"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel
Maria Clara Lobregat - differences
Greg Gutfeld - noble names
Sarah Duterte Carpio Quotes
"Do not buy into society’s definition of success. There is no one template for success. Do not feel pressure to achieve society’s standards at the expense of your health, happiness and fulfilment.” ~Mayor Sarah Duterte Carpio, 22 June 2018
"Our enemy today may be faceless. But we are undaunted even in the face of the unknown. We are a race of people with a long history underlined by our heroes' bravery, strength and determination to be free." ~Mayor Sarah Duterte, on Philippine Independence Day, June 12, 2020
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Nuseir Yassin Quotes
"Focus on the big things. Be careful of the small things." ~Nusier Yassin of Nas Daily
"Good energy matters." ~Nas Daily
"Politics anywhere in the world is really hard." ~Nas Daily
"The internet has become a toxic wasteland of desperation." ~NAS Daily, 16 February 2018
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Teng Catong Quotes
"As an educator in political science, history, and development, infusing social consciousness is one of my favorite things to do." ~Teng Catong
"Freedom of expression---and the exercise thereof---has to be nurtured with Wisdom." ~Teng Catong
"In our investment for the next generation, a higher sense of belongingness and responsible citizenship have to be nurtured." ~Teng Catong
"One of the best ways to achieve prosperity is to reflecting on our commonalities and strength in Humanity beyond ourselves." ~Teng Catong
"Peace requires understanding of our diverse but interrelated communities, and not on the colonially constructed differences." ~Teng Catong
"President Rody Duterte knows that a resilient state requires: strong sense of history, responsible citizenship, and participatory governance." ~Teng Catong
"Respecting diversity, and understanding the purpose of our creation are to my mind indispensable for Success." ~Teng Catong
"The best way to achieve food sufficiency is to entice our youth of today to be part of the food production system." ~Teng Catong
"Why Nations Fail? The answer is seen in their political and socio-economic institutions." ~Teng Catong
"Winning the hearts and minds of the inhabitants is only a manifestation of victory that has to be sustained." ~Teng Catong
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"Among the most serene moments I love to do are observing the dawn breaks, witnessing the setting sun and watching the starry night sky while listening to the melodies of the nature." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Be at peace with yourself because the sun will not set until its due time." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Be the light." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Challenges are spices that propel creativity and patience." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Each of the passing day is a unique celebration of life. Days are continuous. Each day is a page of our history, a journey of no return until we reach our final destination. Each new day is both an opportunity and responsibility." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Even life’s simplest artifact sometimes offers the happiest moments. It is a matter of putting things in their proper order and place." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Everyday is a walk to remember." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Everyone is equipped with emotions and intellect but better to be on the side of peacemakers." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Firewood ignites the fire in the soul." ~Duoi Ampilan
"I belive that no matter what circumstances we are in, if we are on the side of Truth, the Universe is having a positive conspiracy towards us. We don't need to fabricate stories and lies if we take side with the Truth because it speaks for itself." ~from Duoipedia
"I believe that when we have good motives and moves, the whole Universe will have a positive conspiracy towards us. Its opposite will also have adverse reactions." ~Duoi Ampilan
"In every corner of the world, the sunset is a wonderful sight. It is a moment where you can experience all sorts of emotions." ~Duoi Ampilan
"In order to reach a certain point, we need to endure sacrifices. Every sacrifice is bitter and painful. It is likened to a medicine. The most potent drug is distasteful and bitter." ~Duoi Ampilan
"IN WAR, THERE IS NO REAL WINNER. The civilians especially children are suffering the most. WARS HAVE NO BETTER RESULTS. THESE END IN HAVOC! If we can live in peace, why make war? ~Duoi Ampilan (Yemen is close to my heart having been deployed there in 2016/2017)
"It is not just a matter of having a breath of life but experience a life so bright and beautiful." ~Duoi Ampilan
"My mother is no more than an ordinary woman." ~Duoi Ampilan, Mother's Day, 8 May 2016, excerpted from A Walk To Remember By
"(Nature) It washes away the dusts of everyday living" ~Duoi Ampilan
"No matter how long the night is, the dawn breaks. No matter how difficult the situation is, relief comes. No matter how despair reigns, hope sparks." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Not every wish of the heart will come true. Some will come at the right time. We experience failures every now and then not for nothing but for affirmative reasons." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Not the color nor the place; not the beauty nor the brain; not the name nor the role. It is our deed that counts." ~Duoi Ampilan on his Reflection101 while Contemplating and listening to the voice within in a foreign land. July 2018)
"Nothing in this world can take the place of the virtue of Patience. Good things come to those who are Patient." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Old bamboo withstands the changing fortunes of time." ~Duoi Ampilan
"On top of the mountain, watching the world under, contemplating on the wonders that I see. Though cannot be discerned fully, I love the surrealism and the enigma that life brings. The serenity of nature brings tranquility to the soul. Every passing moment seems everlasting." ~Duoi Ampilan (11.03.18, Wara Wara Yagala, Sierra Leone)
"People become materialistic. The material world serves as the springboard of human relations. People do appreciate material possessions more than the relationships." ~Duoi Ampilan, Life Is A Business, December 12, 2018
"Royalty has its own price. Being ordinary also has its own blessings, too. However, our deeds are most essential and go even beyond the graves." ~Duoi Ampilan, 8 August 2018
"Some of the most precious lessons in life are gained not from our triumphs, happiness and achievements but from our defeats, agonies and shortcomings." ~Duoi Ampilan, November 6, 2018
"Stay focused and be guided by the sparks in your heart and soul." ~Duoi Ampilan
"That moment when you thought that the sun is just rising from behind the hill. This heavenly body seems to be stone throw away." ~Duoi Ampilan, 18 Janua 2018
"The human civilization has gone a very long journey to a point that what the human race has built is being reduced to ashes.
