"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Raha Moharrak - to touch the sky

"Me, a Saudi Woman from the desert, managed to touch the sky." ~Raha Moharrak recounts her journey as the first Saudi woman to climb the seven summits of the world.(The Real Athlete Video, 13 July 2018)

From The Daily Goalcast Video - on Thai Cave Rescue

"A tongue has no bones,  but it is strong enough to hurt someone. Choose your words carefully." ~Goalcast 

"The rescue shows what can be achieved when the world unites for a common cause, and keeps hope alive in the dark." ~The Daily Goalcast video on Thai Cave Rescue of 12 members of Wild Boar Soccer Team and their Coach, 23 June 2018 (Northern Thailand)


"Focus on what matters." ~Goalcast 

Janine Shepherd Quotes

"I had a dream and nothing was going to stop me." ~Janine Shepherd, (Author - How to Heal a Broken Body and a Broken Spirit)

"I wasn't meant to live. I wasn't meant to walk. I wasn't meant to fly." ~Janine Shepherd - How to Heal a Broken Body and a Broken Spirit

"Our bodies may be limited, but it's our spirit that's unstoppable." ~Janine Shepherd - How to Heal a Broken Body and a Broken Spirit

"Unlike anything you can lose in life, the defiant human spirit remains steadfast." ~Janine Shepherd - How to Heal a Broken Body and a Broken Spirit

"When you choose courage in the face of fear, you defy the things that hold you back from greatness." ~Janine Shepherd - How to Heal a Broken Body and a Broken Spirit

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Cindy Ching - beautiful and unique

"No money or any material things can define success. What matters most is priceless. Respect, tenacity, perseverance, selflessness, and love, are the accessories that make us all beautiful and unique in a very special way." ~Cindy Ching, FB


Treasure Noël Tatum - Light

“It takes darkness to be aware of the light.” ~ Treasure Noël Tatum

Alysha Speer - big wave, small wave

“You never really know what's coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its monstrosity.” ~Alysha Speer (Goodreads)

Jonathan Anthony Burkett Quotes

"Money will never be as precious as this one life we live.“ ~Jonathan Burkett

“You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, but not what I've been through.” ~Jonathan Anthony Burkett, Neglected But Undefeated (Goodreads)

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Amit Ray Quotes

"Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul, beauty arises when soul is satisfied." ~Amit Ray

"Collaboration has no hierarchy. The Sun collaborates with soil to bring flowers on the earth." ~Amit Ray, Enlightenment Step by Step

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ~Amit Ray

“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.” ~Amit Ray

“Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.” ~Amit Ray

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Ernesto B. Neri - Poverty

"Poverty perpetuates because most of us treat governance as a transaction. You give because I gave. For this cycle to break, we need transformative leaders who will challenge mindsets, systems, and behavior." ~Atty. Ernesto B. Neri, Outgoing Chairperson, Oro Youth Development Council


‪Dr. Anthony P. Witham‬ - Children

‪"Too much love never spoils children. Children become spoiled when we substitute 'presents' for 'presence'." ~Dr. Anthony P. Witham‬


"I want to Live in a world where Silence isn’t a metaphor for fear; where Love isn’t a metaphor for sex. I want to live in a place where people genuinely care, where giving wants nothing in return, where small talk is non-existent, and above all 'else';… I want to Love there." ~Bert Brunet

"Life cannot be controlled, Life breathes our breath, beats our heart, Life lives us." ~Bert Brunet, Natural History Desktop

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‪Michael Tomelden‬ Quotes

"All engineering knowledge began with man’s ability to adapt and innovate. Building anything is based on columns and beams." ~‪Michael Tomelden‬

"Spirituality comes in many guises, is called by many names but they all speak directly to the heart in a language as old as time." ~Michael Tomelden, July 16, 2018

"The most difficult task is searching for good and honest people in government. Our institutions are not only weak, they are rotten and corrupt to the core." ~Michael Tomelden

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Jamie Anderson - Grief

"Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go." ~Jamie Anderson


David Nye - Foreign Aid

"The transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries." ~David Nye

Masafumi Nagasaki Quotes

"As an optimist I always tried to find my place." ~Masafumi Nagasaki

"Death means the 'Complete End'." ~Masafumi Nagasaki

"Religion has never left the world be in peace." ~Masafumi Nagasaki


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Graciano López Jaena - struggle for life

"The conflict between friars and Filipinos was a struggle for life, for survival; one side defending exploitation, the other fighting for their right to lead a modern life, to lead a free life, to lead a democratic life.” ~Graciano López Jaena

Nicole Lyons Quotes

"I am a world of uncertainties disguised as a girl." ~Nicole Lyons

"I hold you in the safest place I keep. Somewhere between memories and scars." ~Nicole Lyons

"She will rise. With a spine of steel and a roar like thunder, she will rise." ~Nicole Lyons

"The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else comfortable." ~Nicole Lyons

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Ronillo B. Fuentes - unwavering faith

"Every soul has its own journey and for me, it's a testament of my unwavering faith cast in stone." ~Ronillo B. Fuentes