"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A mind stretched to a new dimension will never go back to its old form." ~Kyle Reygel Perales, 9 January 2017

"A travel agency brings people to a place they've never been, but a tour guide brings people to a place he has always been. In leadership do not bring your people to a place you've never been, do not let them do things you've never done." ~Kyle Reygel Perales, 14 January 2017

"David waited for 20 years to become a king. Moses waited for 40 years in the wilderness before leading the nation of Israel. The best things in your life always take time. Learn to wait." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"Dreams are thoughts waiting for permission to live." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"Forgiveness brings healing to the wounds caused by words." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"Most politicians associate themselves with priests and nuns because they use religion to cover up their atrocities with false purity and holiness." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

“My seasons change, You stay the same. You’re the God of all my days”
- Changing times, unchanging God." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"The devil has no problem defeating a child of God who is easily disappointed." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"The most loving people I know are those who go beyond stereotypes, those who break social constructs." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"...... the process to Christ-likeness is character development. And our character as children of God is hammered during sufferings." ~Kyle Reygel Perales, 5 August 2017

"The size of the person is more important than the size of the problem. You can tell the caliber of a person by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage him." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"What I love about God is that He orchestrates your path including the people you get along with." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"What's inside your heart determines the course of your life. Above all guard your heart." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"You experience the deepest worship in your life in your dark moments, when you weather storms after storms." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

"Your mouth is silent with those cases but you profess yourself as an advocate of human rights. ....... No, you are not true advocate of human rights. You are a bigot who represents as the epitome of grief of false majority. So false that you cannot take an aerial photo of your cause, because people will know your number is so few. This is bigotry." ~Kyle Reygel Perales on Anti-Marcos Burial in LNMB, November 25, 2016

"Your reaction towards a circumstance is called an attitude. And your attitude is your responsibility. There are people perceived to have a bad attitude because they have bad reactions. There are also people who thrive regardless of the situation simply because they have a positive response, a good attitude. When an egg and potato are added to a boiling water for 10 minutes, the egg gets hard and the potato softens. Same circumstance but different reactions. Among all the power that God can give mankind, He gave us “will” the freedom to choose." ~Kyle Reygel Perales, 24 October 2019


"You can convince people without convincing them." ~Unattributed by Kyle Reygel Perales, 15 November 2016

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