If we can only go back to the time:
🌳 Where we watch the sky to paint our dreams
🌳 Where bathing in a flowing streams is a daily routine
🌳 Where the grasses, jungles and valleys are playgrounds
🌳 Where peace, love, kindness and compassion are not only spoken but lived by
🌳 Where there is only one race, that is Human Race
Such is a sad reality!" ~Duoi Ampilan, August 4, 2019
"The journey is a walk to remember." ~Duoi Ampilan
"The world is created not just for a singular group of people, color, creed or race. It is for everybody. There is no better way but to live in harmony with the rest of the CREATION." ~Duoi Ampilan
"There is a need to address the dilemma, derails and devils of the current time but we need to look into the future by securing a better place for the people of tomorrow - our children. There are many ways and means. There is time. There is hope. There is light." ~Duoi Ampilan
"There is no better way than the path that leads to peace, unity, understanding and co-existence. We all have our roles to play regardless of our creed and convictions." ~Duoi Ampilan
"They (children) are the people of tomorrow, whom we owe for keeping this world a safer and happier place." ~Duoi Ampilan
"We often regret or lament on things that failed us. What is not meant to us does not really meant to us. But, we still agonise. Why can't we bury the past and concentrate with what has to come? If we believe that past has stolen the future, then our future shall perish forever." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Yemen is close to my heart having been deployed there in 2016/2017. IN WAR, THERE IS NO REAL WINNER. The civilians especially children are suffering the most. WARS HAVE NO BETTER RESULTS. THESE END IN HAVOC! If we can live in peace, why make war?" ~Duoi Ampilan
"Ang bayaning nasusugatan ay nag-iibayo ang tapang." ~Duoi Ampilan
"Around the world, conflict is forcing record numbers of people from their homes, with over 65 million people now displaced. Children are recruited by armed groups and used to fight. Women are abused and humiliated. As humanitarian workers deliver aid and medical workers provide for those in need, they are all too often targeted or treated as threats." ~UN Secretary-General, António Guterres
"But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its harms
I don't care how far, I can go the distance."
~Michael Bolton
"Too much human interventions are destructing the Planet Earth. There are always better ways to reduce if not avoid destructive human activities." ~One World FB, One Earth but Two Different Worlds!
