time." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Be like flowers, bloom everyday. No matter how gloomy the day is, the flower remains beautiful." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Be the light." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Being kind may not be the solution to the problems that some people are facing. But, it will spark a good motivation to keep moving on despite the challenges. Kindness is the sunshine in somebody's gloomy day." ~Leah C. Dancel

"Challenges are spices that propel creativity and patience." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Each of the passing day is a unique celebration of life. Days are continuous. Each day is a page of our history, a journey of no return until we reach our final destination. Each new day is both an opportunity and responsibility." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Even life’s simplest artifact sometimes offers the happiest moments. It is a matter of putting things in their proper order and place." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Every sunset is an opportunity to start all over again." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Everyday is a walk to remember." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Everyday is an opportunity to learn and be better than what we used to be." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Everyone is equipped with emotions and intellect but better to be on the side of peacemakers." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Failure is not fatal! When things turn not on our favor, life must go on. Some of the precious lessons are not from our success but from failures." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Find inner peace. 
It lurks in our heart.
Find happiness. 
It springs out from within. 
There are many essential things within us that we often overlook. We tend to go far and wide in the quest of finding inner peace and happiness while fail to look within us." ~Duoi Ampilan, Lakbay Diwa, 10 September 2024

"Firewood ignites the fire in the soul." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Forget it.
Leave it behind.
Move on.
Life is still beautiful."
~Duoi Ampilan

"Hope is brightest in the darkest night." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"I belive that no matter what circumstances we are in, if we are on the side of Truth, the Universe is having a positive conspiracy towards us. We don't need to fabricate stories and lies if we take side with the Truth because it speaks for itself." ~from Duoipedia

"I believe that when we have good motives and moves, the whole Universe will have a positive conspiracy towards us. Its opposite will also have adverse reactions." ~Duoi Ampilan

"I found peace lurking in the hearts of ordinary women, men and children." ~Duoi Ampilan, Afghanistan 
in the eyes of a Humanitarian Worker.

"I was in a state that every moment was so uncertain. Imagine your life in the middle of the desert under a civil a war." ~Duoi Ampilan, October 19, 2016 on his earth moving Poetry, Flickering Hope written while on his line of duty as a humanitarian at Aden, Yemen.

"I witness the ruins of war. I listen to the saddest stories and to the sweetest dreams too. I see the shadows of poverty engulfing the place but I also notice the Silver Lining over the horizon." ~Duoi Ampilan, October 19, 2016 on his earth moving Poetry, Flickering Hope written while on his line of duty as a humanitarian at Aden, Yemen.

"If sunsets are the gates of everlasting Heavens, then life will be of eternal bliss for those who deserve it." ~Duoi Ampilan

"If sunset is an indicator of time, then our journey is getting shorter as days pass by. The farther we go, the closer we get to the finish line." ~Duoi Ampilan  

"In a place where many forms of life depend greatly on rain, every single drop is a breath of life." ~from Duopedia

"In every corner of the world, the sunset is a wonderful sight. It is a moment where you can experience all sorts of emotions." ~Duoi Ampilan

"In order to reach a certain point, we need to endure sacrifices. Every sacrifice is bitter and painful. It is likened to a medicine. The most potent drug is distasteful and bitter." ~Duoi Ampilan

"IN WAR, THERE IS NO REAL WINNER. The civilians especially children are suffering the most. WARS HAVE NO BETTER RESULTS. THESE END IN HAVOC! If we can live in peace, why make war? ~Duoi Ampilan (Yemen is close to my heart having been deployed there in 2016/2017)

"Inner peace and happiness are within our reach." ~Duoi Ampilan, Lakbay Diwa,  10 September 2024

"It is not just a matter of having a breath of life but experience a life so bright and beautiful." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Kindness is just like a sunshine to someone's cloudy day." ~DUOI AMPILAN

"Kindness to animals especially those that dwell with us is still counted among our good deeds." ~Duoi Ampilan

Image by a great photography talent Bobby Joshi Photography .

