"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Quotes from Daily Vibes

"Forgive them even when they are not sorry. Let them be right, if that's what they need. Send them love and send them off. Don't tie yourself to small mindedness, it will steal your well being." ~Daily Vibes

"I can remember when I was young that my mom would continuously tell me to stay positive. I didn’t understand why it was so important at the time, but she would always explain that keeping a positive attitude and outlook on life would help me get through each day. No matter what hardships I faced, staying positive would help get through it. When I see the impact that being negative has on a person’s life now that I’m older, I can see why she felt so strongly." ~Daily Vibes

"..., I think the best way to truly evaluate your personality is through self-reflection; what is it that you do or say that defines you, that makes you who you are?" ~Daily Vibes

"Learning to walk away from people who hurt you, judge you, or underestimate you is a sign of maturity and strength." ~from Daily Vibes

"Life humbles you so deeply as you age." ~Daily Vibes

"My attitude is the result of your actions. So if you don't like my attitude, blame yourself." ~Daily Vibes

"Sometimes, you just want to tell a person everything. And sometimes, you find yourself regretting what you told that person when it comes back to you from a dozen other people. It’s not wise to communicate the little details of your life to just anyone; things get around that you don’t necessarily want shared with the world, and who knows how the truth will mutate through multiple exchanges." ~words of wisdom from Daily Vibes

"The older you get, the more quiet you become." ~Daily Vibes

"There are different types of toxic people that you can come into contact with. Some are easy to spot, and some are more subtle, which makes them difficult to avoid." ~Daily Vibes

"There never can be a man so lost as one who is lost in the vast and intricate corridors of his own lonely mind, where none may reach and none may save." ~Daily Vibes

"Those of you with strong personalities have a great sense of self. You don’t let people walk all over you, you don’t let people shake your confidence, and you definitely don’t let people tell you what is or isn’t possible." ~Daily Vibes

"We’ve all run into toxic people in our lives. Toxicity and negativity are everywhere, there’s really no escaping it. Even doing something as simple as watching TV can open the flood gates and allow toxic, negative information to flood your senses. Toxic people do what they can to control you, and if they can’t do that, they try to control how other people perceive you. It’s important to be able to identify this toxicity and stay away." ~Daily Vibes

"What is broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again." ~Daily Vibes

"You're busy doubting yourself while some people are intimidated by your potential." ~Daily Vibes

"You come home, make some tea, sit down in your armchair, and all around there's silence. Everyone decides for themselves whether that's loneliness or freedom." ~Daily Vibes

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