"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Guan Yin - Compassion

"The mind of compassion knows no bitterness nor judgment. No good nor bad, no right nor wrong. Only the wish for all beings to be happy." ~Guan Yin

April Greene - Found within

"For years I was searching for a land I remembered, a language I understood, and then, in solitude, I found it within." ~April Greene

Sushmita Sen - The Origin of a Child

"I think being a woman, by itself, the very fact that you are a woman is a gift of God which all of us must appreciate.... The origin of a child is a mother and is a woman. And a woman is the one who shares the love and shows a man, what love, caring and sharing is all about. That is the essence of a woman." ~Sushmita Sen, Miss Universe 1994

Alexis Carrell - Marble and Sculpture

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the scupltor." ~Alexis Carrell

Shenaaz Moos - Before your own

"Stop putting other people’s needs, desires and dreams before your own. There is a high probability that you are not even a speck on their list. You must honour your true self by making a daily effort to pursue your dreams. You may find the people around you offering very little support and encouragement. Silence them in your mind and elevate the volume of your soul! You have something to offer the world, never forget that!" ~Shenaaz Moos

Geoffrey Holder - Education

"Education begins at home. You can't blame the school for not putting into your child what you don't put into him." ~Geoffrey Holder


Quotes on RAIN and WATER

"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." ~Deuteronomy 32:2


"Give thanks for the rain in your life, which waters the flowers of your soul." ~Jonathan Lockwood Huie


“After the rain, the sun will reappear.
There is life. After the pain,
the joy will still be here.”
~Walt Disney Company

“All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds." ~APJ Abdul Kalam

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." ~Gilbert K. Chesterton

“At night I dream that you and I are two plants
that grew together, roots entwined,
and that you know the earth and the rain like my mouth,
since we are made of earth and rain.”
~Pablo Neruda, Regalo de un Poeta

"Behind the glass wall is the serenity of lights and rain." ~Ricardo Perez

"Blessings come as Sunshine and as Rain." ~Anna Pereira

“But tomorrow may rain, so I’ll follow the sun.” ~John Lenon

"Clouds come floating into my life no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." ~Tagore

"Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards." ~Vladimir Nabokov

"Even stone can be worn down with enough rain." ~Arthur Golden

“From where we stand the rain seems random. If we could stand somewhere else, we would see the order in it.” ~Tony Hillerman, Coyote Waits

"Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. That is the attitude." ~Jackee

"I find beauty in the rain. Embrace all the storms that comes into your life and learn how to dance with it." ~Raquel Geralde Villanueva

"Into each life some rain must fall." ~Ella Fitzgerald

"It's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind. The clouds rain too when things get heavy." ~Amina Mehmood

"Let your kindness be like the rain, that cares not whom it falls upon." ~My Life's Blessings

"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." ~Ashley Smith

"May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary." ~Xan Oku

"Maybe love is like rain. Sometimes gentle, sometimes torrential, flooding, eroding, joyful, steady, filling the earth, collecting in underground springs. When it rains, when we love, life grows." ~Nnie Que

"No rain. No flowers." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

“On the fifth day, which was a Sunday, it rained very hard. I like it when it rains hard. It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty.” ~Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

"Rain (also) means the lands and dams can gain a rest from the overpowering drought we’re experiencing, or heal from the damage caused by previous bushfires. The plants and animals finally get a drink after weeks on end of using whatever is left on the ground, allowing them to continue a healthy lifestyle." ~Anon, The Diary Files, SL-NSW, August 7, 2020

"Rain, indeed, makes plants grow exuberantly. Be like a plant." ~Ethel Pineda

"Rain is grace;
rain is the sky
descending to the earth;
without rain,
there would be no life."
~John Updike

"Rain is like tears. It washes away the clouds of negativity, giving way to a brighter day." ~Jeffrey Cejero

“Rain makes me feel less alone. All rain is, is a cloud- falling apart, and pouring its shattered pieces down on top of you. It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only thing that falls apart . It makes me feel better to know other things in nature can shatter.” ~Lone Alaskan Gypsy

“Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.” ~Bill Watterson, The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book

"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder." ~Rumi

"She loves moonlight and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul." ~JM Storm

"Sleep is so much easier when it rains." ~Anon

"Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains." ~Anon

"Stormy weather is calming to the soul. The subtle patter of the rain, the intoxicating scent of petrichor, the small chill to the howling wind. Every element that adds towards rain makes me long for a permanent winter." ~Anon, The Diary Files, SL-NSW, August 7, 2020