"Life, no matter how beautiful and successful it is, time will come, it will bow down and will return to its Creator.

While it is possible, and it is still and always possible, live it to its fullest but make it meaningful and beneficial here and the hereafter."
~Duoi Ampilan

"Living closest to the Mother Nature is among the best gifts of life." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Make peace with yourself. Let things pass gracefully. Worrying much is detrimental to our well-being. Be happy. It is free." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Money, success and fame do not change us. They only magnify what is already within us. They are tests of our characters." ~Duoi Ampilan

"My mother is no more than an ordinary woman." ~Duoi Ampilan, Mother's Day, 8 May 2016, excerpted from A Walk To Remember By

‪"(Nature) ‬It washes away the dusts of everyday living" ~Duoi Ampilan

"No matter how long the night is, the dawn breaks. No matter how difficult the situation is, relief comes. No matter how despair reigns, hope sparks." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Not every wish of the heart will come true. Some will come at the right time. We experience failures every now and then not for nothing but for affirmative reasons." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Not the color nor the place; not the beauty nor the brain; not the name nor the role. It is our deed that counts." ~Duoi Ampilan on his Reflection101 while Contemplating and listening to the voice within in a foreign land. July 2018)

"Nothing in this world can take the place of the virtue of Patience. Good things come to those who are Patient." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Old bamboo withstands the changing fortunes of time." ~Duoi Ampilan

"On top of the mountain, watching the world under, contemplating on the wonders that I see. Though cannot be discerned fully, I love the surrealism and the enigma that life brings. The serenity of nature brings tranquility to the soul. Every passing moment seems everlasting." ~Duoi Ampilan (11.03.18, Wara Wara Yagala, Sierra Leone)

"Open your heart to all of those years
You look through a rainbow of tears.
You watched your dreams all fadin' away
This time you're right."
~Duoi Ampilan, Some Hearts Are Diamonds

"People become materialistic. The material world serves as the springboard of human relations. People do appreciate material possessions more than the relationships." ~Duoi Ampilan, Life Is A Business, December 12, 2018

"Plants are bowing down to the law of nature. Leaves are falling to prepare for hibernation for the winter to bridge to the next season." ~Duoi Ampilan, December 23, 2021, #Mesopotamia, LAST FEW LEAVES

"Royalty has its own price. Being ordinary also has its own blessings, too. However, our deeds are most essential and go even beyond the graves." ~Duoi Ampilan, 8 August 2018

"Silence is the most Endangered and Elusive sound on Earth for most of us!" ~Duoi Ampilan, July 2021

"Sleeping under the lullabies of the night in a silky soft cool breeze is a night to remember." ~Duoi Ampilan, Amboseli, Kenya, 04.02.17

"Some of the most precious lessons in life are gained not from our triumphs, happiness and achievements but from our defeats, agonies and shortcomings." ~Duoi Ampilan, November 6, 2018

"Some people with golden heart are living in Australia." ~August 9, 2018

"Spring time is the season for plants to revitalize and give new beauty and vibrant beginning after the fall and winter. Flowers bloom as one of the most beautiful things in the ecosystem." ~Duoi Ampilan in Ukraine 13 April 2024

"Stay focused and be guided by the sparks in your heart and soul." ~Duoi Ampilan

"That moment when you thought that the sun is just rising from behind the hill. This heavenly body seems to be stone throw away." ~Duoi Ampilan, 18 Janua 2018

"The Effects and Impacts of CLIMATE CHANGE are real and worst than we think!' ~Duoi Ampilan

"The human civilization has gone a very long journey to a point that what the human race has built is being reduced to ashes.
If we can only go back to the time:
🌳 Where we watch the sky to paint our dreams
🌳 Where bathing in a flowing streams is a daily routine
🌳 Where the grasses, jungles and valleys are playgrounds
🌳 Where peace, love, kindness and compassion are not only spoken but lived by
🌳 Where there is only one race, that is Human Race
Such is a sad reality!" ~Duoi Ampilan, August 4, 2019

