"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel
Jean Rhys - feelings
“I want more of this feeling - fire and wings.” ~Jean Rhys
Baruch Spinoza Quotes
"All happiness and unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the o jest to which we are attached by love." ~Baruch Spinoza
"All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare." ~Baruch Spinoza
"If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past." ~Baruch Spinoza
"The world would be a happier place if people were as capable of being silent as they are of speaking." ~Baruch Spinoza
"Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually the most ambitious and envious." ~Baruch Spinoza
"Vowels are the souls of consonants: And a consonant without a vowel is a body without a soul." ~Baruch Spinoza
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"Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually the most ambitious and envious." ~Baruch Spinoza
"Vowels are the souls of consonants: And a consonant without a vowel is a body without a soul." ~Baruch Spinoza
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Venkat Desireddy Quotes
"The best gifts you can give to someone are not things, the best ones to offer are a little time, love, care and respect." ~Venkat Desireddy
"You will never know the power of yourself until someone hurts you badly." ~Venkat Desireddy
"You will never know the power of yourself until someone hurts you badly." ~Venkat Desireddy
Lisa Villa Prosen Quotes
"Be happy and love the person you are or get busy becoming the person you want to be." ~Lisa Prosen
"Being exactly who you are, without reservations, is your greatest gift to the world." ~Lisa Prosen
"Confidence is the result of remembering you are already equipped with everything you need to get the job done." ~Lisa Prosen
"I asked for Wisdom and was given problems to solve. I asked for Prosperity and was granted Inspiration in my work. I asked for Strength and was shown obstacles to overcome. I asked for Courage and was faced with fears I could replace with Faith. I asked for Peace and was shown Unconditional Love and Forgiveness." ~Lisa Prosen
"Just one person living their life with integrity can bring about positive change in the entire world. Once we are living in harmony with ourselves, we inspire the people around us to do the same." ~Lisa Prosen
"Our intuition is like a muscle, we must practice listening to it and trusting its wisdom. When you take the time to ask and keep listening for the answer, being at peace becomes easy." ~Lisa Prosen
"Sometimes I get off track. But, I always get back up and move forward because my dreams are worth that extra effort." ~Lisa Villa Prosen
"There's a fine line between compassion and codependent." ~Lisa Prosen
"When dealing with difficult people, I pause and reflect, instead of rant and react." ~Lisa Prosen
"Your scars are symbols of your strength. Don’t ever be ashamed of the scars life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over and the wound is closed. It means you conquered the pain, learned a lesson, grew stronger, and moved forward. A scar is the tattoo of a triumph to be proud of. Don’t allow your scars to hold you hostage. Don’t allow them to make you live your life in fear. You can’t make the scars in your life disappear, but you can change the way you see them. You can start seeing your scars as a sign of strength and not pain." ~My Renewed Mind
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Burton Seligman - point of view
"Sometimes we just need to step outside of ourselves, to see life for what it is:
To find the beauty, that now seems hidden.
To find the simplicity, in the things that seem difficult.
To find the joy, in all the things we have.
To see with a new set of eyes, the same ones we have now, but from a different point of view." ~Burton Seligman
To find the beauty, that now seems hidden.
To find the simplicity, in the things that seem difficult.
To find the joy, in all the things we have.
To see with a new set of eyes, the same ones we have now, but from a different point of view." ~Burton Seligman
Jeremy Donovan - culture
"Reconciliation is about us looking at our past and writing our own future. Making sure our kids have the opportunity for great education, work and to keep the flame of their culture burning." ~Jeremy Donovan
Shirley Thiessen - turtle
"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out." ~Shirley Thiessen
Wanda McDaniel - faith
"Fear says we can't. Faith says we can." ~Wanda McDaniel
Arlene Dahl - treat
"Take each other for better or for worse, but not for granted." ~Arlene Dahl
Matt Beisner - trust
"When trust replaces fear, anything can happen." ~Matt Beisner
Quotes on Sarcasma
"The gallery of unspoken words, serve with silent paintings. What a masterpiece!" ~Sarcasm
William Paul Young - waters
"Don't ever discount the wonder of your tears. They can be healing waters and a stream of joy. Sometimes they are the best words the heart can speak." ~Wiiliam Paul Young
Sai Baba of Shirdi - language
"There is only one language, the language of the heart." ~Sai Baba of Shirdi
Mary Balogh Quotes
"A good book can soothe away a lot of our pain!" ~Mary Balogh
"I stayed awake wondering where the sun went. Then it dawned on me." ~from Mary Balogh
"Nothing is permanently perfect. But there are perfect moments and the will to choose what will bring about more perfect moments." ~Mary Balogh
"Sometimes one simply has to allow others to live their own lives even if it is painful to watch." ~Mary Balogh
"READING. That place where you're by yourself but you're never alone." ~Mary Balogh
"If you have the fire of knowledge, let others light their candles with it." ~from Mary Balogh
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Wallace Stevens Quotes
"I was myself the compass of that sea. I was the world in which I walked, and what I saw or heard or felt came not but from myself. And there I found myself more truly and more strange." ~Wallace Stevens
"Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake." ~Wallace Stevens
"The imagination is man's power over nature." ~Wallace Stevens
"The way to the world is more difficult to find than the way beyond it." ~Wallace Stevens
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"The way to the world is more difficult to find than the way beyond it." ~Wallace Stevens
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A. R. Ammons Quotes
"Anything looked at closely becomes wonderful." ~A. R. Ammons
"Only silence perfects silence." ~A. R. Ammons
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"Only silence perfects silence." ~A. R. Ammons
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Noam Chomsky Quotes
"If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all." ~Noam Chomsky
"Life is empty without love." ~Noam Chomsky
"Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain. It's something you have to find out for yourself." ~Noam Chomsky
"Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so." ~Noam Chomsky
"The general population doesn't know what was happening. And it doesn't even know that it doesn't know." ~Noam Chomsky
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The American philosopher and professor Noam Chomsky, at the age of 95, loses his ability to speak and write, thus being forced to relinquish the throne of words—the very tool through which he exposed the truth about global systems. Throughout his life, he left behind powerful reflections, including:
“There are no poor countries, only failed systems of resource management.”