"Tender words we spoke to one another are sealed in the secret vaults of heaven. One day like rain,they will fall to earth and grow green all over the world." ~Rumi

“The rain fluctuates between drizzle and torrential. It messes with your mind. It makes you think things will always be like this, never getting better, always letting you down right when you thought the worst was over.” ~Susane Colasanti, Waiting for You

“The rain to the wind said,
You push and I'll pelt.'
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged--though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.”
~Robert Frost

“The richness of the rain made me feel safe and protected; I have always considered the rain to be healing—a blanket—the comfort of a friend. Without at least some rain in any given day, or at least a cloud or two on the horizon, I feel overwhelmed by the information of sunlight and yearn for the vital, muffling gift of falling water.” ~Douglas Coupland, Life After God

“The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun." —Napoleon Hill

"Unknowingly, we plow the dust of stars, blown about us by the wind, and drink the universe in a glass of rain." ~Ihab Hassan

"Walked for half an hour in the garden.  A fine rain was falling, and the landscape was that of autumn.  The sky was hung with various shades of gray, and mists hovered about the distant mountains - a melancholy nature.  The leaves were falling on all sides like the last illusions of youth under the tears of irremediable grief.  A brood of chattering birds were chasing each other through the shrubberies, and playing games among the branches, like a knot of hiding schoolboys.  Every landscape is, as it were, a state of the soul, and whoever penetrates into both is astonished to find how much likeness there is in each detail." ~Henri Frederic Amiel 

“When it rains look for rainbows. When it’s dark look for the stars.” ~Oscar Wilde

"When you pray asking GOD for the rain, make sure you are preparing your field" - From The Movie Facing the Giants via Willa Stock

 “When your heart is broken you plant seeds in the cracks and you pray for rain.” ~Andrea Gibson


"Keep walking through the storm. Your rainbow is waiting on the other side." ~Heather Stillufsen

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 "A waterfall cannot be silent, when they speak, the voice of power speaks!" ~Mehmet Murat Ildan

"All over the world water is regarded as precious as life itself" ~Nelson Mandela at the commissioning of the Moretele Water Project, Sekampaneng, South Africa, 14 October 1995, LivingTheLegacy

"Around the rustling of many waters, may my heart find peace in Your presence, Lord. Please see us through this storm." ~Winnie Dacoco-Carmona

"As I love nature, as I love singing birds, and gleaming stubble, and flowing rivers, and morning and evening, and summer and winter, I love thee, my Friend."  ~Henry David Thoreau

"As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing."  ~John Muir

"Be soft like water. Like water, flow everywhere there’s an opening, rather than attempting to dominate with your forcefulness. Soften your hard edges by being more tolerant of contrary opinions. Interfere less, and substitute listening for directing and telling. When someone offers you their viewpoint, try responding with: ‘I’ve never considered that before - thank you. I’ll give it some thought'." ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

"Don't dive into the waters if one already set expectations. One's ocean might be just a lake to others."~Kenly Seanity

“Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water." ~Saint Seraphim of Sarov

 “I am haunted by waters.”  ~Norman Maclean

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." ~Mother Teresa

"I love the Beauty of the reflection of the Beauty of the mountains and clouds above the surface of the water of the river." ~Leah C. Dancel, April 30, 2022 on the spectacular view of Lake  McDonald of Glacier National Park by Jack Bell Photography, #tonguetwister
"I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves or a waterfall."  ~Mike May

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”  ~Loren Eiseley

"In water we are one and only one. It is only when we step away from water that we forget who we are and struggle endlessly trying to find our way back to the sea." ~Shara Gardner

"It's good to leave each day behind,
like flowing water, free of sadness.
Yesterday is gone and its tale told.
Today new seeds are growing."

“It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.”  ~Nicholas Sparks

“Let me drink from the waters where the mountain streams flow

Let the smell of wildflowers flow free through my blood

Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves.”  