‪"The journey is a walk to remember." ~Duoi Ampilan‬

"The nature has its many ways and wonders to entertain our eyes and spirits." ~Duoi Ampilan,  Life in Ukraine, 18 May 2024

"The sunset brings the promise of new dawn filled with hope and glory. ... Another day has gone. Let it be an inspiration to face a new day tomorrow, God willing." ~Duoi Ampilan

"The world is an oasis of labyrinth." ~Duoi Ampilan

"The world is created not just for a singular group of people, color, creed or race. It is for everybody. There is no better way but to live in harmony with the rest of the CREATION." ~Duoi Ampilan

"There is a need to address the dilemma, derails and devils of the current time but we need to look into the future by securing a better place for the people of tomorrow - our children. There are many ways and means. There is time. There is hope. There is light." ~Duoi Ampilan

"There is no better way than the path that leads to peace, unity, understanding and co-existence. We all have our roles to play regardless of our creed and convictions." ~Duoi Ampilan

"There seems to be anger in the sky but that is the flame of love!" ~Duoi Ampilan

"They (children) are the people of tomorrow, whom we owe for keeping this world a safer and happier place." ~Duoi Ampilan

December 5, 2021

["This world hasn't lost its glory. Despite all its flaws, frustrations and failures, life is still beautiful. 

It doesn't matter how many times we fail and fall. What matters most is the way we pick up the pieces and rise up again for a new beginning.

Everyone of us has a place in this Universe. We are here not by accident but by a natural Design. Each of us has a special role to play and special messages to convey.

Amidst our differences, we belong to the same race - the Human Race." ~Duoi Ampilan, #BANGS_NG_MORO]

"Village life is real where people are real with kind heart." ~from Duoipedia

"We can create both our happiness and miseries. For the things that we don't have control, we can leave those to Heaven. There is indeed a beauty for everything if we can only pay attention." ~Duoi Ampilan

"We can draw power from our inner self and from our faith." ~Duoi Ampilan

"We can never be wrong for being kind and compassionate. Everyone of us is going through tough times in many circumstances. The kindness and compassion we show to others maybe the sunshine in their stormy days." ~Duoi Ampilan

"We can soar high! We may hit the highest spot but at the end of the day, we must remind ourselves that it is good to keep our feet on the ground." ~Duoi Ampilan, January 5, 2022

"We may have ideal and good wishes but what has been predestined would definitely happen and what Heaven has chosen is better that what we chose for. I trust on what has been stored for me." ~Duoi Ampilan

"We need to feel happiness through simple little things. Avoid vexations to our inner peace." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"We need to have a great determination to face the world and all its enigma, chaos and uncertainties with hope, glory and faith." ~Duio Ampilan, September 2021

"We often regret or lament on things that failed us. What is not meant to us does not really meant to us. But, we still agonise. Why can't we bury the past and concentrate with what has to come? If we believe that past has stolen the future, then our future shall perish forever." ~Duoi Ampilan

["Wherever we are, whatever circumstances we are in, if we witness the setting sun, then there is hope. 

Things maybe falling apart. Plans are failing. But, there is still hope. We can still make our lives more meaningful."
~Duoi Ampilan]

"With the problems, chaos and tensions in our society, we need to be very cautious on WHAT we say or write because our THOUGHTS are the extension of our innerself and the representation of our personality." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Yemen is close to my heart having been deployed there in 2016/2017. IN WAR, THERE IS NO REAL WINNER. The civilians especially children are suffering the most. WARS HAVE NO BETTER RESULTS. THESE END IN HAVOC! If we can live in peace, why make war?" ~Duoi Ampilan

"You cannot persuade nor convince your opponents with your ill-mannered arguments.

