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Happy Birthday, 7th March

"Music is as timeless as the emotions that it carries." ~Ray Chen 

"Consistent mindful practice will help you reach a higher level of instrument playing whether you're a prodigy or not." ~Ray Chen 

"Music heals the soul, it calms us, centres us, and creates focus in our lives. Bach’s music, in particular, written so far ahead of its time, reminds us of an important message: that humanity struggles onwards despite the odds.” ~Ray Chen, World Famous Violinist 

"Music is as timeless as the emotions that it carries." ~Ray Chen 

"Not sure if I've grown or if I'm simply different from before." ~Ray Chen 

"Some things are easier explained through music than words." ~Ray Chen 

"The joy that’s inherent in music is meant to be shared.” ~RAY CHEN

"To practice and perform well, you need to be in a good mental state so it’s good to take a little time off, even when you think you don’t need it." ~Ray Chen 

Source: Ray Chen  

"Very powerful! Like I said, you perform like a Dynamo! Your brain can handle complexities as demonstrated in your choice of music. They're quite challenging. Your must be under the shadow of every composer each time you play the violin." ~Admin. on  Sibelius Violin Concerto (practice)