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Lori Tolson Quotes


"God is our constant and intimate companion on life's journey." ~Lori Tolson

"I believe the God is Sovereign and therefore nothing random occurs in life including the people we meet. Every person is in our lives for a reason ~ either for instruction, strength and/or wisdom. If we fail to learn what is being taught then the same type person will keep appearing in our lives until that lesson is mastered." ~Lori Tolson, Soul Synergist

"Live in personal integrity ~ we are all a work in progress! Be you, be real, be authentic." ~Lori Tolson, Soul Synergist

"Regardless the circumstances of your life, God is ever present with you as your companion. He is not a magician, He is not Santa Claus. His ways are not our ways. One thing He is, and has promised, is to be with us. He is the friend who listens and comforts and holds our hands as we walk through this part of our eternal journey." ~Lori Tolson, Soul Synergist

"We are all brothers and sisters on this planet. Loving and accepting our differences is key to harmonious living." ~Lori Tolson, Soul Synergist

"We don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are. So wonder, or the lack thereof, simply reveals what is in our souls. If our souls are full of wonder, then life is wonderful. Why? Because you see with your soul." ~Mark Batterson from "Primal:The Lost Soul of Christianity" by Lori Tolson / Soul Synergist

"Your attitude toward, or in response to, any life circumstance is yours! Your choice of perspective can make all the difference. For instance: I believe that all things benefit me. It is for my wisdom, strength and/or understanding. So even when sad or disappointed, I can make the choice of happiness because attitude is MY choice. " ~Lori Tolson / Soul Synergist

"Your judgment will accomplish nothing in the life of another nor in your own. You need love and so does everyone else. Love wins ~ let's give it." ~Lori Tolson, Soul Synergist

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