"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"In the midst of all circumstances, we put our trust in you. We humbly pray that your peace and righteousness will reign over our country." ~Manny Pacquiao

"No matter how busy your holiday season may be, you can rest your heart in knowing that God remains in control and works according to His plan." ~Manny Pacquiao (December 7, 2016)

"No matter where life takes you... don't forget where you came from." ~Manny Pacquiao

"Strength of mind overcomes weakness of body." ~from Manny Pacquiao

"The problem in our country is beyond our expectation, beyond our imagination. This illegal drug [problem] is really bad. Government officials, elected officials are involved." ~Sen. Manny Pacquiao

"Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile." ~Manny Pacquiao

“We cannot over-emphasize the role of civil servants in nation building. They are our partners in instituting growth and development.“ ~Manny Pacquiao, 14 August 2017, ILO Convention 151


"He is like a sponge... picks up knowledge and common sense by osmosis." ~Dennis Garcia on Manny Pacquiao (Fight against Jessi Vargas, in Las Vegas, November 6, 2016)

"Manny Pacquiao's win is an example of hardwork, faith in God and unadulterated Filipino courage. Great example for those who aspire!" ~Senator Richard Gordon, November 6, 2016


“Being poor does not mean one must die poor." ~Manny Pacquiao

"Believe in the loyalty of family and believe in the Almighty.” ~Manny Pacquiao

"Hard work and persistence will set you free from the shackles of poverty. But it is faith that will take you to the very top. Never lose faith in what you can do as a human being. " ~Manny Pacquiao

"I am a fighter not just because it is my profession. I was a fighter long before I first set foot in a boxing ring. All my life, I have fought to live. Every single day in my youth, I fought for survival.” ~Manny Pacquiao

“I do not fault anyone who views me as singularly ill-equipped for this role. Instead, I ask: Is there anyone more knowledgeable than this humble civil servant about the hardships incident to the way of life of majority of our people? Who among my colleagues has faced poverty face-to-face from birth? Whose life’s work has it been to battle illiteracy?” ~Manny Pacquiao

"I know what I should speak about, something very few among you can claim to know about: my education, certainly non-traditional, non-formal, largely unstructured. I will call it my education in the Open University of Life.” ~Manny Pacquiao

"I may not have financial acuity. I may not be historically fluent. I may not even be socially adept. But I am philosophically rooted in my personal adversities, which morally bind me to the general struggle of our people.” ~Manny Pacquiao, Oxford University, Nov 7, 2018

“If you ignore the odds against you…and as you are taught here at this magnificent institution – never, ever quit. Think of David and Goliath. Look at me. I am not very big and I never had five smooth stones to throw at any obstacle, but determination is a power tool. I won a lot fights." ~Manny Pacquiao

“In crafting effective laws, there is no better guide than the pulse of the masses." ~Manny Pacquiao, Oxford University, Nov 7, 2018

"Miracles do happen. Dreams do come true… You, with your education, determination and faith, you can change the world.” ~Manny Pacquiao

"Yet, through the ashes of destruction, the Filipino always manages to rise up and fight another day." ~Manny Pacquiao


"As an athlete, I become agitated when I do not improve in terms of speed, style, and stamina. 
I keep pushing myself beyond my limits. I apply the same principles in' public service. As a lifelong learner, I must keep improving myself and I must not stop learning. That way, 
I remain relevant to my people and the world who deserve the best of Manny Pacquiao, inside and outside the ring.

For as long as I exist, I will keep showing up for life. I will continue to be a learner and always strive to be a teacher by imparting my hard-earned lessons to others.

Each one of you in this room can change the world. Have faith, persevere. Find your passion and heed your calling. I urge you, as the Roman poet Horace did: Carpe Diem -- seize the day.
And above all, FIGHT."

~Senator Manny Pacquiao, Speech at Cambridge University (lifted from Mike F. Waldorf post, FB)

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