"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Jose Alejandrino Quotes

"Duterte is his own battering ram. This is fine against the corrupt, druglords, oligarchs, terrorists because he has to show firmness in leadership. But after he has demolished all of them, he will have to transform his image to something softer to unite the nation. He will have to become a statesman. That is when he has to find another battering ram to play the bad cop, good cop game." ~Jose Alejandrino, A BATTERING RAM

"He has a relentless hatred of corruption and drugs. His enemies hate him because he is different. Big business cannot buy him. Crooked politicians cannot penetrate him. Crooked government officials cannot fool him. Oligarchs fear him." ~Jose Alejandrino on PRRD

"How can democracy be in danger when there was no democracy to begin with? Democracy died long ago with electoral fraud." ~Jose Alejandrino

"I say let the people decide by themselves in the exercise of their sovereign will, which is supreme in a democracy." ~Jose Alejandrino

"It takes courage to make a hard choice. Without courage, all other virtues are meaningless." ~Jose Alejandrino

"Let us not forget those who fought and died for our independence that their sacrifice may not be in vain. The Duterte Revolution for change is a continuation of the unfinished revolution in 1898. We owe it to those who came before us and those who will come after us to finish it." ~Jose Alejandrino, June 12, 2020

"Look what is happening in America and China today. Covid raging, civil unrest in America, demoralized police quitting, civilian vigilante groups forming, jobless numbers rising now at 46-million, deep divisions in US society. In China, floods and mudslides, Beijing 20-million inhabitants due to Covid return now on lockdown, border conflict with India, growing economic boycott, Western companies leaving China, US-Sino tension in South China Sea with both countries beefing up their naval armada, more US sanctions. This is only the beginning of more horrendous things to come. Pray, my friends, pray." ~Jose Alejandrino, A WORLD GONE CRAZY 2020

"The art of governing is a matter of calibrated response. When people are undisciplined and abusive, you need a rod. What I call the Davidean approach. Once people learn discipline and are no longer abusive, you relax the use of the rod. What I call the Solomonic approach. But the rod must always be there to remind people of their responsibility." ~Jose Alejandrino on ART OF GOVERNING

"The Days of the Empire are over. The days of the oligarchy are over. The Filipinos have finally woken up thanks to the social media. There is no turning back and we will not turn back. We will finish the unfinished revolution with the help of God. We will crush the Satanic forces and build a new nation dedicated to the Lord's glory." ~Jose Alejandrino, July 27, 2017

"The LP is full of empty talk. It is full of hypocrisy. The plain truth is it fears change because it would clip the powers of the oligarchy which the Cojuangcos-Aquinos form a part. That is the reason why the Opposition won't stop until it gets Duterte out. Their members like the old system because they enriched themselves by it." ~Jose Alejandrino

"Those locked by prejudices will be incapable of rising above themselves." ~Jose Alejandrino, 15 August 2017

“Those who hate Duterte cannot bear to see his success because they themselves had failed in their endeavours. Typical crab mentality.” ~JOSE ALEJANDRINO (2019)

"What we have in Duterte is a man completely different from the average politician. What you see in Duterte is what you get. He is not perfect. He can be a joker. He loves to play tricks. But Duterte is an honest man, despite all the black propaganda thrown against him. He is also a compassionate man who cares for the poor and downtrodden." ~Jose Alejandrino (2018)

"You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs." ~Jose Alejandrino

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