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Lynne Taylor Quotes


Photo Credit: My Little Sister Del

"You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you, in your own way can illuminate the world." ~Lynne, Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

(¯`✻´¯) Ups, Downs and Roundabouts


"A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts (Lynne)

"A place of peace can be as simple as a corner of your own mind." ~Unattributed by Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"As I live each day may I do my part. To make a difference and touch one heart. Each day it is my goal to bring smiles and laughter to every soul." ~UDR

"As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the memories are yours to keep." ~Lynne Taylor

"At times we are all a little fragile, be gentle, loving and kind to yourself." ~Lynne Taylor, UDandR

"Don't let someone's compliments get to your head, and don't let their criticisms get to your heart." ~Lynne Taylor from Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Don’t worry about the family that ignores you and acts like you don’t matter. Love the people who are always there for you no matter what, they are the ones worthy of your love and affection." ~Lynne Taylor

"Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone's life - but why not be the moon, to brighten in the darkest hour?" ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Every situation is an opportunity to learn and to grow, so that we'll have a brighter and more beautiful tomorrow." ~Lynne Taylor from Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Friends are like street lights along the road. They don't make the distance any shorter but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile." ~© Lynne and FB Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Friends who uplift you are the best kind of friends. You don't simply keep them. You have to treasure them always. " ~Lynne Taylor

"Health is the greatest gift,
Contentment the greatest wealth,
Faithfulness the best relationship."

"I am in competition with no one. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone. I am simply trying to be a better person than the one I was yesterday." ~Unattributed by Ups, Downs & Roundabouts

"I am starting to trust this journey of life even when I don’t understand all the detours." ~Lynne Taylor of Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"I have uncovered my most beautiful gifts during my most challenging times." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"I keep my house clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be comfortable." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"I used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they liked me. Now I look around and wonder if I like them!" ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"In accepting the sparkle in ourselves, we are more comfortable when we see the shine in others." ~UDR

"In order to learn, grow, and be successful you must step out of your comfort zone. Everything you desire is on the other side of fear." ~Lynne Taylor of Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"It is not the things we get, but the hearts we touch that will measure our success in life." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Kindness is not to be mistaken for weakness, nor forgiveness for acceptance. It’s about knowing that resentment is not on the path to happiness. Remember, you don’t forgive people because you’re weak. You forgive them because you’re strong enough to know that people make mistakes." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Let the mirror reflect your inner beauty. It's what you feel that counts, not how you look to others." ~Unattributed

"Let your joy burst forth like flowers in the spring." ~UDR

"Life isn't meant to be easy, it's meant to be lived. Sometimes good, other times rough. But with every up and down, you learn lessons that make you strong." ~from UDand Roundabouts

"LIFE is sometimes unpredictable. But you can't live your life afraid of what you think will come next, find the courage to move forward and enjoy this beautiful life of yours." ~Lynne Taylor, UDandR

"Listen to your own voice, your own soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world instead of themselves." ~Lynne Taylor, USandR

"Make small adjustments as you figure out what works and what doesn’t. A big part of your life is a result of the choices you make. If you don’t like some part of your life, then it is time to start making changes and better choices. This change may not be easy, but it is possible. Habits that keep us stuck in life are made in each moment, day by day. Undoing these habits takes the same exact path. Focus on the small things you can do right now, not the big things you can’t. These small daily changes add up to huge results in the end." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right." ~UDR

"Only a camera has the ability to capture time. Life doesn't stop, it goes on." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Only trust someone who can see these things in you.
The sorrow behind your smile,
The love behind your anger, and
the Reason behind your silence."
~from Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"People who are attracted to you because of your pretty face or nice body won’t be by your side forever. But the people who can see how beautiful your heart is will never leave you." ~from UDandRoundabouts

"Speak your truth. There is no greater sadness than holding on to the words you never had the courage to speak." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts
"You are a mother, you are a sister, you are a daughter, you are a wife... You are a woman!

I take pride in being a woman and I wish all the women a very Happy Women's Day! Keep shining the way you are! God bless. Love and Light." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts
"Sometimes people come into your life not to love you... but to make you feel that you are worth loving." UDR

"Plant the seeds of your new intentions, nourish them with tender loving care and they will soon manifest in abundance." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Sometimes you just need to hear someone whisper the words.... I BELIEVE IN YOU when you think you can't get through. So I am here to remind you, I BELIEVE IN YOU!" ~UDandRoundabouts

"Sometimes you never really know the true value of a moment, until it becomes a memory." ~UDR

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it, and CHANGE." ~UDandRoundabouts

"The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don't understand yourself." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"There is nothing wrong with you. We are all different and you are just perfect!" ~Lynne Taylor

"Today take a few minutes by yourself and simply listen." ~Lynne Taylor

"To those who see with loving eyes, life is beautiful.
To those who speak with tender voices, life is peaceful.
To those who help with gentle hands, life is full.
And to those who care with compassionate hearts,
Life is good beyond all measure."
~From Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"When life gets difficult, sometimes we just need reminding that our Angels are always with us.." ~From Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"When we create Peace, Harmony and Balance in our minds we will find it in our lives." ~UDandR

"When you feel sad, it is important to give yourself permission to feel the sadness. Share your feelings with someone who has the sensitivity to give you the space to let the feeling fully be felt. Only then can you begin to let go. Remember - feeling sad is not a crime!" ~from Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"When you see a feather drifting on the breeze. You will know your Angel sent a sign, to put your mind at ease." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"Where does your mind take you when you want happiness?" ~Lynne Taylor

"You are never lost if you trust your heart, it will always take you home." ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die or when, but you do choose how you’re going to live. Make it count!" ~Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

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