"Where there is peace, God is." ~George Herbert

"Carve your blessings in stone." ~Anon
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn
"Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient." ~Cicero Ovid Seneca

"May your pen happily writes ...™ ©Leah C Dancel



"I live my life with love. I live my life with compassion. I live my life hoping the best for absolutely everyone, no matter how they feel about me. And when you live that way, it's amazing how beautiful every day can be." ~Anne Hathaway

"Money only impress lazy girls.  When a woman works hard, a man with money is a bonus, not a ladder to upgrade." ~Anne Hathaway 

"You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours." ~Anne Hathaway

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James Bama - choices

"Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. Sometimes Good people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they are bad. It means they are Human." ~James Bama, Artist


Crispulo Bacud Tappa Quotes

"Children are our precious gems, precious in the eyes of God. How we mold them, how we care for them, is our way of thanking God for this wonderful gift..the GIFT OF LIFE." ~Crispulo Bacud Tappa

"Hit it hard where it matters, the heart. For the mind has a myriad reasons why it happens." ~Crispulo Bacud Tappa
"The great runner runs not against his competitors but runs to beat his own best time." ~Crispulo Bacud Tappa 

"The greatest poet is one who knows one when she sees one. Like a doctor, she dissects one with an incisive mind and can immediately  can tell if it is malignant or cancerous. She probes the mind of the poet and looks into the gray matter whether it is infused with wisdom or not. She looks into the heart of the poet, and you know when she is affected by what she reads  when she comments with her emojis. Rare breed this poet of our contemporary times. Congratulations Leah Dancel!" ~CBT - Over the Sea, Best Poem, July 10, 2021 bestowed by FPB 

"The whistle that stirs the wind that sways the trees in the forest may not be as strong as a storm, but strong enough to shake-off the dried leaves of the tree to bare its naked soul so that leaves can grow anew, where birds can roost and sing their sweet songs again." ~Cris Tappa 

‪"We are all like the wise farmer who gave away good seeds to his neighbor farmers to be planted in their farms. Believing the good seeds he have away will bear flowers and by the force of wind and insects will cross-pollinate with his own plants. Assuring him of quality fruits." ~Crispulo Bacud Tappa

‪"Writing our thoughts is like whistling for something good to happen, as we echo the longings of our hearts for change, and the Father who sees the desires of our hearts will create the winds that will help in the realization of the changes that we all long to have." ~Crispulo Bacud Tappa, February 2, 2019‬

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Christina Morales - Navigate through life's lessons

"You always have choices. Don’t forget to practice that privilege. It doesn’t mean you have control over things that happen, it simply means you can choose how to navigate through life’s lessons." ~Christina Morales


Graciano Habagat - History of the elite

"Our written history is full of pretension and lies of the elite." ~Graciano Habagat

Carlo Rhode - lessons from trials

"The trials we went through and the lessons we learnt from them provides us with the means to help others going through the same trials." ~Carlo Rhode

Maulana Rumi Quotes

"Anything born in spring dies in fall, but love is not seasonal." ~Maulana Rumi

"Be kind to yourself, dear - to our innocent follies. Forget any sounds or touch you knew that did not help you dance. You will come to see that all evolves us." ~Maulana Rumi

"Burdens are the foundations of ease and bitter things the forerunners of pleasure." ~Maulana Rumi

"Love is the sea where intellect drowns." ~Maulana Rumi

"The light of my dawn is a beam from Thy light." ~Maulana Rumi

"There is a Light within us that has nothing to do with night and day." ~Maulana Rumi

"Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words." ~Maulana Rumi

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MAREK SLAVÍK - A powerful story

"Behind every painting is a powerful story which is waiting for revelation." ~MAREK SLAVÍK, Prague, 1982


R. H. Sin Quotes

"I'm not sorry for wanting what I deserve and I'm not afraid to walk away to find it." ~R.H. Sin, Whiskey, Words, and A Shovel

"One day someone will look at you with the magic in their eyes because that's what you are." ~R.H. Sin, Whiskey Words & a Shovel II

"She has the mindset of a Queen, and a heart of a warrior. She is everything all at once and too much for anyone who doesn't deserve her. She is you." ~R. H. Sin

"The cracks within the foundation of a woman’s heart are the evidence of her survival." ~R.H. Sin, Rest in the Mourning

“The woman with the highest walls has the deepest love.” ~R. H. Sin

"There's a message in the way a person treats you. Just listen." ~R.H. Sin

"There's still magic in a heart that's been broken." ~R.H. Sin, Whiskey Words and a Shovel II

"To the woman reading this with a restless soul and an aching heart I want you to know that sometimes you have to break down in order to break through." ~R. H. Sin