“No one will place the truth in your mind; it is something you must discover for yourself.”
“If you want to control a people, create an imaginary enemy that appears more dangerous than you, then present yourself as their savior.”
“One of the clearest lessons of history: rights are not granted; they are taken by force.”
“There is a purpose behind distorting history to make it seem like only great men achieve significant things. It teaches people to believe they are powerless and must wait for a great man to act.”
“The world is a mysterious and confusing place. If you are not willing to be confused, you become a mere replica of someone else’s mind.”
“To control people, make them believe they are responsible for their own misery and present yourself as their savior.”
“The West will one day regret its shallow ideas that alienate people from their true nature. One must seek the right religion and the right belief.”
"Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so." ~Noam Chomsky
"The general population doesn't know what was happening. And it doesn't even know that it doesn't know." ~Noam Chomsky
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John Naisbitt - power
"The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many" ~John Naisbitt
George Edward Moore Quotes
"A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." -George Edward Moore
"Other men said they have seen angels, But I have seen thee and thou art enough." ~G. Moore
"The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough." ~George Edward Moore from Mastering Relationship With Love
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Bonne Arbon - puzzle
"You are a piece of the puzzle of someone's else life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you." ~Bonne Arbon
Master Chin Kung - reflection
"Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds." ~The Collected Works of the Venerable Master Chin Kung
Robert Flatt - circumstances
"The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances." ~Robert Flatt
Lady Nancy Astor Quotes
"The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything ... or nothing." ~Nancy Astor
"The most practical thing in the world is common sense and common humanity." ~Lady Nancy Astor (1879-1964), British First Woman Member of Parliament
“The penalty for success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you.” ~Nancy Astor
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Richard Deupree - simple problems
“I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones.” ~Richard Deupree on Advice / experience / wisdom
Bob Faravoni - headstrong
“Sometimes to be headstrong, is to be brain-weak." ~Bob Faravoni
David Foster Wallace Quotes
“Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.” ~David Foster Wallace
"The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad of petty little unsexy ways, everyday." ~David Foster Wallace
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Ranciere - politics
"Politics is something that occurs under the jurisdiction of the sensible. And it is art that distributes the sensible. Artists don't wait for political justice, but act to rebalance the world... Poetry can dissolve the hierarchies of discourse." ~Rancie
Wavy Gravy - good
"Put your good where it will do the most." ~Wavy Gravy
Linda Evans - learn from mistakes
"It doesn't matter if I don't succeed in something, what matters is that I learn from my mistakes." ~Linda Evans
J. Paul Getty Quotes
"Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil." ~J. Paul Getty
“If you can actually count your money, then you're not a rich man.” ~Paul J Getty
"The beauty one can find in art is one of the pitifully few real and lasting products of human endeavor." ~J. Paul Getty
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Charles B. Handy - strength
"The moment will arrive when you are comfortable with who you are, and what you are-bald or old, or fat or poor, successful or struggling-when you don't feel the need to apologize for anything or to deny anything. To be comfortable in your own skin is the beginning of strength." ~Charles B. Handy
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - happiness of another
"To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another." ~Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Anon - patience
"Patience is waiting, not passively waiting ... but to keep going when the going is hard and slow... that is patience." ~Anon
George W. Bush - no end
"Grief, tragedy, and hatred are only for a time. Goodness, remembrance, and love have no end." ~George W. Bush
Paul Gauguin Quotes
"I shut my eyes in order to see." ~Paul Gauguin
"It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable colour to every object; beware of this stumbling block." ~Paul Gauguin
"It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable colour to every object; beware of this stumbling block." ~Paul Gauguin
Kathy Yoder - cowards
"Those who habitually speak poorly of others when the others are not in their presence, are cowards." ~Kathy Yoder
William W. Purkey ~ nobody
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth." ~ William W. Purkey
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth." ~ William W. Purkey
Dieter F. Uchtdorf Quotes
"God's love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked.” ~Dieter F. Uchtdor
“Often the answer to our prayer does not come while we’re on our knees, but while we’re on our feet serving the Lord and serving those around us.” –Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, and truly see the things that matter most." ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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Irving Wallace - adventure
"Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure." ~Irving Wallace
Kenko Yoshida - lamplight
"To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations-such is a pleasure beyond compare." ~Kenko Yoshida
"Winter is a season of recovery and preparation." ~Paul Theroux
Olga Korbut - impression
"Don't be afraid if things are difficult in the beginning. That's only the initial impression. The important thing is not to retreat: you have to master yourself." ~Olga Korbut
Nishan Panwar Quotes
"Carry a heart that never hates.
Carry a smile that never fades.
Carry a touch that never hurts.
~Nishan Panwar
"Someone once said that death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." ~Nishan Panwar
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Gurumayi - mind
"Minute by minute, thought by thought, your mind is what shapes your life." ~Gurumayi
Jane Seymour - strong character
"Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner security and strong character." ~Jane Seymour
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