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Kate Spencer Quotes


Photo Credit: My Little Sister Del

"It's never crowded along the extra mile." ~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author



"Bless the people in your life that are the hardest to forgive. They hold the key to the greatest gifts for you and the highest evolution for your soul." ~ Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons, Life Changing Law of Attraction

"Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week." ~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author

"Don't let the Dream Stealer's burst your bubble!" ~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author

"Find a way of removing yourself from people or situations that are harming you. Work on loving yourself enough to walk away." ~ Kate Spencer

"Grow where you have been planted.
Do what you can with what you were given.
Intend to thrive and not just survive.
Know you are precious and love yourself through."
~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author

"In every moment we are programming our children, their beliefs and behaviors. Make sure that you are conscious of this and that you help them to learn what really counts." ~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author

"One positive thought in the morning can change your whole day." ~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author

"Sometimes people are brought into our lives as contrast, to show us who we do not want to become." ~Kate Spencer

"The most painful endings can be part of the most beautiful beginning you could ever imagine." ~Kate Spencer

"Throw kindness around like confetti!" ~Kate Spencer

"Walk away from what is hurting your soul." ~Kate Spencer, Twelve Lessons Author ~ Love & Law of Attraction

"We are all a piece of the creative consciousness that made the whole universe. Live like you know how amazing you are." ~Kate Spencer

"When people criticize your life they are talking about their own fear and limitations not yours. Ignore the dream stealers and write your own fairy tale." ~Kate Spencer

"You know when the path you are walking is healing you, because you stop looking back at what happened and you start looking forwards to what's coming." ~Kate Spencer

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