"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"A journalist worth his salt would avoid becoming the story himself. The story should be that which is written by the journalist and not about the journalist himself." ~Dr. Dante A. Ang, The Manila Times, 3 January 2017

"Biased Journalism is a scourge of democracy. Irresponsible reporting is a menace in the Free World. " ~Benson Bautista

"Discrediting the media is a strategic move. Without the influence of media, we learn to think on our own and avoid being manipulated." ~Unattributed

“Duterte represents a movement in the Philippines to change the way politics works.” ~Stephen Sackur, BBC HARDTalk

"Editors have to be made to realise that if they allow some half-baked story to get into print, they may well be placing their entire organization in jeopardy." ~Kerry Packer

"Everybody wants to be a celebrity, which is why we have this phenomenon of social media, where nobody wants to be private. We all want to be seen.” ~Marc Jacobs

"Journalism isn’t a career where you pass exams and follow a set path. You need curiosity, courage and confidence." ~Stephen Sackur, (from My Stroll with SS, Huffington Post, Interview with Ebenezar Wikina)

"Journalists who distort the truth to malign, kill and destroy are the worst kind of assassins, murderers and terrorists!" ~Perfecto Yasay

"Mainstream Media, architected by Western Liberals, is a showpiece of how “Press Freedom” could be abused and utilized against anybody for monetary gains. This practice is sickening, distasteful. Long gone are the days that real Journalists were respected in the society." ~@Dutertenomics

"Main stream media ... knows no limits to the betrayal. Fool us once ... shame on them. Fool us twice ... shame on us. Their purpose is not to tell the truth. Their purpose is to make sure you don’t find out the truth ... because that would be bad for business and the agenda. Fear is the weapon of choice for tyranny. They have taken that old acronym of fear a little far here though: False Evidence Appearing Real. Using “evidence” of over run hospitals in Melbourne as the same footage from NYC and Italy from 4 months ago. It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore ... the zombies …… masses are so asleep." ~Anthony Golle, July 20, 2020

"... mass media should be the impartial, fair and honest (i.e., with full integrity) purveyors of information, ...charged with the duty and responsibility to educate the masses." ~Carlos Silverio Bueno

‪"Mass media's tragedy is that it became a willing tool for capitalist interests. It succumbed to greed and abandoned its noble cause of seeking and conveying the truth, as a result of which it even corrupted its journalistic standards and perverted its practices to serve only the vested interests of the few." ~Caloy Bueno, December 13, 2017‬

"Media is one source of those subliminal messages that program our brains and shape our thoughts..... just as music sets our moods. They need to be controlled to an acceptable level as its influence will shape everyone's future..." ~Oscar A. Erasquin

"Peddling fake news does not, in fact, equate to a long-term successful business strategy, reporters for The New York Times are learning the hard way." ~Matthew Boyle, Breitbart, FB shared, 27 June 2017

"... people of every political persuasion, ponder on the role of the half-blind international press that are stoking the flames of conflict between and among Filipinos today. Do they know more about the Philippines than the Filipinos?" ~Bryan Ng Co

"Press credibility is getting lower and lower. In fact it’s just about at rock bottom… it’s degenerated into a beat-up. The beat-up is what it’s all about. Any story they get, they’re looking to embellish so they can boast how they stuck it to someone." ~Kerry Packer

"Responsible journalism' means complying with the law." ~National Press Club (NPC), 16 January 2018

"Social media has radically changed the way mass communication is now played, especially in the formation of opinion and points of view. It is a game changer, and it has created a seismic shift in how people now digest and process the news and information. Most importantly it has actually empowered the ordinary citizen himself into becoming an instant newsmaker, or a journalist in the broadest sense. As with what we have been discussing with my fellow socmed bloggers, if Duterte were elected prior to the advent of Facebook and Twitter, he would have probably met the same fate as Muammar Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein, or Manuel Noriega." ~Mark Lopez, July 25, 2017 (EXCLUSIVE: Concerned Filipino Mark Lopez on his open letter to US Congress, in an interview with Adam Garrie, The DURAN)

"The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is un-readable and literature is not read." ~Oscar Wilde

"The mainstream media now sees itself as internal state security." ~Thomas Wictor, Twitter , 6 July 2017

"The media distorts the fact. What they don’t have is public trust!" ~Edwin Jamora

"The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent, that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." ~Malcolm X

"The problem of journalism is simple. Journalists are rarely in a position to establish the truth of an issue themselves, since they didn't witness it personally. They are entirely dependent on self-interested sources to supply their facts. Every part of the news-making process is defined by this relationship; everything is coloured by this reality." ~Edward Jay Epstein