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"It has become necessary that I park my pen temporarily at this time for medical consideration." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo, June 2, 2021
"A blind can’t see, a deaf can’t hear, a mute can’t talk, but not only can they feel your touch and warmth of love but also can love you back." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"A broken heart needs true love and affection." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"A broken bone can be fixed by a doctor, a broken heart heals by itself in time." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“A dream is not for dreamers, it is for those who don’t have and must have a dream to succeed.” ~Emilio L. Aguinaldo
"A dream happens when we sleep, a real dream begins, when we wake up, with a burning desire to rise and step on a pedestal." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo, May 24, 2021
"A smile from a stranger gives me a better feeling more than the smile from a familiar face coming." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"A well dressed man with plenty of jewelry does not exactly mean his pocket is full of money, and just as well a man who dresses poorly does not mean he has no money. Impression is one thing, reality is another. Look is deceiving especially if it is catching." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"After darkness light comes without fail at the end of the tunnel; it may be bright or it may be nebulous, regardless of twinkling stars in the heavens." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Another beauty of being old aside from enjoying the senior discount and being able to get there safe and sound, is knowing that we have another good chance of even getting better, older I mean." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"As countless leaves fall from trees to the ground every moment, so are the vast number of people whose journey on earth ends everyday." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo, June 3, 2020
"As I once said, 'those were the good old days when peace of mind and happiness are almost inherent in every one's life.'" ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo, July 22, 2018
"As we get older, our looks change, so do are our love and appreciation for life and our bonding with God, they become even more closer and stronger." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo (2019)
"Bring me the flowers when I can see your beautiful face and smile, and can smell the fragrance, not when they would wilt and wither in the sun." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo (September 6, 2020)
"Death is just the beginning of a new timeless life either with or without God. It all depends on what choice we made in our life here on earth." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Experience is like going to school without leaving your home." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Failure is not a weakness, it happens to the best." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Failure is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of courage to accept a challenge and take the opportunity to try and take a chance to win or lose in the pursuit of success within his or her God given physical and mental faculties." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Forgiving is how we were redeemed. Redeeming is why God creates and opens the gate of heaven to us. So let's forgive and keep forgiving. It's not easy but the reward is unmatched in heaven." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Getting older gives you extra golden time to fulfill more of your dreams that are still in the making." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Give with pure intention to help; to people who are in need, but only if you are certain that they truly deserve." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"God gives us what we need, even if we don’t ask, if we are in the state of grace." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"God has the schedule of our final departures and He knows each of our destination. But He is so kind and loving that HE allows us to change our flight schedule without penalty, only if we ask Him and only for one reason, that we are not yet ready and in the state of grace and are still preparing to be pleasing and worthy of His presence." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"God is forgiving, Mother Nature is not. And the wrath of nature is unstoppable . So let's keep praying." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Happiness dwells in our heart. It is an intense and profound feeling of possessing emotions and sentiments filled with incomparable joy in our heart. Knowing that the people we truly love are safe, happy and healthy at any moment in time of their life to me, is the real and pure happiness." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Happiness is full, whole and complete only when your loved ones are happy." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“Heaven is always open, for all with the good hearts to walk in.” ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"How and what we see in ourselves, may not be the same exactly as what other eyes do." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“If I look at the cheek of heaven
It's like lamenting; it's like weeping
Because of the joy stolen by covid
In the life of a person will never come back.”
~Emilio L. Aguinaldo
(November 2020)
"If we must lean on someone,.let’s make sure our weight will not cause somebody to fall,if you get what mean! Let’s be considerate." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo
"If we think we are good, we know we can be better; if we think we are the best, we don't know someone may be better." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"If you think you are deprived and not blest look around you and think again." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"If you want to achieve your dream. Study art and work hard. Avoid gambling gang and alcohol. The imagination of your fulfillment." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"In the eyes of God we are all equal, in the world of the living, the only thing that makes us equal is death ." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"In your hands, the future and success of your children depend on your hands. When the day comes, you will be the reason you should be praised or regret whatever your children may be. May my little reminder enjoy your hearing and plant in your hearts." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo, a Gentle and polite reminder to parents...
"It is better to be alone but happy, than to be in misery with somebody." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"It's by making a mistake that we learn our weakness,it is when we learn our weakness that we develop our strength." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"It is not the wrong deed or mistake we did that should bother us, it is the consequence." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"It's not what and how much you do that really tells your worth and value, but what it does to you and the people around you." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"It is not what we give that matters at the end, it is how we give it and the good intention we have, and how it helps the other side." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Let’s keep in mind the two kinds of people among us, those who cheat and those who are to be cheated. Let’s hope none of us would belong to one or the other." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“Let us not mourn for what we lost, mourn for who we lost.” ~Emilio L Aguinaldo
"Let us stop talking about the colors of our skin, but the color of our blood, only one big RED." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Life is naturally beautiful but Mother nature makes it ugly when she gets angry." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Life is naturally beautiful, it can even be more so, if all people live in harmony." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“Life is not about challenge, it is the challenge.” ~Emilio L Aguinaldo