Hitting below the belt at pagmumura won't win good hearts but will attract more evils. 

Mas pinapalakas mo lang ang kanilang pagkamuhi. It doesn't help to built a good relationship. Para ka rin kumuha ng putik at sa sariling mukha sinasampal 😁.

Maging mahinahon mga giliw. Hayaan ang tao na humusga at magdesisyon. Hindi hangal ang mga tao. May sarili silang pananaw at pasya.

At the end of the day, light outshines darkness." ~Duoi Ampilan

"You may bury a person but not that person's principles and aspirations." ~Duoi Ampilan on the wake of FPRRD's arrest and flown to Hague,  NEDERLANDS on order by ICC facilitated by the devil of the day. 

‪"Ang bayaning nasusugatan ay nag-iibayo ang tapang." ~Duoi Ampilan‬

"Ang buhay ay parang kape. Kailangan ang tamang timpla na nag-aagawan ang pait at tamis." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Ang pagsubok sa buhay ay tulad din ng gabi. Kahit gaano man kahaba ang gabi, puputok din ang bukang-liwayway hudyat ng isa pang araw na may dalang pag-asa.
"Isa na namang araw ang nalagas sa tangkay ng panahon". ~Duoi Ampilan, 27 August 2024

Ang pag-asa ay tulad din ng mga tala na nagkukubli sa araw subalit kumikislap sa gabing madilim. 

Muling magkakakulay ang buhay, bukas!" ~Duoi Ampilan,  #Siargao, March 1, 2022

"Ang mga pagsubok ay kakambal ng buhay. Wala tayong ligtas sa ating kapalaran . Makakaya nating tanggapin ang lahat sa ngalan ng ating Pananampalataya." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Hindi nasusukat ang dangal at pagkatao sa salapi, lipi, lahi at ganda ng mukha. Ang ating pagkatao at dangal ay nasa ating mabuting trato sa iba at magagandang gawain." ~DuoiAmpilan,  26 August 2024

"Kahit libre ay maraming sukling babalik sa taong may taglay nito: KABUTIHAN" ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Kapag ang bata ay magalang, siya ay dangal ng magulang." ~Duoi Ampilan, 2023

"Mapapalad ang mga nilalang na maraming nagagawang kabutihan sa kapwa." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"May mga bagay na tilang mga dula sa aking balintataw na sumasagot sa aking sapantaha. May mga pangitain na sa imahinasyon lang inaalagaan subalit nagiging tunay na karanasan." ~Duoi Ampilan

"May mga pangarap na sadyang mailap. Mayroon din na magiging pangitain na lamang.***
Sa gitna ng pagsubok at unos ng buhay, maaaring yuyuko pero hindi susuko. Kundi man magkatotoo ang pangarap, tuloy pa rin ang buhay." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Minsan, may mga bagay na kailangan nating palampasin lalo na kung hirap nating unawain o tanggapin." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Naikukubli ng nakangiting larawan ang damdaming sakbibi ng dalamhati." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Sa bawat inog ng mundo, may panahon ng taglagas. Sa bawat buhay, may dapit hapon. Ang buhay ay tulad din ng mga dahon na nalalagas sa tangkay ng panahon." ~Duoi Ampilan 

"Sa bawat pagkagat ng dilim ay isang araw na naman ang nalagas sa tangkay ng panahon. Sa bawat pagputok ng bukang liwayway ay isang pahina na naman sa bagong yugto ng buhay ang mabubuksan." ~Duoi Ampilan

"Sa pagputok ng bukang liwayway, umpisa na naman ang ating paglalakbay sa mundong ibabaw. Sa bawat araw na lumilipas, lumbay man ang kapiling, hindi dapat magpadaig sa bawat pagsubok. Habang may liwanag, may pag-asa at may ligayang naghihintay." ~Duoi Ampilan,  

"Tulad ng dahon na nalalagas, ang buhay natin ay may dapit-hapon. Tayo ay mga dahon na sa tangkay ng panahon ay nalalagas mahigpit man ang kapit." ~Duoi Ampilan


Buhay Bukid

Sariwang hangin ang humahaplos
Tunog ng kalikasan ang melodya
Bawat lipas na araw ay puno ng ligaya
Bawat sibol ng araw ay pag-asa
Sa paglubog ng araw, buhay ay payapa



Everyday, we are at the crossroads of our journey.