"You were always mine. I just had to find you." ~R.H. Sin 

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quotes

"All I insist on, and nothing else, is that you should show the whole world that you are not afraid. Be silent, if you choose; but when it is necessary, speak – and speak in such a way that people will remember it." ~Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

 "Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of the genius." ~Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Saisho - Nothingness

"Earth, mountains, rivers - hidden in this nothingness. In this nothingness - earth, mountains, rivers revealed. Spring flowers, winter snow. There's no being or non-being, nor denial itself." ~Saisho


Valentine Oduenyi - Time and secrets

"Future consists of time and secrets. It is the greatest mystery of all. The fear of the unknown is a precaution; not cowardice. It evokes faith, drives prudence and instills sedulity. The orderliness of attitude depends on it." ~Valentine Oduenyi

Sebastian Smee Quotes

"Our inner lives are ... swollen with tangled knots of narrative, with feelings and hurts and elaborate, fantastical dreams, which can be as enduring as mountains or as fleeting as clouds ... So it is hard to look at our Facebook feeds and match what they show us with everything we feel ourselves to be." ~Sebastian Smee

"In the end, we're all ultimately alone and I think that's something that is OK to acknowledge and pay heed to," ~Sebastian Smee

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Mavis Pippin - Tree as a true friend

"I see a tree dying in my garden and I weep for that tree. I know I have many trees that are alive but I remember how that tree's branches shaded me from the sun and provided fruit from it's branches while it lived. And I saw it as a true friend since childhood. And my heart knows that many trees live in my garden but not one can replace the one that is dying. Death comes to us all but that does not mean that death means nothing." ~Mavis Pippin

Gerry Javier Jr Quotes

"Grief is a weird thing. You know it goes away but then it  comes back sometimes when you least  expect it." ~Gerry Javier Jr

"Some thoughts before the year ends: Our fingerprints never fade on the lives we touch. We encounter different individuals in our walk in life. Some make us happy, some make us sad, others easy to get along with and some hurt and put us down.
But what truly matters is not what they did to us, what counts is that we continue to live by the golden rule: 'Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.' Happy New Year Everyone!" ~Gerry Javier Jr


Dr. ‪Ibrahim Kendi‬ Quotes

‪"An intellectual is someone with a tremendous desire to know." ~Ibrahim Kendi‬

"I do not measure a person's intellect based on how much a person knows. How much you know has no bearing on how much you are an intellectual." ~Dr. Ibrahim Kendi

"No doctorate degree is required to join the intellectual academy." ~Dr. Ibrahim Kendi

"When I say "intellectual", I'm not referring to someone who knows a wealth of information." ~Dr. Ibrahim Kendi

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‪Maximo Tumbali‬ Quotes

"All the promises that education is meant to offer will come to naught if the so called educated are characterless. If all they know is how to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor and the unschooled.‪" ~Maximo Tumbali‬

‪"Communication takes its shape or form depending on which place or culture it is situated. Herein lies the beauty of communication. Its diversity in meaning and enunciation.‬" ~Maximo Tumbali

"I don't have anything against reason except when it's applied to things  which are better felt, loved, and embraced by feeling and emotion." ~Maximo Tumbali 

"In these dark days, most are morally blind, and are in a bind. In the name of convenience, their moral sense turns insentient, employing mendacity to rake in money." ~Maximo Tumbali (excerpted from his poem).

"Most often it's reason that blocks us from truly loving others. When reason intrudes into the affairs of the heart the adverse result is love turning so mechanical, boring, chained, and drained of genuine and spontaneous feeling." ~Maximo Tumbali

"... our excessive dependence on reason has resulted in rationalism which in turn has ruined our true appreciation and understanding of reality. It has undermined the significant role that feeling and emotion play in our effort to make sense of reality." ~Maximo Tumbali 

‪"The lambs are very docile or tractable thanks to the new shepherd. But there are still a herd of wolves surreptitiously lingering around ready to attack. If this won't stop, time comes when the lambs will be fiercer than the wolves. And it will be more dangerous if in the end both the wolves and the lambs will be of same color. By then, the distinction between good and bad will be obliterated. And that will mean our end!" ~‬Maximo Tumbali

"The love you have for one person is well taken and understood by feeling rather than reason." ~Maximo Tumbali

‪"This is a genuine and honest portrayal of a farmer whose life has been devoted to making a productive use of the gifts of mother nature not only for himself but for the others as well. So cogently and dramatically narrated by his very own son who was his constant companion and helper, and who partook of the joys, woes, and travails of his father, a tough, honest, and resilient farmer." ~Maximo Tumbali on IN THE SHADOW OF MY FATHER‬

"‪Whether it be old or new version, what counts is your appreciation of yourself who over the years may have shed joys and tears." ~‬Maximo Tumbali

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Bill Mollison - Solutions to the problems

"Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple." ~Bill Mollison

S.A. Sachs - Hope

"Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams." ~S.A. Sachs