Table of Contents




"For every moment you feel alone, there is an Angel whose presence means you never have to feel alone again." ~Anna Taylor

"Happiness is your divine birthright. Do not shy away from it, or doubt it, but instead, make it your conscious choice every day. You and your life are too precious to do otherwise and you are utterly deserving of all that makes you jump for joy." ~Anna Taylor

"I see your beauty. I see how much you give to others, without any thoughts of recognition or reward. I see the way you change lives, just by being you!" ~Anna Taylor

"If you are grateful for even one thing in your life right now, there is no need to regret the past because it all brought you here. Embrace your journey." ~Anna Taylor

"Let yourself be extraordinary. Let yourself be exactly who you are. Let yourself shine. Let yourself be all you were born to be. For there is no one else on the planet like you." ~Anna Taylor

"Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won't accept." ~Anna Taylor

"One day, she decided to listen. Really listen. Not to the noisy chatter of her mind that told her she couldn't. But to the voice within her heart that knew she absolutely could. So she began the rest of her life." ~Anna Taylor

"One day, she remembered that the only person who could make her happy was herself. So she took back her power, reclaimed her place in the world and shined like never before." ~Anna Taylor

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest and let your angels wrap you in their loving wings. They've got you covered." ~Anna Taylor

"The moment your desire is greater than your fear, is the moment when what you want can begin to fly into your life, as if it has grown wings." ~Anna Taylor

"There is a time for rest and a time for action. A time for giving and a time for receiving. Honour this natural balance. Honour this energy. Honour your life." ~Anna Taylor

"They knew that life was not always a beach. But each wave was certainly much easier to ride with good friends by their side." ~Anna Taylor

"We all have times when life feels hard; when we’re frustrated and tired and just want to hide away. If that’s you right now, don’t worry – every caterpillar has to rest to become a butterfly and you’ll soon find your wings again. In the mean time, let your Angels wrap you in theirs. You are so loved." ~Anna Taylor

"You can love someone deeply but that does not mean you have to put up with behaviour that causes you pain. Love yourself more, dear ones. We understand, it is not easy for some of you to be 'alone' in this human world, but you please don't be with someone at your own expense, just because it feels like the easier option. Love yourself more." ~Anna Taylor

"You were born to stand out. Be bold. Be proud. Be beautiful." ~Anna Taylor

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