We will face tough challenges. We may make mistakes and choose the wrong roads. We may get stuck. 

We may be in a hopeless emptiness. But, we have the power to remain where we get stuck or move on and find the straight path.

Even if we feel that life is barren & futile, we can put colors and life again. We have the power to change our perspectives in life. 

What won't kill us will make us stronger, better and brighter. Just like gold, it is polished by frictions. It does not lose its glitters even after a thousand soaks in a mud. 

We have the strength to move on. We can draw power from our inner self and from our faith. 

We will because we can.  

The image is owned by Daniel Kordan , a world-class landscape photographer from Russia.

©Duoi Ampilan
18 February 2023 


"We own a special place in this universe. No matter who or what we are, we are all part of the Creation. 

Every single day is a page of our book, our history and our destiny. 

Everyday is a walk to remember."
©Duoi Ampilan
11 February 2023 

Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq

"Through the seasons of time, we evolve! 

Like the trees and the birds, we shed leaves and feathers not for nothing but to embrace the process of our existence. 

We may be broken by the circumstances and trials but not our heart, faith and the will to continue this journey with patience and determination.

Despite all its burdens, pains and broken dreams, life is still beautiful."
©Duoi Ampilan
11 February 2023 



"The most important thing that a person can spend in this world is time.

Among the best ever advice we hear is time. Among the best lessons to learn is time.

Nothing lasts forever on Earth. We all be forgotten. We all leave everything behind. We are all riding on the wings of a fleeting time. 

What counts most are our faith, deeds and how we spend each passing day."
©Duoi Ampilan
12 February 2023 


[Through the seasons of time, we evolve! 

Like the trees and the birds, we shed leaves and feathers not for nothing but to embrace the process of our existence. 

We may be broken by the circumstances and trials but not our heart, faith and the will to continue this journey with patience and determination.

Despite all its burdens, pains and broken dreams, life is still beautiful." ~Duoi Ampilan, 5 February 2023]

"Under the crescent moon, by the realm of the night, Mesopotamia is beautiful and serene." ~Duoi Ampilan, Iraq by Night, December 7, 2021



"Around the world, conflict is forcing record numbers of people from their homes, with over 65 million people now displaced. Children are recruited by armed groups and used to fight. Women are abused and humiliated. As humanitarian workers deliver aid and medical workers provide for those in need, they are all too often targeted or treated as threats." ~UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

"But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I will go the distance

I will search the world, I will face its harms
I don't care how far, I can go the distance."
~Michael Bolton

"Too much human interventions are destructing the Planet Earth. There are always better ways to reduce if not avoid destructive human activities." ~One World FB, One Earth but Two Different Worlds!



Again, I found myself walking down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams; watching the stars in the Valley of Tears and embracing this fortune in a Lonely Kingdom. I do feel the warm breeze of the Gulf of Aden bringing message of Hope. 

I watch the crows every evening flocking at the nearby palms. I listen to the fireworks of wedding ceremonies at night infused with gun fires. I wake up at dawn hearing the 'Call to Prayer'. The noise of the crows on the corrugated roof welcomes my new day.

Everyday is a cycle of things. Nothing is certain except the uncertainties. With the change of season, good fortunes must come. The barren land is waiting for the rain. The innocent souls are longing for that mighty Peace to reign in a land fraught with sadness and agony.

