"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Quotes


"A woman’s mind is like vibrational energy—it gets more energy or less, it works from one cognitive level or another, and it is surrounded by different tones and frequencies and feelings and smells and behaviors and dreams coming true! How wild. How wonderful that we find ourselves landing like fairies in a garden of people and places to love and activities to take on." ~Dr Barbara B Holstein

"... as women we too quickly forget, with all the pressures and strains of life, our own unique gifts, talents, and potential. We also forget how to relax, have fun, laugh, enjoy the moment, and take delight in the small stuff. However, the girl inside of ourselves never forgets. If we only give her a chance and let her talk to us, we have a chance to take all of the best parts of ourselves back and to have fun in the process." ~Dr Barbara B Holstein, The Girl in The Truth Made Me Do It!

"Girls can not always free themselves of the dysfunction that may create damaging messages in their lives. But they CAN be taught to recognize how special they are and given ways to hold on to the best of themselves!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"If you have to ride out a storm may you be blessed with a great situation in which to do so, safe passage when the time is right, and lots of success and happiness once the storm passes!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"Life is like a roller coaster ride sometimes. We have wonderful times and then sometimes we have terrible times. A punch can come out of left field and all we can do at the moment is the best we can. There is no person in the world capable of flawlessly handling every punch thrown at them." ~Barbara Becker Holstein, FB, March 2012

"May any curve in the road you must travel have a silver lining that sparkles in the sunlight and glows in the dark like a shining star!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May discouragement never meet you in the dark corners of your life. In fact, may every place you wander have lovely light! And may you be soothed and revitalized by things as simple as daylight!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May the coming week be lovely for you with fresh breezes, happy bird calls and wonderful spring aromas!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May the road you ride on be smooth, the curves fun and the directions you are given always exactly what you need to arrive at your destination!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May the snowball effect of good feelings stay with you in all seasons and only increase in power on gloomy days." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you also sing a song into your life that is new and skillfully played and the heavens enjoy as a clear and beautiful noise!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you always be pleased to look backwards and eager to look forward" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you always enjoy a good dance!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you always enjoy your life. May you not be afraid to let the 'wild and precious' * sides of yourself come through as you dance through your days and then dream through your nights." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"When you are up, may you stay up even longer than one could imagine, and when you are down, may you see your way to ascend so clearly that you hardly even know you were down!" ~ Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with neither judging yourself too harshly or letting yourself entirely off the hook!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with peace of mind, a less fatigued body, and an energized spirit as you allow any and all angels that come your way, whether they be earth angels or otherwise to enhance your life and help you to appreciate all the small and large miracles that go with being alive." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with sunshine from inside that helps you easily smile and sunshine outside that helps you keep the smile!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with the capacity to be good to yourself. At least once a month, think of yourself as Queen for a Day. Play, have fun, laugh and chuckle. Sleep late and eat bonbons. Watch a comedy and buy yourself a present. Don't clean a thing and leave the dishes in the sink. Wear slippers or go barefoot. Put on fun music and dance around the house. Go to sleep smiling and already planning your next celebration." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with the capacity to gain a new perspective on an old situation and not have to do too much cleaning!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with the capacity to hold on to your wild side, while maintaining the controls and the wisdom to tame it yourself when necessary!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with the capacity to sit or roll on the floor with delight as you befriend a puppy or play with a baby. Or if you knees won’t let you get down to the floor, may you be blessed with the happiness of a child sitting on your lap as you tell a story from when you were very, very small!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you be blessed with the wisdom to recognize if you are going in the wrong direction almost instantly and then be able to use more wisdom and judgement capacities to get you into the right direction quickly!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you count your blessings and as you do realize that you have so many, it is impossible to count that high!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you dance to the most fun rhythms of your own making including living your passions, laughing from the inside out and feeling at home with your life." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you feel good today. Sometimes the simplest way to having pleasant feelings is to not say anything negative about anyone else today." ~ Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you feel so strong that you know you could walk on water, but may you be so sensible that you always take your inner tube with you!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you have faith in your worth and act with wisdom." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you have one of those glorious spring days where your feet feel as light as feathers and you know that if you really tried you could leap as high into the sky!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you have the energy to be thankful for at least three good things in your life, every time you are disappointed about something else." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you spring into spring with a spring in your step that so surprises you, you look down to see who is walking with such pep!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you feel so strong that you know you could walk on water, but may you be so sensible that you always take your inner tube with you!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May you never be afraid to put one foot in front of the other, or one hand on the shoulder of someone who needs support. And may you never be afraid to put both arms around someone who needs a hug!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May your mental blood type always be B-Positive rather than B-Negative" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"May your true song come through." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"Nature provides enchantment all around us in the spring. The birds sing, the flowers bloom, animals have their babies, new birds learn to fly. If you look high up in a tree you might see an exquisite bird singing loudly, full of life. It is as if nature gives humans an opportunity for enchantment all around." ~Dr Barbara Becker Holstein

"Overcoming adversity and creating a happy life sometimes requires great work on our parts. Sometimes to live a life worth living and to experience more positive emotions and to have a sense of mental wellness we have to climb mountains in terms of efforts to feel good. But thankfully, for most people, living a life worth living and feeing 'happy' only requires some work, such as making a decision to see our circumstances as worth being grateful for, and intentionally savoring the good times." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"Reach for the stars." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"Watch your step, but not so much that you are afraid to take a step!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"We are indeed fragile and must be thankful for the simplest of pleasures, safe havens and good health." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"When the wind blows and the leaves fall may you feel a vigor that can only speed you on, rather than slow you down." ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"When you are up, may you stay up even longer than one could imagine, and when you are down, may you see your way to ascend so clearly that you hardly even know you were down!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"When you think about yearning to walk on water, remember it is a blessing to be able to walk on land!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

"When you wake up in the morning may you start the day with hope and a sense of renewal, knowing from somewhere deep inside that this day will be another special delivery gift send just to you!" ~Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein


"Don't Use the Wrong Measuring Instruments on Yourself!" ~

"If you want a new perspective, clean your windows!"

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