"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel


Francisco Sionil Jose Quotes

"As fire tempers steel, so do the tribulations that we surmount." ~F. Sionil Jose

"For so many of us who cannot think of the future and whose minds are focused only as far as the next election, remember this: Marcos, Duterte – they are minor incidents in our history, but the oligarchic families will be with us much longer and will most likely be replaced by heirs who will continue to exploit our country and our people. The struggle to create a just and sovereign nation transcends these politicians and their oligarch allies. The Filipino oligarchy is our entrenched enemy." ~F. Sionil Jose

"I sympathize with the hundreds who will lose their jobs but I’ll not mourn the passing of ABS-CBN; its demise, I dare say, is even good for Philippine democracy if it also means the dismantling of the Lopez empire." ~F Sionil Jose, on ABS-CBN, A Requiem, May 8, 2020

“It is nationalism which has been the matrix of nationhood all through the ages.” ~F. Sionil Jose

"No solid foundation supports this so-called progress because underneath is a malignant rot - the Filipino elite who have no sense of nation, no moral commitment to Filipinos, only to themselves and their families." ~F. Sionil Jose - National Artist.

"Shallowness is the impediment to prosperity, to justice, and men of goodwill should emphasize this, take risks even in doing so." ~F.Sionil Jose

The building and harnessing of nationalism is an educational process. This should be the goal of our universities – to produce nationalists, not communists.” ~F. Sionil Jose

"The Filipinos do not really need ABS-CBN. It does not produce goods or food. It has certainly entertained millions but it did not diminish poverty. Again, freedom worked for the rich—but not for the Filipinos." ~F Sionil Jose, on ABS-CBN, A Requiem

"The real issue with ABS-CBN and its owners is not press freedom. It is MONEY, POLITICS and POWER-how power is acquired, how it is abused and maintained, and most of all, how it obstructs the country's economic, and democratic development." ~F. Sionil Jose

"We are shallow because we have become enslaved by gross materialism, the glitter of gold and its equivalents, for which reason we think that only the material goods of this earth can satisfy us and we must therefore grab as much as can while we are able." ~F. Sionil Jose

“We write from life and call it literature, and literature lives because we are in it.” ~F. Sionil Jose

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