I witness the ruins of war. I listen to the saddest stories and to the sweetest dreams too. I see the shadows of poverty engulfing the place but I also notice the Silver Lining over the horizon.

Each passing day is a testimony to the calls and prayers echoing from the hearts of many. People are not losing hope. They keep on believing that even the smallest prayer penetrates the doors of Heaven.

In a beautiful land, that has been devastated by a civil war, life is a journey of no return. Who knows, life may never be the same again, tomorrow. In this corner of the world, everyday is a walk to remember.

18 October 2016 
Port City of Aden
Southern Yemen


Life is simple. We only insist to make it complicated.

If things don't work, then be it. If things don't happen the way we wish to, then be it.

If people turn their back on you, then be it. 

We only need to accept the fact and reality. We need to make peace with our inner self.

We don't need to be cynical about love, life and living because something didn't work on our favor.

We can remain peaceful, patient, calm, kind, and compassionate.

We can be the best of whatever and whoever we are.

Be happy. It is free. Believe in the Qadr.



Fear not the changes that go along with our journey. We can look back at the same time cope up as things unfold. 

We can pause but the journey must go on. 

We need to embrace both the agony of defeat and the thrill of victory. This is life. We have the fair share of ups and downs.

We may not have the power to prophesize the future but we can face it with hope, glory and faith.

© Duoi Ampilan
28 January 2023


Memory Lane: NEPAL

The name Nepal rings to my ears like melodies.  I was deployed to Nepal twice for 8 months after that tragic strong twin earthquakes in 2015.

It is one of the most beautiful spots on Earth; a place that surely sends anyone into contemplation and serenity. Nepal is indeed a nation of natural wonders. 

It has the best of the seasons of the Earth - Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall!

Almost everywhere you go, you see beauty and wonders.

The place is a Wonderland and the people are Wonderful. Nepali people are not only peace-loving and peacemakers but also hospitable, kind and honest.

In my 8-month stay, I have experienced climbing mountains, crossing valleys and witnessing all its beauty unfolding before my eyes.

The nature relaxes the mind, body and spirit.

From The Land Between The Rivers

December 25, 2021


That moment that everyone is thinking that Iraq is a desert country but here I am at the peak of the Mount Korek in Kurdistan with this thick snow. 

Iraq is indeed a land of beautiful contrast and magnificent weather system that produces awesome landscape.

Romancing the snow is much different this time. 



Iraq has been projected as a dangerous country; devastated, barren and a lonely place by many media stories and reports.

Yes! Iraq has been under social and economic turmoils due to the recent wars that ravaged the country for the last 30 years. 

However, Iraq is more than what has been portrayed by narratives on media reports. 

Iraq is full of surprises. It is indeed a land of beautiful contrast and magnificent weather system that produces awesome landscapes.

Many places are not only of historical and cultural importance but also wealth of wonders.

In my 12 months of stay in the country, I have witnessed two winter times. It is not just chilling cold but the wonderland covered with snow.

I have never imagined that in a land where I experienced a temperature up to 50°C, I would also experience rolling over the snow.

Today, we ascended to the top of the Mount Korek. I have witnessed a whole new world under the serene blue sky.

This nation can be great again. The best is yet to come!

Kurdistan, Iraq


Kurdistan in the northern Iraq is a land of beauty, wonders and magnificent landscapes.

It snows during winter. It is a hidden gem of the Middle East. The snow is now gradually covering the Rawanduz mountain range.


Iraq is a land of beautiful contrasts from its desert sands to the fine snow.

It is a Wealth of Wonders with many hidden gems often not seen on TV screens.

The place is the land of beauty, wonders and old civilizations dated more than 6,000 years ago.



Dr. Abdullah Ampilan  
International Humanitarian 
Bangsamoro Region

Duoi is a  licensed teacher and registered nurse working as a humanitarian and development worker.

Has been deployed to some of the biggest humanitarian crises in some of the world's most difficult contexts.

South Sudan
Sierra Leone

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