“Life is not just about living our own lives. It’s about letting others live and help them live, if we can.” ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Life on earth is just a dream, man is but a shadow, but it is in heaven that the real eternal life begins." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo, May 12, 2021
"Liking is the main sweet ingredient to loving that special some one." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Living is simply minding your own life, and letting others mind theirs.But to love one another is always Godly." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Long before we were born; prejudice, inequality and injustice, expressed and unexpressed already exist. Let’s pray and keep hoping they will quit to thrive with us while we are still on the green grass above the ground." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“Love comes in many ways, but no matter what form it comes, it only comes from the heart.” ~Emilio L. Aguinaldo
"Love is not blind. It can see. What love is, is that it does not see the imperfections that other eyes see in the beauty of the one he/she loves." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Money is only one of many factors that gives us a fraction of happiness. The rest is up to us to create to get the best." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Mother Nature is beautiful but not merciful like God is. She even destroys her own beauty and becomes deadly at times when She becomes angry. So let’s respect her, take good care of her and treat her kindly, so She does not get nasty." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"No mountain is too high, no ocean is too deep, no forest is too thick that your mind can not reach. When you have a dream, stop dreaming and take serious action to make your dream a reality. Keep in mind that when you do your best, God will do the rest...." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Nothing is more important in life than your health. If you have it, keep it safe, be thankful and treasure it." ~Emilio L. Aguinaldo
"Only faith and prayer will give us strength let's keep them." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Our home is our first school; our mother is our first teacher. Keep in mind many good things she teaches us are common sense, not learned in school." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Our life ends here on earth because God wants us to live with Him in heaven when our mission is over." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"People is like a book. It has so many chapters in their lives. Let’s not judge anyone from what we see and heard. Read the whole book and know the full story before we do. I think it’s being kind." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Praying is a solemn and individual encounter with God. It is a face to face and heart to heart talk with Him where we are able to express our love, adoration, and thanks. No printed words in any prayer book can replace it." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Prejudice is not about distinction of colors, it is the sentiments of people to others that are not their own kind." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Professional, degree holder or not, in the end, we all will have the same title after our names, 'RIP'" ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"So does as our mother look at us to be the best child , so does how we look at our selves in the mirror, some times what we see is not exactly as what others see when they look at us, it is how they like us." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Some day we will all be forgotten. Those who used to remember us will then be the ones to be remembered - it's just a cycle." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo (2019)
"Some memories of the past brings joy and so comforting to remember." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo (July 10, 2020)
"The beauty of being old is knowing that you did not get there alone and that you have a chance to get older." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
Open the door as soon as you get in
Accept it and embrace it fully
This is a blessing that rarely falls
If you have the chance
It's hard to respond
'cause it's yours maybe
the one who will get uph
Top of success when you learn."
~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo, Reminder
"The greatest act of sacrifice that men can do to glorify God is to live according to his will." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo June 8, 2021
"The heavier the cross we carry on earth, the greater in heaven is our glory." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"The weight the heart can carry, the hands never can." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“There is no place like home, there is no home better than where we are, when we can thrive the best.” ~Emilio L. Aguinaldo
"There was not a time when I never thought
What would happen to me when I get too old
Would I be so happy soon I’ll see the Lord
Or would I be so sad I will miss the world?"
~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Those that make us happy and laugh, are also the ones that make us weep and cry." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Time does not heal everything, healing happens in God's time." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Time is the single most powerful thing on earth. No one can stop it from coming and going. But it can stop any one of us any time." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"To be old and I wish you are all able to get there, is really not just a number, it is more than a gift, it is God’s blessings." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"What we see on a face is not the same as what we don’t see in the mind, some times we forget, …" ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"When we ask God, He listens to us but He gives us only what doesn’t hurt and and what is good for us." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"When we do our best, it is good enough. We can not go above and beyond our limit." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“When we do wrong to others, we commit sin. When we think ill of others we do sin as well.” ~Emilio L. Aguinaldo
"When we forgive, we humble ourselves to God." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo
"When we hope, we wait. In the end, we may either be filled with joy or bear the pain … "Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"When we lived our life in God's will, and it ended on earth,it continues in heaven and becomes endless." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“When we love our neighbors, we shall be blest. When our neighbors love us, it is a double blessing.” ~Emilio L Aguinaldo
"When we were young, we look forward to the future. When we get old, we know the future But we wait for every tomorrow and hope that we will be there when it comes." ~Emilio L Aguinaldo, May 29, 2021
"When we were young, we think of the future. When we get old, we know the future. Now, it feels more like we wait everyday for tomorrow and hope that we will be there when it comes." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"When you shout they look, when you whisper they listen." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
“You need to have a dream, someday to reap success; to God for you I pray, good health and happiness.” ~Emilio L Aguinaldo
"MEMOIR: August 29, 2020 - Nang nagdaang kaarawan ay nuon ko napagtanto ang maraming mga oras na nabawas sa buhay ko. Walong libot pitong daan (8,700) ang bilang po nitong husto ang naglahong parang bula at hinipang parang abo." ~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
"Pag iyong naakyat bundok na mataas
Pag iyong natawid malawak na dagat
Matinik na landas pag iyong nabagtas
Ay makakamtan mo ang iyong pangarap."
~Emilio Laxamana Aguinaldo
July 19, 2018 (tio milio)
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