~Bob Dylan

"Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water." ~Henry Williamson

"My body has taught me many things, all of them filled with soul: how to dance and make love, mourn and make music; now it is teaching me how to heal. I am learning to heed the shifting currents of my body--the subtle changes in temperature, muscle tension, thought and mood--the way a sailor rides the wind by reading the ripples on the water." ~Kat Duff

"My dear, we are all made of water. It's okay to rage. Sometimes it's okay to rest, to recede." ~Sanober Khan

"Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop." ~Anon

"Our land and water is not for sale. So why and how have we lost control to the 'Beast'? "~Dr. Dale Kerwin, AUSTRALIA DAY - INVASION DAY - SURVIVAL DAY, January 26, 2020

"People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognise: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child ― our own two eyes. All is a miracle." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"Quiet achievers go under water: deep and unsinkable." ~Leah C Dancel, 13 June 2024

 "She smelled of sun and daisies with a hint of river water." ~Katie Daisy

"‪Silent waters run deep but when they become turbulent, they are a marvel to behold." ~‬Joffre Balce

"Some people survive and talk about it. Some people survive and go silent. Everyone deals with unimaginable pain in their own way, and everyone is entitled to that, without judgment. So the next time you look at someone's life covetously, remember … you may not want to endure what they are enduring right now, at this moment, whilst they sit so quietly before you, looking like a calm ocean on a sunny day. Remember how vast the ocean's boundaries are. Whilst somewhere the water is calm, in another place in the very same ocean, there is a colossal storm." ~Nikita Gill

"Stormy weather is calming to the soul. The subtle patter of the rain, the intoxicating scent of petrichor, the small chill to the howling wind. Every element that adds towards rain makes me long for a permanent winter." ~Anon, The Diary Files, SL-NSW, August 7, 2020

Audley Village - Royal National Park
January 15, 2021

“Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you.” ~John Muir

"Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water." ~Brian Jacques, Redwall

"The bee’s life is like a magic well: the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water. ~Karl Von Frisch

"The mind is like water. When it is turbulent it is difficult to see. When it is calm, everything becomes clear." ~Prasad Mahes 

Horsdern Beach, Bundeena NSW
January 8, 2022

 "The resiliency of water is most impressed by the conditioning of the storm." ~EA

"The seeds that are watered frequently are the seeds that will grow strong." ~Thich Nhat Hanh 

"The sound of the water says what I think." ~Chuang Tzu 

"There's nothing like homegrown vegetables ... Feed on nothing but water and sunlight, fortified by earthworms." ~Leah C. Dancel, 29 April 2013

“These landscapes of water and reflection have become an obsession.” ~Claude Monet

"Understanding is like water flowing in a stream. Wisdom and knowledge are solid and can block our understanding." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"Water therapy is my all time remedy." ~Leah C. Dancel, August 29, 2019

"Water therapy is the only proven cure for coughing." ~Anon

"Water your mind to grow your soul." ~Anon

"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." ~Thomas Fuller

"We work shoulder to shoulder to protect our land, our water and our children." ~Dr. Dale Kerwin, on COLLABORATION, AUSTRALIA DAY - INVASION DAY - SURVIVAL DAY, January 26, 2020

"When the tide is in and they are under water, sea anemones look rather like beautiful flowers." ~Overleaf Lodge

"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water." ~Ravindranath Tagore

"You can't fill a bucket with water if it's already full of sand." ~Estelle Cortes

"You have no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You. Nothing seemed right. What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the ocean. Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. So I've brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me." ~Rumi

BIBLE Inspirational

You care for the land and water it;(A)
    you enrich it abundantly.(B)
The streams of God are filled with water
    to provide the people with grain,(C)
    for so you have ordained it.[a]
10 You drench its furrows and level its ridges;
    you soften it with showers(D) and bless its crops.
11 You crown the year with your bounty,(E)
    and your carts overflow with abundance.(F)
12 The grasslands of the wilderness overflow;(G)
    the hills are clothed with gladness.(H)
13 The meadows are covered with flocks(I)
    and the valleys are mantled with grain;(J)
    they shout for joy and sing.(K)

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Rosa Luxemburg - chains

"Those who do not move do not notice their chains." ~Rosa Luxemburg

Edith Piaf - Eternity

"If it seems that everything is lost, I will smile and never count the cost... When at last our life on earth is through, I will share eternity with you." ~Edith Piaf, IF YOU LOVE ME


Matshona Dhliwayo Quotes

"Beautiful souls are shaped by ugly experiences." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"Don’t be afraid of being alone; an eagle does not rule the skies with turkeys at its side." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"Dress your heart with courage, your mind with wisdom, and your soul with love." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"It is only during a storm that a tree knows how strong it is." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"Leave beauty marks in the lives of those you meet, not scars." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

 “Light is warmer than darkness.” ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"One who throws stones at others has less to use to build to his own house." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

“When two souls are one, they hear each other, even in silence.” ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"When you have light in your mind, you shine.
When you have light in your heart, you glow.
When you have light in your soul, you rise."
~Matshona Dhliwayo

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Brandi Brenner - colour matters

"Experience confirmed my belief that 'we are not born with the idea that colour matters.'" ~Brandi Brenner