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Kiran Shaikh Quotes

"A heart that reaches out with love can heal a soul and change a life." ~Kiran Shaikh

"Even the strongest heart can be fragile. It takes only seconds to hurt someone. But sometimes it takes years to repair the damage. Cherish the hearts that love you." ~Kiran Shaikh

"Feeling is healing." ~Kiran Shaikh

"People cry, not because they are weak; but because they have been strong for too long." ~Kiran Shaikh

"Tears are raindrops from the storms of the soul. And only you know what storms you have walked through." ~Kiran Shaikh

"There is sacredness in tears. They are the bearers of unspoken prayers, words, pain and hope. They can reach out and touch hearts, and heal. Don't ever take anyone's tears for granted. And don't let anyone make you feel bad if you need to cry sometimes." ~Kiran Shaikh

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