‪"This is the way the media works nowadays .. the media knows their target audience, the emotive junkies .. feed them a click-bait headline, an emotive pic captured just at the right time, add comments from minority groups, flavour it with their own special homemade sauce and hey presto they’ve got you hook line sinker. Works all the time.…The media no longer reports news .. rather it creates news by sensationalising it in any way to sell newspapers .. they use social media to get a reaction from as many as possible. Once one person clicks on an article it’s mayhem bringing the worst possible out of normally intelligent people. People comment in ways they would not normally do, often breaking friendships and often participating in just plain bullying. …‬
‪The media seems shows little concern ... their main motive is to sell newspapers and increase advertising revenue." ~‬Robert Azzopardi ,‪January 10, 2020 on Canberra Time's "‬Why the bloody hell would you think Scott Morrison is a good tourism ambassador? Tourism Australia should have known its now-pulled Matesong campaign was going to be out of touch, writes Jenna Price.

"Unfortunately, many Australian’s want to pull down anyone who achieves. And journalists are no exception. They have become a law unto themselves." ~Kerry Packer

"What I think politicians should be doing, if they had any guts, is to introduce a libel system which is punitive. If a journalist has the evidence to prove his allegations, then by all means, let them be printed. But if they’re wrong, then it should be costing their organizations millions, not tens or hundreds of thousands." ~Kerry Packer

"When Chicago Daily Tribune got it wrong in the 1948 election. President Truman, holding the infamous issue telling the press, "That ain't the way I heard it!" ~U.S. Embassy Canberra, FB (hashtag Election Watch)

"When journalists use their power to dictate WHAT YOU WILL SAY, that means the press is now a secret police."~Thomas Wictor, Twitter, 6 July 2017

"Why do we solicit the opinions and half-baked analyses of foreign observers when they aren't even stakeholders in this political problem? .....If and when the dust of this political war settles, these international media outfits can just as easily offer a half-meant apology and say, "We thought Duterte was going to be a dictator as your VP had said. So, we helped you remove him. It turns out that he wasn't but he certainly had all the capacity to be a dictator.".....And we, the Filipinos, will be left to pick up the pieces of a broken republic." ~Bryan Ng Co

"Who believes in journalists these days anyway? Journalists at politiko pare pareho lang magaling mag imbento ng kwento para mapaniwala ng tao!" ~Butch M. Natividad , November 30, 2016

“Writers make a living with words, yes. But so do lawyers.” ~Atty. Trixie Angeles

"Yellow media is motivated by enviousness. Their role is to distort,  twist and bend the truth. Only the less informed, ill-informed and the un-informed will believe them." ~LCD, April 15, 2020, Media Against Sadhguru

"You are a broadcasting company, not a political kingmaker, either you play ball or you play fair. ABS-CBN should NOT get a new franchise to broadcast so it can be stopped from meddling in politics. It's time the people choose their leader and not those chosen by ABS-CBN." ~Rep. Rodante Marcoleta, Philippines House of Congress (Maiden Speech), May 28, 2020

"You are supposed to be the vanguards of responsible, fair, impartial and truthful journalism!" ~Uriel Emmanuel Soriano, An Open Letter to ABS-CBN, April 24, 2016

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“A real journalist is one who looks out the window to check whether it was raining or not” ~Aveen Acuna-Gulo

"As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information." ~Benjamin Disraeli

"How old were you when you
found out that "NEWSPAPER" means
North, East, West, South,
Past, And, Present, Event, Report?"

"If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believed anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific." ~Donald Trump, People Magazine, 1998

"If you're a yellow propagandist you might think Duterte supporters are 'anti-democratic', but in REALITY, Duterte supporters are the most real, down to earth, people in the world. It's about wanting a better, cleaner, happier, safer and more stable life, all while living in a dignified way under the flag of a proud nation. THIS is what Duterte represents to millions. It is a message for the people, because all people have access to it. it excludes no one and welcomes anyone with a positive attitude. THIS it the REAL Duterte revolution!" ~Adam Garrie, February 24, 2018

"Terrorism, criminality, drug syndicates, narco-politics, corruptions are real facts but the media was playing it and manipulate it to fabricate news or create a different viewpoint about the situation in the Philippines." ~Amir Assadollahi, Canadian Political Analyst

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in ever lasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~HERBERT SPENCER

"To note an artist's limitations is but to define his talent. A reporter can write equally well about everything that is presented to his view, but a creative writer can do his best only with what lies within the range and character of his deepest sympathies." ~Willa Cather (1873-1947)

"Whatever he said in the media just to pamper his ego is just for show.. the truth is in the middle of the night when he is alone..he' s cursing himself in disgust. Its during those lone moments that we realize what or who we really are." ~Lito Recio on Trillanes re:BBC HardTalk, 28 June 2017

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